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20 21 2 23 24-29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 4l 2 43-44 “6 Introduction - abou Umbre Turis game Introduction - Abdrviations wed in hi geme Game Phases - Grek, Phases and Acton Sequence ‘Movement - The Mosemeut, Feld of ven, Charge, Obsraces ‘Movement - Climbing. Jumping. Falling Down, Swimming Movement - 2iding Sehing, Fling Combat - Hining oe enemy. Dealing damage Combat ~ Fighting etshoue meapon, Fghing Crews, Principles of weapons Combat - Wiehdrasal Sun, Cristal erik, Lou of sealiy, Removing models Combat - Figbving, Shooting, Fling models sking off. Fying and verraim odes Shooting - Shosiny procdaire, Wonnding rhe ergen, Throwing, Hie lca Shooting - Gelowanie, Widerent. Modyitatery stony, Srzlenie do walecarych Magic - Eguipping mayen. Casing pel, Selhealing, Smmoned crear Magic - Demsine mesic Paychology - Onder, Punt Psychology ~ Fear, emer fer Fare Frey. Fav, Fay, Heroin Brovherbood, Bound by bled Races Special abilities - vcs Dus. Humans Special abilities - Ovts Halfings, Geb, Hobgoblin, Comes Special abilities « Halfagre, Tierany, Vruky Dark Founs, Tigger abiit) Professions Guilds Party = Alignment Party ~ Where sar, Pere sie, Choice of neces Selenon of prefsons Pasty ~ Genera rales for parses, Equipment - Melee weapons Equipment - Resged weapons Equipment - Armour Equipment - Addition egnipmens Starting the game ~ Preparin se sable, hoot 2 lceion Tra set, Ch Choning anes, Soarsing he game, Hea 90 i Terrain - Made trv, How much teri, Searching aca of train Terrain - Deployment Card rules Maltiplayers games ‘Quest cards Playsheet Rules and geme designe Piotr Pitianowicz | Match Rurarz Macon Gre: it Piriomice, Mack Rue Marcia Galady Ades Tats, Dovid hh gene Caras” bloat, Robert Ca tits Anda Prponts, Daa dep, Kae Bordon) Zbyrd Introduction ‘Welcome to Umbra Turris! Umbra Turris, a primaeval settlement full of mysterious and secret places, isa destination of a number of advent rers, avid for fame and fortune. They wage heroic struggles amongst the haunted graveyards, old ruined temples, ‘musty streets and squares hiding numerous forgotten treasures and artifacts. Many of them join their forces and. team up to face the enemies and everything that lurks in the shadows of the Dark City. Now it is your turn £0 assemble your team and co set out for the majestic and mysterious Umbra Turris! ‘What do you need? To wage a struggle you would need models who would represent heroes and the creatures accompanying the team. All of them can be purchased on or in well-stocked hobby shops. It is worth equipping yourself with terrain models cepresenting landscape constituting 2 battlefield for the heroes and with a table of 70cm x 70cm and this rulebook. During the ‘game you will need dé dices, a measure graduated in cm and enemies with whom you will fight for the Triumph Points guarantecing winning the game. If you want to be engaged in a combat with more than two opponents, the section explaining the rules of playing with a grcater number of players is at the end of the book. Ac the beginning we advise you to get to know the rulebook but not to memorize it. Rules will be remembered after several trial contests, At he end of the rulebook these is team card which will help you to control your team, by filling it in with the heroes, their abilities and equipment. Should you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact us on or to join our forum where you can discuss Umbra Turris, at the minimum, More information about terrai find later o How should you start? On the following pages you will get to know the abbreviations which you will later encounter during the game. Not only are they few, but they are also constructed in such a way as co be easily remembered. After having learned the abbreviations, you will get to know what a Cycle is and what its three phases look like, as well as how each of them functions in the game. Cycle and its elements are not complicated but it is worth reading this section carefully as it would make the play smooth, with the special attention being paid co the Hero Turn Phase. You will learn what a ‘Turn is and how it functions in the section concerning the cyele. In the latter part of this rulebook you will learn the way in which a unique mechanism of waging a struggle functions and the specific attacks which can be perfor- ‘med by your heroes, Shooting Section will show you che art of firing at the enemy and the Magic Section will in- struct you how to cats spells and how to use Magic Domains. ‘Afr having acknowledged the rules, the later part of this book will help you ercate your team. Race Section expla- ins in a detailed way which heroes can be included in your team and the Professions section will help you find su- itable professions for them. While assembling a team in Umbra Turris it should be noticed that it can be composed of heroes of only one race or of many different ones ~ you can decide freely. This unique solution allows the players to create teams consisting of, for example, only goblins or of heroes of different races in which the elf’s and dwar's ‘combat against @ common enemy is not strange. Each team member is exceptional and worth being given a name or even a short history. Your team may include heroes possessing truly unique and powerful professions, like Paladin or Black Knight, but if you believe thae Umbra Turris Guilds can offer more than a heroic warrior, you can join them provided that you meet their condi- tions. The game offers a multitude of diverse combinations so you can experiment freely with the races, professions and equipment selection. Not only will it ensure a lot of fascinating combats but it would also allow you to trans- form a weak team into a strong and threatening one in a quick and easy way. ‘What else do I need to know? If you are a beginning player who has not played in any other war game, you should definitely acquire some more information on this subject. Hobby shops are a perfect place to do this as they would let you enter the extraordina= sy war game world. “Umbra Turris was created im such & way that everyone, regardless of their experience or luck during she dice rolls, can get satisfaction from the game.” ‘We wish you a loc of unforgettable combats in Umbra Turis

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