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The Bilderberg Group: Planning the World's Future Behind Closed Doors Page 1 of 5

by Charles Overbeck
Matrix Editor

The date is May 14, 1998. The attendees -

- 120 representatives of the Western
political, financial and corporate elite --
cruise through the untamed Scottish
countryside in black limousines on their
way to the swank Turnberry Hotel in
Ayrshire. The discussions they will
engage in, and the consensus they reach,
will influence the course of Western
civilization and the future of the entire
planet. This meeting will take place
behind closed doors in total secrecy,
protected by a phalanx of armed guards.

The Bilderberg is
about to get busy
once again.
According to a
Bilderberg Society
press release, the
46th Bilderberg
meeting was an
informal discussion
"to discuss the
Atlantic relationship 12-10-2001
The Bilderberg Group: Planning the World's Future Behind Closed Doors Page 2 of 5

in a time of change. Among others the

Conference will discuss NATO, Asian Crisis,
EMU, Growing Military Disparity, Japan,
Multilateral Organizations, Europe's social
model, Turkey, EU/US Market Place [sic]."

Those who attend Bilderberg meetings do so in

a private rather than official capacity. From
former CIA director John Deutch to New
Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman, each
guest attendee is hand-picked by the
Bilderberg's organizing committee to join in
secret deliberations about the propagation of
Western hegemony in the New World Order.

All Bilderberg discussions are conducted in

absolute secrecy. To guarantee solitude, the
Group customarily books an entire hotel in a
secluded location. The hotel is protected by a
tight security grid of heavily armed guards
from the U.S. Secret Service, various European
secret service agencies and the local police.

Although some reporters and many media

owners are present at these meetings, you will
hear nothing about the Bilderberg in the news.
According to the Bilderberg's press release,
"Participants have agreed not to give interviews
to the press during the meeting. In contacts
with the news media after the conference it is
an established rule that no attribution should be
made to individual participants of what was
discussed during the meeting."

A source close to the Turnberry conference told

The Scotsman: "I cannot comment officially on
whether this is a conference of the Bilderberg
group... This is a strictly private non-
governmental conference, one of a series of
such meetings. Their purpose is the discuss
most informally and confidentially topics of 12-10-2001
The Bilderberg Group: Planning the World's Future Behind Closed Doors Page 3 of 5

current concern to the democracies of Europe

and America."

proponents argue
that this cloak of
secrecy is vital to
ensuring an
honest and
vigorous debate.

"Some of the delegates are politicians, but

everyone is here privately," the Turnberry
conference source told The Scotsman. "It
inspires frothing at the mouth of conspiracy
theories, but the purpose of the privacy is to
allow delegates to have a frank and
constructive debate and get to the heart of
things knowing that they are not going to be

Of course, this secrecy also guarantees that the

vast majority of the world's citizenry is kept
completely in the dark regarding Bilderberg
deliberations, even though the consensus of the
Group may affect national and international
government and commerce.

The extremes to which the Bilderberg goes to

achieve this level of secrecy raises serious
suspicions about the Group's motives in the
minds of many. Critics of the Bilderberg say:

l The Group perceives itself as being supra-

governmental. Indeed, Bilderberg founder
Prince Bernhard himself once said, "It is
difficult to re-educate people who have
been brought up on nationalism to the idea
of relinquishing part of their sovereignty to
a supra-national body." (Alden Hatch, H.
R. H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands: 12-10-2001
The Bilderberg Group: Planning the World's Future Behind Closed Doors Page 4 of 5

An Authorized Biography, G. G. Harrap &

Co. [London], 1962.)

l The Group coercively manipulates global

finances and establishes rigid and binding
monetary rates around the world.

l The Group selects political figures whom

the Bilderberg determines should become
rulers, and targets those whom it wants
removed from power.

l Rather than pursuing an agenda which

would work to solve global health, energy,
environmental and agricultural problems,
the Group pursues an agenda which
guarantees the propagation of its own
power and the enrichment of its members,
at the expense of human rights and
environmental degradation worldwide.

As Bilderberg critic Tony Gosling wrote, "One

cannot help but be a little suspicious when
priorities for the future of mankind are being
considered, by those who have real influence
over that future, in total secret."

Next: Origins of the Bilderberg

Matrix: Conspiracies and Coverups

ParaScope: Something Strange is
The ParaStore: Conspiracy Books 12-10-2001
The Bilderberg Group: Planning the World's Future Behind Closed Doors Page 5 of 5 12-10-2001

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