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INORGANIC THERMOGRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS y CLEMENT DUVAL SECOND AND REVISED EDITION od ft rc mo Preface S eos ase met Br ate in 1952, 1 rote in the Poserpt of the fin ston: “Now that the inl impse has been given, my slocerest wi ose seco ston of this modest work supiemeated by the reeucher of my ‘elow-vorters in all part ofthe world" ‘he fst eetion as teen out f pit for thise years of wore and {am happy to report tat my wsh as tem failed eyood my wie bones. By st January, 1961 tere wee 52 models of tbennoklancss snd 10 of thee were alle fom dealers thoughout fe moras T have read 2200 papers in psoas fr sl quate ofthe Bobs oe in more precise fem, Ihave reguly consulted the folowing rough the sven dates, Le throt 1 Balen signage da CARS, Deceer 1960 (Glemial Absa, No. 22,281 November — 1960 Aratycal Abret. No. 12, Desemter 1960 “Aratyca Chimes deta, No. 6 December 960 ‘rate! Chom, No, 12 December (960 Journal of ina‘gane ond Naclar ‘Chemis No 12, December 1960 Bult dis Said einigue de France, Nou 12, December 1960 estinics eta No. 6, December (960 For praca reason, th present edoa wil ake into account the BBE Pobsked up to Jaseary 161. Those apestng ater this a ‘brary co date wil Be held forthe td edition In some ivtaees hive brn able tose only abstaus the oigeals wer not svalae ‘ France and the authors id tot respond, ia most ofthese eae, 10 ue request for repens Up tothe present it has been anata! chensty which has prof! ‘ost from the fecent progres of themmogrvinery, aad this the ‘eason the word analy his been retained inthe tit, but the tesler il scover hat tiseio desis als with Kite ts, investigations —— of emai, actions ithe Sl stat, and studies of the behavior of andar steals for Ura solutions and aloof various sutaances Such aze ot employed in analysis I seems approgvat to eal ere the eecumstanoes and tain of thoogt wich led me, om 19468, 10 eve my atenion to the work on prespitats that had been cared fut bythe Japanese sho "A pits the currant reviews of snl! chesy, or simply at the semionthly “Aoftcal Chem” seton of Chemica Mbit vilshow that ravntry, a ests orgie cbeméiy, is being spe Sedo by methods which sesmngly ave more rapid, such a2 UUme, ‘oionietty,polatograpiy, colons, specwogaphy. These banehes ‘of analy sherry have made wootetal progres nthe past 20 years find imay wel be asked weer the fuel, the ler pues tbe ence tnd tie balance with iis kaifeedges and dscoatnuous weighing, etages of Jong traction, are not dened to eagpeac 00m, td {Bre nay Io oder more modem devas capabe of eal pression. ‘wove the blanc is indsensale othe cerying ou the math teeter than gravameey, save pera colomety, and i tll ne ‘cea when determing the fray. afc have always wondered why autor ate 9 poi wth deta speci te consivons of preston (volume of Uguid to be dee ‘ined, maximum ard minsta coneenvatiog, volume apd tte ofthe reazen i empertare, io the slution, volume of baler, te time essay fr ageing ie rein, the porosty ofthe treble oF fetes fier paper tne peparstion aod'vlune of wath qu), while ten eves inthe larger sal text, nothing is tid about the sab Sequent tetment otc the spe deotion "= -and git to cons eit..." or such vague pases "heat not above dul red, “neat £0 that he botiom of the eucbe becomes rd, of "het to the highest sii enperature ele. This was evesable inthe time of etzelas $d Ros, but sould o longs be tolerate ight yeas afar Le Che ler inverted the themoveticpyrometee Tae state of afte is ttenely repretale, for, in spite of the remaable Progas which aualycalebamistry has made ip the elds of aqueous systems ts tmpral carats i prsetve, as wel a "hore Od extmoded Rabi” ‘wh pure shemiste are 9 prone to mock, ‘Wie sting Ludwigshafen on the Rhine 58 1946, 1 mas impessed by the automatic ereiton of organic combustion ales by the etiods that had fecerly been pulse’ by W. Zimmermann. Eom that time on 1'was never fee ofthe Hen of evolving apd automate inorganic gavimeie analsex which would tein peeiioary sep tations ad hc could eer grapes defor iad Spec Happy the Chevenad tocnhlance tad prope bend tt epetienal sage, br there emane at amour of ark be done before te new mehodlopy asst eee tae het cou be dove bya thc ‘With te aid 8 17 calatoraton, we have prepared and pyroized scound 1500 pcp which have been peopel fare oe ‘ane sravnenic aaa sifing the worthele fom the poor net {cicada tem fom th sep ti aaa fo ‘Ntcnate gravity. We da paicusry mh ton quate ro edores wien rea Hest below 20% wih te Fea ht sae ot iter cee neces et 2 mates Faeroe oe carves otaitedon raph pape weresuth that oper wa ones ‘xpoved 0 the dnge of making sn ico mein, and with sch Permanent tesore avaible he ould postpone if he ise Ns cone ‘Mono he iting oa sone in og ae he aay We tae greatly appreciated te comments of ome of ou ealesues ‘xyes those who methods an ings ave ciiczed at inproved {nt arene, [coal FE Bean a W. AE Mba hon hr cniraion to CL. Witonand‘B. W. Wisors Cont ‘rhemive aalee Chemis Eaoree Pehing Company, 96D) ‘ro By fr te gate tres made wade eptiton of aoncprate beaing and ing temperate Tor pep have Seon made by Duval who, hugh slong sis of pean, has sor terograms oie the hes pace for moto the iimece mete We lave ao been much interested inthe many ectcams of our pebliatons Some of tee (ss than 10) ae used Ast eaters ewan Chater te tone ote ack atc by pointing au the varies fo mach temas cane tice must be renembered. that thermopsvneiy st in nine) asl cing ts eth, and despite te tet aan nln Tae na yet ten able to fed my substance whith ie he me

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