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Cora Bae, Barkhas Ganbold, Blessed Akinlabi, Yoshitomo Fujita

Ms. Rajan
Comparative Cultures 12
30 January 2019

■ Build in a shape resembling a paraboloid

■ The snow must be thick and strong enough
■ Snow and ice = insulators (trap body heat)
Cathedrals & Churches

■ Vertical Emphasis
(aspiration to Heaven)
■ Increase height
 eagerness of Christianity

■ Places for prayer, study, rest, and reflection

■ Dorm shape = the vault of heaven
■ Intricate geometric and breathtaking patterns
 illustrate holistic perspective

■ Typical whitewashed houses, blue domed building

■ Landscape + weather condition
= picturesque scenery
Japanese Castle

■ Mostly built in 15th century

■ Small independent states fought each other
 Built small castles to defend themselves
■ Consisted of multiple rings of defense
■ Administrative and military headquarters
= a symbol of authority
Castle Town = (Jokamachi)
• Military base
• Centre of an administrative and commercial city.
(Floor Heating System)
■ Korean traditional architecture
underfloor heating system
■ Native culture
■ Direct heat transfer from wood smoke and warms up
a thick masonry floor

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