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WBS Schedule Pro HTML Template commands are comments within regular HTML files.

When saving as Web pages, WBS Schedule Pro uses the specified HTML Template to
dictate image tiling characteristics then generates a number of HTML files,
each of which is a copy of the template with certain special phrases replaced
with chart-specific information.

The format of these WBS Schedule Pro HTML commands are:

<!--WBSChart:action param1="a" param2="b"-->

Here, two parameters are being used for the "action" command.

IMPORTANT: commands must by encoded UTF-8. ASCII is OK, but extra Windows ANSI
characters need attention. Command and attribute names are case sensitive.
Attribute values MUST be enclosed in either single-quotes or double quotes.

Certain characters in parameter values need special care:

< Replace by &lt;

> Replace by &gt;
& Replace by &amp;
' Replace by &apos; (if value is enclosed in single quotes)
" Replace by &quot; (if value is enclosed in double quotes)

Files are saved in the selected output folder:

BasenameXX.html HTML files

BasenameXX.png Chart tile images (one per HTML page)
BasenameLS.png Field Legend image for Summary Tasks
BasenameLT.png Field Legend image for Tasks
BasenameBXX.png Border Legend images

The actual number of files saved depends on options selected and chart size.
Basename1.html, Basename2.html etc are used for tiled charts. Basename.html and
Basename.png are used for the thumbnail page or the only page (if the entire
chart fits on a single page).

(.png filenames assume you're saving in the default image format (PNG). If you
instead choose to save JPEG images, the filename will be ".jpg").


Command Reference

chart The chart image (typically, a tile of a larger image)

pagenumber Chart page number
projectinfo A field from the project summary info
viewinfo Information about the current view
currentdate The date the HTML + image files were created
fieldlegend Insert a link to an image illustrating fields within boxes
borderlegend Create a HTML table illustrating Border shapes and colors
backgroundcolor The background color of the chart
link A link to another part of the chart
linktest Returns one of two specified strings dependent on whether a relative
link is valid
width the desired width (in pixels) of each chart image tile

height the desired height (in pixels) of each chart image tile

padding distance (in pixels) around the chart

scale image scale 10% to "200%" (default "100%")

png Portable Network Graphics file format (default)
jpg JPEG file format

auto colors as specified in the chart (default)
grayscale colors converted to grayscale approximation
bw line art: lines and text are black, backgrounds are white


<!--WBSChart:chart width="1200" height="800" padding="10"-->

The 'chart' command actually serves two purposes. It specifies the size of
image tile, therefore dictating how many pages will need to be saved. It also
indicates where in the output HTML the <img> tag will get inserted.

pagenumber inserts the chart page number. Pages are numbered row first.
Charts on a single page have page number "" (ie blank)
The summary or thumbnail page is given the page number 'Overview'.
Where indicated, the word "Page" is generated by the program.

For example, if format="6", then: if the chart fits in a single image,

the pagenumber is "" (empty string) otherwise, the thumbnail is
"Overview", the first chart page is "1st Page", the second chart
page is "2nd Page" etc.

0 1, 2, 3... (default)
1 i, ii, iii...
2 I, II, III...
3 Page 1, Page 2...
4 Page i, Page ii..
5 Page I, Page II...
6 1st Page, 2nd Page...
7 1 of 5...
8 i of v...
9 II of V...
10 1/5, 2/5...
11 i/v, ii/v...
12 II/V, II/V...
13 Page 1 of 5...
14 Page i of v...
15 Page I of V...
16 1st Page of 5...

title "Title" field from Project Summary Info
author "Author" field from Project Summary Info
company "Company" field from Project Summary Info
manager "Manager" field from Project Summary Info
subject "Subject" field from Project Summary Info
keywords "Keywords" field from Project Summary Info
comments "Comments" field from Project Summary Info
start "Project Start Date" field from Project Summary Info format
finish "Project Finish Date" field from Project Summary Info

topic="start" date format (see below)
topic="finish" date format (see below)

name Name
desc Description

format date format (see below)

summary summary task field legend
task task field legend

scale image scale 10% to "200%" (default "100%")

png Portable Network Graphics file format (default)
jpg JPEG file format

auto colors as specified in the chart (default)
grayscale colors converted to grayscale approximation
bw line art: lines and text are black, backgrounds are white

yes all borders
no borders only for those tasks used in the chart (default)

first labels to the left of the images (default)
second labels to the right of the images
none no labels; image meaning must be determined via tooltips

scale image scale 10% to "200%" (default "100%")

png Portable Network Graphics file format (default)
jpg JPEG file format

auto colors as specified in the chart (default)
grayscale colors converted to grayscale approximation
bw line art: lines and text are black, backgrounds are white

home HTML 'overview' page (default)
up one row up
down one row down
left one column left
right one column right

home HTML 'overview' page (default)
up one row up
down one row down
left one column left
right one column right
exist text string to return if page exists (default: empty string)
notexist text string to return if page doesn't exist (default: empty
in the two strings.

Date Formats

WBS Schedule Pro can emit dates and times in a wide variety of formats:

0 4/25/2014
1 4/25/14
2 4/25/14 8:00
3 April 25 2014
4 April 25 2014 8:00 AM
5 Apr 25
6 Apr 25 8:00 AM
7 Apr 25 14
8 April 14
9 Apr-25-14
10 Apr-25-14 8:00 AM
11 Mon 4/25/14
12 Mon 4/25/14 8:00 AM
13 Mon Apr 25 14
14 Mon 25 Apr
15 Mon Apr-25-14
16 Mon Apr-25-14 8:00 AM
17 Mon 4/25
18 Mon 25
19 Mon 8:00 AM
20 Apr 14
21 4/14
22 4/25
23 25
24 8:00 AM
25 April
26 Apr
27 April 2014
28 Mon April 25 2014
29 April 14
30 2014
31 14
32 Q2 2014
33 Q2 14
34 1/W25
35 1/W25/14 8:00 AM

The above formats tend to be dependent on the system�s current day-month-year

and any day or month names depend on the system language.

ISO-8601 compatible formats:

41 YY-MM
48 YYYY-DDD HH:MM(day of year)
49 YYYY-DDDTHH:MM (day of year)
50 YYYY-DDD (day of year)
51 YY-DDD HH:MM(day of year)
52 YY-DDDTHH:MM (day of year)
53 YY-DDD (day of year)
54 YYYYDDD HHMM(day of year)
55 YYYYDDDTHHMM (day of year)
56 YYYYDDD (day of year)
57 YYDDD HHMM(day of year)
58 YYDDDTHHMM (day of year)
59 YYDDD (day of year)
60 HH:MM

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