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2, APRIL 2004 243

Coverage Control for Mobile Sensing Networks

Jorge Cortés, Member, IEEE, Sonia Martínez, Member, IEEE, Timur Karataş, and
Francesco Bullo, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents control and coordination algo- rents, and other distributed oceanographic signals. The vehicles
rithms for groups of vehicles. The focus is on autonomous vehicle communicate via an acoustic local area network and coordi-
networks performing distributed sensing tasks, where each vehicle nate their motion in response to local sensing information and
plays the role of a mobile tunable sensor. The paper proposes
gradient descent algorithms for a class of utility functions which to evolving global data. This mobile sensing network is meant
encode optimal coverage and sensing policies. The resulting to provide the ability to sample the environment adaptively in
closed-loop behavior is adaptive, distributed, asynchronous, and space and time. By identifying evolving temperature and cur-
verifiably correct. rent gradients with higher accuracy and resolution than current
Index Terms—Centroidal Voronoi partitions, coverage control, static sensors, this technology could lead to the development and
distributed and asynchronous algorithms, sensor networks. validation of improved oceanographic models.

B. Optimal Sensor Allocation and Coverage Problems

A fundamental prototype problem in this paper is that of char-
A. Mobile Sensing Networks acterizing and optimizing notions of quality-of-service (QoS)

T HE deployment of large groups of autonomous vehicles

is rapidly becoming possible because of technological ad-
vances in networking and in miniaturization of electromechan-
provided by an adaptive sensor network in a dynamic environ-
ment. To this goal, we introduce a notion of sensor coverage that
formalizes an optimal sensor placement problem. This spatial
ical systems. In the near future, large numbers of robots will co- resource-allocation problem is the subject of a discipline called
ordinate their actions through ad-hoc communication networks, locational optimization [5]–[9].
and will perform challenging tasks, including search and re- Locational optimization problems pervade a broad spectrum
covery operations, manipulation in hazardous environments, ex- of scientific disciplines. Biologists rely on locational optimiza-
ploration, surveillance, and environmental monitoring for pol- tion tools to study how animals share territory and to charac-
lution detection and estimation. The potential advantages of em- terize the behavior of animal groups obeying the following in-
ploying teams of agents are numerous. For instance, certain teraction rule: each animal establishes a region of dominance
tasks are difficult, if not impossible, when performed by a single and moves toward its center. Locational optimization problems
vehicle agent. Further, a group of vehicles inherently provides are spatial resource-allocation problems (e.g., where to place
robustness to failures of single agents or communication links. mailboxes in a city or cache servers on the internet) and play a
Working prototypes of active sensing networks have already central role in quantization and information theory (e.g., how to
been developed; see [1]–[4]. In [3], launchable miniature mo- design a minimum-distortion fixed-rate vector quantizer). Other
bile robots communicate through a wireless network. The ve- technologies affected by locational optimization include mesh
hicles are equipped with sensors for vibrations, acoustic, mag- and grid optimization methods, clustering analysis, data com-
netic, and infrared (IR) signals as well as an active video module pression, and statistical pattern recognition.
(i.e., the camera or micro-radar is controlled via a pan-tilt unit). Because locational optimization problems are so widely
A second system is suggested in [4] under the name of Au- studied, it is not surprising that methods are indeed available to
tonomous Oceanographic Sampling Network. In this case, un- tackle coverage problems; see [5], and [8]–[10]. However, most
derwater vehicles are envisioned measuring temperature, cur- currently available algorithms are not applicable to mobile
sensing networks because they inherently assume a centralized
Manuscript received November 4, 2002; revised June 26, 2003. This computation for a limited-size problem in a known static envi-
paper was recommended for publication by Associate Editor L. Parker and ronment. This is not the case in multivehicle networks which,
Editor A. De Luca upon evaluation of the reviewers’ comments. This work instead, rely on a distributed communication and computation
was supported in part by the Army Research Office (ARO) under Grant
DAAD 190110716, and in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects architecture. Although an ad-hoc wireless network provides the
Agency/Air Force Office of Scientific Research (DARPA/AFOSR) under ability to share some information, no global omniscient leader
MURI Award F49620-02-1-0325. This paper was presented in part at the IEEE might be present to coordinate the group. The inherent spatially
Conference on Robotics and Automation, Arlington, VA, May 2002, and in
part at the Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Lisbon, distributed nature and limited communication capabilities of
Portugal, July 2002. a mobile network invalidate classic approaches to algorithm
J. Cortés, T. Karatas, and F. Bullo are with the Coordinated Science Lab- design.
oratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 USA
S. Martínez is with the Escola Universitària Politècnica de Vilanova i la C. Distributed Asynchronous Algorithms for Coverage Control
Geltrú, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Vilanova i la Geltrú 08800, Spain
(e-mail: In this paper, we design coordination algorithms imple-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TRA.2004.824698 mentable by a multivehicle network with limited sensing and
1042-296X/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE

communication capabilities. Our approach is related to the Section V-A considers vehicle models with more realistic
classic Lloyd algorithm from quantization theory; see [11] for a dynamics. We present two formal results on passive vehicle
reprint of the original report and [12] for a historical overview. dynamics and on vehicles equipped with individual local con-
We present Lloyd descent algorithms that take into careful trollers. We present numerical simulations of passive vehicle
consideration all constraints on the mobile sensing network. In models and of unicycle mobile vehicles. Next, Section V-B de-
particular, we design coverage algorithms that are adaptive, dis- scribes density functions that lead the multivehicle network to
tributed, asynchronous, and verifiably asymptotically correct. predetermined geometric patterns. We present our conclusions
and directions for future research in Section VI.
Adaptive: Our coverage algorithms provide the network
with the ability to address changing environments, sensing
D. Review of Distributed Algorithms for Cooperative Control
task, and network topology (due to agents’ departures, ar-
rivals, or failures). Recent years have witnessed a large research effort focused
Distributed: Our coverage algorithms are distributed in on motion planning and coordination problems for multivehicle
the sense that the behavior of each vehicle depends only systems. Issues include geometric patterns [13]–[16], formation
on the location of its neighbors. Also, our algorithms do control [17], [18], gradient climbing [19], and conflict avoid-
not require a fixed-topology communication graph, i.e., ance [20]. It is only recently, however, that truly distributed co-
the neighborhood relationships do change as the network ordination laws for dynamic networks are being proposed; e.g.,
evolves. The advantages of distributed algorithms are scal- see [21]–[23].
ability and robustness. Heuristic approaches to the design of interaction rules and
Asynchronous: Our coverage algorithms are amenable emerging behaviors have been throughly investigated within the
to asynchronous implementation. This means that the literature on behavior-based robotics; see [17], and [24]–[28].
algorithms can be implemented in a network composed of An example of coverage control is discussed in [29]. Along
agents evolving at different speeds, with different compu- this line of research, algorithms have been designed for sophis-
tation and communication capabilities. Furthermore, our ticated cooperative tasks. However, no formal results are cur-
algorithms do not require a global synchronization, and rently available on how to design reactive control laws, ensure
convergence properties are preserved, even if information their correctness, and guarantee their optimality with respect to
about neighboring vehicles propagates with some delay. an aggregate objective.
An advantage of asynchronism is a minimized communi- The study of distributed algorithms is concerned with
cation overhead. providing mathematical models, devising precise specifications
Verifiable Asymptotically Correct: Our algorithms guar- for their behavior, and formally proving their correctness and
antee monotonic descent of the cost function encoding the complexity. Via an automata-theoretic approach, the references
sensing task. Asymptotically, the evolution of the mobile [30] and [31] treat distributed consensus, resource allocation,
sensing network is guaranteed to converge to so-called cen- communication, and data consistency problems. From a nu-
troidal Voronoi configurations (i.e., configurations where merical optimization viewpoint, the works in [32] and [33]
the location of each generator coincides with the centroid discuss distributed asynchronous algorithms as networking
of the corresponding Voronoi cell) that are critical points algorithms, rate and flow control, and gradient descent flows.
of the optimal sensor-coverage problem. Typically, both these sets of references consider networks with
Let us describe the contributions of this paper in some detail. fixed topology, and do not address algorithms over ad-hoc dy-
Section II reviews certain locational optimization problems namically changing networks. Another common assumption is
and their solutions as centroidal Voronoi partitions. Section III that any time an agent communicates its location, it broadcasts
provides a continuous-time version of the classic Lloyd algo- it to every other agent in the network. In our setting, this would
rithm from vector quantization and applies it to the setting of require a nondistributed communication setup.
multivehicle networks. In discrete time, we propose a family Finally, we note that the terminology “coverage” is also used
of Lloyd algorithms. We carefully characterize convergence in [34] and [35] and references therein to refer to a different
properties for both continuous and discrete-time versions problem called the coverage path-planning problem, where a
(Appendix I collects some relevant facts on descent flows). single robot equipped with a limited footprint sensor needs to
We discuss a worst-case optimization problem, we investigate visit all points in its environment.
a simple uniform planar setting, and we present simulation
Section IV presents two asynchronous distributed imple- CENTROIDAL VORONOI PARTITIONS
mentations of Lloyd algorithm for ad-hoc networks with
communication and sensing capabilities. Our treatment care- A. Locational Optimization
fully accounts for the constraints imposed by the distributed In this section, we describe a collection of known facts
nature of the vehicle network. We present two asynchronous about a meaningful optimization problem. References include
implementations, one based on classic results on distributed the theory and applications of centroidal Voronoi partitions,
gradient flows, the other based on the structure of the coverage see [10], and the discipline of facility location, see [6]. In the
problem. (Appendix II briefly reviews some known results on paper, we interchangeably refer to the elements of the network
asynchronous gradient algorithms.) as sensors, agents, vehicles, or robots. We let be the set

the position of the sensors and the partition of the space. This
problem is referred to as a facility location problem and, in par-
ticular, as a continuous -median problem in [6].
Remark 2.2: Note that if we interchange the positions of any
two agents, along with their associated regions of dominance,
the value of the locational optimization function is not af-
fected. Equivalently, if denotes the discrete group of per-
mutations of elements, then
for all . To
eliminate this discrete redundancy, one could take natural action
of on , and consider as the configuration space
for the position of the vehicles.

B. Voronoi Partitions
Fig. 1. Contour plot on a polygonal environment of the Gaussian density One can easily see that, at a fixed-sensors location, the
0 0
function  = exp( x y ).
optimal partition of is the Voronoi partition
generated by the points
of nonnegative real numbers, be the set of positive natural
numbers, and .
Let be a convex polytope in , including its interior, We refer to [9] for a comprehensive treatment on Voronoi
and let denote the Euclidean distance function. We call diagrams, and briefly present some relevant concepts. The set
a map a distribution density function if it repre- of regions is called the Voronoi diagram for the
sents a measure of information or probability that some event generators . When the two Voronoi regions
takes place over . In equivalent words, we can consider to and are adjacent (i.e., they share an edge), is called a
be the bounded support of the function . Let (Voronoi) neighbor of (and vice versa). The set of indexes
be the location of sensors, each moving in the space . Be- of the Voronoi neighbors of is denoted by . Clearly,
cause of noise and loss of resolution, the sensing performance at if and only if . We also define the
point taken from th sensor at the position degrades with the face as . Voronoi diagrams can be defined with
distance between and ; we describe this degrada- respect to various distance functions, e.g., the 1-, 2-, , and
tion with a nondecreasing differentiable function . -norm over , see [36]. Some useful facts about the
Accordingly, provides a quantitative assessment of Euclidean setting are the following: if is a convex polytope
how poor the sensing performance is (see Fig. 1). in an -dimensional Euclidean space, the boundary of each
Remark 2.1: As an example, consider mobile robots is the union of -dimensional convex polytopes.
equipped with microphones attempting to detect, identify, and In what follows, we shall write
localize a sound source. How should we plan the robots’ motion
in order to maximize the detection probability? Assuming the
source emits a known signal, the optimal detection algorithm Note that using the definition of the Voronoi partition, we have
is a matched filter (i.e., convolve the known waveform with for all .
the received signal and threshold). The source is detected de- Therefore
pending on the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR), which is inversely
proportional to the distance between the microphone and the
source. Various electromagnetic and sound sensors have SNRs
inversely proportional to distance. (2)
Within the context of this paper, a partition of is a collec-
tion of polytopes with disjoint interiors, that is, the locational optimization function can be interpreted
whose union is . We say that two partitions and are as an expected value composed with a “min” operation. This is
equal if and only differ by a set of -measure zero, for the usual way in which the problem is presented in the facility
all . location and operations research literature [6]. Remarkably, one
We consider the task of minimizing the locational optimiza- can show [10] that
tion function

where we assume that the th sensor is responsible for measure-
ments over its “dominance region” . Note that the function i.e., the partial derivative of with respect to the th sensor
is to be minimized with respect to both 1) the sensors lo- only depends on its own position and the position of its Voronoi
cation , and 2) the assignment of the dominance regions . neighbors. Therefore, the computation of the derivative of
The optimization is, therefore, to be performed with respect to with respect to the sensors’ location is decentralized in the sense

of Voronoi. Moreover, one can deduce some smoothness prop- III. CONTINUOUS AND DISCRETE-TIME LLOYD DESCENT FOR
erties of : since the Voronoi partition depends at least con- COVERAGE CONTROL
tinuously on , for all , the function In this section, we describe algorithms to compute the loca-
is at least continuously differentiable on
tion of sensors that minimize the cost , both in continuous and
for some . in discrete time. In Section III-A, we propose a continuous-time
version of the classic Lloyd algorithm. Here, both the positions
C. Centroidal Voronoi Partitions
and partitions evolve in continuous time, whereas the Lloyd al-
Let us recall some basic quantities associated with a region gorithm for vector quantization is designed in discrete time. In
and a mass density function . The (generalized) mass, Section III-B, we develop a family of variations of Lloyd algo-
centroid (or center of mass), and polar moment of inertia are rithm in discrete time. In both settings, we prove that the pro-
defined as posed algorithms are gradient descent flows.

A. A Continuous-Time Lloyd Algorithm

Assume the sensors location obeys a first-order dynamical
behavior described by
Additionally, by the parallel axis theorem, one can write
Consider a cost function to be minimized and impose that
where is defined as the polar moment of inertia of the location follows a gradient descent. In equivalent con-
the region about its centroid . trol theoretical terms, consider a Lyapunov function, and
Let us consider again the locational optimization problem (1), stabilize the multivehicle system to one of its local minima via
and suppose now we are strictly interested in the setting dissipative control. Formally, we set

(5) (6)
where is a positive gain, and where we assume that the
that is, we assume . The parallel axis partition is continuously updated.
theorem leads to simplifications for both the function and Proposition 3.1 (Continuous-Time Lloyd Descent): For the
its partial derivative closed-loop system induced by (6), the sensors location con-
verges asymptotically to the set of critical points of , i.e., the
set of centroidal Voronoi configurations on . Assuming this set
is finite, the sensors location converges to a centroidal Voronoi
Proof: Under the control law (6), we have
Here, the mass density function is . It is convenient to

Therefore, the (not necessarily unique) local minimum points

for the location optimization function are centroids of their
Voronoi cells, i.e., each location satisfies two properties si- By LaSalle’s principle, the sensors location converges to the
multaneously: it is the generator for the Voronoi cell , and it largest invariant set contained in , which is precisely the
is its centroid set of centroidal Voronoi configurations. Since this set is clearly
invariant for (6), we get the stated result. If consists of
a finite collection of points, then converges to one of them
(see Corollary 1.2).
Accordingly, the critical partitions and points for are called Remark 3.2: If is finite, and , then a
centroidal Voronoi partitions. We will refer to a sensors’ config- sufficient condition that guarantees exponential convergence is
uration as a centroidal Voronoi configuration if it gives rise to a that the Hessian of be positive definite at . Establishing
centroidal Voronoi partition. Of course, centroidal Voronoi con- this property is a known open problem, see [10]. Note that this
figurations depend on the specific distribution density function gradient descent is not guaranteed to find the global minimum.
, and an arbitrary pair admits, in general, multiple cen- For example, in the vector quantization and signal processing
troidal Voronoi configurations. This discussion provides a proof literature [12], it is known that for bimodal distribution density
alternative to the one given in [10] for the necessity of centroidal functions, the solution to the gradient flow reaches local minima
Voronoi partitions as solutions to the continuous -median lo- where the number of generators allocated to the two region of
cation problem. maxima are not optimally partitioned.

B. A Family of Discrete-Time Lloyd Algorithms algorithm can also be seen as a fixed-point iteration. Consider
Let us consider the following variations of Lloyd algorithm. the mappings for
Let be a continuous mapping verifying the
following two properties:
1) for all ,
, where denotes the th component of ; Let be defined by .
2) if is not centroidal, then there exists a such that Clearly, is continuous (indeed, ), and corresponds to
. Lloyd algorithm. Now, ,
Property 1) guarantees that, if moved according to , the for all . Moreover, if is not centroidal, then
agents of the network do not increase their distance to its cor- the inequality is strict for all . Therefore, verifies
responding centroid. Property 2) ensures that at least one robot properties 1) and 2).
moves at each iteration and strictly approaches the centroid of
C. Remarks
its Voronoi region. Because of this property, the fixed points of
are the set of centroidal Voronoi configurations. 1) Note that different sensor performance functions in (1)
Proposition 3.3 (Discrete-Time Lloyd Descent): Let correspond to different optimization problems. Provided one
be a continuous mapping satisfying properties uses the Euclidean distance in the definition of [cf. (1)],
1) and 2). Let denote the initial sensors’ location. the standard Voronoi partition computed with respect to the
Then, the sequence converges to the set Euclidean metric remains the optimal partition. For arbitrary
of centroidal Voronoi configurations. If this set is finite, then , it is not possible anymore to decompose into the sum
the sequence converges to a centroidal of terms similar to and . Nevertheless, it is still
Voronoi configuration. possible to implement the gradient flow via the expression for
Proof: Consider as an objective func- the partial derivative (3).
tion for the algorithm . Using the parallel axis theorem, Proposition 3.5: Assume the sensors location obeys a first-
, and order dynamical behavior, . Then, for the closed-loop
therefore system induced by the gradient law (3), , the
sensors location converges asymptotically to
(7) the set of critical points of . Assuming this set is finite, the
sensors location converges to a critical point.
as long as for all , 2) More generally, various distance notions can be used to
with strict inequality if for any , . define locational optimization functions. Different performance
In particular, , with strict inequality if function gives rise to corresponding notions of “center of a
, where denotes the set of centroids of the partition region” (any notion of geometric center, mean, or average is an
. Moreover, since the Voronoi partition is the optimal one for interesting candidate). These can then be adopted in designing
fixed , we also have coverage algorithms. We refer to [36] for a discussion on
Voronoi partitions based on non-Euclidean distance functions,
(8) and to [5] and [8] for a discussion on the corresponding
locational optimization problems.
with strict inequality if . 3) Next, let us discuss an interesting variation of the original
Now, because of property 1) of , inequality (7) yields problem. In [6], minimizing the expected minimum distance
function in (2) is referred to as the continuous -median
problem. It is instructive to consider the worst-case minimum
distance function, corresponding to the scenario where no in-
and the inequality is strict if is not centroidal by property 2) formation is available on the distribution density function. In
of . In addition other words, the network seeks to minimize the largest possible
distance from any point in to any of the sensor locations, i.e.,
to minimize the function
because of (8). Hence, , and the inequality
is strict if is not centroidal. We then conclude that is a
descent function for the algorithm . The result now follows This optimization is referred to as the -center problem in [6]
from the global convergence Theorem 1.3 and Proposition 1.4 and [7]. One can design a strategy for the -center problem
in Appendix I. analog to the Lloyd algorithm for the -median problem. Each
Remark 3.4: Lloyd algorithm in quantization theory [11], vehicle moves, in continuous or discrete time, toward the center
[12] is usually presented as follows. Given the location of of the minimum-radius sphere enclosing the polytope. We
agents, : 1) construct the Voronoi partition corre- refer to [37] for a convergence analysis of the continuous-time
sponding to ; 2) compute the mass centroids algorithms.
of the Voronoi regions found in step 1). Set the new location In what follows, we shall restrict our attention to the -median
of the agents to these centroids, and return to step 1). Lloyd problem and to centroidal Voronoi partitions.

E. Numerical Simulations
To illustrate the performance of the continuous-time
Lloyd algorithm, we include some simulation results. The
algorithm is implemented in as a single cen-
tralized program. For the setting, the code computes the
bounded Voronoi diagram using the package
, and computes mass, centroid,
and polar moment of inertia of polygons via the numerical
Fig. 2. Notation conventions for a convex polygon. integration routine . Careful attention was paid to
numerical accuracy issues in the computation of the Voronoi
diagram and in the integration. We illustrate the performance
D. Computations Over Polygons With Uniform Density of the closed-loop system in Fig. 3.
In this section, we investigate closed-form expression for the
control laws introduced above. Assume the Voronoi region IV. ASYNCHRONOUS DISTRIBUTED IMPLEMENTATIONS
is a convex polygon (i.e., a polytope in ) with vertexes
labeled such as in Fig. 2. It is In this section, we show how the Lloyd gradient algorithm
convenient to define . Furthermore, we can be implemented in an asynchronous distributed fashion. In
assume that the density function is . By evaluating Section IV-A, we describe our model for a network of robotic
the corresponding integrals, one can obtain the following agents, and we introduce a precise notion of distributed evolu-
closed-form expressions: tion. Next, we provide two distributed algorithms for the local
computation and maintenance of the Voronoi cells. Finally, in
Section IV-C, we propose two distributed asynchronous im-
plementations of Lloyd algorithm. The first one is based on
the gradient optimization algorithms, as described in [32], and
the second one relies on the special structure of the coverage

A. Modeling an Asynchronous Distributed Network of Mobile

Robotic Agents
We start by modeling a robotic agent that performs sensing,
To present a simple formula for the polar moment of inertia, let
communication, computation, and control actions. We are in-
and , for .
terested in the behavior of the asynchronous network resulting
Then, the polar moment of inertia of a polygon about its centroid
from the interaction of finitely many robotic agents. A frame-
work to formalize the following concepts is the theory of dis-
tributed algorithms; see [30].
Let us here introduce the notion of robotic agent with com-
putation, communication, and control capabilities as the th ele-
ment of a network. The th agent has a processor with the ability
of allocating continuous and discrete states and performing op-
The proof of these formulas is based on decomposing the erations on them. Each vehicle has access to its unique identifier
polygon into the union of disjoint triangles. We refer to [38] for . The th agent occupies a location and it is ca-
analog expressions over . pable of moving in space, at any time for any period of
Note also that the Voronoi polygon’s vertexes can be ex- time , according to a first-order dynamics of the form
pressed as a function of the neighboring vehicles. The vertexes
of the th Voronoi polygon that lie in the interior of are the (11)
circumcenters of the triangles formed by and any two neigh-
bors adjacent to . The circumcenter of the triangle determined The processor has access to the agent’s location and deter-
by , , and is mines the control pair . The processor of the th agent
has access to a local clock , and a scheduling sequence,
i.e., an increasing sequence of times such
that and . The
(10) processor of the th agent is capable of transmitting information
to any other agent within a closed disk of radius . We
where is the area of the triangle, and . assume the communication radius to be a quantity control-
Equation (9) for a polygon’s centroid and (10) for the Voronoi lable by the th processor and the corresponding communica-
cell’s vertexes lead to a closed-form algebraic expression for tion bandwidth to be limited. We represent the information flow
the control law in (6) as a function of the neighboring vehicles’ between the agents by means of “send” (within specified radius
location. ) and “receive” commands with a finite number of arguments.

Fig. 3. Lloyd continuous-time algorithm for 32 agents on a convex polygonal environment, with the Gaussian density function of Fig. 1. The control gain in (6)
is k = 1 for all the vehicles. The left (respectively, right) figure illustrates the initial (respectively, final) locations and Voronoi partition. The central figure
illustrates the gradient descent flow.

We shall alternatively consider networks of robotic agents TABLE I

with computation, sensing, and control capabilities. In this case, ADJUST-SENSING-RADIUS ALGORITHM
the processor of the th agent has the same computation and
control capabilities as before. Furthermore, we assume the pro-
cessor can detect any other agent within a closed disk of radius
. We assume the sensing radius to be a quantity
controllable by the processor.
Remark 4.1: We assume all communication between agents
and all sensing of agents’ locations to be always accurate and
Consider the closed-loop system formed by the evolution of
the agents of a network, according to (11). The network evo-
lution is said to be Voronoi-distributed if each
can be written as a function of the form ,
with , . It is well known that there
are, at most, neighborhood relationships in a planar
Voronoi diagram [9, Sec. 2.3]. As a consequence, the number
of Voronoi neighbors of each site is, on average, less than or
equal to six, i.e., . (Recall that sites are Voronoi neigh-
bors if they share an edge, not just a vertex.) Accordingly, we
argue that Voronoi-distributed algorithms lead to scalable net-
works. Finally, note that the set of indexes for a Fig. 4. An execution (from left to right) of the adjust-communication-radius
specific generator of a Voronoi-distributed dynamical system algorithm. The sensing disk B (p ; R ) is in light gray, and the Voronoi cell
estimate W (p ; R ) is the darker gray region.
is not the same for all possible configurations of the network.
In other words, the identity of the Voronoi neighbors changes
along the evolution, i.e., the topology of the closed-loop system We present the algorithm for a robotic agent with sensing
is dynamic. capabilities (as well as computation and control). The processor
of the th agent allocates the information it has on the position
B. Voronoi Cell Computation and Maintenance of the other agents in the state variable . The objective is to
determine the smallest distance for agent which provides
A key requirement of the Lloyd algorithms presented in
enough information to compute the Voronoi cell . Define the
Section III is that each agent must be able to compute its own
following convex set:
Voronoi cell. To do so, each agent needs to know the relative
location (distance and bearing) of each Voronoi neighbor. The (12)
ability of locating neighbors plays a central role in numerous where and the half
algorithms for localization, media access, routing, and power planes are
control in ad-hoc wireless communication networks; e.g., see
[39]–[41] and references therein. Therefore, any motion-con-
trol scheme might be able to obtain this information from the Provided is twice as large as the maximum distance between
underlying communication layer. In what follows, we set out and the vertexes of , one can show that all Voronoi
to provide a distributed asynchronous algorithm for the local neighbors of are within distance from and the equality
computation and maintenance of Voronoi cells. The algorithm holds. The minimum adequate sensing radius
is related to the synchronous scheme in [41], and is based on is, therefore, . This ar-
basic properties of Voronoi diagrams. gument guarantees the correctness of the adjust-communica-



tion-radius algorithm in Table I. The execution of this algorithm

is illustrated in Fig. 4.
A similar adjust-communication-radius algorithm can be de-
signed for a robotic agent with communication capabilities. The
and therefore, event is set to . Similarly, if an event of type
specifications go as in the previous algorithm, except for the fact
2) occurs at time , i.e., a new active agent
that steps 2 and 6 are substituted by
(say, the th) becomes a Voronoi neighbor of the th agent, then
send (request to reply within radius weight , and event is set to .
receive (response from all agents within radius
C. Asynchronous Distributed Implementations of Coverage
Further, we have to require each agent to perform the following Control
event-driven task: if the th agent receives at any time a “re- Let us now present two versions of Lloyd algorithm for the
quest to reply” message from the th agent located at position solution of the optimization problem 1) that can be implemented
, it executes by an asynchronous distributed network of robotic agents. For
simplicity, we assume that at time 0, all clocks are synchronized
send (response within radius (although they later can run at different speeds), and that each
agent knows at 0 the exact location of every other agent. The
Next, we present the monitoring algorithm (cf. Table II),
coverage behavior algorithm I (cf. Table III) is designed for
whose objective is to maintain the information about the
robotic agents with communication capabilities, and requires
Voronoi cell of the th agent, and detect certain events. We
the adjust-communication-radius algorithm (while it does not
consider robotic agents with sensing capabilities. We call
require the monitoring algorithm).
an agent active if it is moving, and we assume the th agent
As a consequence of the results in [32, Th. 3.1 and Cor. 3.1]
can determine whether any agent within radius is active
(see Appendix II, Theorem 2.2 below for a brief exposition), we
or not. It turns out that (only) the following two events are
have the following result.
of interest: 1) a Voronoi neighbor of the th agent becomes
Proposition 4.2: Let denote the initial sensors
active; and 2) an active agent becomes a Voronoi neighbor of
location. Let be the sequence in increasing order of all
the th agent. In both cases, we record the event by setting
the scheduling sequences of the agents of the network. Assume
a Boolean variable event to true (as we shall later show, this
. Then, there exists a sufficiently small
will trigger an appropriate control action). The map weight
such that if , the coverage behavior algo-
in Table II is defined by
rithm I converges to the set of critical points of , that is, the
if and is active set of centroidal Voronoi configurations.
if and is not active Next, we focus on distributed asynchronous implementations
if of Lloyd algorithm that take advantage of the special structure
of the coverage problem. The coverage behavior algorithm II
We denote by weight the th component of weight. The algo- (cf. Table IV) is designed for robotic agents with sensing capa-
rithm is designed to run for times . bilities; it requires the monitoring and the adjust-sensing-radius
The correctness of the monitoring algorithm is guaranteed by algorithms. Two advantages of this algorithm over the previous
the following argument: if an event of type 1) occurs at time one are that there is no need for each agent to exactly go toward
, i.e., an agent (say, the th) that is a Voronoi neighbor the centroid of its Voronoi cell nor to take a small step at each
of the th agent becomes active, then weight , stage.


Fig. 5. Coverage control for 32 vehicles with second-order dynamics. The

environment and Gaussian density function are as in Fig. 3. The control gains
are k = 6 and k = 1.

control systems whose dynamics are passive [42]. Relevant

examples include networks of vehicles and robots with
general Lagrangian dynamics, as well as spatially invariant
passive linear systems. Specifically, assume that for each
, the th vehicle state includes the spatial vari-
able , and that the vehicle’s dynamics are passive with input
, output , and storage function . Furthermore,
assume that the input preserving the zero-dynamics manifold
is .
For such systems, we devise a proportional derivative (PD)
control via
Remark 4.3: The control law in step of the coverage be-
havior algorithm II can be defined via a saturation function. For where and are scalar positive gains. The closed-loop
instance, system induced by this control law can be analyzed with the
if Lyapunov function
Then set .
With respect to the correctness of the coverage behavior algo-
yielding the following result.
rithm II, one can consider the time instants when the computa-
Proposition 5.1: For passive systems, the control law (13)
tion of the centroid of the Voronoi region of any agent is made,
achieves asymptotic convergence of the sensors location to the
together with the time instants when any agent decides to stop,
set of centroidal Voronoi configurations. If this set is finite,
and regard the execution of this algorithm as a discrete-time
then the sensors location converges to a centroidal Voronoi
mapping. Resorting to the discussion in Section III-B on the
convergence of the discrete Lloyd algorithms, one can prove that
Proof: Consider the evolution of the function
the coverage behavior algorithm II verifies properties 1) and 2).
As a consequence of Proposition 3.3, we then have the following
Proposition 4.4: Let denote the initial sensors lo-
cation. The coverage behavior algorithm II converges to the set
of critical points of , that is, the set of centroidal Voronoi
By LaSalle’s principle, the sensors location converges to the
largest invariant set contained in . Given the assump-
In this section, we investigate various extensions and appli- tion on the zero dynamics, we conclude that for
cations of the algorithms proposed in Sections II–IV. We ex- , i.e., the largest invariant set corresponds to
tend the treatment to vehicles with passive dynamics and we the set of centroidal Voronoi configurations. If this set is finite,
also consider discrete-time implementations of the algorithms LaSalle’s principle also guarantees convergence to a specific
for vehicles endowed with a local motion planner. Finally, we centroidal Voronoi configuration.
describe interesting ways of designing density functions to solve In Fig. 5, we illustrate the performance of the control law (13)
problems apparently unrelated to coverage. for vehicles with second-order dynamics and storage
function .
A. Variations on Vehicle Dynamics Coordination of vehicles with local controllers. Next, con-
Here, we consider vehicle systems described by more general sider the setting where each vehicle has arbitrary dynamics and
linear and nonlinear dynamical models. is endowed with a local feedback and feedforward controller.
Coordination of vehicles with passive dynamics. We start by The controller is capable of strictly decreasing the distance to
considering the extension of the control design to nonlinear any specified position in in a specified period of time .

Fig. 6. Coverage control for 16 vehicles with mobile wheeled dynamics. The environment and Gaussian density function are as in Fig. 3, and k = 3.

Assume the dynamics of the th vehicle are described by

, where denotes its state, and
is such that . Assume also that for any
and any , there exists
such that the solution of

Fig. 7. Coverage control for 32 vehicles with  . The parameter values

verifies . are k = 500, a = 1:4, b = 0:6, x = y = 0, r = 0:3, and k = 1.
Proposition 5.2: Consider the following coordination algo-
rithm. At time , , each vehicle computes
and ; then, for time , the vehicle executes
. For this closed-loop system, the sensors lo-
cation converges to the set of centroidal Voronoi configurations.
If this set is finite, then the sensors location converges to a cen-
troidal Voronoi configuration.
The proof of this result readily follows from Proposition 3.3, Fig. 8. Coverage control for 32 vehicles to an ellipsoidal disk. The density
function parameters are the same as in Fig. 7, and ` = 10, k = 1.
since the algorithm verifies properties 1) and 2) of Section III-B.
As an example, we consider a classic model of mobile
wheeled dynamics, the unicycle model. Assume the th vehicle termined geometric patterns. In particular, we present simple
has configuration evolving according to density functions that lead to segments, ellipses, polygons, or
uniform distributions inside convex environments.
Consider a planar environment, let be a large positive gain,
where are the control inputs for vehicle . Note and denote . Let , , be real numbers,
that the definition of is unique up to the discrete consider the line , and define the density function
action . Given a target point
, we use this symmetry to require the equality
for all time . Should Similarly, let be a reference point in , let , , be
the equality be violated at some time , we shall redefine positive scalars, consider the ellipse
and as from time onward. , and define the density function
Following the approach in [43], consider the control law

Fig. 7 illustrates the performance of the closed-loop network

corresponding to this density function. During the simulations,
we observed that the convergence to the desired pattern was
where is a positive gain. This feedback law differs from rather slow.
the original stabilizing strategy in [43] only in the fact that no Finally, define the smooth ramp function
final angular position is preferred. One can prove that , and the density function
is guaranteed to monotonically approach the target posi-
tion when run over an infinite time horizon. We illustrate
the performance of the proposed algorithm in Fig. 6. This density function leads the multivehicle network to obtain
a uniform distribution inside the ellipsoidal disk
B. Geometric Patterns and Formation Control . We illustrate this density function in Fig. 8.
Here, we suggest the use of decentralized coverage algo- It appears straightforward to generalize these types of density
rithms as formation control algorithms, and we present various functions to the setting of arbitrary curves or shapes. The pro-
density functions that lead the multivehicle network to prede- posed algorithms are to be contrasted with the classic approach

to formation control, based on rigidly encoding the desired geo- B. Discrete-Time Descent Flows
metric pattern. One disadvantage of the proposed approach is
Let be a subset of . An algorithm is a continuous
the requirement for a careful numerical computation of Voronoi
mapping from to . A set is said to be positively in-
diagrams and centroids. We refer to [14] and [15] for previous
variant with respect to if implies .A
work on algorithms for geometric patterns, and to [17] and [18]
point is said to be a fixed point of if . We de-
for formation control algorithms.
note the set of fixed points of by . A descent function for
on , , is any nonnegative real-valued continuous
VI. CONCLUSIONS function satisfying for , where the in-
equality is strict if . Typically, is the objective function
We have presented a novel approach to coordination algo- to be minimized, and reflects this goal by yielding a point that
rithms for multivehicle networks. The scheme can be thought reduces (or at least does not increase) .
of as an interaction law between agents, and as such it is imple- Lemma 1.3 (Global Convergence Theorem): Let
mentable in a distributed scalable asynchronous fashion. be an algorithm with a compact, positively invariant set
This paper leaves numerous important extensions open for and a descent function . Let and denote
further research. First, we envision considering the setting of , . Let be an accumulation point of the se-
structured environments (ranging all the way from simple non- quence . Then ,
convex polygon to more realistic ground, air, and underwater and as .
environments); it might be useful, for example, to design dis- Proposition 1.4: If the set is a finite collection of points,
tributed algorithms for the art gallery problem. Second, it is then converges and equals one of them.
clearly important to consider nonisotropic sensors, such as cam- Proof: Let be an accumulation point of and as-
eras and directional microphones, as well as limited footprint sume the whole sequence does not converge to it. Then, there
sensors, as studied, for example, in the literature on coverage exists an such that for all , there is a , such
path planning. Third, we plan to extend the algorithms to pro- that . Let be the minimum of all the distances
vide collision avoidance guarantees and to vehicle dynamics between the points in . Fix . Since is con-
which are not locally controllable. Finally, to investigate the tinuous and is finite, there exists such that ,
effect of measurement errors on our proposed algorithms and with , implies (that is, for each ,
to quantify their closed-loop robustness, we are implementing there exists such , and we take the minimum over ).
these algorithms on a network of all-terrain vehicles. All these Now, since , there exists such that for
problems provide nontrivial challenges that go beyond our cur- all , . Also, we know that there is a
rent treatment. subsequence of which converges to , let us
denote it by . For , there exists such that
for all , we have .
Let . Take such that Then
In this section, we collect some relevant facts on descent (14)
flows both in the continuous and in the discrete-time settings.
We do this following [44] and [45], respectively. We include Now we are going to prove that . If ,
Proposition 1.4, as we are unable to locate it in the linear and then this claim is straightforward, since . If ,
nonlinear programming literature. suppose that . Since ,
then . Therefore, there exists such
A. Continuous-Time Descent Flows that . Necessarily, . Now, by the
triangle inequality, .
Consider the differential equation , where Then
is locally Lipschitz and is an open connected set.
A set is said to be (positively) invariant with respect to
if implies , for all (resp. ).
A descent function for on , , is a continuously
differentiable function such that on . We denote by
the set of points in where and by be the which contradicts (14). Therefore, . This
largest invariant set contained in . Finally, the distance from a argument can be iterated to prove that for all , we
point to a set is defined as . have . Let us take now such that
Lemma 1.1 (LaSalle’s Principle): Let be a compact . Since , we have
set that it is positively invariant with respect to . Let , and therefore
and be an accumulation point of . Then and
as .
The following corollary is [44, Exercise 3.22].
Corollary 1.2: If the set is a finite collection of points, which is a contradiction. Therefore, converges
then the limit of exists and equals one of them. to .

APPENDIX II In the particular case when, for each ,

ASYNCHRONOUS GRADIENT ALGORITHMS the partial derivative only depends on , with
In this section, we present a brief account of the results in [32] for certain set , the previous result
can be restated in the following form.
concerning asynchronous gradient optimization algorithms. We
Theorem 2.2: Assume each processor communicates its
do not review them in their full generality, but rather formulate
components to every other processor in at least once
them in a form readily applicable to our setting.
every time units, for some constant . Then, there exists a
Let be finite-dimensional real vector spaces, and
let . If , , we constant such that if , the deterministic
refer to as the th component of . Let be a set of gradient algorithm (15) verifies
processors that participate in the computation. The algorithms
considered here evolve in discrete time. This restriction does
not involve any loss of generality, since the events of interest
(an update by a processor, a transmission of a message, etc.)
may be indexed by a discrete variable. The value stored by the
for all and all
th processor at time (global) is denoted by . This global
clock is only need for analysis purposes. The processors may
be working without having access to it; instead, they may have
access to a local clock or to no clock at all. REFERENCES
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