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Ministerul Administratiei si Internelor CONCURS DE ADMITERE, Academia de Politic, Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Sesiuneafulle-august 2006 -—— LIMBA ENGLEZA 1) Sorry, | didn't see you when you passed me in the street. If | you, of course | hello. a) had seen / would have said b) had seen / would say ©) see / would have said 4) have seen / would have said 2yifl hard when | was young | where | am now. a) hadn't worked / wouldn't be b) didn't work / wouldn't be c) hadn't worked / won't be d) haven't worked / won't have been 3) Daca n-ai fifost tu s& ne imprumuti bani ne-am fi dus la banca. a) Ifithadn't been for you to lend us the money we would have gone to the bank. b) But for you not to lend us the money we would go to the bank c) [fit weren't for you to lend us the money we went to the bank. d) Hadn't been you to lend us the money we would have gone to the bank. 4) have in common is identity. a) Which they all / the lack b) What they all /a lack of c) That which all they / the lacking d) What they all / lack 5) "Have you ever been to Paris?" " Yes, I've been there times". a) alittle b) afew ©) alot 4) little 6) Nobody phoned , 2 a) did they b) didn't they ©) isn'tit d) have they 7) You look so happy. You a good day, a) need to have b) had to have ¢) should have had d) must have had Noti:Fiecare intrebare are o singurd varianté de rispuns corect a) b) c) d) Exemplu de marcare rispuns: Rispuns corect la intrebarea nr... b) 1 f Pagina I din S Academia de Politie,,Alexandru Ioan Cuca” Sesiunea julie-august 2006 A A2 LIMBA ENGLE: Q Ministerul Administratiei si Internelor CONCURS DE ADMITERE 8) Cred c va trebui sd-i spui adevarul cand 7l vei intalni. I think you him the truth when you him, a) must tell /will meet b) will have to tell / meet ©) have to tell / meet 4) should tell / will meet 9) You come to meet me at the airport. | your place on my own. a) hadn't to/ could have found b) needn't have / could have found c) didn't need to / might have found d) shouldn't have had to / must have found 10) They say she has lost her luggage in Paris. a) It was said that she has her luggage lost in Paris, b) She is said to have lost her luggage in Paris. c) She was said to lose her luggage in Paris. d) She is said to have been lost her luggage in Paris. 11) "Can | see the photographs you took when you were on holiday?” “I'm afraid l yet. I'l tell the photographer to hurry up.". a) didn't develop the film b) haven't developed the film ©) hadn't had the film developed 4) haven't had the film developed 12) They made me laugh. a) I was made to laugh. b) Iwas being made to laugh. ©) Iwas made laugh. 4) Iwas being made laugh. 13) Stii cd te poti baza pe mine daca ai vreodata nevoie de ajutor. You know that you can me if you ever need any help. a) rely on b) trust with c) get over 4) join to 14) We made her an excellent offer, but she turned it a) down b) up ©) on d) off Pagina 2 din S Academia de Politic, Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Sesiunea iulie-august 2006 LIMBA ENGLEZA A2 Q Ministerul Administratiei si Internelor CONCURS DE ADMITERE 15) He won't approve the fact that his daughter comes home so late. a) to/at b) of / back ©) with / back 4) into / at 16) It's high time what college to attend. a) you will decide b) you decided ©) you had decided d) for your deciding 17) Este de dorit ca noi sa cunoastem problemele de care trebuie s4 ne ocupam. Itis advisable that a) we should know the problems we have to deal with. b) we knew the problems we have to deal with c) we will know what problems to deal of. d) we should have known the problems we had to deal with. 18)! my children TV without permission. a) would rather / watch b) would prefer / not watch ¢) would rather / didn't watch d) prefer / not watching 19) Vestile rele nu-i fac pe oameni fericiti a) Bad news don't make people happy. b) Bad news doesn't make people happily. ©) Bad news don't make people happily. 4) Bad news doesn't make people happy. 20) By the time we , everybody and as much as they a) will have finished / will have eaten / drunk / can b) have finished / will have eaten / drunk / can ) have finished / will have eaten / drink / can d) will have finished / will have eaten / drink / can 21) For the last two months | hard decorating our new house. When we in two months ago, everything in a mess but now | the job. a) have been working / moved / was / almost had finished b) have been working / moved / was / have almost finished c) have worked / had moved / was / almost finished d) have worked / moved / had been / have almost finished Noti:Fiecare intrbare are o singur variant derispuns cree : Exemplo de marcarerispns: Rispuns cores a nebarea mb) a) b) ¢) dy 1 f Pagina 3 din 5

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