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General E-day concerns: transportation provided by local politicians, implementation of martial law

(controlled entry in voting centers), because of congestion, people were more prone to being rowdy; lack
of transportation for IDP voters in camps (fear of tricycle drivers to ferry them); insufficient voter’s
education (voting centers, mode of transportation); lack of coordination; unlawful electioneering; vote
buying (actual apprehension); inconsistent procedure in some voting centers (cellphones not allowed to
be brought in); inappropriateness of transportation provided by COMELEC (vehicle type provided); rowdy;
only one entrance at the start of e-day, people were skipping the line; watchers were the ones voting;
peaceful for them; Maranao discipline; watchers were very agit; late opening of polls (Dansalan); parking
should be controlled (Dansalan); candidates organizing their voters before entry into voting center; police
were in control of the polling place, not the EBs; rights of watchers not that exercised (they were outside
the polling places); law and customs (balancing), should be included in general instructions; transportation
provided by incumbent candidates; presence of candidates in voting centers; voting secrecy

IDP voters in camps concerns: distance to voting center (some voters walked 4 to 5 kilometers; Sarimanok
city); IDP voters are not prioritized; no clear plan on governance; no tarps/informative materials in camps
for the voters to be informed about elections; on election day voting, children were left behind (Bakwit
village); fake news on election day (1am checkpoints, city would be closed); transportation between truck
drivers and IDP voters/leaders; required documentation; vulnerability to fake news; desire to vote and
dependence on politicians/candidates; lack of coordination; election officer

Sites visited: Sarimanok, pantar, balo-I, matunggao, bakwit

Voting centers: Dansalan Integrated School; Matampay Voting Center; Bito; Rorogagus; Cabasalan;
Gimba; East Basac; West Basac; Toros

Good practices: partnership between; crowd control of police & military; gate inspection for security;
presence of soldiers; room exclusive for PWDs & senior citizens (APP); express lanes; presence of
MARADECA; use of placards to call out IDP voters & voters; polling place was clearly established as the
IDP voter polling place

Recommendations: clear procedures on IDP voting; roles of PNP & AFP during elections; security
arrangements; off-site voting; transfer of registration; formulation of COMELEC guidelines specific to IDP
voting concerns; information where to go; announcement of e-day concerns; use of other venues for
voting centers; government fit for their culture; coordination of LGUs; implementation of COMELEC;
transportation should be done in windows;


1) Information dissemination on location of voting centers

2) Stakeholder interviews showed lack of coordination
a. Trucks used were by vice-governor not CSWD

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