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Khavinassh --- 21660 --- ICT

Technical Presentation Outline Task Sheet

1. Title of presentation



1. Introduction

 What is the purpose and importance of choosing this topic?

 How is the topic relevant to the audience?

 What do you expect the audience to learn from the presentation (objectives)?

 What is your thesis statement?

 List the main points that will support your thesis statement.

 How are you establishing credibility?

2. Body

 Which organisational pattern are you using? Justify your choice

 List the supporting ideas for each main point.

 How do you ensure that there is coherent transition from one main point to the next main point?

 Describe how you are going to summarise each main point.

3. Conclusion

 Describe how you are going to summarise the entire presentation.

 Describe how you are going to reiterate the purpose and importance of the whole presentation
to relate to your audience.

Question and Answer Session

1. List some of the questions that you anticipate from the audience.

Practice Sessions

1. How did you practise for your presentation?

2. Which are of your presentation needed improvement?

Did you stay within the time limit?

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