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Europ. J.

Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288

An overview of APSIM, a model designed for farming systems

B.A. Keating a,, P.S. Carberry a, G.L. Hammer b, M.E. Probert a,
M.J. Robertson a, D. Holzworth a, N.I. Huth a, J.N.G. Hargreaves a,
H. Meinke b, Z. Hochman a, G. McLean b, K. Verburg c, V. Snow c,
J.P. Dimes a,d,e, M. Silburn e, E. Wang b, S. Brown a, K.L. Bristow c,
S. Asseng f, S. Chapman b,f, R.L. McCown a, D.M. Freebairn e, C.J. Smith c
CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems/APSRU, 120 Meiers Road, Indooroopilly, Qld 4068, Australia
Department of Primary Industries/APSRU, Toowoomba, Qld, Australia
CSIRO Land and Water/APSRU, Canberra, Australia
ICRISAT, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Department of Natural Resources and Mines/APSRU, Toowoomba, Australia
CSIRO Plant Industry, Perth, Australia


The Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) is a modular modelling framework that has been
developed by the Agricultural Production Systems Research Unit in Australia. APSIM was developed to simulate
biophysical process in farming systems, in particular where there is interest in the economic and ecological outcomes of
management practice in the face of climatic risk. The paper outlines APSIM’s structure and provides details of the
concepts behind the different plant, soil and management modules. These modules include a diverse range of crops,
pastures and trees, soil processes including water balance, N and P transformations, soil pH, erosion and a full range of
management controls. Reports of APSIM testing in a diverse range of systems and environments are summarised. An
example of model performance in a long-term cropping systems trial is provided. APSIM has been used in a broad
range of applications, including support for on-farm decision making, farming systems design for production or
resource management objectives, assessment of the value of seasonal climate forecasting, analysis of supply chain issues
in agribusiness activities, development of waste management guidelines, risk assessment for government policy making
and as a guide to research and education activity. An extensive citation list for these model testing and application
studies is provided.
Crown Copyright # 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Farming systems modelling; APSIM; Simulation model

1. Introduction
 Corresponding author. Tel.: /61-7-32142373; fax: /61-7-
32142308 Agricultural Production Systems Simulator
E-mail address: (B.A. Keating). (APSIM) is a modelling framework that allows
1161-0301/02/$ - see front matter. Crown Copyright # 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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268 B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288

individual modules of key components of the in response to management with prediction of the
farming system (defined by model developer and long-term consequences of farming practice on the
selected by model user) to be ‘plugged in’ soil resource (e.g. soil organic matter dynamics,
(McCown et al., 1996). APSIM has been devel- erosion, acidification etc.).
oped by the Agricultural Production Systems
Research Unit (APSRU), a collaborative group
made up from CSIRO and Queensland State
Government agencies. Development started with 2. Overview of the APSIM system and its
the formation of APSRU in 1991 and the effort components
has grown from an initial team of 2 programmers
and 6 scientists (actively engaged in model design The APSIM modelling framework is made up
and elaboration) to the current team of 6 pro- of;
grammers and software engineers and 12 scientists. a) a set of biophysical modules that simulate
The initial stimulus to develop APSIM came biological and physical processes in farming
from a perceived need for modelling tools that systems,
provided accurate predictions of crop production b) a set of management modules that allow the
in relation to climate, genotype, soil and manage- user to specify the intended management rules
ment factors, whilst addressing long-term resource that characterise the scenario being simulated
management issues in farming systems. In 1991, and that control the conduct of the simulation
we were influenced by the strength of models like c) various modules to facilitate data input and
CERES and GRO distributed by the International output to and from the simulation,
Benchmark Sites Network for Agrotechnology d) a simulation engine that drives the simulation
Transfer (IBSNAT) project (Uehara and Tsuji, process and controls all messages passing
1991) and subsequently linked together in the between the independent modules.
DSSAT shell (Jones et al., 1998). We were also
influenced by the phenomenological approaches to These elements of the APSIM framework have
crop modelling pioneered by Sinclair (1986). We been illustrated by the ‘spider diagram’ (Fig. 1),
also recognised at this time that these stand-alone which more correctly represents a ‘hub and spokes’
crop models did not address important ‘systems’ metaphor. Framework in this context refers to a
aspects of cropping. These aspects included deal- set of structures that support the higher order goal
ing with rotations, fallows, residues, crop estab- of farming systems simulation.
lishment, crop death, dynamic management
decisions that were responsive to weather or soil
conditions, longer term soil processes such as loss
or organic matter, soil erosion, structural degrada-
tion, soil acidification and so on. We were also
familiar with simulators such as NTRM (Shaffer
et al., 1983), CENTURY (Parton et al., 1987),
EPIC (Williams, 1983) and PERFECT (Littleboy
et al., 1989) and recognised the strengths of these
models in dealing with the fate of the soil resources
in the long term, but recognised their limited
ability to address crop management issues where
accurate simulation of crop yields in response to
weather, genotype and management practices was
required (Steiner et al., 1987). APSIM was de- Fig. 1. Diagrammatic representation of the APSIM simulation
signed at the outset as a farming systems simulator framework with individual crop and soil modules, module
that sought to combine accurate yield estimation interfaces and the simulation engine.
B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288 269

In addition to the science and infrastructure 2001) has recently expanded the range of farming
elements of the APSIM simulator, the framework systems that can be addressed. This capability is
also includes: being applied to both production forestry systems
as well as natural vegetation systems. One of the
a) various user interfaces for model construction, most active areas of biophysical module develop-
testing and application (e.g. APSFRONT, ment for APSIM has been with respect to soil
APSIM-Explorer, APSWIZ), processes. Modules exist for soil water, solute
b) various interfaces and associated database movement, soil nitrogen (including organic matter
tools for visualisation and further analysis of dynamics), soil phosphorus, soil pH, and erosion.
simulation output (e.g. APSGRAPH, APSIM- In addition, APSIM includes a modules on soil
Outlook), surface residue dynamics, with linkages to water
c) various model development, testing and doc- and nutrient processes.
umentation tools (e.g. APSEUDO, APS- APSIM version 1 (last release was ver 1.61 in
TOOL) and 30th May 2000) was restricted to a single point
d) a web-based user and developer support facil- simulation, something that is generally considered
ity that provides documentation, distribution to represent a paddock with uniform soil and
and defect/change request tracking capability management. With the release of APSIM version 2
(e.g. on 24th February, 2001, a multi-point capability
has been included in the simulation infrastructure.
While APSIM includes a generic simulation
This means that multiple instances of any APSIM
framework, it can only be applied in situations
module can be created at the outset or during a
where the appropriate biophysical modules are
simulation. The elaboration of APSIM science
available. In this respect, APSIM’s capability is modules to make use of this new software cap-
most developed for cropping systems, with crop ability is the subject of current research. The issues
modules available for the majority of the grain and receiving attention include; agroforestry systems,
fibre crops grown in temperate and tropical areas. in which multi-point simulations of tree /crop
APSIM’s strongly modular design (Jones et al., interface zones are being explored (Huth et al.,
2001) has made it possible to easily build links to 2001), crop /animal interactions, in which a multi-
component models developed by other groups. An paddock representation of a farming system is
example of this has been the inclusion of the plant needed to address animal management issues, on-
aspects of the OZCOT model (Hearn, 1994) from farm water capture and storage, in which a farm
CSIRO Plant Industry in the APSIM framework. dam module is developed, filled from farm runoff
One important crop missing from APSIM’s cur- or irrigation supplies and used to supply water to
rent capability is rice, and a rice module is multiple paddocks growing crops at the same time.
currently under development in collaboration While these multi-point capabilities are not well
with the International Consortium for Agricul- developed or widely applied as yet, they are
tural Systems Applications (ICASA) group. expected to have a large impact on the utility of
Only limited capability currently exists within APSIM over the next 5 year period in its develop-
APSIM modules to address pastures and there is ment.
currently no well developed capability to address
animal production systems issues involving meat,
dairy or wool production. Collaboration with the 3. Details of APSIM components
group in CSIRO Plant Industry responsible for the
GRASSGRO/GRASFEED models (Donnelly et 3.1. Crops, pastures and forest
al., 1994) seeks to enable more seamless linkages
between APSIM and these other modelling frame- APSIM contains an array of modules for
works (Wright et al., 1997). The inclusion of a simulating growth, development and yield of
generic forest module for APSIM (Huth et al., crops, pastures and forests and their interactions
270 B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288

with the soil. Currently crop modules are available modules of APSIM utilised concepts from existing
for barley, canola, chickpea, cotton, cowpea, models available at the time (e.g. Jones and
hemp, fababean, lupin, maize, millet, mucuna, Kiniry, 1986; Sinclair, 1986) and added concept
mungbean, navybean, peanut, pigeonpea, sor- enhancements from local research to improve
ghum, soybean, sunflower, wheat and sugarcane. existing models as required.
In addition there are general modules for forest, Currently in APSIM, all plant species use the
pasture and weed as well as specific implementa- same physiological principles to capture resources
tions for the pasture species lucerne and stylo. and use these resources to grow. The main
Citation details for these modules are provided differences are the thresholds and shapes of their
where available in Table 1. The scientific bases of response functions. Descriptions of these processes
simulation approaches employed for all functional are covered by Wang et al. (2003). Many of these
components are included in module documenta- processes have been coded into sub-routines in a
tion on the APSIM web site (www.apsim-help.- process library, held in a stand-alone module, In the majority of cases these science which individual crops can call. The routines in
documents include information on module perfor- the library are structured in separate blocks
mance against observed data. corresponding to the crop model components of
The plant modules simulate key underpinning phenology, biomass, canopy, root system, senes-
physiological processes and operate on a daily cence pools, water, nitrogen and phosphorus. The
time step in response to input daily weather data, sub-modules contain the science and understand-
soil characteristics and crop management actions. ing needed to simulate major functional compo-
The crop modules have evolved from early ver- nents of crop growth and development. Crop
sions for focus crops such as maize (Carberry and ontogeny is simulated via relationships defining
Abrecht, 1991), peanut (Hammer et al., 1995), observed responses to temperature and photoper-
sorghum (Hammer and Muchow, 1991) and sun- iod (e.g. Hammer et al., 1982; Birch et al., 1998).
flower (Chapman et al., 1993). The initial crop Leaf area production and senescence is simulated

Table 1
Current crop modules in APSIM and relevant references

APSIM Original References APSIM Original model References

module model module

Barley Navybean
Canola Robertson et al. (1999) Pasture
Chickpea Robertson et al. (2001c) Peanut QNUT Robertson et al. 2001a
Cotton OZCOT Hearn and Da Rosa (1985) Pigeonpea Robertson et al. 2001a
Cowpea APSIM- Adiku et al. (1993) Sorghum QSORG AUSIM- Hammer and Muchow (1991, 1994),
cowpea Sorghum Carberry and Abrecht (1991)
Hemp Lisson et al. (2000a) Soybean Robertson and Carberry (1998)
Fababean Sunflower QSUN Chapman et al. (1993)
Forest Huth et al. (2001)
Maize AUSIM- Carberry and Abrecht (1991) Wheat Nwheat and Keating et al. (2001), Meinke et al.
maize I_Wheat (1998)
Lucerne Robertson et al. (2001b), Stylo
Probert et al. (1998a)
Millet van Oosterom et al. (2001) Sugarcane Keating et al. (1999a)
Mungbean Robertson et al. (2001d) Weed
B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288 271

via relationships of leaf initiation rate, leaf appear- Plant module development in APSIM continues
ance rate and plant leaf area with temperature (e.g. to evolve towards the concept of a generic
Keating and Wafula, 1991; Hammer et al., 1993; template as described by Wang et al. (2003).
Carberry et al., 1993a,b). Potential crop water Such a template, often referred to as a ‘crop
uptake is simulated via relationships with root template’ but potentially applicable beyond just
exploration and extraction potential, which de- crops, provides a means to capture unifying
pends on soil and crop factors (e.g. Meinke et al., principles, testing new insights, and comparing
1993; Robertson et al., 1993). All coefficients for approaches to component modelling, while main-
general crop responses and crop/cultivar specific taining a focus on predictive capability. The crop
coefficients are stored external to the code to allow template is based on the concepts described by
ease of use and transition across crops/cultivars. Hammer (1998) and Wang et al. (2003). All crops
The process library includes a number of options are simulated with the same code, with each
for modelling specific functions and processes, species being a specific instance and parameterised
which have been drawn from a range of existing through its own crop parameter file. The ability to
APSIM crop models. The ability to switch between simulate processes using different simulation ap-
optional processes within sub-modules or between proaches is met using switches that are specified in
optional entire sub-modules facilitates logical the crop parameter file. All crops use the same
comparative analysis of modelling approaches. interface with other modules in APSIM, and there
The process library has substantially reduced the is there is a common set of variable names. A
group consisting of scientists responsible for crop
amount of code needed for simulating multiple
model development and software engineers and
crops, resulting in greater transparency, more
programmers responsible for APSIM code devel-
robust code with lower maintenance costs.
opment and maintenance oversees the evolution of
Externalised constants and parameters from the
the crop template. Currently versions exist for
code are stored in crop parameter files. Each file is
cereals (Wang et al., 2003), legumes (Robertson et
considered as crop species-specific. It consists of
al., 2001c), sugar cane (Keating et al., 1999b) and
two major parts: crop-specific constants and
forest (Huth et al., 2001) and the extent to which a
cultivar-specific parameters. Within some indivi-
single generic template can be achieved across this
dual crop species the category of a ‘crop class’ has
range of vegetation types is the subject of on-going
been developed. The crop class represents a research.
category of crop below that of the species and is
distinctly different enough to justify a separate 3.2. Soil water balance and solute movement
parameter section. An example of the use of the
crop class concept would be the identification of In APSIM there are modules for the two major
plant and ratoon crops of sugarcane as distinct modelling approaches that are commonly used for
crop classes. The separation of code and para- the soil water balance, namely cascading layer and
meters makes it easy to re-parameterise an existing Richard’s equation methods.
module for a new crop with few source code SOILWAT (Probert et al., 1998c) is a cascading
changes and significantly accelerates testing and layer model that owes much to its precursors in
validation procedures. An instance of many of the CERES (Ritchie, 1972; Jones and Kiniry, 1986)
crop modules can be created and the parameter and PERFECT (Littleboy et al., 1989, 1992). It
values from the crop parameter file of a similar operates on a daily time step. The water char-
crop can be evaluated if simulation of a new crop acteristics of the soil are specified in terms of the
becomes necessary. This facilitates a quick means lower limit (LL15), drained upper limit (DUL) and
by which a module developer can ‘derive’ the first saturated (SAT) volumetric water contents of a
version of the model for the new crop. This is sequence of soil layers. The thickness of each layer
particularly helpful when expensive experimental is specified by the user; typically layer thickness of
data are not available. 100 or 150 mm is used for the uppermost layer and
272 B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288

300 /500 mm at the base of the profile; the whole PERFECT include (i) specification of swcon for
profile might be represented by up to 10 or more each layer, being the proportion of soil water
layers. As with all layered models, the empirical above DUL that drains in 1 day, (ii) isolation from
soil parameters are influenced by the number and the code of the coefficients determining diffusivity
thickness of specified layers. as a function of soil water (used in calculating
Processes represented in SOILWAT, adapted unsaturated flow) and (iii) inclusion of code to
from a long history of ‘cascading bucket’ style simulate perched water tables (Asseng et al., 1997).
water balances such as WATBAL (Keig and APSWIM is based on a numerical solution of
McAlpine, 1969) and CERES (Ritchie, 1972; Richards’ equation combined with the convection-
Jones and Kiniry, 1986) include: dispersion equation to model solute movement.
The implementation in the APSIM model is based
. runoff which is calculated using a modified on the ‘stand alone’ SWIMv2.1 (Soil Water
USDA curve number approach, that include Infiltration and Movement; Verburg et al.
effects of soil water content, soil cover both (1996a)). SWIM has it’s own internal time step
from crop and crop residue, and roughness due which is governed by the magnitude of water
to tillage. fluxes in the soil, i.e., larger fluxes lead to smaller
. evaporation which is based on potential eva- time steps). Parameterisation of the soil water
poration (Priestly /Taylor or Penman /Mon- properties for APSWIM requires specification of
teith) and modified according to the cover the moisture characteristic and hydraulic conduc-
provided by surface residues or growing plant tivity relationships in each soil layer. Runoff is
. saturated flow which occurs when any layer dealt with by considering surface roughness. This
‘fills’ above DUL; a specified proportion capability to detain surface water can change
(swcon) of the water in excess of DUL drains through time, e.g. increasing as a result of cultiva-
to the next layer tion, or decreasing due to the impact of raindrops.
. unsaturated flow at water contents below DUL Infiltration into soils that seal or crust are dealt
where gradients in soil water content occur with through the conductance of an infinitely thin
between layers (e.g. in response to rainfall surface membrane. As for surface roughness, seal
events or evaporation) conductance can also be specified to vary in
. movement of solutes associated with saturated response to rainfall or tillage.
and unsaturated flow of water are calculated Both modules (e.g. SOILWAT and SWIMv2)
using a ‘mixing’ algorithm whereby existing and are one-dimensional and do not consider lateral
incoming solutes and water are fully mixed to flow or horizontal heterogeneity. Some soil water
determine the concentration of solute in the issues can be represented better by the more
water leaving any layer. mechanistic approach in APSWIM involving the
simultaneous solution of the flux equations de-
Processes adapted from PERFECT includes (i) scribing the sources and sinks and the re-distribu-
the effects of surface residues and crop cover on tion of water in the whole profile. Examples are
modifying runoff and reducing potential soil the ability to specify alternative boundary condi-
evaporation and (ii) specification of the second tions at the base of the profile, to handle effects of
stage evaporation coefficient (cona ) as an input surface sealing, and to represent soils with an
parameter, providing more flexibility for describ- abrupt change in soil texture (duplex soils). Con-
ing differences in long-term soil drying due to soil nolly et al. (2001) used APSWIM to explore soil /
texture and environmental effects. The module is crop interactions associated with crop-pasture
interfaced with the RESIDUE and crop modules rotations. The ability to explicitly represent
so that simulation of the soil water balance changes in soil hydraulic properties using SWIM
responds to change in the status of surface residues added value to this analysis. However for many
and crop cover (via tillage, decomposition and applications, the processes involved in modelling
crop growth). Enhancements beyond CERES and soil water can be adequately dealt with using either
B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288 273

approach. A comprehensive study comparing the alisation in the sub-surface soil layers. This,
two approaches found both to be capable of giving together with the lack of a full carbon balance,
good descriptions of soil water content and solute made use of CERES for long-term simulations of
movement (Verburg, 1996). soil organic matter content inappropriate. In
SOILN, a portion of the stable organic matter
3.3. Soil organic matter and nitrogen pool is considered to be inert and thus not
susceptible to decomposition; this provides a
The evolution of APSIM was foremost as a means of preventing decomposition of soil organic
modelling framework for simulation of cropping matter in the deeper soil layers.
systems in response to climate and management. The release of nitrogen from the decomposing
SOILN is the module that simulates the miner- organic matter pools is determined by the miner-
alisation of nitrogen and thus the N supply alisation and immobilization processes that are
available to a crop from the soil and residues/ occurring. The carbon that is decomposed is either
roots from previous crops. Its development (Pro- evolved as CO2 or is synthesized into soil organic
bert et al., 1998c) can be traced back via CERES matter. APSIM assumes that the pathway for
models (e.g. Jones and Kiniry, 1986) to PAPRAN synthesis of stable soil organic matter is predomi-
(Seligman and van Keulen, 1981). nantly through initial formation of soil microbial
A distinction from CERES (as developed in biomass (BIOM), though some carbon is trans-
CERES-Maize, Jones and Kiniry, 1986) is that ferred directly to the more stable pool (HUM).
crop residues that are on the soil surface are The model further assumes that the soil organic
handled by the RESIDUE module. This has been matter pools (BIOM and HUM) have C:N ratios
done so that surface residues can have an impact that are unchanging through time. The formation
on the soil water balance through runoff and of BIOM and HUM thus creates an immobiliza-
evaporation. tion demand that has to be met from the N
The greatest change that has been made from released from the decomposing pools and/or by
CERES is that the soil organic matter in APSIM is drawing on the mineral N (ammonium and
treated as a three pool system, instead of the two nitrate) in the layer. Any release of N during the
pools used in CERES. The dynamics of soil decomposition process in excess of the immobili-
organic matter is simulated in all soil layers. zation demand results in an increase in the
Crop residues or roots added to the soil comprise ammonium-N.
the fresh organic matter pool (FOM). However The rates of decomposition of the various soil
decomposition of FOM results in formation of soil organic matter pools are dependent on soil tem-
organic matter comprising the BIOM and HUM perature and soil water content of the layers where
pools. The BIOM pool is notionally the more decomposition is occurring. In those circum-
labile organic matter associated with soil microbial stances where there is inadequate mineral N to
biomass; whilst it makes up a relatively small part meet an immobilization demand the decomposi-
of the total soil organic matter, it has a higher rate tion process is halted. Other processes dealt with in
of turnover than the bulk of the soil organic SOILN are nitrification, denitrification and urea
matter. hydrolysis.
The reasons for introduction of an additional
soil organic matter pool were to enable better 3.4. Residues
representation of situations where ‘soil fertility’
improves following a legume ley. A single soil The surface residue module (RESIDUE) has
organic matter pool can not deal realistically with been described by Probert et al. (1998c). Crop
such situations. Another weakness that had been residues are added to a single surface residue pool
identified with CERES was that treating all the that is described in terms of its mass, the cover it
soil organic matter as being equally susceptible to provides for the soil surface, and its nitrogen
mineralisation results in unrealistic rates of miner- content. When new residues are added, new
274 B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288

weighted (mass) average values are calculated to fertiliser. Empirical relationships between yield
describe the total amount of residues present. and soil P tests have been adequate to gain insights
The amount of residue may decrease due to: into crop responsiveness to alternative fertiliser P
(1) Removal of residue (e.g. by burning or sources and their residual effects. However this is
baling); such action does not alter the C:N ratio not the case for low input systems. Many soils on
of the residues. which subsistence crops are grown are deficient in
(2) Incorporation of residues in the soil. A both N and P and the inputs used (manures,
tillage event transfers a proportion of the surface composts) are potentially sources of both N and P.
residues into the soil FOM pools to a nominated Integrated nutrient management, involving the
depth. combined use of organic and inorganic sources
(3) Decomposition in situ. The decomposition of nutrients, is promoted as the sustainable means
routine is similar to that used for the soil organic of managing soil fertility in the tropics.
matter pools in the SOILN module. Any immobi- If models are to be useful for simulating the
lization demand is met from the surface soil layer, nutritional effects of manures and other organic
whilst the soil organic matter formed and ammo- sources in low input systems, they will need to
nium-N mineralised is added in to the surface soil cope with the supply of both N and P. This has led
layer. The temperature dependency is related to to the development of the APSIM modules SOILP
mean ambient temperature. Because the soil water (describing the transformations of P in soil) and
balance does not include the litter layer, the MANURE (handling the release of N and P from
moisture dependency is assumed to be uncon- manures). The crop modules have also required
strained immediately after rainfall, with decom- modification; P uptake needs to be simulated and
position rate declining as litter dries based on P stress in the plant calculated so that crop growth
potential evaporation. The rate of decomposition is constrained under P limiting conditions. Chal-
is also sensitive to the amount of residues on the lenges in incorporating P constraints into crop
soil surface. A ‘contact’ factor accounts for the growth models include scale issues. Understanding
opposing effects of mulch separation from the soil of P uptake focuses largely at the dimension of the
surface and a modified moisture environment in root radius, but most crop modelling assumes soil
the mulch layer as the amount of surface material systems are uniform within soil layers (e.g. for
increases. Thorburn et al. (2000, 2001) have water and nitrogen). The SOILP and MANURE
investigated the importance of the contact factor models have been developed in collaboration with
for sugarcane systems that involve large amounts researchers at the International Crops Research
of surface residues (up to 20 t/ha). Institute for the semi-arid tropics (ICRISAT) and
Much of the tillage incorporation and cover tropical soil biology and fertility (TSBF)/Interna-
relationships are retained from PERFECT (Little- tional Center for tropical agriculture in India and
boy et al., 1989, 1992, 1996), but a more mechan- Africa and are currently being evaluated under a
istic basis for the decomposition of surface residue range of field conditions.
decomposition was required to maintain the car-
bon and nitrogen balances. 3.6. SOILpH

3.5. Phosphorus The APSIM SOILpH module provides a repre-

sentation of the acidification of soil, and how pH
Unlike the management of N, there has been changes are distributed through the profile, as a
little need for detailed crop models to evaluate consequence of the imbalance in uptake of cations
alternative strategies for management of P (Pro- and anions, the leaching of nitrate, and changes in
bert and Keating, 2000). Particularly in high input soil organic matter content. It is a tool that can be
agricultural systems there are few prospects for used for exploring strategies for reducing the effect
improving management of P beyond recommenda- and for examining the effectiveness of remedial
tions for amount and method of application of actions (e.g. liming) (Verburg et al., 2001b).
B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288 275

SOILpH is based on the proton balance of 3.7. EROSION

Helyar and Porter (1989). These authors showed
how the balance of hydrogen ions in the soil /plant Soil erosion by water from a hillslope or
system can be calculated and related to changes in paddock scale is calculated using runoff volume
soil pH. All the fluxes of protons, especially those from SOILWAT, cover from RESIDUE and crop
associated with nitrogen transformations on a soil modules, and sediment concentration calculated
layer basis, can be predicted in soil /plant models. using either of two options:
Accordingly SOILpH uses the simulation of N and (1) The model of Rose (1985), which calculates
C to predict changes in soil pH (Hochman et al., daily average sediment concentration as a function
1998). In its current version, APSIM SOILpH of cover and user defined parameters: land slope,
requires inputs of the ash alkalinity of the plants soil parameter ‘efficiency of entrainment’. The bed
being grown, whilst changes in the soil’s pH and suspended load components of soil loss can be
buffering capacity are not treated rigorously (Ver- calculated separately, e.g. where suspended load is
burg et al., 1998). required as an index of off-site impacts (M.
However, an ability to simulate soil pH does not Silburn, unpublished).
of itself provide a means of simulating long-term (2) An equation from PERFECT (Littleboy et
effects of soil acidification in the whole system. al., 1992), based on Freebairn and Wockner
The link that is missing is the feedback between the (1986), which calculates daily average sediment
soil pH and plant growth. Plants do not respond concentration from a cover-concentration func-
directly to pH. Rather, effects of soil acidity are tion, modified using the USLE slope-length, erod-
manifested through toxicities of aluminium or ibility and practice factors to provide generality.
manganese, or deficiency of calcium. Whilst soil Thus USLE soil erodibility values can be used as a
pH might be simulated, the model is currently starting point for estimating soil loss, but the
ignorant of these other factors. There is interest in model is not constrained to calculating annual
developing a generalised response of crop growth average soil loss and is linked to runoff rather than
to low pH, but it seems unlikely that the model will rainfall erosivity. The cover-concentration func-
be elaborated to permit crops to respond to the tion was derived from measured data (Freebairn
specific limiting factors (aluminium, manganese, and Wockner, 1986) and is more suitable for
calcium). Vertisols than the USLE cover factor. The model
Besides influencing plant production, soil pH also performed well on Alfisols (Littleboy et al.,
also affects the turnover of soil organic matter. 1996).
Soil processes such as mineralisation, nitrification These daily models accounts for variation in
and urea hydrolysis are pH dependent. Whilst the soil loss with cover and runoff volume, the
SOILN module does include routines to represent main factors that can be managed, but will not
the effects of pH on the dynamics of soil C and N, predict the variation in erosion due to within day
its ability to capture the consequences of soil variation in rainfall intensity and runoff rates.
acidification on N mineralisation or C balance They are intended to get long-term soil loss
has not been studied. reasonably correct and to correctly predict the
A systems model that is capable of capturing the relative differences between management systems,
effects of soil acidification raises a problem in how rather than to accurately predict individual soil
uptake of N by plants is modelled. Many crop loss events.
models only consider the uptake of nitrate. For Effects of erosion on productivity are modelled,
most situations this is adequate because ammoni- based on routines from PERFECT, by reducing
um is rapidly nitrified in soil. However in acid soils the soil water, N, P and organic matter stores as
nitrification is inhibited and models of plant erosion progresses. The EROSION module and
growth will need to account for the uptake of erosion-productivity simulation were evaluated by
both nitrate and ammonium. Nelson et al. (1998a,b).
276 B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288

3.8. MANAGER the level of resource stocks/fluxes supplied by the

radiation, water and nitrogen modules. The ab-
The early recognition that all the possible sence of any direct communication among crop
management configurations required of the simu- modules in APSIM is the key versatility in
lator could not be explicitly identified and ad- modelling inter-species competition. APSIM al-
dressed a priori, led to the development of the lows for any number of the biological modules to
MANAGER module in APSIM. This module compete on a daily basis via allocation rules
enables users to apply simple concepts of states, specified wholly within an ‘Arbitrator’ module
events, actions and conditional logic to build that is linked to the APSIM engine along with
complex management systems whose scope goes the competing crop modules. This approach can
well beyond anything envisaged by the early be used successfully to simulate allocation of light,
developers. The MANAGER must be present in water, and nitrogen to competing APSIM mod-
all APSIM configurations and it provides control ules. Carberry et al. (1996a) have described the
over individual components and the overall simu- scientific basis to simulating competition in AP-
lation. This module ‘manages’ by issuing messages SIM.
to other modules in the system, many of which are Evaluation of APSIM’s capability to simulate
conditional upon states or events within the competition in intercrops or crop-weed mixtures
modules during simulation. It also allows the has taken place in: (i) maize and cowpea inter-
user to create their own variables and define these cropped under a range of soil water and fertility
as a function of other variables within APSIM. conditions, and with the cowpea planted at
The MANAGER script files are prepared by users different times relative to the maize planting time
defining the intended simulation and are compiled (Carberry et al., 1996a) (ii) growth and yield of
at runtime. maize and an undersown Stylosanthes hamata
The APSIM MANAGER module can be used pasture (Carberry et al., 1996a) and (iii) yield of
to invoke any action available by any module. canola and an associated weed (Raphanus rapha-
Possible actions include: nistrum L) with the weed sown at a range of
densities and times relative to the time of sowing of
/ Resetting individual module values. the canola (Robertson et al., 2001c). Application
/ Reinitialising all data in modules to a given of the competition capability in APSIM has been
state. as diverse as exploring weed management in
/ Sowing, harvesting or killing crops. cropping systems (Keating et al., 1999a; Robert-
/ Applications of fertiliser, irrigation or tillage to son et al., 2001c), productivity tradeoffs between
soil. components in low-input intercropping (Carberry
/ Calculation of additional variables to track et al., 1996a), and comparing alternative novel
system state. farming systems that integrate perennial and
/ Reporting of system state in response to events annual species to manipulate seasonal water use
and/or conditional logic. (Keating et al., 2001). Simulating multi-species
mixtures will find increasing application as AP-
A full range of mathematical operators and
SIM is applied to more complex issues in farming
functions can be used in APSIM MANAGER
3.10. Multi-point simulations
3.9. Intercropping/weeds/mixed species systems
Recent developments on the inter-module com-
In APSIM, crop modules communicate at daily munications protocol have led application of
intervals with resource-supply modules only via APSIM to issues which contain a spatial compo-
the APSIM engine. The effect of one crop on nent. The modules within APSIM are essentially
another is therefore simulated by its influence on point-based models which represent behaviour of
B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288 277

the system at some single point in space. The new Data is currently stored in keyword free format
software design allows the point-based models to grouped into sections stored in text files. Keyword
be instantiated multiple times within a single format is in the form keyword /value (units )!
simulation, with communication of data between description, sections are defined by a section
each discrete point in space. For example, a header of the form (data_name.module_name.par-
simulation of a farming enterprise may contain ameter_type). The order of keywords and location
individual simulations of each management unit or of sections is defined by the user. Temporal data
paddock. The management of each unit can be such as climate and observed measurements are
based on the state of other units, thus allowing the stored in free format columns headed with para-
simulation of a broader range of farm manage- meter names and units. The order of columns is
ment issues. arbitrary. A configuration file specifies the mod-
Huth et al. (2001) illustrate the use of this ules to be used in the simulation and a control file
functionality to simulate discrete points within specifies each simulation with associated data files
the zone of influence of a windbreak. In this case, and section names for each module locate its data.
the simulated state of the trees within the wind- Further details on the data input requirements for
break is used to alter the below-ground competi- individual APSIM modules can be found at
tion and microclimatic effects of the windbreak at
various distances from the trees. The resource use
by the trees from the soil in paddock feeds back
into the calculations for tree productivity. Investi- 5. Software implementation
gations are commencing into the use of this
capability for the simulation of the hydrology of 5.1. APSIM software
hillslopes which water is routed between discrete
portions of a catchment. There is no technical APSIM modules implement a specific simula-
constraint to the number of discrete simulation tion process and communicate with other modules
points, though more complex configurations will via a central simulation engine. Modules are
place greater demands on computer processing completely self-contained ‘black boxes’, responsi-
power. ble for their own reading of parameters and
internal configuration and can be written in any
programming language. The user has the capabil-
4. Data requirements ity of plugging different combinations of modules
together to configure APSIM for different simula-
An APSIM simulation is configured by specify- tions. The simulation engine is a simple message
ing the modules to be used in the simulation and passing system whose sole function is to pass
the data sets required by those modules. APSIM messages from a given source module to its
modules typically require initialisation data and destination. Direct module-to-module communi-
temporal data as the simulation proceeds. Initi- cation is not allowed, providing a loose inter-
alisation data is usually categorised into generic module coupling or independence. This design
data (which defines the module for all simulations) allows developers to test and compare different
and simulation specific parameter data such as approaches for a given process in a controlled way
site, cultivar and management characteristics. and allows new simulation capability to be added
Typical site parameters are soil characteristics quickly without requiring wholesale system mod-
for soil modules, climate measurements for me- ifications. Users have the ability to precisely
teorological modules, soil surface characteristics configure a given simulation, allowing them to
and surface residue definition. Management is select the level of detail that is appropriate.
specified using a simple language to define a set To help with the selection and parameterisation
of rules, calculations and messages to modules that of the modules, two user interfaces are provided
are used during the simulation. targeting different segments of the user popula-
278 B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288

tion. APSIM Explorer is aimed at module devel- . All software engineering tasks are tracked, with
opers and those users wanting access to the full times spent on each task recorded. This im-
APSIM capability. It is modelled on the tradi- proves our estimation of how long future tasks
tional integrated development environment that will take.
comes with most compilers. It provides links to
editors, compilers, debuggers and the other tools A web-based defect/change management system
these types of users require. It provides full access and the procedures database supports this soft-
to all APSIM parameters via simple text files. ware engineering effort. The APSIM help desk
APSFront, shields the user from these complex- also provides the APSIM user community with the
ities allowing them to focus on the problem latest release of APSIM, full APSIM documenta-
domain. The user selects pre-built weather, soil, tion, a method for submitting defect reports or
crop and management functions. These functions change requests and a entry point for all APSIM
have various options that provide a finer level of related queries and questions.
configuration. Libraries of these functions have
been built up over time and cover different areas of
simulation capability. 6. Model testing
Both simulation configuration interfaces also
provide links to two different simulation output The comparison of APSIM simulations with
visualisation packages. APSVIS provides raw observed data has been conducted by many model
simulation output graphics in several different users under a wide range of conditions. A recent
formats e.g., scatter plots, probability plots, fre- inventory of papers and reports that contain some
quency plots and depth plots. APSIM Outlook detail of APSIM predictions against observed data
provides a richer set of analysis tools allowing the identified 55 items. This list has been loaded onto
user to perform gross margin analyse on simula- the APSIM help web site (www.apsim-help.tag.c-
tion outputs. These analyses can then be filtered and is not repeated here for reasons of
and charted in several different formats and space.
related to other data sources, such as the phases Some of the key reports that include model test
of the Southern Oscillation Index. results are listed in Table 2. The key citations for
Key processes used in APSIM software engi- individual modules (Table 1) also generally con-
neering include: tain testing results.
Some studies focused on the performance of
. All software is stored in an automatically individual crop modules (e.g. Asseng et al., 1998b;
backed-up version control system. This allows Keating et al., 1999b, 2001). Other reports focused
developers to compare different versions of on performance of particular soil modules in the
source or document files. It also allows the absence of a growing crop (e.g. Probert et al.,
SEG to recreate any previous version of AP- 1998c). Because APSIM was intended to be a
SIM. model that could be applied to complex farming
. All software is automatically extracted from the systems issues, the reports that compare model
version control system each night and then built predictions with farming system performance over
from scratch. This build is then run over a set of long-term crop/forage rotations are particularly
regression tests. The outputs of these tests are important (e.g. Probert et al., 1995; Jones et al.
then checked each morning for errors. This 1996; Probert et al., 1998b; Paydar et al., 1999;
helps remove unexpected simulation output Probert and McCown, 2000). The most useful
changes */the ripple effect . model evaluation reports are those that have
. All defects and changes are managed through a examined predicted and observed values of a range
central database system. This system allows of plant and soil state variables over an extended
assigning and tracking of all user specified period. Studies that include a range of treatments
defects and change requests. are also of great value. An example of an excellent
B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288 279

Table 2
A subset of the reports on APSIM testing

Study Major focus Key references

Test data sets for SOIL- Soil water balance and soil nitrogen balance in the absence Probert et al. (1998c)
WAT and SOILN modules of crops
Hermitage long-term trial, Tillage and residue retention effects on continuous what Probert et al. (1995), Turpin et al. (1996)
southern Qld systems with differing levels on N fertiliser inputs
Warra long-term trial, Crop growth, yield, N uptake, soil water and soil nitrogen Probert and McCown (2000)
southern Qld balance for continuous wheat, wheat/grain legume and
wheat/lucerne rotations on a run-down heavy clay soil
Test data sets for the Wheat growth, yield, N uptake and protein in relation to Keating et al. (2001)
NWheat module soil water and soil N supply, as influence by fertiliser inputs
and residue inputs
Runoff plot studies in Agronomic/runoff studies at 4 sites (Fairlands, Billa Billa, Connolly et al. (2001)
southern Qld Goodger and Greenmount) in southern Queensland were
used to test APSIM-SWIM’s prediction of runoff, soil
water, and crop growth in a cropping system context at the
large plot or contour bay scale
Cropping systems at Crop and soil dimensions of legume-cereal systems on a Probert et al. (1998b), Jones et al. (1996)
Katherine, NT red-earth soil in a semi-arid tropical environment
Liverpool Plains, NSW Water balance and crop/forage production in different Paydar et al. (1999)
rotations on a heavy black cracking clay
Lucerne modelling in Qld, Lucerne dry matter, N content and water balance in Probert et al. (1998a), Moot et al. (2001),
WA and NZ different environments Dolling et al. (2001)
Wheat systems in WA Wheat growth and yield and soil water and nitrogen Asseng et al. (1995, 1997, 1998a,b, 2000,
balance for sands and duplex soils in the WA wheat belt 2001)
Effluent irrigation trials in Water and nitrogen balance in forest systems in southern Snow and Dillon (1998), Snow et al. (1998,
southern Australia Australia irrigated with effluent 1999a,b)
Sugarcane systems Sugarcane growth and yield and water and N balance at Keating et al. (1997, 1999a), Inman-Bam-
various locations within the sugar industry ber and Muchow (2001)
International studies: Afri- Maize and grain legumes in low input farming systems in Robertson et al. (2000a), Shamudzarira
ca Zimbabwe and Robertson (2000), Shamudzarira et al.
International studies: High input wheat systems in Netherlands Asseng et al. (2000)

data set for testing the robustness of APSIM’s yield demonstrates the model’s validity and ro-
systems modelling capability is that collected by bustness in these circumstances. Model perfor-
Dalal et al. (1995). This data set consists of wheat mance was good at both low and high nutrient
based farming system on the Darling downs of input for both continuous wheat/fallow systems
south-east Queensland, Australia. The modelling (Fig. 2a) and wheat/lucerne rotations (Fig. 2b).
of this long-term trial has been reported by
Probert and McCown (2000). Examples of some
of the comparisons between simulated and ob- 7. Model application
served data are shown in Fig. 2a and b. In these
studies, the model was initialised at the start of the A recent search for reports of APSIM applica-
experiment and allowed to simulate the system tions identified 107 items published over the 1996 /
state continuously without resetting over the 10 2001 period. This list of citations and where
year period of the observed data. The good possible, the associated reports have been loaded
agreement between predictions and observations onto the APSIM web site (www.apsim-help.tag.c-
for soil water, soil nitrogen, crop biomass and crop These applications can be classified into
280 B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288

Fig. 2. (a) Simulation of yields and protein content of wheat, and soil water and nitrate-N for a continuous wheat treatment at Warra,
with conventional tillage and without fertiliser N. The symbols represent the measured data. For the yield data, the date of harvest for
the measured data has been offset by 27 days so that the symbols do not obscure the predicted data. Soil water and nitrate refer to the
totals in the 0 /1.5 m profile. The dashed lines on the soil water figure show the assumed DUL and LL for wheat. (Measured data from
R. Dalal and modelling after Probert and McCown, 2000). (b) Simulation of wheat and lucerne yields, protein content of wheat, and
soil water and nitrate-N for the lucerne-wheat rotation treatment at Warra, southern Qld, Australia. Other details as for Fig. 2a.

eight categories, namely crop management, water adaptation/breeding (Table 3). These applications
balance, climate impacts, cropping systems, spe- are so diverse it is impossible to provide a concise
cies interactions, land use studies, soil impacts summary. Suffice it to say the applications extend
(erosion, acidity and nitrate leaching) and crop from highly practical use in on-farm decision
B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288 281

Fig. 2 (Continued)

making through to more research focused applica- 8. Closing the loop between development and
tions in which current and alternative farming application
system designs have been explored. Both produc-
tion and resource management issues have fea- Testing simulation models in realm of science
tured prominently in model application. has typically involved an assessment of how well
282 B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288

they simulate measured experimental data and farms and asked farmer and agribusiness colla-
how plausibly they represent system behaviour in borators to design and test applications for their
normative scenario applications targeted at ex- own situations (Hochman et al., 2000). What
ploring what land managers should do to improve emerged has been confirmation of the benefits of
system performance */the preceding sections pro- farmers gaining better knowledge of their soil
vide numerous references to the scientific testing of resources and the discovery of a role for APSIM
APSIM. The question remains, however, as to in assisting the management of cropping systems
how well simulation models perform in relation to (Coutts et al., 1998). FARMSCAPE has helped
real-world agriculture and whether they have been demonstrate that the key to farm managers valu-
able to gain credibility within industry. Such ing simulation is the positioning of these simula-
questions have been the focus of the FARMSCAPE tions in the context of their own farming situation.
program of research activities (McCown et al., A simulator enables information to be specified to
1998) which tested and applied APSIM in every- an individual paddock, its results can be tested
day farming practice (Hochman et al., 2000) and in against one’s own crop performance and a simu-
agribusiness practice (Brennan et al., 2001). lator such as APSIM can be used to explore a
The FARMSCAPE program recognised early on range of issues (Carberry and Bange, 1998).
that, if we wanted to explore ways in which APSIM’s credibility and applicability has been
farmers could better manage their farms, then tested and endorsed in Australian farming systems
these farmers needed not just to be consulted on as evidenced by demand for its access and
the design of what should be done, but they also commercial delivery (Carberry, 2001; Hochman
needed to participate in the implementation of the et al., 2001).
research and the interpretation of its outcomes. In
other words, instead of using scientific models to
build derivative tools which we scientists believed 9. Distribution policy
could help farm managers */for instance compu-
terised Decision Support System, which histori- APSIM distribution is managed via a licence
cally have been poorly adopted by farmers system that protects the integrity of the product,
(McCown, 2001)*/we took APSIM out onto meets the legal liability requirements of our

Table 3
Summary of reports of APSIM application over the 1996 /2001 period

Category Number of Examples


Crop management 22 Inman-Bamber and Muchow (2001), Keating et al. (1997), Muchow and
Keating (1997), Robertson et al. (2000b, 2001d)
Water balance 12 Asseng et al. (2001), Dunin et al. (1999), Ringrose-Voase et al. (1999), Snow et
al. (1999a), Verburg et al. (2001a)
Climate risk and impacts 22 Carberry et al. (in press), Cheeroo-Nayamuth et al. (2000), Hammer et al.
(1996a), Keating and Meinke (1997), Meinke and Hammer (1995a), Reyenga et
al. (1999)
Cropping systems 14 Carberry et al. (1996b), Lisson et al. (2000b), Probert et al. (1998b)
Intercropping and species interac- 4 Carberry et al. (1996a), Carberry et al. in press, Keating et al. (1999b)
Land use studies 6 Meinke and Hammer (1995b), Rosenthal et al. (1998)
Soil impacts (erosion, acidity, or- 20 Connolly et al. (1999), Nelson et al. (1998b), Snow et al. (1999b), Thorburn et
ganic matter, leaching) al. 2000; Verburg et al. (1996b, 2001b)
Crop adaptation/breeding 7 Hammer et al. (1996b), Robertson et al. (1997)
B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288 283

institutions and enables an orderly development CSIRO Plant Industry, CRC for Sustainable
pathway. Many large modelling efforts in the Sugar Production, ICRISAT, CIMMYT, TSBF
agricultural research community have been deva- and Australian agribusiness and farmers. While
lued by uncontrolled model evolution that has led APSIM has been developed with core resources
to multiple versions of unknown pedigree. We from CSIRO and the Queensland State Govern-
have tried to address this problem by implement- ment, funding for its application has been critical
ing a strict version control and distribution system, to its development and in particular we acknowl-
the principles of which apply both internally and edge support from Grains R&D Corp., Rural
externally to the core development group. Users Industries R&D Corp., Sugar R&D Corp., Land
can form partnerships with developers to develop and Water Australia and Australian Center for
new routines and modules, but this happens in a International Agricultural Research.
managed way with proper version control and
system testing. The training and support require-
ments for successful application in a complex
R&D program can be substantial. For this reason,
licences are issued only once it is clear that these Adiku, S.K., Carberry, P.S., Rose, C.W., McCown, R.L.,
training and support requirements can be met. A Braddock, R., 1993. Assessing the performance of maize
demonstration version can be directly downloaded (Zea mays */cowpea (Vigna unguiculata )) intercrop under
from the APSIM help web site, and can be used to variable soil and climate conditions in the tropics. Proceed-
assess model capability without the need to estab- ings of the Seventh Australian Society of Agronomy
Conference, September, Adelaide, South Australia, p. 382.
lish a licence. The fully flexible version requires a Asseng, S., Keating, B.A., Fillery, I.R.P., 1995. Wheat crop
user specific key for installation and a licence that simulation in a Mediterranean environment on duplex soil.
specifies the intended application and support In: Binning, P., Bridgman, H., Williams, B. (Eds.), Proceed-
arrangements. Collaborative arrangements for ings of MODSIM 95, International Congress on Modelling
and Simulation. The University of Newcastle, vol. 455,
joint module development are often established.
NSW, Australia, pp. 62 /67.
Source code of all science modules is available in Asseng, S., Keating, B.A., Huth, N.I., Eastham, J., 1997.
html format on the APSIM help web site. This Simulation of perched water tables in a duplex soil. In:
html formatted material provides a clear exposi- Proceedings of the International Conference on Modelling
tion of the science in the APSIM modules. The and Simulation, 8 /10 December 1997, Hobart, Tasmania,
original source code is available in situations Australia: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia,
vol. 2, pp. 538 /543.
where an agreed program of joint development is Asseng, S., Fillery, I.R.P., Anderson, G.C., Dolling, P.J.,
taking place. Dunin, F.X., Keating, B.A., 1998a. Use of the APSIM
wheat model to predict yield, drainage, and NO-3 leaching
for a deep sand. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 49, 363 /378.
Acknowledgements Asseng, S., Keating, B.A., Fillery, I.R.P., Gregory, P.J.,
Bowden, J.W., Turner, N.C., Palta, J.A., Abrecht, D.G.,
1998b. Performance of the APSIM-wheat model in Western
We are grateful to the many colleagues who Australia. Field Crops Res. 57 (2), 163 /179.
have shared their data for model development/ Asseng, S., van Keulen, H., Stol, W., 2000. Performance and
testing and their approaches to modelling plant application of the APSIM Nwheat model in the Nether-
lands. Eur. J. Agronomy 12, 37 /54.
and soil processes. While we have tried to recog-
Asseng, S., Fillery, I.R.P., Dunin, F.X., Keating, B.A., Meinke,
nise the efforts of the development team in the H., 2001. Potential deep drainage under wheat crops in a
authorship of this paper, there are many others not Mediterranean climate. 1. Temporal and spatial variability.
recognised who have made significant contribu- Aust. J. Agric. Res. 52, 45 /56.
tions to the utility of the current product. We Birch, C.J., Hammer, G.L., Rickert, K.G., 1998. Temperature
acknowledge in particular the effort of Drs Val and photoperiod sensitivity of development in five cultivars
of maize (Zea mays L.) from emergence to tassel initiation.
Veraart and Sid Wright, who taught us the value Field Crops Res. 55, 93 /107.
of software engineering. We also acknowledge the Brennan, L.E., Carberry, P.S., Hochman, Z., 2001. Participa-
inputs of collaborating institutions, in particular tive Res. on use of enhanced climate variability information
284 B.A. Keating et al. / Europ. J. Agronomy 18 (2003) 267 /288

within agribusiness? AARES 45th Conference, January 22 / Coutts, J.A., Hochman, Z., Foale, M.A., McCown, R.L.,
25, Adelaide. Carberry, P.S., 1998. Evaluation of participative approaches
Carberry, P.S., 2001. Are science rigour and industry relevance to RD&E: a case study of FARMSCAPE. Proceedings of
both achievable in participatory action Res.? Proceedings of the ninth Aust. Society of Agronomy Conference. Aust.
the Tenth Australian Agronomy Conference, Aust. Society Society of Agronomy, Wagga Wagga, NSW, pp. 681 /682.
of Agronomy: Hobart, Tas, Dalal, R.C., Strong, W.M., Weston, E.J., Cooper, J.E., Lehane,
2001/. K.J., King, A.J., Chicken, C.J., 1995. Sustaining productiv-
Carberry, P.S., Abrecht, D.G., 1991. Tailoring crop models to ity of a Vertisol at Warra, Queensland, with fertilisers, no-
the semi-arid tropics. In: Muchow, R.C., Bellamy, J.A. tillage, or legumes. 1. Organic matter status. Aust. J. Exp.
(Eds.), Climatic Risk in Crop Production: Models and Agric. 35, 903 /913.
Management for the Semiarid Tropics and Subtropics. CAB Dolling, P., Latta, R., Lyons, A., Asseng, S., Robertson, M.J.,
International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 157 /182. Cocks, P., Ewing, M., 2001. Adapting APSIM Lucerne to
Carberry, P.S., Bange, M.P. 1998. Using systems models in the Western Aust. environment. 2001 Australian Agronomy
farm management. In Proceedings Ninth Australian Cotton Conference, Hobart, Tasmania,
Conference, August 10 /14, Gold Coast Australia. The asa/2001/.
Aust. Cotton Growers Res. Organisation, pp. 153 /160. Donnelly, J.R., Freer, M., Moore, A.D., 1994. Evaluating
Carberry, P.S., Hammer, G.L., Muchow, R.C., 1993a. Model- pasture breeding objectives using computer models. N. Z. J.
ling genotypic and environmental control of leaf area Agric. Res. 37, 269 /275.
dynamics in grain sorghum. III. Senescence and prediction Dunin, F.X., Williams, J., Verburg, K., Keating, B.A., 1999.
of green leaf area. Field Crops Res. 33, 329 /351. Can Agric. management emulate natural ecosystems in
Carberry, P.S., Muchow, R.C., Hammer, G.L., 1993b. Model- recharge control in south eastern Australia? Agroforestry
ling genotypic and environmental control of leaf area Syst. 45, 343 /364.
dynamics in grain sorghum. II. Individual leaf level. Field Freebairn, D.M., Wockner, G.H., 1986. A study of soil erosion
Crops Res. 33, 311 /328. on Vertisols of the eastern Darling Downs, Queensland. II
Carberry, P.S., Adiku, S.G.K., McCown, R.L., Keating, B.A., The effect of soil, rainfall and flow conditions on suspended
1996a. Application of the APSIM cropping systems model sediment losses. Aust. J. Soil Res. 24, 159 /172.
to intercropping systems. In: Ito, C., Johansen, C., Adu- Hammer, G.L., 1998. Crop modelling: current status and
Gyamfi, K., Katayama, K., Kumar-Rao, J.V.D.K., Rego, opportunities to advance. Acta Horticulturae 456, 27 /36.
T.J. (Eds.), Dynamics of roots and nitrogen in cropping Hammer, G.L., Muchow, R.C., 1994. Assessing climatic risk to
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