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Cebu Institute of Technology-University

Senior High School Department

N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City 6000

“Drugs Addicts Who Yielded to the Authorities in Cebu City” Commented [INV1]: Please use this title
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A Research Proposal of ABM-Perseverance Senior High School Students as a

Final Requirement in Practical Research 2


Ubas, Jaycee Babe

Pelimer, Kathrin Tamara

Ubas, Jaycee Babe

Abellana, Jan Jether

Librando. Jamaica

Macapaz, Nicholine

Ms.Jicel Reve S. Gabriel


“Drugs Addicts Who Yielded to the Authorities in Cebu City”Please insert new title here Formatted: Font color: Text 1


Drug causes severe effects in the human brain. It is also bad to our health and affects our life
negatively. As drug addiction increases nowadays, various programs have been implemented to. This
study will discuss these programs while the researchers of this study aims to find out how many drug
addicts who yielded to the authorities in Cebu City.

This study also aims to answer the following Research Questions:

1. How many of these drug addicts who surrendered?

2. What percentage of drug users is influenced by their friends?
3. How many of these drug users are female and 18 years old younger?
4. What are their personal reason why they take drugs and why they surrendered?
5. What specific illegal drugs that addicts used?
HYPOTHESEIS Commented [INV2]: This should be in separate page
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In Cebu City, teenagers are more involved in illegal drugs than adult and senior citizen. Shabu is
the most common and used by drug addicts in Cebu City. The lack of parental guidance is one of
the reasons behind to this crime and lack of information about drugs and how it affects human
health. One of the reasons that people may tend to use drugs is how they influence by how the
money works through illegal drugs transactions. They also tend to use by how their friends
manipulate them. As the economic problem arises, corruption also one of the problem, people
would undergo illegal works to gain money and they might really tend to use drugs and other
illegal works. Hence, social influence is one of the reasons for this and social program will be the
cause to stop this and there are about many drug addicts tend to surrendered particularly in Cebu
RATIONALE Commented [INV3]: This should come first after the front
page. Also why don’t you have any in-text citations? Please put at
least 3 to validate your argument/ideas
According to an article entitled “Understanding Drug use and Addiction” states that Addiction is Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

a chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that compulsive or difficult to control,
despite harmful consequences. The objective of this study is to educate the community because
drug addiction is a very serious problem where most of the county facing right now and because
of this research the guardian or parents can be more educated on how they will monitor and
control their child. The researchers give guidelines on how to identify people who are involve in
the illegal drugs and ways to help them overcome this. This study will also aim to lessen the use
of illegal drugs and prevent from trying it.

Because of its geographic location, the Philippines has become a major hub for the drug in
Southeast Asia. This has contributed to more incidents of Filipinos getting arrested in other
countries for transporting or selling shabu.(Radana,2016.) The researchers conduct this kind of
research study to know the importance, since drug addiction is a trend crime that happening not
just in Cebu but into the whole world. The importance of this study is also to be aware of who
those people are, what kind these people are and what they will do. Through this, people will
know about that usually addicts do and done. This study will help the people to awaken their
mind to stop and prevent using illegal drugs. The subject of the researchers is needed to research
more because this generation many have engaged in illegal drugs. The researchers wants the
people to know what will happen if they take drugs and aiming to stop taking illegal drugs.

There are many innocent people who died and suffer because of drug addicts. That is why the
researchers of this said problem dig deeper to the recent problem that the previous study does not
show off why other drug users surrendered or stop in taking drugs and what are reason for them
to stop. At first, addiction is maintained by pleasure, but the intensity of this pleasure gradually
diminishes and the addiction is then maintained by the avoidance of pain (Tallis,2015.)

The study shows about what are drug, why it is addictive, and how to prevent drugs. It is clearly
incomplete that the previous research is not reliable than our research. The researchers find
something to dig deep and internalize and have better improvement on the current study. For the
Cebu City that is one of the highest rates in using drugs. As researchers we will propose that
rehabilitation will be more implemented by the president more program (medical services
program, seminars on drug awareness, rehabilitation consultation, drug test program) to conduct
and strict policies to conclude and the individual should let understand, prevent, and treat about
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REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Commented [INV4]: Separate page please

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In this generation using drugs is very rampant and sometimes people think that it cannot be cured
or prevented nor stopped. With thorough research this study aims to prove that drug addiction
can be stop, cure and one move for it is to surrender, get rehabilitated and take medicines to be
able to have a good life (2016 July). Hence, addiction as we all know is products of influence in
our social life but addiction can therefore be treatable and can be managed successfully.
Researchers have found out that the common illegal drugs that the users use are Shabu and
mostly the users are men here specifically here in Cebu. According to a source (Mayo Clinic
Staff (2014 December)) the best therapy for an individual to recover from addiction is the
combination of medicine treatment and behavioral therapy. Commented [INV5]: Make sure you have 5 sources at least
here. Please cut your long paragpraph into short paragraphs for
readability purposes
The researches conduct this psychological type of study to be able to let people know what the Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

happenings in the society are and how people affected by drugs and because of the lack of
parental guidance of parents and the lack of experience. That’s why this research study is
important for it would really help the society to inform and to be aware than the other research
studies before. According to an article “Understanding Drug Use and Addiction” that many
people don't understand why or how other people become addicted to drugs. They may
mistakenly think that those who use drugs lack moral principles or willpower and that they could
stop their drug use simply by choosing to. In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and
quitting usually takes more than good intentions or a strong will. Drugs change the brain in ways
that make quitting hard, even for those who want to.

This research is much entertaining and efficient because of the good information it have and lots
information to learn of and how and why there are drug addicts who surrendered and some
reasons are they want to renew their life, stop using illegal drugs and some are influenced by
todays law that threatened them to stop and surrender. One source (Croft H. MD. (2015
October)) Talks about how the brain affects the condition of the brain because of how it
influence and thinks but to stop this from using it is also good that they should be influence by a
good environment by stopping them in using drugs. There are other sources (Goldberg J. MD.
(2016 October) Medicine Net) also that tells on how to stop using this but our research problem
will much more liable for this contains lots of information right from the beginning of how drugs
use than the sources we got.


This study uses two different theories which are Psychology and Science. In Psychology Theory
entitles “An overview of learning theories in Psychology” by Kendra Cherry. This theory
explains how and why people behave the way that they do and develops certain environmental
influences through humans. Social learning occurs through observation and observation can take
place at any time. . (Cherry K. (2017).Study Guide for Psychology Learning). In our research
problem people or the drug addicts can be directly influence by many social learning and
develops great ideas to follow some behavior like taking drugs. This theory relates to our
research problem since it talks certain influences by people who observes and interact between
social, cognitive, and environmental influences that pushes to do such certain things like using
illegal drugs until they are already used to it.

According to the article in science theory that “Drugs are chemicals that affects the brain by Commented [INV6]: After each theory explanation, please also
explain the relevance of this theory to your study
tapping into its communication system and interfering with the way neurons normally send or Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

process information’s”. Drugs like Marijuana or Shabu can activate neurons because it has
chemical structure that mimics of a natural neurotransmitter in our brain. These drugs are leads
to the abnormality of the brain which interact the transmission or communication through the
brains that’s why it affects our brain. This theory relates on how the drug addicts cannot easily
stop using drugs especially when they already used to it because drugs abuse directly or
indirectly the brains reward system by flooding dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter
present in brain that regulates emotion, motivation, feelings of pleasure, when over stimulating
the system or the brain with drugs. It produces euphoric effects; reinforce the behavior of drug
use and teaching and teaching the user to repeat it.(Volkow Nora D. (2014). Drugs and the
Brain). So, it is a good way that the drug addicts surrendered and get rehabilitation for their own
sake and be able to start a new life because drugs are illegal or should not be tormented and will
have great effects not just in our whole body especially in our brain but also in our lifetime.
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This study is important to every individual for it will help them understand and know all about
drug addiction and its possible cure. The researchers also believe that this research study shall be
significant and beneficial to the following:

Drug Users

This study is useful to all the drug users, it is for them to know the cause and as to what they can
possibly do to cure their drug addiction. This will also help them and teach them how to have a
good and healthy life.


This study is useful to all the teachers because they are provided with information and
knowledge about the usage of harmful drugs. With these information, they teach their students
on what and what not to do.


This is useful for the students/teenagers for them to be aware about the effects of drug addiction.
This study is designed to inform about the risks associated with drug usage and how they can
cope up with drug addiction.


This study can help the parent’s guide their children in the way that parents should also avoid
using such harmful drugs. By having a parent-children relationship, parents must give support
and guidance in making life decisions- including the decision not to use these harmful drugs.

Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Formatted: Font: Bold

This study will help them in preventing and will be aware enough about the possibility of
surrendering the addicts in using drugs.
We, researchers

The findings of this study will be serving as a good source of helpful information for them.

Other Institutes Formatted: Font: Bold

This study will help them to get more information that is related to this study.

Future Researchers Formatted: Font: Bold

The findings of this study will be serving as a good source of helpful information for them.

This research aims to provide good outcome and provide lots of information for the people who
needs to have this kind of information. This research were evaluated through survey research and
having Stratified Sampling Method to sample that will provide sub-groups, sub-samples and will
thorough conducts a data analysis through the gathered research. Stratified Sampling Method
was employed for some activities.

 Getting lists of the drugs addicts in Cebu City.

 Defining why and how illegal drugs were using increasingly.
 Determining the fact of why a drug addict uses illegal drugs.
 Conducting small group of programs for having thorough information’s.
 Obtaining the feedbacks from the survey researched.

Stratified Sampling Method aims to provide data’s and information’s that will be conducting by
data analysis to have good feedback and valuable information’s from the research survey. This
method will have findings and generalize information’s from interpreting the data gathered.
From the research problem we will be having valuable information by conducting this method
and with the coordination of the researchers and from the sources that will have a thorough
survey. This research problem through the help also of this method will become more productive
because of the outcome that we will be having. Through the efforts of the researchers team this
research will be successful and we will be having a great information regarding drug addicts in
Cebu and to inform people what will be the cause and effect of these drugs in our health. This
information would become a reliable source from the next researchers or to the next researchers.
This will make a great impact through the people who are not into current issues and into current
issues but doesn’t know what drugs means. Thus, this would be a great help for the society’s
problem and to decrease the problem about the drug addicts and the illegal drugs.
The following is a sample of the questionnaire that researchers will be use in the future:

Name: Age: Sex:

1. What will you do if your son/daughter is involved in illegal drugs? Formatted: Font: Not Bold
Formatted: List Paragraph, Numbered + Level: 1 +
2. In a scale of 1-10 (1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest) How worst is the abusive use of Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
drugs in our society?
3. How often do you hear news about drug cases in a day?
4. What can you do to help a fellow to overcome such addiction?
5. In your own opinion. What do you think is the reason for the addicts used illegal drugs? Formatted: Font: Not Bold

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Formatted Table
Completion Date Formatted: Position: Horizontal: 1.23", Relative to: Page,
Activity Start Date Target Date Vertical: 3.75", Relative to: Page
Formatted: Centered, Position: Horizontal: 1.23", Relative
to: Page, Vertical: 3.75", Relative to: Page
9/25/17 9/25/17 9/25/17
Formatted: Centered, Line spacing: single, Position:
Select Topic Horizontal: 1.23", Relative to: Page, Vertical: 3.75", Relative
to: Page
9/28/17 9/28/17
Obtain Literature
10/2/17 10/2/17 10/2/17
Complete Literature Review
10/2/17 10/2/17 10/3/17
Develop Research Question
10/5/17 10/5/17 10/5/17
Develop Research Methods
10/5/17 10/5/17 10/6/17
Collect Data
10/09/17 10/09/17 10/10/17
Analyze Data
10/12/17 10/12/17 10/12/17
Finish First Draft
10/16/17 10/16/17 10/16/17
Submit Revised Draft
10/23-27/17 10/23-27/17 10/27/17
Final Oral Exam
10/-27/17 10/27/17 10/27/17
Masters Research Project
The researchers believe that this research study will be completed in a span of time as listed
below and will do as follow.

Activity Start Date Target Date Completed Date Formatted Table

The following are the specifications of the activities to be carried out in the future actual
research. Their corresponding schedules are also reflected below:

Timetable Formatted: List Paragraph, Numbered + Level: 1 +

Numbering Style: I, II, III, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left
+ Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.75"
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt

Formatted: Font: 11 pt
Formatted: Line spacing: Multiple 1.15 li
Formatted: Left

Timetable and Budget Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Bold

The researchers believe that this research study will be completed in a span of a month. Formatted: Font: 12 pt

The following are specifications of the activities to be carried out in the future actual research.
Corresponding schedules and expenses are also reflected below.
Select Topic 9/25/17 9/25/17 9/25/17

9/28/17 9/28/17 9/30/17

Obtain Literature
10/2/17 10/2/17 10/2/17
Complete Literature Review
10/2/17 10/2/17 10/3/17
Develop Research Question
10/5/17 10/5/17 10/5/17
Develop Research Methods
10/5/17 10/5/17 10/6/17
Collect Data
10/09/17 10/09/17 10/10/17
Analyze Data
10/12/17 10/12/17 10/12/17
Finish First Draft
10/16/17 10/16/17 10/16/17
Submit Revised Draft
10/23-27/17 10/23-27/17 10/27/17
Final Oral Exam
10/-27/17 10/27/17 10/27/17
Master Research Project

II.Budget Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt, Bold


Foods(Panelists and Researchers) P 52,500.00

Prints P 8500.00

Water P 71000.00
Transportation P 2,60500.00

Questionnaire P 88900.00
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
Travel Allowance P 67,5000.00 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

TOTAL EXPENSES: P168,3900.00


Electronic Sources:

Kendra Cherry(2017) Study Guide for Psychology Learning

Volkow Nora D. (2014) Drugs and the Brain

NIDA. (2016, August 9). Understanding Drug Use and Addiction. on 2017, Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

October 22

(2016) Drug Facts and Treatments Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman


(2014) http://www.mayoclinic.or/diseases-conditions/drug-addiction/basics/definition/con- Commented [INV7]: Don’t you have authors here?

Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

(2016) Formatted: No underline, Font color: Auto

Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

(2016) Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

(2015) Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman


Formatted: Font: 30 pt
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PELIMER, Kathrin Tamara Formatted: Font: 30 pt, Bold

Formatted: Font: 30 pt
Formatted: Font: 30 pt, Bold

UBAS, Jaycee Babe Formatted: Font: 24 pt, Bold

Formatted: Font: 30 pt, Bold
Formatted: Font: 30 pt

ABELLANA, Jan Jether Formatted: Font: 30 pt, Bold

Formatted: Font: 24 pt, Bold
Formatted: Font: 30 pt, Bold
Formatted: Font: 30 pt

LIBRANDO, Jamaica Formatted: Font: 30 pt, Bold

Formatted: Font: 24 pt, Bold
Formatted: Font: 30 pt, Bold

MACAPAZ, Nicholine Formatted: Font: 30 pt

Formatted: Font: 30 pt, Bold
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