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On the Scientific Status of Consumer Research and the

Need for an Interpretive Approach to Studying

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Consumption Behavior*

I n their reply to Holbrook's 1987 inquiry, "What Is

Consumer Research?," Calder and Tybout (1987)
sition, the proponents of falsificationism have made
claims that can only confuse and mislead the commu-
proclaim the advantages of falsificationism (Popper nity of scholars working in the area of consumer re-
1959) and question the scientific status ofinterpretive search. This conclusion depends on recognizing five
approaches such as that represented by Holbrook and important points, which will form the basis of our ar-
Grayson's 1986 analysis of symbolic consumption in gument against Calder and Tybout's (1987) position.
the movie Out ofAfrica. Briefly, Calder and Tybout's
1987 argument reduces to the early Popperian claim 1. The authors misrepresent the nature of sophisti-
that science can advance only by means of a hypo- cated falsificationism.
thetico-deductive method involving "the confronta- 2. Sophisticated falsificationism does not provide an
tion of theory with data" (p. 138). For Calder and Ty- adequate account of the natural sciences.
bout, interpretive approaches can provide "provoca-
tive and entertaining reading" (p. 139) but "must 3. As a social science rather than a natural science,
consumer research needs an interpretive perspec-
stand apart ... from science" (p. 140) so that inter- tive.
pretivism can contribute to scientific knowledge only
by suggesting hypotheses suitable for testing in empir- 4. Interpretation does not inherently contradict the
ical studies (p. 139): possibility of falsification.
There is no reason that the conceptualizations of inter- 5. All knowledge and all science depend on interpreta-
pretive knowledge cannot be submitted to sophisti- tion.
cated falsificationist methodology; they may, in fact,
be a good source of scientifically testable hypotheses.
But unless such testing in fact occurs, such conceptual- ARGUMENT
izations should not be equated with scientific knowl- A Misrepresentation of Sophisticated
We believe that, in arrogating the term "scientific" In effect, Calder and Tybout claim that only by ad-
to characterize their own preferred philosophical po- hering to Popper's particular philosophy of science
can consumer researchers hope to attain scientific
*This article is a rejoinder to Calder and Tybout (1987). JCR's knowledge. Specifically, Calder and Tybout recom-
current policy is to publish comments on previous JCR articles to- mend sophisticated falsificationism, which Lakatos
gether with any accompanying rejoinders in the same issue. This (1968) called the Popper2 stage in Popper's thinking
policy was not in place under the previous editors, resulting in de- (cf. Leong 1985).
layed publication of this article. JCR regrets the circumstances that
led to the delay in affording Professor Holbrook and Professor Lakatos (1968) distinguished three such stages in
O'Shaughnessy the opportunity to publish their rejoinder. all: Poppero, the dogmatic falsificationist; Popper I>
**Morris B. Holbrook and John O'Shaughnessy are Professors, the methodological falsificationist; and Popper2, the
Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, New York, NY sophisticated methodological falsificationist. How-
10027. The first author gratefully acknowledges the support of the ever, for purposes oftheir arguments against the sci-
Columbia Business School's Faculty Research Fund.
entific status of interpretive approaches, Calder and
© JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH. Vol. 15. December 1988

Tybout (1987) define "sophisticated falsificationism" sificationism represents any sort of orthodoxy in the
(repeatedly) as involving "the goal . . . to expose a natural sciences.
theory to possible refutation" (p. 138), as resting on If there was ever such a thing as an orthodox philos-
"the implications of empirical data for theory" (p. ophy of science at the time of its publication, it was
138), as maintaining "the primacy of empirical data Nagel's (1961) The Structure ofScience. Yet, therein,
in confronting theory" (p. 138), as "confronting theo- Nagel presented a view of science very different from
ries with data" (p. 138), as embodying "the logic . . . that of Popper. More recently, while agreeing that sci-
that scientific knowledge comes from the confronta- ence is an honest search for evidence to eliminate ri-
tion of theory with data" (p. 138), and as seeking val hypotheses, Nagel has rejected Popper's particular
knowledge via a process in which "the data are the conception of the role for falsification in theory devel-

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means of exposing a theory to refutation" (pp. 139- opment as an oversimplification that he finds "close
140). This oft repeated definition appears most in- to being a caricature of scientific procedure," and he
debted to the dogmatic falsificationism of Poppero has expressed doubt whether the substance of Pop-
(1959). For Poppero, it was falsifiability that separated per's later ideas on science, even when understood to
the genuine scientific hypothesis from the counterfeit be prescriptive, are "any less dubious than when they
because a genuine scientific hypothesis must run the are taken to be descriptive" (1979, pp. 76-77).
risk of refutation. But even at the time Poppero wrote Meanwhile, other eminent philosophers have criti-
(in Germany during the early 1930s), the simple ap- cized Popper's integral concept of verisimilitude as a
peal of dogmatic falsificationism had already been potential source of scientific stultification in that veri-
undermined. Specifically, at the beginning of the cen- similitude "could be increased or even maximized by
tury, Duhem (1954, orig. 1906) pointed out that a a policy of incurious repetition of safe experiments"
physicist can never subject an isolated hypothesis to (Robinson 1971, p. 195).
experimental test but can only test a group ofhypoth- We present these criticisms of Popper because they
eses. When experimental results disagree with predic- emphasize that, even in the natural sciences where
tions, the physicist learns only that at least one of the Popper's views make the most sense, many different
hypotheses in the group is unacceptable. But the ex- viewpoints coexist in the philosophy of science. Thus,
periment does not indicate which of the hypotheses both Nagel (1979) and Brodbeck (1982) deny the exis-
must be rejected. tence of anyone "received view" (cf. Suppe 1977).
Popper I accepted that any refuting facts can be que- Nagel condemns as mistaken the idea of one purely
ried as problematic because there is always room for formal approach to the task of evaluating knowledge:
dispute over the interpretation of the so-called facts. "In general, techniques differ with subject matter and
Hence, deciding whether certain outcomes of (say) an may be altered with advances in technology" (1979,
experiment should count as disproof always involves p. 12). Today, as Putnam (1981) points out, virtually
scientific judgment. no philosopher of science believes in a purely formal
The Popper2 stage of sophisticated falsificationism scientific method.
(Popper 1979) gives more prominence to recognizing As for scientific practice (as opposed to philoso-
that the refuting facts are never known independently phy), Kuhn (1970) finds no methodological unity
from the theory in which their obervation is embed- even within the natural sciences where many distinct
ded. In other words, when some alleged facts turn out methods are used depending on the nature of the in-
to contradict a hypothesis, one must choose whether quiry. Furthermore, in Kuhn's historical view of the
to refute that part of the theory or simply to reject the development of science, data that conflict with a the-
purported facts. Further, one can always immunize ory are treated less as falsifications than as puzzles to
any theory from refutation by some ad hoc hypothesis be solved within the existing paradigm. Thus, Kuhn
such that falsification in one domain or application claims that scientific progress occurs in the absence of
may not apply to another. tests for falsification.
Contrary to the impression gained from reading
Calder and Tybout (1987), Lakatos (1968) intended
An Inadequate Account of the Natural to update Popper2 in light of this work by Kuhn
Sciences (1970). In his concept of a scientific research pro-
gram, Lakatos borrows from Popper the idea of as-
Unfortunately, whether one pursues Calder and sessing an interrelated sequence of theories rather
Tybout's literal focus on Poppero or enlarges their than one theory in isolation. But the program's "hard
viewpoint to embrace Popper2, one must ultimately core" (which corresponds to Kuhn's "paradigm") re-
question whether falsificationism provides an ade- mains beyond attempts at falsification, providing as
quate account of even those scientific areas that it ap- it does the basic direction for doing research within
pears best equipped to handle-namely, the natural the field.
sciences (e.g., astronomy, physics, chemistry). Cer- Good reviews of the postpositivistic critiques ad-
tainly, one might question whether sophisticated fal- dressed against logical empiricism in general and so-

phisticated falsificationism in particular have ap- ticular reader, critic, or other investigator. Construed
peared widely. Further, various authors have explic- with similar breadth, the text at hand might consist
itly extended these and related arguments to the area of a literary work, some other artistic creation, any
of consumer research (Anderson 1986; Hudson and artifact of popular culture, or even some type of be-
Ozanne 1988). The moral, inevitably, is that even if havioral action. In the social sciences, the text of in-
we regard natural science as a model for consumer terest would generally comprise data concerning hu-
research, we should not feel obliged to cling to a neo- man behavior.
positivistic, falsificationist, logical empiricist, or any Indeed, like the humanities, the social sciences in
other "received view" of science. general and consumer research in particular deal with
Moreover, though one finds many different ac- people. One quintessential characteristic of humans

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counts of what constitutes the "received view" of how entails their unremitting tendency to seek meaning in
science structures and tests its theories, such philo- their lives. Humans live embedded within a shared
sophies generally do share one central tenet- system of signs based upon public language and other
namely, methodological monism or the insistence symbolic objects that confer a sense of social exis-
that the social sciences should conform to the meth- tence and identity. Good general statements of this
ods of the natural sciences if they aspire to being re- viewpoint appear in the papers edited by Hirschman
garded as truly scientific. Although Nagel sought to and Holbrook (1981), by Umiker-Sebeok (1987), and
demonstrate the logical possibility of this goal, Bern- by Hirschman (1989). The recognition that people in
stein (1976) argues for its practical unattainability. general and human consumers in particular differ
Here, however, we object less to the utopian nature of from atoms and molecules in their endless quest for
the monistic ambition than to the danger of restrict- meaning dictates the need for interpretation in our
ing the social sciences in a way that would impoverish attempt to explicate the meanings embedded in con-
them beyond repair. sumer behavior.

The Need For An Interpretive Perspective Interpretation and Falsification

in Consumer Research Having accepted the need for interpretation in the
Even if we did accept a "received view" as the plau- human or social sciences (including consumer re-
sible account of natural science, we must recognize search), we must avoid repeating Calder and Tybout's
the difference between the physical sciences and the (1987) error of assuming that interpretation some-
human or social sciences. This contrast echoes Dil- how stands in opposition to the possibility of falsifi-
they's distinction between the Naturwissenschaften cation. (Their implication that interpretive ap-
(natural sciences) and Geisteswissenschaften (human proaches are distinct from or even alien to what they
studies) and cuts across the entire structure by which call "qualitative methodology" or "everyday knowl-
we have come to organize knowledge (Makkreel edge" appears equally misleading but, given our fo-
1975). American educators typically array academic cus, need not concern us here.)
disciplines along a broad spectrum with the physical Probably Calder and Tybout's most serious objec-
sciences at one end, the humanities at the other end, tion to interpretation involves the implication that it
and the social sciences somewhere in between (e.g., rests on a self-fulfilling prophecy in which "the con-
Adelson 1985). Clearly, consumerresearch belongs to ceptual argument is used to give an account of the
this latter group. Like the other social sciences (psy- data. . . and. . . there is no intention of comparing
chology, sociology, anthropology, and so on), it as- interpretations in order to choose among them" (p.
pires to some degree of rigor and empirical warrant 139). In claiming that the interpretive approach fo-
(associated with the physical sciences) but also to cuses on showing that the data fit some pre-estab-
some degree of understanding or "Verstehen" (asso- lished conceptualization rather than on seeking falsi-
ciated with the humanities). fication, Calder and Tybout echo Popper's objections
In search of understanding, the humanities typi- to self-confirming methods. However, in this, they
cally rely on a type of approach often referred to as misrepresent interpretive social science by neglecting
"interpretive." Pursuing the focus of the present dis- some important qualifications that depend upon the
cussion and following Ricoeur (1976, 1981), among nature of the Hermeneutic Circle
others, we shall define interpretation here as the criti- In the Hermeneutic Circle, an interpreter's tenta-
cal analysis of a text for the purpose of determining tive grasp of the whole text guides an initial reading of
its single or multiple meaning(s). In the humanities, its parts. The detailed reading, in turn, leads toward a
the meanings of interest might refer to those intended revision of the original overview. This dialogue be-
by an author, those inferred by the author's original tween reader and text then proceeds through subse-
audience in its historical context, those handed down quent iterations of a circular process that, far from
by tradition, those sanctioned by the contemporary being vicious, tends toward its own correction in the
interpretive community, or those extracted by a par- direction of increasing validity. Typically, the reader

does not report each cycle of this interpretive process interpretive analysis. Further, as in any hermeneutic
(any more than one usually presents every iteration, process, the evidence itself comes to us already
say, of a principal components analysis). Rather, for cloaked in an interpretive shroud. Indeed, the whole
purposes of exposition, the reader tends to discuss the weight of modern Western philosophy-from Des-
final interpretation chosen from among various com- cartes, through the British Empiricists to Kant, and
peting interpretations on the basis of the evidence culminating in Wittgenstein and more recent con-
provided by a close reading of the textual details. structionists such as Nelson Goodman-confirms
Gadamer (1975) has described this self-corrective that there is simply no such thing as an objective fact,
interpretive process as a "fusion of horizons" that pure and simple. Rather, there are only "facts"-as-in-
brings the reader's interpretation into closer align- terpreted, that is, data as socially, linguistically, or

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ment with the tradition, historical context, social sit- personally constructed (e.g., Bruner 1986).
uation, and authorial intention of the text at hand. In This means that, unlike the simplistic formula sug-
defending and extending Gadamer, the work of Ri- gested by Calder and Tybout (1987), one cannot just
coeur (1976, 1981) has regarded human behavior as a pursue "the confrontation of theory with data" (p.
text requiring interpretation. Further, Ricoeur (1976) 138). Instead, one can only "confront" one's theory
has followed Hirsch (1967) in appealing to Popper's with observations that themselves reflect that theory
(1959) emphasis on potential falsification as a model via a conceptualization of reality that tells one what
for interpretation. According to this logic, one's ini- to look for and how to look for it. Thus, in any sort of
tial holistic appraisal (reflecting, among other things, scientific enterprise, one inevitably finds oneself en-
one's preconceptions) suggests inferences that require gaged in exactly the sort of Hermeneutic Circle that
corroboration via a close scrutiny of the text or be- Calder and Tybout have taken such pains to discredit.
havior of interest, with potential subsequent revisions Rather than impugning the scientific status of inter-
or reformulations based on the detailed evidence ex- pretive knowledge, these authors might better have
tracted via careful analysis and exegesis (Bernstein stood firm on Gadamer's (1975) clear demonstration
( 1983). that all knowledge and all science rest on interpreta-
This conception of hermeneutics aligns closely tion (e.g., Bernstein 1983; Hekman 1986).
with the semiotician's reliance on Peirce's logic of ab-
duction (as opposed to deduction or induction), by
which a general rule and the particular details oftex- CONCLUSION
tual signs suggest inferences concerning the nature of A final irony appears in Popper's intellectual auto-
a case. Such abductive inferences then require testing biography when he explains how he happened to ar-
and possible revision based on further close examina- rive at his concept of objective knowledge. Appar-
tion of the textual evidence. An inspired collection of ently, Popper based his distinction between objectiv-
readings by Eco and Sebeok (1983) has demonstrated ism and subjectivism on "an interpretation of the
the pervasiveness and viability ofthis inferential pro- difference between Bach's and Beethoven's music"
cess in areas as diverse as esthetics, psychoanalysis, (1976, p. 60). Specifically, his love of music and deep
and criminology (with Sherlock Holmes serving as a familiarity with compositional techniques led him to
prime illustration of the abductive approach). Only reject the subjectivist theory of art as self-expression
tiny modifications are needed to extend this logic of and to argue instead for the objectivist view that great
abduction to the case of consumer research (Mick artists, like Bach, work primarily by testing the emo-
1986). tional impact of their artisitic creations on them-
selves. In other words, for Popper, artworks provide
Interpretation Everywhere just one more example of the falsificationist or hypo-
thetico-deductive method in action. Hence, to say
Finally and most importantly, it appears fortunate that Popper himself embraces the role of interpreta-
for those of us who share Calder and Tybout's enthu- tion in understanding works of art would be an under-
siasm for scientific knowledge that interpretation al- statement (p. 67):
ways admits and generally requires an intrinsically
empirical approach via what we have just described as According to my objectivist theory ... the really in-
the self-corrective circle of hermeneutics or abductive teresting function of the composer's emotions is not
semiotics. We call this view of the Hermeneutic Circle that they are to be expressed, but that they may be used
"fortunate" because, fundamentally, all scientific en- to test the success or the fittingness or the impact of the
terprises-including those of the stripe envisioned by (objective) work: the composer may use himself as a
kind of test body, and he may modify and rewrite his
Calder and Tybout-are themselves grounded in in- composition. . . when he is dissatisfied by his own re-
terpretation. When one collects a body of empirical action to it; or he may even discard it altogether.
evidence, whether in a laboratory experiment, a field
survey, or some other kind of text, one can extract In this, interpretation reaches its apotheosis in the
valid meaning from it only by means of some sort of midst of a falsificationist appeal.

In the last analysis, then, many different but poten- Hirschman, Elizabeth c., ed. (1989), Interpretive Con-
tially constructive viewpoints coexist in the philoso- sumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer
phy of science-sometimes, indeed, within the same Research, in press.
individual. Some researchers may wish to seek scien- --and Morris B. Holbrook, eds. (1981), Symbolic Con-
sumer Behavior, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer
tific respectability in the rigid categories encouraged Research.
by positivism. But we prefer to remain content with a Holbrook, Morris B. (1987), "What Is Consumer Re-
less scientistic, more postpositivistic approach to seach?" Journal of Consumer Research, 14 (June),
consumer research. Here, we can take comfort in the 128-132.
emerging consensus that any hope for the scientific --and Mark W. Grayson (1986), "The Semiology of
study of consumption hinges on our abilities, how- Cinematic Consumption: Symbolic Consumer Behav-

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