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Topic: Relations among planning, focuses and paradigms. José Alberto Mejía Pérez.

Education is the best way to change the world and the context where we live. This epic born in the
schoolroom, into it we have contact with different ideas, point of views, idiosyncrasy, double
moral, ethic, habits and other sort of human expressions. However, the educational precepts told
us educator have to face up this human characteristics in order to change the societies, turn them
into a really useful societies which precepts are established by the UNESCO (United Nations for
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).

First of all, we need to donate meanings with the aim to understand the topic as much as possible.
Here I show you the meanings:

 Planning: To devise a schema for, to make plans, preparations or arrangements for

something. It what is to say: Make realistic plans for something in the future.
 Focus: focal point. It means the centre of interest or attention. Our objectives.
 Paradigms: example, model. As I told you in the first paragraph, a paradigm is a mixture of
culture; it can be good or bad.

The paradigms of planning in educational context born in culture (beauty arts, habits, ethic,
ideological thought), therefore the different ways of think or act, significant process present in
humanity world and is integrated by behaviour. Only the young minds have the possibility to
change in their have contact with education. We can change minds if teachers show the
importance of arts and history and compare the culture around the world.

This precept of change life was integrated for the first time by UNESCO, who signed an agreement
nest to the Second World War (4 November 1946). In which found the pillars of education with the
following perspectives: “learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to

Even though we have all the possibilities to change and educate we need to participate if we want
to improve, a collective work of school context has to keep in touch: headmasters, mistress,
professors, teachers, students and parents. With the purpose of donate a good social skills,
culture, a quality in education and probably and economical opportunities.

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