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ANNA. Forget it RADICAL STUDENT ACTIVIST. There is something radical in oo complete strangers committing brologeal necestiy wil ‘out having to give Into bourgeois conventions of love, witout breeding to produce workers for 2 capitalist system, without the benedicdon of the church, the family, the bosses — ANNA. T have something to confer to you. I Bed to you. RADICAL STUDENT ACTIVIST. "About what? ANNA. I'm not here on business: 1 don Corporate takeovers. T don’t work om Wall Steet only told |Your that because I thought that was whtt you wanted to hear RADICAL STUDENT ACTY ‘Okay. So you do estate planning? Income tx? ANNA.” No. You jast committed a revolutionary act with firatgrade schoolteacher who lives in lowincome housing. And Pm tired. I think you should go, RADICAL STUDENT ACTIVIST. And your hssband? WNNA. Not too loud. And he's mot my husband. {e's my yher. A maiden librarian for the San Francisco Public Ar Radical Student Act testo lave) And by the way — the Frissionary postion does not a revolution make. (The Radial ‘Student Aa leave. Awa, depend ie down. Cort ies fom tesa y Scene 25 CARL. And as she fay in the bed, sleepless, i swept over het — the way her chaaroom smelled early in the mori, before the children came. it smelled of chalk dust — THE THIRD MAN. It smelled of Crayola wax, crushed purple and gro — CARL. “"The cedar of hamster cage shavings — THE ‘THIRD MAN. The sveet wintergreen of LePage's paste — CARL The wooden smell of the thick consinxction paper — ‘THE THIRD MAN. The spllings of sucky orange drink and it 2 ‘THE THIRD MAN and GARI. (Simllenrously) And dhe in ‘sdious smell of fist grader poe. CARL. "It smelled like heaven. ANNA. And the fist thing Tid exch morning was put up the weather map for today on the board under dhe fag. A tight, smiling tun, or Mise Cloud of Mr: Umbrella. On spe ial days I put up Suzy Snowflake. And when T opened ty desk drawer, scattered ike diamonds the bottom were se Siher and gol stars. (leat) I ant to go home. Carl | want to go home, CARL. Soon, sweetie. Very s000, ANNA. Te had enough. Tye scen all of the world 1 wane to see I want to wake wp in my own bed I want to sit with you at home and well watch the weather. And we'l alt CARL. “We've come so far. We have o atleast go to Vienna Do you think you cam hold out long enough to meet Dr ‘Todemocheln? (Ans miurale ond hort, nd) That gi promise you don't have to undertake his hydrotherapy unless you decide to. T have a friend in Vicia, « college chum, who might be able to get us some of blackmarket uf. 1s worth 4 shot ANNA. Then you'll uke me home? CARL. ‘Then THI take you home. Scene 26 ‘Matic: A song sich at the sithr then from The Thies Man Gard and Ava stend, ath thar fugeag, im fmt ofa di bate: CARL. Fist wel just ook up Hatry. Then we'll ea over to De, Todesrochela. (Carl ringr the base Thy wal Can! rs (he buss again. ‘They wait An aging Concirge comes cut) * See Special Note om copyright page 4s a — Entschuldigung. Wir suchen Harry Lime? Do you speak English? CONCIERGE. Nein, Ih spreche kein Englisch. (Carl and the Gonciee star akout as ifthe other one ws def) CARL" Here Lime? De you know him? Herr Harry Lime? CONGIERGE. Ach. Ach Js, Heer Harry Lime, You come too spit CARL. "He's gone? Too «pit? CONCIERGE. "Fant minuten too spt. Er ist tot — CARL. What CONCIERGE. Ja. Ein auto mit Harry splotemachen auf der Surat, Splaut ANNA. Splat? CARL. Splatt It dawns om Cart and Anna whet the Concoge fs saying) CONCIERGE. Js, ja. Er geht dber dic strse, und cin auto spppllantat ANNA. Ob, my god. CONCIERGE. "”(Gesturingasth hands) Ja. Er hat auch eine rabbit Herr Rabbit auch = spate! They are diggen ein fab in den Boden. Jet CARL.” Now? You saw this happen? CONGIERGE. Ju. saw ft mit meinen own Augen. Spa. (she ests) Spiataen, splatien, Sher alles =" CARL. Listen, darling. I want you to tke a cab to the oct’ office ANNA. "Where are you going? GARL Ich yertase. Ti find out what happened to Harry ANNA. I wish you wouldn't leavers CARL 111 come tack, Olay? Scene 27 ‘Anna climb outs a table and gthens a white paper she ‘round her. She hud ANNA. Some things are the same in every county. You're feared when You sce the doctor, here in Vienna jus kei Balimmore. And they hand you the same paper cup 1 fil jst like in America. Then you cimb up onto the sine ce soe lable, and they throw a sheet around you and yu Teel very Stall. And just ike at home, they tell you to wait And you Wal (AS Ais wai, doayfed on the tll the seme wth Hony Lime and Carl nfl. Mui such of The hind Man™ thon, ~~ Scene 28 (Om the Pris Wh in the Pater Can hls he suf ae it cy. CARL. Why are we meeting here? HARRY LIME. Tlave you looked at the view from up here? Ws quite inspiring. No maiter how eld f get, | always love the ferris wheel CARL T just came feo HARRY LIME. "Tm touche CARL What are you doing? HARRY LIME. “Tes best not to ask too many questions. The police were begianing to do that I's exiemely convenient how and then ina man’s carcer, to die. Ive gone under round. So if you want to snect me, you have to come hee old ma. Was i¢ a nice feral? + See Specat Note on copyright page No ome asks questions here CARL, “Can you help us? (Hany Lime at fost does not ane He aks atthe vin) HARRY LIME." Whereis your sister? She left you alone? CARL. “she's — she needs her rest. You were my closest, fend in college HARRY LIME.” I be straight with you. I can give you the ‘drugs — but it won't help. Ie won't help at all. Your sisters better off with that quack Todesrocheln — we call him the Yellow Queen of Vienna — she might end up drinking her ‘on pits, but Ht won't kil her CARL "But I thought you Dad the drags — HARRY LIME, Oh, I do. And they cost prety penny, For & price, T can give them to you. At» discount for ol ties But you have to Know, we make them up in iy kitchen CARL Jesus HARRY LIME, Why not People will pay for these things When they're desperate people will rat pech pit, or aoe, or 3g protein — dhey'l even drink their own pis Tt gives them hope CARL, How can you do this? HARRY LIME. "Listen, old man, if you want to be milion: aire, you go into real estate. If you want to be a billionaire you sell hope. Nowadays the only place a fellow can make {econt career of iti in Mexico and Earope. CARL, “Thats. dagusting HARRY LIME.” “Look. dhought you werent going to be . sentimental about thir It's a business. You have to have We right perspective. Like From up here ~ the people denn on the steet are just tiny Mle dois. And if you could charge 51,000, wouidn’t you push the drugy? I could use. friend T can init to help me. CARL. When we were at Hopkins gether, 1 thought you were God. You could hypnotize ae into doing anything, and it would seem .. charming. Cart, old man, you'd sy, “Just do iv” Cuuting ses, erbbing exams, shoplifting, stupid’ under. iraduate things — and T would do it: Without knowing the Consequences 1 would do it 6 HARRY LIME. Ob, you knew the consequ You knew. You chore not to think about them, CARL. Tse grown old before my une f (quences. I'm turning you in, HARRY LIME. I wouldn't do that, old man. (Hary Line pats a buge on the inde of hi trench cot) By the te you hit the round, you'l be just a tiny litle dot (Carl and Hamy Lime Tah each athe, wating} And 1 think you have something 1 vant, The rabbit, tte CARL. "No. You're not geting it I'm taking it with me. (dtery Lime puts his arms in pvien for a walt and begat to fey, oder) HARRY LIME.” Come on, give i up. Come to my arms. ny fonly one. Dance with me, taf beloved, my sweet — (Ga wah ‘he safed rabbit nd threatens to throw i out the window ofthe fers whee A Sass wate plays very ld, and Harry Lime and (Carl wales forthe abt. Can i pushed and Hay. Lime tof ith the rab. swale off wih ) x SOK Scene 29 ‘Mesnile bck at Door Todesochas. ANNA, You begin to hope that the wait is proportionate to the medical expertise. My God. My feet are toring blue, Where am 12 An IIMO? (Anva with) The problem with be- ing an ‘adult is that you never forget why you're waiting. ‘Wien 1 yas a chil, could yaitblitully unaware for hours | used to read signs and transpose leter, or count tks the floor. And in the diye before I could read, ! would make up stories about my hands — Mr. Left and Mr. Right, (at) Me. Left would provoke Mr. Right. Mr. Right would ignore i The wouble would escalate, unt my ands were batting each fther to the death. (Beat Anna denonareter) Then one of them would weep. Finally, they became fiends again, and they'd ance — (Annas fo hands dance othe, she are ”

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