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Weekly Blog 2: Research Part 1

This week we started the research process of our production. Part 1 of

research included researching about my topic. At the start of the week I
planned of everything I wanted to have researched by the end of the week so
that I wouldn’t forget about anything or miss it out. I found that overall,
researching about my topic wasn’t just helpful but really interesting, I knew
very little about how foodbanks work, their clients and also the volunteers
before this research was carried out. Knowing about my topic will help me a lot
because I will have a better idea of the
interviews I want to carry out and what I want
to find out from my interviewee.

I have slightly adapted my idea from my

developed idea. Feedback I have received has
focused a lot of interest around the volunteer
that I’m working with, Doris Hughes. As a
result of this I am making her a key focus of
my documentary as well as everything to do
with the food bank and their clients. I think
she makes a really interesting subject and
deserves a lot of recognition for the work that
she is doing. This was some of the research about Doris which I uploaded, from
this people were touched by her kindness and wanted to know more about her
and the work she does. I’ve now made this a key part of my documentary
because Doris does a lot of charity work.

Something I found difficult this week is establishing my target audience, I

found that my idea is something which appeals to people of different ages.
After sending out my surveys I gained a lot of feedback on my idea and I’m
really happy with what people thought. When deciding who my project is
going to be aimed at I originally thought this would appeal to a wide range of
people aged between 12-50. I sent out a survey to see what people thought;
here’s my results:
People thought that my idea would appeal mostly to people aged 18-25,
younger and also older age ranges also gained some votes so I’m going to aim
to make a documentary that suits the audience of people aged roughly
between 12-42. I also conducted focus groups with multiple people within my
age range and they all said that they really liked my idea and thinks other
people that age will as well!
All of the feedback which I received from my survey was really productive and
useful as it has helped me to move forward with my project.

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