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8 March, 2018

International Women`s Day

This woman is famous for:
 She`s fighter.
 She`s brave.
 She`s invincible.
 She`s not afraid.
 She has initiative
 She`s persevering.
 She shares.
 She believes in my.
 She celebrates my
For all this and more…
My mother

She's not famous, She does not appear on tv, in newspapers

or on the radio but, She worked day and night. She didn't
make a lot of money, but with their work and effort, She
hept her family. She's a woman, She's a mother and a
worker. This is not Mother's Day, It's my mother's Day, as a
woman and as a worker.

 Author: Clemente Alvarez -EOI Santa Cruz de Tenerife TEACHER: Elisabeh -B1 -K

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