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Question no 01= what is Moringa and what used to be Moringa?

The moringa tree is native to South Asia and grows crazy fast in tough climate
conditions. It produces “drumstick” pods, seeds that can be eaten like peas or
pressed into oil, and small, round leaves can be eaten fresh or dried and
powdered. Most people in the U.S. ingest the leaves as a powder added to


Miracle Moringa, The Never Die Tree, Tree of Life, the Vitamin Tree


 This tiny leaf has been used medicinally (and as food) for at least 4,000 years. It is lives
up to its nickname as “Miracle Moringa.”
 It contains glucose-modifying, anti-diabetic properties that can fight Type 2 diabetes
and obesity. Tests have shown moringa leaves effectively lower blood sugar levels.
 It is a known agent for preventing hypercholesterolemia and hyperglycemia.
 The leaves have a high iron content and help prevent anemia.
 The leaves help protect your liver and promote cleansing of the body.
 Early studies have shown moringa to have anti-cancer properties.
 It is nutrient packed, full of protein, essential amino acids, antioxidants, and more.
 Moringa contains 18 of 20 amino acids with all 9 essential amino acids present, making
it a great protein source.
 It also is an anti-bacterial and cardio protective agent, providing antibiotic activity
against H. Pylori.
 Moringa flowers are boiled in water and made into a tea, which is believed to fight colds.

Known as the tree of life, because every part of the tree is used. Seriously! The seeds, pods, flowers,
are leaves are used as food, while the bark, roots, stems, and the rest of the tree are used for making
tools or as folk medicine. Ayurvedic medicine uses part of the tree for treating various ailments. The
leaves are eaten raw in salads, blended into drinks, or steamed.

Question no 02= what is Aloe Vera and what used to be Aloe Vera?
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a succulent plant species of the genus Aloe. An evergreenperennial, it
originates from the Arabian Peninsula but grows wild in tropical climates around the
world and is cultivated for agricultural and medicinal uses. The species is also used for
decorative purposes and grows successfully indoors as a potted plant.

Use of Aloe Vera

1. Teeth and gums

A study published in General Dentistryreported that Aloe vera in tooth gels is as
effective as toothpaste in fighting cavities.

2. Constipation
Germany's regulatory agency for herbs - Commission E - approved the use
of Aloe vera for the treatment of constipation.

3. Diabetes-induced foot ulcers

A study carried out at the Sinhgad College of Pharmacy, India, and published in
the International Wound Journal looked at Aloe's ability to treat ulcers.
4. Antioxidant and possible antimicrobial properties
Aloe vera may be used on skin conditions or superficial cuts for its
antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.

5. Protection from ultraviolet (UV) irradiation

Scientists at Kyung Hee University Global Campus, South Korea, wanted to
determine whether baby Aloe shoot extract and adult Aloe shoot extract might
have a protective effect on UVB-induced skin photoaging; in other words,
whether they could protect the skin from the aging effects of sunlight.

Question no 03= what is chia Seeds and what are the benefits of Chia

Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are among the healthiest foods on the planet.
Chia seeds are tiny black seeds from the plant Salvia hispanica, which is related
to the mint.
Chia seeds were an important food for the Aztecs and Mayans back in the day.
They prized them for their ability to provide sustainable energy. In fact, "chia" is
the ancient Mayan word for "strength."
Despite their ancient history as a dietary staple, chia seeds became recognized
as a modern-day superfood only recently.Chia seeds are tiny black seeds from
the plant Salvia hispanica, which is related to the mint. Chia seeds were an
important food for the Aztecs and Mayans back in the day.

They prized them for their ability to provide sustainable energy. In fact, "chia" is
the ancient Mayan word for "strength."

Despite their ancient history as a dietary staple, chia seeds became recognized
as a modern-day superfood only recently.
Benefits of chia Seeds
1. Chia Seeds Deliver a Massive Amount of Nutrients With
Very Few Calories.
2. Chia Seeds Are Loaded With Antioxidants
3. Almost All the Carbs in Them Are Fiber
4. Chia Seeds Are High in Quality Protein
5. The High Fiber and Protein Content in Chia Seeds May
Help You Lose Weight
6. Chia Seeds Are High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids
7. Chia Seeds May Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease
8. They’re High in Many Important Bone Nutrients

Question no 04= Organic/Natural Brush

Natural toothbrush (Miswak)
The miswak a teeth cleaning twig made from the Salvadora persica tree. It is reputed to have
been used over 7000 years ago. The miswak'sproperties have been described thus: "Apart
from their antibacterial activity which may help control the formation and activity of dental
plaque, they can be used effectively as a natural toothbrush for teeth cleaning. Such sticks are
effective, inexpensive, common, available, and contain many medical properties".
Benefits of Natural toothbrush.

1. Fights Tooth Decay And Cavities

2. Protects Against Tartar And Plaque
3. Removes Malodor
4. Fights Harmful Bacteria And Germs
5. Protects And Strengthens The Gums
Question no:05
Grape vine communication
If communication is done without maintaining the formalities
prescribed by the organization, it is called informal communication.It is
also known as grapevine that takes place when the people of an
organization or group, especially of same level or rank gather or meet
tighter and discuss informally. It has no definite pattern or direction
though it is largely horizontal in nature. It is a complex web of oral
information flow linking all the members of the organization.
Single strand chain
Gossip chain
Probability chain
Cluster chain

Question no:06
Top 4 philanthropist countries
Libya - 77%
Kenya - 76%
Liberia - 75%
Kuwait - 74%
Question no:07
Question no:07
Top 5 countries where child birth rate is high
Country Rate Rank

Niger 7.153 children per woman 1

Somalia 6.123 children per woman 2

Dr Congo 5.963 children per woman 3
Mali 5.922 children per woman 4
Chad 5.797 children per woman 5

Question no:08
Khaadi labour issues
According to details, large protests have been held by Khaadi workers
in Karachi and Lahore during the past week as workers alleged that
management was responsible for unfair practices and inhumane
working conditions.One of the accusations leveled against Khaadi was
that workers were not handed employment letters after being
appointed by the brand. This leaves the workers with no legal
protection after they are fired or terminated and the terms of their
employment remain vague.Another accusation leveled against the
management is that it drove a female worker to commit suicide after
she was heavily penalised for taking an unscheduled lunch break. It is
also alleged by workers against Khaadi that the company deducts
Employee Old Age Benefits Institution (EOBI) contributions from the
salaries of workers but does not provide them with the amount. In the
same way, it does not deposit the Sindh Employees' Social Security
Institution (SESSI) contributions with the department.Workers have
complained that they are not offered clean drinking water at the
workplace and there are restrictions as to the amount of times they can
use the toilet during a day. Also, complaints have surfaced that Khaadi
does not pay its workers if they get injured during the course of their
duty which is a requirement of law and labourers are made to work for
more than 12 hours and on national holidays.

Question no:09
Alamgir Khan, an activist who turned a politician after his campaign of

The reason why he is called Mr. fixit and why he turned a politician is
given below:
While pursuing an MBA degree from Iqra University, he started a
campaign in January 2016 to spray-paint the portrait of then Chief
Minister of Sindh Qaim Ali Shah alongside uncovered sewer holes and
garbage dumps in various part of Karachi.The campaign called Fix It
took social media by storm which made Khan rose to fame.On 25
February 2016, he was arrested by the police after he attempted to
empty the garbage bins outside the Sindh Chief Minister House in
Karachi.The next day, he was released on bail. In March 2016, a city
court in Karachi indicted him in a case of wrongful restraint. August
2018, he was allocated Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) ticket to contest
the by-election from Constituency NA-243 (Karachi).He was elected to
the National Assembly of Pakistan as a candidate of PTI from
Constituency NA-243 (Karachi) in by-election held on 14 October 2018.

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