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Behavioural Science Section / Mini-Review

Gerontology 2011;57:354–363 Received: April 8, 2010

Accepted: August 2, 2010
DOI: 10.1159/000322090
Published online: October 26, 2010

Mechanisms and Clinical Implications

of the Placebo Effect: Is There a
Potential for the Elderly? A Mini-Review
Ulrike Bingel a Luana Colloca c Lene Vase b 

NeuroImage Nord, Department of Neurology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf,

Hamburg, Germany; b Department of Psychology, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark;


  National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), Department of Bioethics, Clinical Center,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md., USA

Key Words Introduction

Placebo ⴢ Nocebo ⴢ Neurobiology ⴢ Placebo effect, clinical
implications ⴢ Aging Placebo is derived from Latin and means ‘I want to
please’ and originally placebo was conceptualized as a
commonplace method or medicine prescribed in order to
Abstract please the patient and not because of its efficiency [1, 2].
In recent years, the placebo effect has been a topic of con- Traditionally, placebo agents have been used as controls
siderable interest both in the scientific and the clinical com- for active treatments in randomized clinical trials. Over
munity. In this time, the placebo effect has evolved from be- the last decades, however, studies have shown that many
ing considered a nuisance in clinical and pharmacological of the patients who receive placebo treatments in ran-
research to becoming a neurobiological phenomenon wor- domized clinical trials experience symptom reduction
thy of scientific investigation in its own right. Recent re- [3, 4]. Researchers have therefore become interested in
search shows that placebo effects are genuine psychobio- investigating the context and disease-specific magnitude
logical events attributable to the overall therapeutic con- of placebo effects and their underlying mechanisms.
text, and that these effects can be robust in both laboratory From the studies performed during the last decade, it
and clinical settings. These psychosocially induced bio- has become evident that placebo effects represent com-
chemical changes in a patient’s brain and body may in turn plex neurobiological phenomena that are triggered by the
affect the course of a disease and the response to a therapy. psychosocial context of the patient and the therapy. It is
Here we summarize and discuss the current insights into pla- important to point out that contextual and social stimuli
cebo mechanisms and discuss the potentially widespread may affect the patient’s brain and body in many ways, and
implications for research and clinical practice. Even though
a systematic knowledge of placebo effects across the life-
span is lacking, we aim at highlighting specific aspects relat- All authors contributed equally to this work. Their names are listed
ed to the care of elderly patients and those suffering from in alphabetical order.
The opinions expressed by L.C. are those of the author and do not
neurodegenerative diseases. Copyright © 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
necessarily reflect the position or policy of the National Institutes of
Health, the Public Health Service, or the Department of Health and
Human Services.

© 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel PD Dr. Ulrike Bingel

NeuroImage Nord, Department of Neurology
Fax +41 61 306 12 34 University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
E-Mail Accessible online at: Martinistrasse 52, DE–20246 Hamburg (Germany) Tel. +49 40 7410 53570, Fax +49 40 7410 59955, E-Mail bingel @
Color version available online
generate considerable variability in the placebo effect it-
Psychosocial context
self. Although there is a growing amount of research into
these mechanisms, the two principal mechanisms that
are best supported are expectancy and classical condi-
Expectations Treatment per se tioning. For future research, it will be essential to explore
Past experience Patient-doctor relationship
if and how the mechanisms described below change dur-
Anxiety Mind-body ing the lifespan, and how these different factors may be
Reward unit differentially affected/impaired in older patients or those
Motivation Treatment environment
Desire for relief
suffering from degenerative diseases.
Somatic focus

Aging? Verbal Suggestion

The verbal suggestions that the physician gives to the

patients strongly influence the magnitude of placebo ef-
Placebo response
fects. Pollo et al. [6] investigated 38 thoractomized pa-
tients who were randomized to receive saline infusions
Fig. 1. Psychosocial context producing a placebo response. Left: along with three different types of suggestions. Patients
Individual patient and clinician factors promoting the formation
of a placebo response. Right: The treatment per se, the doctor- in the first group received no information about the bas-
patient relationship and the treatment environment (e.g. thera- al infusion and acted as a no-treatment condition. Pa-
peutic procedure, method of drug administration, technological tients in the second group were told that the infusion
devices) modulate the mind-body unit. Although speculative, ge- could be either a painkiller or a placebo, indicating a
netic variability may influence the final outcome. Thus, individ- 50:50 chance for pain relief, whereas the third group of
ual, contextual and genetic factors interact with each other and
determine the overall clinical placebo response. patients was told that the infusion was a powerful pain-
killer. Patients who were told that the agent was a power-
ful painkiller requested less medication than patients
who were told that there was a 50:50 chance for pain re-
hence it is not a matter of a single placebo effect. Rather, lief, and the latter patients again requested less medica-
it seems that there are many, in part complementary, pla- tion than the patients in the no-treatment condition.
cebo effects that depend on the context, the affected sys- Hence, the stronger likelihood of pain relief, the greater
tem and the underlying disease. Although these studies the magnitude of the placebo analgesia effect was.
have mostly been performed on younger age groups in Similar findings are evident in the meta-analyses of
the following, we will also present, speculatively at this placebo analgesia studies. When the placebo effect is in-
point, the potential for clinical practice when providing vestigated in clinical trials where patients have been told
care for older people. Moreover, we shall briefly discuss that they may receive either an active painkiller or an in-
some examples of degenerative diseases and how these effective placebo agent, the magnitude of placebo analge-
influence the formation of placebo responses. sia effects is generally low (an effect size of 0.15–0.27 Co-
hen’s d) [7, 8]. However, when the magnitude of placebo
analgesia effects is investigated in studies of placebo
Contribution of Psychological Factors to Placebo mechanisms where patients are normally given strong
Effects verbal suggestions for pain relief, the magnitude of pla-
cebo analgesia effect is generally large (an effect size of
There are many factors that contribute to the genera- 0.98–1.14, Cohen’s d) [8, 9].
tion of placebo effects (fig. 1). Environmental and psycho- These findings have been further verified in two ex-
social factors that have been described to influence pla- perimental studies of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) pa-
cebo effects are verbal suggestion, expectation, meaning, tients who were exposed to rectal balloon distension and
conditioning, learning, reward, reduction of anxiety and treated under no treatment, rectal placebo or rectal lido-
behaviors and attitudes manifested by healthcare provid- caine conditions. The first study was conducted as a stan-
ers [5]. These factors must be assumed to vary greatly dard clinical trial where the patients were told that they
across clinical and research contexts, and consequently ‘may receive an active pain reducing medication or an

Mechanisms and Clinical Implications of Gerontology 2011;57:354–363 355

the Placebo Effect
inert placebo agent’ [10]. This study found a significant mediately after they had received either rectal placebo or
pain-relieving effect of rectal lidocaine as compared to rectal lidocaine treatment [11, 16]. These variables includ-
rectal placebo, and a significant pain-relieving effect of ing anxiety accounted for up to 80% of the variance in
rectal placebo as compared to the natural history condi- post-treatment pain ratings both in the placebo condition
tion. The second study was conducted in a similar man- and in the active treatment condition. These findings in-
ner, the main difference being that in this study the pa- dicate that expectations of pain relief and emotional fac-
tients were told ‘the agent you have just been given is tors such as reduction of anxiety are important placebo
known to significantly reduce pain in some patients’ [11]. factors. In the clinical environment it is probably an in-
A much larger placebo effect was found in the second teraction of both variables that determine the outcome of
study (an effect size of 2.0, Cohen’s d), and the magnitude an individual placebo effect.
of the placebo analgesia effect was so high that there was
no longer a significant difference between the magnitude
of rectal lidocaine and rectal placebo. Hence, these two Conditioning, Prior Experience
studies suggest that by adding an overt suggestion for pain
relief it is possible to increase the magnitude of placebo Several studies have also investigated placebo effects by
analgesia to a level that matches that of an active agent. reinforcing expectations through a placebo manipulation
in which the inert treatment is paired to lowered pain stim-
uli so that patients come to experience and expect pain
Expectation and Emotional Factors relief [12, 17, 18]. This procedure typically evokes much
stronger and more stable placebo analgesic effects com-
The verbal suggestions given for pain relief are likely pared to verbal suggestion alone and is therefore often used
to exert their influence through patients’ expectations in experimental paradigms of placebo analgesia. Intrigu-
and emotional feelings. Expectancy is the experienced ingly, pharmacological conditioning has been shown to
likelihood of an outcome or an expected effect, and with- produce placebo responses that are largely independent of
in the context of pain studies expectancy can be mea- verbal suggestion or expectation, both in animals and hu-
sured by asking patients about the level of pain they mans.
expect to experience. Expectations are not influenced Here, as a result of repeated associations between a
by verbal suggestions only but also by previous experi- neutral stimulus and an active drug (unconditioned stim-
ences via conditioning [12–14]. For example, different ulus), the neutral stimulus may become able to, by itself,
‘strengths’ of treatment have been induced so that pa- elicit a response characteristic of the unconditioned stim-
tients come to expect that treatment A is a strong pain- ulus. For instance, healthy volunteers who have repeat-
killer and treatment B is a weak painkiller, although both edly received an opioid infusion during an ischemic arm
treatments are placebo treatments. By measuring the sub- pain model will also develop analgesia when receiving a
jects’ expectations immediately after the treatment has saline infusion that is explicitly given as a control condi-
been given, it has become clear that the verbal suggestions tion [19]. Similar effects have also been observed in the
given for pain relief influence patients’ expectations of motor, hormone and immune system [20]. Particularly
pain relief and that these expectations are closely related fascinating are conditioned responses in the immune sys-
to the magnitude of the placebo effect [15]. tem, which seem not to be subject to voluntary control.
Expectancies are likely modulated by emotion and Repeated associations between the immunosuppressive
vice versa. Accordingly, another psychological variable drug cyclosporin A (US, unconditioned stimulus), which
that has been suggested to contribute to placebo effects is inhibits both IL-2 and IFN-␥, and strawberry milk (CS,
the reduction of anxiety. This reduction seems to be es- conditioned stimulus) induce conditioned responses in
pecially true for placebo effects in the pain domain, where which the strawberry milk alone (without cyclosporin A)
the pain-aggravating effect of anxiety is well character- is capable of inhibiting both IL-2 and IFN-␥ [21].
ized. This view is also supported by the neuroimaging It is worthy of note that conditioning can produce sub-
data (see neurobiology paragraph) indicating reduced stantial placebo responses that will last several days. In
amygdala activity during the expectation of pain in the fact, Colloca and Benedetti [18] observed that the expo-
placebo condition. In the study of IBS patients mentioned sure to effectiveness via conditioning elicited placebo an-
above, patients’ expectations for pain relief, their desire algesic responses that were present after a few minutes as
for pain relief and their anxiety levels were measured im- well as after 4–7 days. In contrast, when the same condi-

356 Gerontology 2011;57:354–363 Bingel /Colloca /Vase

tioning procedure was repeated after a totally ineffective issue is why some subjects respond to placebos while oth-
procedure, the placebo responses were remarkably re- ers do not. Also it is unclear how the individual placebo
duced compared to the first group, pointing out that prior responsiveness varies for different biological systems and
experience, both effective and ineffective, may have long- therapeutic contexts. Currently, there is a tremendous
lasting effects on the outcome of a subsequent treatment. scientific and clinical interest in the identification of pre-
It is also interesting to evaluate the contribution of dictors of the individual placebo responding. Studies are
conditioning on nocebo modulation of pain. Nocebo hy- being performed to characterize the role of psychological,
peralgesia is a phenomenon that is the opposite of placebo physiological and genetic trait variables and their interac-
analgesia. As for the placebo effect, the nocebo effect, or tion with situational variables for placebo and nocebo
response, follows the administration of an inert sub- phenomena.
stance (the nocebo, or negative placebo) along with the
suggestion that the subject will get worse. In an experi- Gender
mental setting, Colloca et al. [17] found that negative con- To date, there is no conclusive evidence regarding the
ditioning and verbal suggestions induce equally signifi- role of gender in relation to placebo responses. Gender
cant nocebo hyperalgesic responses, whereas in the case effects in the placebo response were reported in an ex-
of placebo analgesia, conditioning elicits larger reduc- perimental setting with placebo analgesia during isch-
tions in pain than verbal suggestions alone. These find- emic pain, in which males responded to the manipulation
ings suggest that nocebo responses may be elicited faster of expectancies through pain information while women
than placebo responses to protect the body from danger- did not [23]. However, an experimenter effect could not
ous and negative outcomes. be ruled out in this study. Employing a motion-sickness
paradigm, it has been observed that conditioning was
more effective in women, while men exhibited a signifi-
Role of Social Observational Learning cantly greater reduction in rotation tolerance after verbal
suggestions by responding more strongly to rotation and
Placebo analgesic effects might also occur without a to suggestions than women [24].
history of actual first-hand experience because observa-
tion may convey information that is necessary to build up Personality
expectation of benefit. Colloca and Benedetti [22] found For placebo analgesia a positive association with habit-
substantial placebo responses following observation of ual optimism and state anxiety has been reported [25, 26].
another subject undergoing a beneficial treatment. These An influence of suggestibility [15] has also been suggested.
responses were positively correlated with empathic con- However, no conclusive data are available regarding the ef-
cerns, suggesting that empathy may modulate observa- fect of personality traits on placebo responsiveness.
tionally induced placebo analgesic responses. Interest- All in all, the probably interacting contribution of
ingly, observation of a benefit in another person pro- these various psychological factors across different phys-
duced placebo responses that were similar in magnitude iological and pathological processes is far from being
to those induced by directly experiencing the benefit clear. Thus, to be able to make use of these mechanisms
through the conditioning procedure. Prosocial behaviors in clinical practice, it is crucial to further determine the
such as ability to share the other person’s feelings, imita- relative contribution of each of them as possible sources
tion and mimicry are critical in influencing psychophys- of placebo and nocebo responses across different experi-
ical judgments of pain. These observations emphasize mental and clinical conditions.
that the contextual cues and the whole atmosphere
around the subject contribute to induce expectation of
benefit and, thus, placebo responses. Neurobiology of Placebo Effects

Converging evidence from research since the 1970s

Is There a Placebo Personality? substantiates that the placebo responses are not merely a
psychological, but a complex psychoneurobiological phe-
The responsiveness to placebos varies highly between nomenon involving the activation of distinct brain areas
individuals. It has long been known that there are placebo as well as peripheral physiology including the release of
responders and non-responders. However, an unresolved endogenous substrates.

Mechanisms and Clinical Implications of Gerontology 2011;57:354–363 357

the Placebo Effect
3.5 3.5

–0.3 –0.3

Fig. 2. Impairment of placebo component

in AD patients. Note the difference be-
tween normal subjects (on the left) and AD FAB = 17.4 ± 0.8 FAB = 8.1 ± 1.8
patients (on the right) as shown by electro- Open Hidden Open Hidden
encephalographic mutual information lidocaine lidocaine lidocaine lidocaine
connectivity analysis, cognitive status as- 0 0
sessed by means of frontal assessment bat- –10 –10
tery (FAB), and pain reduction following
Pain reduction (%)

Pain reduction (%)

the application of analgesic lidocaine ac- –20 –20
cording to the open-hidden paradigm. –30 –30
Note the difference between the connec-
tivity peaks in a normal subject (top on the –40 –40
left) and an AD patient (top on the right). –50 –50
In AD patients, there was a reduction of
brain connectivity, FAB scores, and psy- –60 –60
chosocial placebo component of the active –70 –70
medication. Modified from Colloca et al.
[62]; data from Benedetti et al. [35].

Placebo Analgesia tion of cingulo-frontal brain regions together with sub-

Placebo analgesia represents the best studied placebo cortical structures such as the periaqueductal gray, hy-
response. Insights into its neurobiological mechanisms pothalamus and amygdala. Connectivity analyses fur-
date back to the 1970s, when Levine et al. [27] discovered ther show that the behavioral placebo analgesic effect
that placebo analgesia can be blocked by administering depends on an enhanced functional coupling of the
the opioid antagonist naloxone, which strongly suggested frontal lobes and rostral anterior cingulate cortex with
the involvement of endogenous opioid in its mechanism. brainstem areas such as the periaqueductal gray [29–31].
In the past decade, functional brain imaging studies have These studies support the notion that placebo analgesia
contributed substantially to our knowledge of the brain involves a top-down activation of endogenous analgesic
mechanisms steering placebo phenomena. activity via the descending modulatory system. The opi-
oidergic nature of this pain-modulating system is sup-
Placebo Analgesia Involves the Descending Pain ported by both pharmacological studies using the opi-
Modulatory System oid antagonist naloxone and in vivo receptor-binding
The pioneering neuroimaging study further support- approaches [30, 32, 33]. The crucial relevance of the
ed related mechanisms of opioid and placebo analgesia functional and structural integrity of cognitive-evalua-
by revealing shared neural networks, including the ros- tive areas such as the prefrontal cortex with the down-
tral anterior cingulate cortex – the brainstem underly- stream circuitry is emphasized by complementary ex-
ing both opioid- and placebo-related analgesia [28]. perimental and clinical data: both the temporary func-
Since then, the relevance of this network has been sub- tional lesion of the prefrontal cortex by repetitive trans-
stantiated by several studies using different procedures cranial magnetic stimulation [34] as well as the degene-
to induce placebo analgesia (including fake analgesic ration and disconnection of the frontal lobes in Alz-
creams, sham acupuncture and others). All these studies heimer’s disease (AD) [35] are associated with a reduc-
demonstrate that placebo analgesia involves the activa- tion or complete loss of the placebo analgesic response

358 Gerontology 2011;57:354–363 Bingel /Colloca /Vase      

(fig. 2). The clinical implications of these findings are generation of placebo responses in the pain domain.
discussed below. Overall, these findings strongly sug- Similar patterns of brain activations have also been ob-
gest that normal functioning of the prefrontal cortex is served in brain-imaging studies of emotional placebo
critical for triggering the descending pain control sys- using placebo anxiolytics or placebo antidepressants.
tem and the placebo analgesic response. Petrovic et al. [40] found a shared modulatory network
involving the rostral anterior cingulate cortex and the
Placebo Analgesia and Activity in Sensory-Related lateral orbitofrontal cortex during both emotional pla-
Brain Areas cebo and placebo analgesia. These effects were corre-
The majority of neuroimaging studies of placebo an- lated with the reported placebo effect and were predict-
algesia indicate that the reduced pain ratings during pla- ed by the amount of treatment expectation. Similarly,
cebo analgesia are paralleled by decreased activity in the therapy with placebo or the SSRI fluoxetine in patients
classical pain-processing areas including the thalamus, with major depression had similar effects on brain met-
insula and somatosensory cortices [29, 31, 36, 37]. This abolic changes in the anterior and posterior cingulate
supports the notion that the altered pain experience dur- cortex and prefrontal cortex after 6 weeks of treatment
ing placebo analgesia results from active inhibition of no- [41]. Depressed patients who undergo a placebo treat-
ciceptive input and not simply from the reappraisal of ment also showed distinct electroencephalographic pat-
otherwise unchanged input into the nociceptive brain or terns in the prefrontal region; these patterns were found
report bias. This, in turn, evokes the question of which by means of an off-line elaboration of EEG recordings
level of the afferent nociceptive system this modulation (cordance method), a method developed in their labora-
occurs. tory [42]. In addition, serotonin-related gene polymor-
The latest advances in magnetic resonance physics and phisms have been found to be influence the individual
image analysis have made functional magnetic resonance placebo response in social anxiety, both at the behav-
imaging of the spinal cord technically feasible in both ioral and neural level (amygdala activity during a stress-
humans and animals. Recently, we used this technique to ful public speaking task) [43] and genetic polymor-
investigate the involvement of spinal cord processes in phisms modulating monoaminergic tone (catabolic en-
placebo analgesia. According to extensive work on de- zymes catechol-O-methyltransferase and monoamine
scending pain modulatory mechanisms in animals, we oxidase A) have been related to degree of placebo re-
hypothesized that placebo analgesia results in a reduction sponsiveness in major depressive disorder [44].
of nociceptive processing in the spinal cord [38]. Indeed,
we found that pain-related activity in the ipsilateral dor- Parkinson’s Disease
sal horn, corresponding to painful stimulation, is strong- Analogously, studies investigating placebo responses
ly reduced under placebo. These results provided direct in Parkinson’s disease demonstrate that the expectation-
evidence for spinal inhibition as one mechanism of pla- induced improvement of motor functions following a
cebo analgesia and highlighted the fact that psychological sham treatment is associated with the release of endog-
factors can act on the earliest stages of pain processing in enous dopamine in the basal ganglia. de la Fuente-
the central nervous system. Fernandez et al. [45] used raclopride-PET to study in-
All these studies support the notion that placebo an- volvement of the endogenous dopamine system for pla-
algesia involves a top-down activation of endogenous an- cebo responses in Parkinson patients. Following the
algesic activity via the descending modulatory system. administration of a placebo that the patients believed to
The very same system targeted by exogenous opioid ad- be apomorphine (a powerful anti-parkinsonian treat-
ministration [39]. The additional contribution of emo- ment), they observed increasing dopaminergic neuro-
tional regulation processes and areas such as the limbic transmission in the striatum, which corresponded with
system is a fundamental step that needs to be further ad- clinical improvement. Similarly, Benedetti et al. [46, 47]
dressed. Most likely it is a combination of both these recorded changes in the firing patterns and bursting ac-
effects that contributes to the placebo-induced reduction tivity of neurons in the subthalamic nucleus and associ-
in pain perception. ated motor circuitry during the placebo response in Par-
kinson patients undergoing the implantation of deep
Placebo in Anxiety and Depression brain stimulation.
The above-mentioned neural circuitry underlying However, the dopaminergic system is a complex sys-
placebo analgesia does not seem to be specific for the tem involved in a variety of brain functions, including

Mechanisms and Clinical Implications of Gerontology 2011;57:354–363 359

the Placebo Effect
Table 1. Mechanisms of placebo effects in medical conditions and Placebo Components in Active Pharmacological
physiological systems (adapted from Finniss et al. [2]) Treatment
The recent scientific interest in placebo and nocebo
Pain Activation of endogenous opioids and dopamine phenomena has increased the awareness for the fact that
(placebo); activation of cholecystokinin and also active pharmacological treatments, inevitably, com-
deactivation of dopamine (nocebo) prise interacting physiological and psychosocial compo-
Parkinson’s Activation of dopamine in the striatum and nents. The crucial role of expectation in the therapeutic
disease changes in activity of neurons in basal ganglia, outcome is best illustrated in the so-called open/hidden
and thalamus drug paradigms. In these paradigms, identical concen-
Depression Changes of electrical and metabolic activity in trations of drugs are administered in two different condi-
different brain regions (e.g. ventral striatum) tions: an open condition, where the patient is aware of the
Anxiety Changes in activity of the anterior cingulate and medication being given by a healthcare provider who is
orbitofrontal cortices; genetic variants of sero- also announcing the intended treatment outcome (e.g.
tonin transporter and tryptophan hydroxylase-2 analgesia), and a hidden condition, where the patient is
Addiction Changes of metabolic activity in different brain unaware of the medication being administered by a com-
regions puter-controlled infusion. This allows for dissociating
Cardiovas- Reduction of ␤-adrenergic activity of heart the pharmacodynamic effect of the treatment (hidden
cular system treatment) and the additional benefit of the psychosocial
Respiratory Conditioning of opioid receptors in the
context in which the treatment is given. The difference
system respiratory centers between the outcomes following the administration of
the expected and unexpected therapy can be seen as the
Immune Conditioning of immune mediators
system (e.g. interleukin-2, interferon-␥, lymphocytes) ‘placebo’ (psychological) component, even though no
Conditioning of antihistamine effects in allergic placebo has been given. These studies reveal that psycho-
rhinitis social factors such as awareness of a drug being given can
Endocrine Conditioning of some hormones considerably enhance the analgesic effect of a drug [49].
system (e.g. growth hormone, cortisol) This phenomenon is not restricted to analgesics, as simi-
lar effects have also been reported for treatments in other
domains, such as motor function in Parkinson’s disease
and anxiety-related disorders [50, 51].
These behavioral observations highlight the crucial
reward mechanisms. This might be the reason why dopa- relevance of psychosocial effects to drug efficacy, yet we
mine release during a placebo response is not specific for have little information about the neurobiological mecha-
Parkinson’s disease. Rather, dopaminergic mechanisms nisms by which psychological treatment effects combine
have been associated with placebo responses or placebo- with those of biologically active drugs. Given that psy-
like phenomena in different systems, including the pain chological treatment effects (as the expectancy of treat-
system [48]. The detailed context and condition-specific ment outcome) are shown to be mediated by the very
role of dopamine for placebo responses needs to be iden- same biological systems through which drugs exert their
tified in future studies. treatment effects, intricate interactions of pharmacologi-
In summary, these studies, exemplarily reported for cal and psychosocial factors must be assumed to converge
three different systems, strengthen the notion that place- at the neurobiological level. Future experimental and
bo-induced clinical benefits involve system-specific neu- clinical studies will need to explore these interactions in
robiological responses which are the very same as those greater detail.
targeted by specific pharmacological treatments. For an
overview of placebo/nocebo effects in different physio-
logical systems, see table 1. However, the specificity of the Clinical Implications
involved circuitry and neurotransmitter systems is still
unclear. Common and system-specific pathways steering The improved understanding of the neuropsychology
placebo responses across different diseases need to be ad- and neurobiology underlying placebo and nocebo effects
dressed in future research. holds potentially far-reaching implications for future re-

360 Gerontology 2011;57:354–363 Bingel /Colloca /Vase

search and clinical practice. Evidence from clinical stud- dopamine release in parkinsonian patients with an age
ies emphasizes the crucial relevance of contextual vari- range of 45–74 years (average 58) and 50–75 years (aver-
ables, including physician-patient interactions, for treat- age 62).
ment outcome [52–54]. Complementary experimental However, it is important to note that specific age-asso-
research further reveals that the psychosocial context in- ciated diseases can substantially impair the ability to pro-
duces biochemical changes in the patient’s brain and duce placebo responses. The impairment of cognitive
body that in turn may affect the natural history of a dis- functions has been found to disrupt the psychosocial
ease and the response to a treatment. Along these lines, component of a treatment. Benedetti et al. [35] applied a
negative reactions to drugs have been shown, in most cas- local anesthetic, either overtly or covertly, to the skin of
es, much better predicted by the patient’s individual be- patients with AD to reduce burning pain after venipunc-
liefs and negative expectations regarding a drug’s effect ture [35]. They found that AD patients (mean age 73.5 8
(nocebo effects) than by the specific pharmacological 6.8 years) with reduced prefrontal executive control and
properties of the drug itself [55–57]. decreased EEG connectivity of the prefrontal lobes with
These findings should remind healthcare practition- the rest of the brain, showed a reduced placebo compo-
ers of the relevance of psycho-physiological interactions nent of the analgesic treatment. Remarkably, the loss of
for medical practice and underpin the principal impor- these placebo-related mechanisms reduced treatment ef-
tance of patient-physician interactions, the key to influ- ficacy, so that a dose increase was necessary to produce
ence the patients’ concepts of disease, treatment expec- adequate analgesia. This represents the first study of loss
tancies and their ability to cope with therapeutic side ef- of expectation of benefit and impairment of placebo
fects. However, this knowledge is at odds with the mechanisms in a clinical condition (fig. 2). Interestingly,
observation that in the United States, 50% of all patients the study included a control group with old healthy vol-
leave after an office visit without an adequate under- unteers (mean age 70 8 6.1 years) showing robust pla-
standing of what the physician has told them [58]. cebo analgesic responses, suggesting that psychobiologi-
A recent study aimed at identifying variables that pre- cal mechanisms modulate the effectiveness of active
dict the response to an experimentally applied supportive treatments in older people.
patient-practitioner relationship in IBS patients. Intrigu- However, it does not need a neurobiological founda-
ingly, out of 452 baseline variables, only two factors in- tion as in AD to disturb the balance of pharmacological
creased sensitivity to the supportive patient-practitioner and psychosocial treatment components: expectation
relationship, one of them being reclusiveness [59]. This and prior experience are key psychological mechanisms
suggests that elderly patients, who often live alone, would of placebo and nocebo responses. Treatment expectations
especially benefit from increased and intensified care by and experiences with physicians and treatments are ubiq-
healthcare practitioners. uitous in patients, particularly in those with chronic con-
Even though aging involves substantial changes in ditions. Negative and frustrating treatment experiences
many systems known to be involved in placebo respons- multiply throughout the lifespan and the course of dis-
es, age-related changes in placebo responding have not, eases and shape the expectancy for future treatments.
to the best of our knowledge, been addressed systemati- Furthermore, the accompanying negative mood states,
cally. However, both clinical and experimental data sup- especially in chronic patients [61], lend themselves to gen-
port the notion that elderly patient groups are generally erating negative treatment expectations. In these situa-
able to produce placebo effects. For example, clinical tri- tions, drugs with biologically plausible intrinsic actions
als of antidepressants for late life depression reveal re- compete with the negative treatment expectancies of the
sponse rates in the placebo arm between 40 and 60%. patient, expectations that can modulate or, in the worst
These cannot be entirely be related to the natural time case, completely abolish their effects.
course of the disease (e.g. remission of depression), as the We propose that it is essential to harness psychosocial
placebo response rates depended on the trial designs – and contextual mechanisms alongside traditional treat-
thus on contextual variables [60]. Although the boundary ment considerations to optimize pharmacotherapy. This
between middle age and old age cannot be defined ex- might be especially beneficial for elderly patients and for
actly, clinical and experimental research shows that el- those who are chronically ill and hence characterized by
derly patients can also manifest placebo effects detectable a constellation of polypharmacotherapy and increased
at the neurobiological level. de la Fuente-Fernandez et al. risk of adverse events due to reduced drug tolerance. It
[45] and Benedetti et al. [46] reported a placebo-induced will be necessary to consider the contribution of negative

Mechanisms and Clinical Implications of Gerontology 2011;57:354–363 361

the Placebo Effect
experience to drug efficacy, especially in elderly patients derstanding the role of the context in which a drug is
whose experience with treatments and physicians has given. A new appreciation of the role of individual differ-
naturally piled up along the lifespan. Also the high prev- ences (genetically, psychologically, and neurologically)
alence of comorbidity with diseases like depression, anx- that includes an investigation of the patient’s age and
iety or dementia that potentially impair drug efficacy by treatment history represents to us an exciting possibility
an impairment of placebo effects or, what is worse, the for personalized medicine that promises to optimize
adding of nocebo effects warrants special attention and treatment outcome.
care in old patients.
Our current understanding of the role of psychosocial
components in relation to drug efficacy has implications Acknowledgements
for clinical trial designs as well. We propose that influ-
This work was supported by the BMBF (U.B.), Regione
encing beliefs about outcome by careful use of language
Piemonte and International Association for Study of Pain (L.C.)
(or other cognitive-behavioral approaches) should be and ViFAB (L.V.).
considered a new frontier of pharmacological manage-
ment. Rather than seeking to control away psychological
treatment components, new trial designs could be devel- Disclosure Statement
oped that aim to maximize the pharmacological effects
and to minimize side effects of therapeutic agents by un- The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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