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Moral-concerning or relating to what is right and wrong in human behavior

Comfucianism-of or relating to the Chinese philosopher Confucius or his teachings or followers

Preconceived notion- to form (as an opinion) prior to actual knowledge or experience <preconceived

Obsolete- no longer used because something newer exists : replaced by something newer

Drastically- extreme in effect or action : severe or serious

Uphold- to support or defend (something, such as a law)

Filial- of or relating to a son or daughter : appropriate for a son or daughter

Merit-a good quality or feature that deserves to be praised

Bound- placed under legal or moral restraint or obligation : obliged <duty-bound>

Trespasses- a sin or other wrong or improper act

Feudal- a mutual enmity or quarrel that is often prolonged or inveterate; especially

Hierarchy- a system in which people or things are placed in a series of levels with different importance
or status

Inferior- low or lower in rank

Chastity-the state of not having sex with anyone : the quality or state of being chaste

Abrogation- to end or cancel (something) in a formal and official way

Mourning- to feel or show great sadness because someone has died

Circumspection-thinking carefully about possible risks before doing or saying something

Penance-something that you do or are given to do in order to show that you are sad or sorry about doing
something wrong

Replete- having much or plenty of something : filled withsomething

Freed- enjoying political independence or freedom from outside domination

Premarital sex- sex before marriage

Envisaged- to picture (something) in your mind

Noble- : having, showing, or coming from personal qualities that people admire (such as honesty,
generosity, courage, etc.)
: of, relating to, or belonging to the highest social class : of, relating to, or belonging to the nobility

Inconformity-failure or refusal to behave the way most people behave : failure or refusal to conform

Skeptical-having or expressing doubt about something (such as a claim or statement)

Keen-having or showing an ability to think clearly and to understand what is not obvious or simple about

Long-a strong desire for something or someone

Inclines-to cause (someone) to want to do something or to be likely to do something

Geared- to make ready for effective operation

Accord-to give (something, such as special treatment or status) to someone or something

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