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The following set of rules of Courtly Love is based on the De Amore (on Love) of Andreas Capellanus,1.

Marriage should not be a deterrent to love.Villiany2. Love cannot exist in the individual who cannot be
jealous.3. A double love cannot obligate an individual.4. Love constantly waxes and wanes.5. That which is
not given freely by the object of one's love loses its savor.6. It is necessary for a male to reach the age of
maturity in order to love.7. A lover must observe a two-year widowhood after his beloved's death.8. Only
the most urgent circumstances should deprive one of love.9. Only the insistence of love can motivate one to
love.10. Love cannot coexist with avarice.11. A lover should not love anyone who would be an
embarrassing marriagechoice.12. True love excludes all from its embrace but the beloved.13. Public
revelation of love is deadly to love in most instances.14. The value of love is commensurate with its
difficulty of attainment.15. The presence of one's beloved causes palpitation of the heart.16. The sight of
one's beloved causes palpitations of the heart.17. A new love brings an old one to a finish.18. Good
character is the one real requirement for worthiness of love.19. When love grows faint its demise is usually
certain.20. Apprehension is the constant companion of true love.21. Love is reinforced by jealousy.22.
Suspicion of the beloved generates jealousy and therefore intensifies love.23. Eating and sleeping diminish
greatly when one is aggravated by love.24. The lover's every deed is performed with the thought of his
beloved in mind.25. Unless it please his beloved, no act or thought is worthy to the lover.26. Love is
powerless to hold anything from love.Outline of The Romance of the Rose. Here is the outline of the poem
in total.
1.Prologue (ll. 1-20)2.The Dreamer Falls in Lovea.The Dreamer finds and explores the Garden (ll. 21-
1422)1.The paintings of undesirable people on the wall (ll. 139-4602.The beautiful people of the
Gardenand the God of Love (ll. 707-1232)b.The Dreamer (now become the Lover) falls in love with the
Rose; the God of Love instructs him in love (ll. 1423-2748)c.First approach to the Rose and setback (ll.
2749-3081)1.The Lover asks for the Rose; Resistance chases him away (ll. 2863-2954)2.Reason reasons
with the Lover (ll. 2955-3082)d.Second approach and setback (ll. 3083-4190)1.Friend, Candor, Pity, and
Venus help the Lover to approach the Rose (ll. 3083-3454)2.Warm Welcome allows him to kiss the Rose
(ll. 3455-80)3.Warm Welcome taken and imprisoned by Jealousy and friends (ll.3481-4190) (End of
Guillaume’s part, beginning of Jean’s continuation)3.The Attack on the Fortressa.Reason lectures the Lover
at great length; he still will not listen (ll. 4191-7200)b.Friend returns with more advice (ll. 7201-
9972)Monologue of the Jealous Husband (ll. 8437-9330)c.The God of Love returns, decides to help the
Lover (third attempt on the Rose) (ll. 9973-11983)1.The Lover rejected by Wealth (.. 10021-237)2.Love’s
barons are assembled (ll. 10400-888)3.The revelation of False Seeming (ll. 10889-11984)d.The attack
begins; a gift sent to Warm Welcome; The Old Woman speaks her mind (ll. 11985-14777)e.The Lover
chased away again; the assault resumes (ll. 14778-15795)1.Venus comes to the rescue (ll. 15597-846)4.The
Lover wins the Rosea.Nature confesses to her priest, Genius (ll. 15863-19380)1.All of creation is reviewed
(ll. 16699-18990)2.Nature complains that man does not do her bidding (ll. 18991-19304)
b.Genius gives his sermon to the troups (ll. 19369-20673)Full pardon is granted to everyone who serves
Nature through procreation (ll. 19475-20652)c.The Fortress is taken (ll. 20653-21315)1.The story of
Pygmalion (ll. 20786-21184)2.Venus sends her torch into the tower (ll. 21221-246)d.The Lover possesses
the Rose and awakens (ll. 21316-750)

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