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Time Allowed: 3 irs. Roll No.. eaten Tore d ESSAY MOCK TEST ‘ Max. Marks: 250 Instructions to Candidate Both sections are compulsory. Attempt one essay from each setion, Each essay’carries 125 mart Write each e8say in-about 1000-1 After finishing ‘the first essay, atempt the next- onafreshPage: Any page left’blank if the ar be crossed out clearly. (Examiner will pay spécjal attention to the |" jaterial, Its |“ candidate's grasp of hhis/her | Televance to the. subjet Vanehan to his/, “her ability to think constructively and to present his/her ideas o— logically and * effectively). eee 4 Name fA SRIVASTAVA Mobile Ne Date _c2' Signature — CO * 4, Invigilator Signature kes? 2 Invigilator Signature Remarks PP P@ ES SECTION - A Highting corruption is not just good governance but ali Politics is the art of choosirig bétweeri the disastrous and unpalatable. « People are sheep. TV is the shepherd, — . & Chanakya may have been from India, but its Indians who {never followed his advice pats SECTION - B Life teaches us many lessons, but the final lesson is, there is ho final lesson. ‘A Nation can remain free, as long as it continue to be the home of brave. ‘in you game today. id-is the visible;and nt the im | GRSCORE

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