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【18Q】新 3T 进阶 6B 答案

Unit 10
Step 5 Practice
1-5: ACDDB
Step 7 Listening
1. fax machine going dead 变 breaking down; torn 变 jammed; fixed 变 replaced
2. truck oil 变 water; crack 变 hole; skipping 变 over-heating
3. wool sweater loose 变 tight; waist 变 chest; stained 变 torn
4. coffee maker cool 变 hot; leaking 变 burning ; chip 变 small crack

1-5:DBADC 6-10:DCBDD 11-15: BABCA
1. invasion 2. put forward 3. continents 4. connected 5. fear
1. 去掉 have,把后面 bought 变成 buy 2. takes 去掉 s 3. shall 改成 should
4. has 改成 had 5. shall 改成 should
VI. 阅读理解
1. He suggested that they have a rest in the next town.
2. This empty room will serve as a reading and painting room.
3. If, at the time, he had not feared failure, he would have been a scientist.

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