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Adriana Pinon

Ms. Cunningham

English Literature 5

5 February 2019

Annotation 1

walker, deborah klein. “Disability and Health Disability Barriers | CDC.” ​Centers for Disease Control and 

Prevention​, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

In this article, the CDC explains the barriers the disability community has to face. After reviewing extensive resources,

CDC decided to state the attitudinal barriers, communication barriers, physical barriers, policy barriers, programmatic barriers,

social barriers, and transportation barriers. People tend to assume the disability community as “their quality of life is poor or that

they are unhealthy because of their impairments." 15% of people with disabilities are unemployed. Due

to jobs “denying reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities, so they can perform the essential functions of

the job for which they have applied or have been hired to perform." The article explores the struggles all people with disabilities tend

to go through. After examining the articles, most of the struggles the disability community goes through is caused by people’s lack of

awareness towards towards the disability community. The CDC explains the disability community goes through attitudinal barriers,

communication barriers, physical barriers, policy barriers, programmatic barriers, social barriers, and transportation barriers. This

article is valuable toward my learning stretch because it helps expand my knowledge towards the struggles the disability community

goes through on the daily basis. This article enhances my knowledge of the daily challenges the disability community faces. The idea

it sparks toward my final product is creating awareness on the challenges

the disability community faces. Everything in the article is usable towards my project.

Annotation 2

meldon, perri. “Disability History: The Disability Rights Movement (U.S. National Park Service).” N
​ ational Parks Service​, 

U.S. Department of the Interior, 2015, ​​. 

In this article, Meldon explores the disability rights movement. The article states the “Treatment and perceptions of

disability have undergone transformation since the 1900s." One of the greatest achievement “To date, the 1990 Americans with

Disabilities Act (ADA) and the subsequent ADA Amendments Act (2008) are the movement’s greatest legal achievements." The

article is about the history of disability rights movement. The article included organizations created by and for people with

disabilities. Many of the groups stated in the article, created awareness on the disability community. Which revolutionized all the

challenges the disability community faces. This resource is valuable towards my learning stretch because it helps me gain

background knowledge on the disability rights movement history. This article sparks the idea of providing background in my final
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product. Many changes were made to benefit the disabilities community but not enough to help make their daily challenges


Annotation 3

Sosin, Daniel. “Disability Inclusion | CDC.” C

​ enters for Disease Control and Prevention​, Centers for Disease Control and 

Prevention, 2015, w

In this article, CDC explores disability inclusion, and the benefits of it. Using disability inclusion helps by “Including

people with disabilities in activities begins with identifying and eliminating barriers to their participation." Disability inclusion is

important because “disability affects approximate 56.7 million, or nearly 1 in 5 (18.7%) people in the United States living in

communities." The article explains disability inclusion benefits the disability community because it eliminates the report barriers

between people with and without disabilities. After discussing why disability inclusion is beneficial CDC explains its important

because it affects billions of people around the world. This article is valuable towards my learning stretch because it helps me

identify a solution to one of the barriers. This article enhances my project because it helps me clarify to my classmates why it’s

important. The idea it sparks towards my final product is trying to make

riverside more handicapped accessible. Everything in the article is usable. The article is perfect for my project it helps me come up

with ideas on what I can do to help the handicapped community.

Annotation 4

katch, hannah. “Supportive Housing Helps Vulnerable People Live and Thrive in the Community.” C
​ enter on Budget 

and Policy Priorities​, 11 Oct. 2017,

The following article gives a view on how supportive housing will help the disability communities live and thrive in a

community. Usually, the disability community tends to have letter barriers with people without disabilities but “Supportive housing

helps people with disabilities live stably in the community." One of the benefits of supportive housing is “People with disabilities in

supportive housing reduce their use of costly systems, especially emergency health care and corrections." These

are some many examples stated in the article explaining why supportive housing can help the disability community. The article

explores ideas on how we can create the supportive housing to help the disability community. The authors explore the benefits of

supportive housing. Supportive housing helps the disability community by improving health, saving money, and living in a stable

community and house. The article is valuable towards my learning stretch because it teaches me the benefits of how a handicapped

accessible community can help create a more friendly environment towards the disability community. This article enhances my

project because it provides evidence on why creating more handicapped accessible communities will vastly benefit the disability

community. The idea it sparks towards my final product is if this evidence to create awareness on how only making the streets more
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disability friendly can majorly help the disability community. The information usable in the

article is the benefits stated on how creating a disability friendly community can help the disability community overcome the

communication barrier.

Annotation 5

martin, kyle. “For Disabled People, Rent-a-Bikes Are More than an Annoyance, but Do They Violate the ADA?” D
​ allas 

News​, 20 Jan. 2018,

In the article, Martin explores how rent-a-bike affect the handicapped community and if they violate the ADA. Martin

interviews two people apart from the handicapped community, a few lawyer, and an activist. In the article, Martin interviews two

people apart from the handicapped community to get their standviews on how rent-a-bike affects them. Martin interviews, lawyers

to explore the options the handicapped community has to take action on the rent-a-bike. Towards the end, Martin explores solutions

to the problem. This research is valuable towards my research stretch because it states the perspective of people apart from the

handicapped community. This article enhances my project because it states solutions on how we can fix the problem. The idea it

sparks towards my final product is creating a Instagram providing little things people can do to help the handicapped community.

The information usable is the solutions stated, and the views from the people apart from the disability community.

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