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Conceptual Framework

The developer follows the phases of scrum, an Agile Software Development

methodology, as its research paradigm. The input data are acquired through

observations on the existing rules and regulations in consonance with the

traditional learning management for PSU-OUS and interviews with the

personnel involve in the process the data were derived from user stories as

scenarios implemented directly as a series of task.

In agile scrum, user stories of the system were noted through planning

meeting through a process called product backlog. The user stories are

collectively considered for feasibility through a process known as sprint backlog.

The developer creates enough and simple design which is carried out to meet

current requirement of the project, designs were made in the form of class

diagram, use case diagram, and wireframe. This is to be made after gathering

the needed user stories as the user requirements in the form of story cards.

After developing the designs of project, writing codes comes next

subsequently, the developer shall deliver small release to the user foe
evaluation on testing whenever new versions are developed, test is run by the
user. Until all test is accepted, the final build is then considered successful.

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