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Effects of Baking-Soda—Containing Dentifrices on Oral Malodor oad M. Brant PD Departnet of Oral Bioogy Facey of Dentistry ‘The Unies o British Columbia Veneouoe, iti Columbia Conade concem and intr n 1582 Ie trae estimated tha: Americans {pent dos to billion dallas on Products to overcoms bad breath ‘Rare ofthis natural tracts inventor 4? patents wes ‘ented In a recet LEXPAT> Search using the angle search term mouth oder” These patents provide dives formulations for Tbothpats and mouthwashes 3 well a wide vay of leaning Procedures and devs “The extent of pute intern is sleoindieatd by wice newspaper Coverage ofthe fple A survey of the Nes database forthe yene 1995 reves rough 70 ares innewspapers ane magazines swhorbad breath orbltse Learning Objectives Alter reading ths article the reader shouldbe able to: ‘dese the shemiea basi of oral malodor Ist he conditions that lead to malodor production, liste aspect of edor perception thatae mos relevant to oa malodor. + explain the najor approaches to contralling orl malodor i terms of ‘their lationship to the mechanism of oral malodor production. + report the eect of baking-soda-containing denies. mentioned Many ethestrisece- tee that had lodged in es ported anecdote auch a the 1 when ahe was an infant (Care Jyearold who was cured of ton Daily Mat, December 15,1985, "éragon-breath” when she ex- pA) or the bad breath of fll pelea twig from a Christmas beth Ut bed Cusds Hank Stan 1118 Speman 2 sesamiae tase to redesign the Kanses City Chief" huddles (The New York Tones, December A985, p39 —geontrsrelingthobresih out [Nevertheless there ware many re ports of clinics being set up to treat bad breath; mush informs: tion as well as dsilermation has been distributed: and homespun approaches to dealing with the Problem abound. I safe oa Sume that consumes are co fused about what fo about bad breath partially when they are faced with such a plethore of Cone flcting advice, such ae einsing wth water or taking Farsley seed find sunflower sed a, drinking freen fea, or using charcoal of ‘hloropyl ables Bad breath is an exceedingly ‘common conor. i found in treasingly afte inthe elderly, Who, as Baby boomers age, will form an even greater proportion ofthe population then they do ‘ow. In contrast wo public and ke ventor intrest, nd cespite the prevalnce ofthe prolem of bod Ereath, dental school curricula typially devote litle tne to orl ralodot. There would appear to ‘bea need to provide nore infor mation to dental peactionets on thistopias dentists encounter the problem more frequent. This at ficle briefly reviews what is known about oral malodor and ‘what approaches have ben used {o suppress i, and ilastates 8 ‘quantitative approach studying the effect oF restmen's on oral tmalodor using sium biesrbon- ate-contaning dentifeis, Sources of Bad Breath Breath odor can arise from many sources in the tody. The ntist evaluating patio whos ‘complaining of bad breth should begin by taking a thorough case Iisory: Abscess, cardinoma of the mouth, drug use, frign bod feslodged inthe respirsory toc, Aavoring ingredients (rch = gar. lic), as well a8 other conditions ‘could account for bad beet: thas been recognized sirce ang. WL 1 Sapam 28 ty thatthe breath an be used to Slagnose disease but, subse Of favor asa dagnostc method, Recently, more rophistlcated methods and tools for breath Sralsishave been developed and Bre being used, for example, in [asteroenterology to diagnose ‘malabsorption syndrome? Biff nfl sampling is ured fo distin: {ulsh between possible sources of bral malodor. Lung si, for ex: ample, can be sampled afer the ‘expiration ofthe frst 180 mL of Characteristics of Individuals With Bad Breath Spouge! stated thatthe general fncidence of halitosis is 30 com ‘on that iti difficult to decide ‘hat is normal the people with falltoss or the people without. A ‘umber of condition are cond ‘ve to bad breath, An unhygienic ‘mouth i always a source of mal- ‘dor because the combination of thundantboctera and substates favor VSC production. Indiidu als with periodontitis and/or gn- vis are prime candidates for YYSC produston because itroral bleeding contsbutes blood cls, ‘which can serve a substrates for bacterial action, and crevices it ‘which leukocytes, and other cls, tnd bacteria are sequestered un- er reducing (poorly oxygenated) ‘contons tht favor VSC precy ton. A numberof corlative id Jeshave associated VSC wih pert ‘Kowal Therapetc Teco, {OL 18 Spsement No. 21

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