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Julio Garavito Armero.

Julio Garavito Armero, born and died in Santafé de Bogota Colombia, the 5 of January on 1865. His
fathers were sir Hermogenes Garavito and madam Dolores Armero, he had 4 brothers, that was:
Jose Maria, Jorge, Fernando, Justino and Maria Tereza. In 1893 he get married with missy Maria
Luisa Cadena. He had a liking by the mathematics science. He graduated as a bachelor in
philosophy and letters in 1884.

Julio Garavito Armero was the Colombian more important in the educational field in the XVIII
century, their contributions more highlighted were in astronomy, thank to this, a moon crater bear
his name. In 1902 proposed to de government a plan for the observatory to hold the class of
Colombia with astronomical methods. The project was approved, and the latitudes office was
created, under his direction.

He was a man a little antipathetic and thinker, joked with his students, he liked to teach. As
astronomer, made important discoveries, such as the latitudinal locations of Bogota and studies of
the asteroids that passed through the earth between 1901 and 1910.


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