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TOPIC: Family is less important now tan it was in the past.

The family in the 21th century

The families are the support of all the people. Anyone can be busy in his day or
focus in his risposibilities but always, eventhough just a little of time, They have
time to think or remember something about his family.
Many people think that family is less important now than it was in the past, and I
strongly believe the same.
To begin with, in the past, the people needed more his family than now because
They are more dependent of them. For example, today es common to see boys or
girls, between 16 and 20 years , live alone and take his own choices.
Secondly, actually, the childrens past less time with his parents than in 90`s or
80`s. One reason is that in the past, a mother didn´t work or work less than now
and that was very important because she had more time to educated his boys and
pass more time with they. But actually, the parents work at the same time, and the
childrens are more free and take choices alone so, they give less important to the
union family.
On the other hand, today exist differents informatic tools and they help to the
communication between the family members. For instance, in the past if you lived
far away, you could only communicate with your family with letters or by
telephone. But now, you can call, for example your parents, with your computer or
Smartphone, or send an e-mail. And this is very important because increase the
relation between the family members.
To sum up, I think that the family was more important years ago than actually.

(56 minutos)

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