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(Post Holy CATs week special)

1. 15 minutes silence for the weekend that just passed away. Amen.
2. Mentally bracing yourself for those blasted 8 o'clock classes
3. Countless alarms set every 5 minutes for ‘Rise and shine – it’s Monday.’
4. Calculating how many cups of coffee you'll need to survive the upcoming week
5. Sleep like world peace depends on it
6. PCLD – Post CATatonic Lassitude disorder
7. DA 1 X 3 subjects, DA 2 X 3 subjects , Review 1 X 3 subjects – you know the drill
8. Season special cuddle date with hot Maggi and soft Blankie
9. Here we come good food. Pro active list of foodie destinations out of campus.
10. Turn out all your Jean pockets in hope of miraculously finding some money (for all upcoming
weeks. Sigh.)
11. Club meeting at 7.15pm @ The SMV Tank
12. Work, work, work, work, I wish it was as easy as Rihanna sang.
13. Midnight musings with roomies
 Contemplating on every little embarrassing incident in your life
 Why roses for Valentines
 The unidentified bug profile in the room
 Last life crisis
 Mid life crisis
 Crisis crisis crisis
14. Binging on that new TV show that got rave reviews
15. And don’t forget Pre Riviera jitters! Boom!

P.S. What did you relate to the most?

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