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Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1937–1948

DOI 10.1007/s10980-013-9930-9


Thresholds in seascape connectivity: influence of mobility,

habitat distribution, and current strength on fish movement
Iain R. Caldwell • Sarah E. Gergel

Received: 31 October 2012 / Accepted: 6 August 2013 / Published online: 15 August 2013
Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract Assessing connectivity of the marine envi- mobility and water current strength. Connectivity
ronment is a fundamental challenge for marine conser- thresholds in the models occurred when 10–50 % of
vation and planning, yet conceptual development in benthic habitat was favourable; below these thresholds
habitat connectivity has been based on terrestrial there was a rapid increase in path cost. Thresholds were
examples rather than marine ecosystems. Here, we influenced by the interaction of relative habitat costs
explore differences in marine environments that could (simulated fish mobility) and habitat fragmentation:
affect localized movement of marine organisms and thresholds for less mobile fish (higher relative cost)
demonstrate the importance of incorporating them into were reached at lower habitat abundance when habitat
seascape models. We link a fish-based cost surface was fragmented, while thresholds for mobile fish were
model to simulated seascapes to test hypotheses about less affected by fragmentation. Our approach suggests
the effects of fish mobility, water current strength, and mobility and water current are useful indicators of
their interactions on functional connectivity of a connectivity in marine environments and should be
seascape. Our models predict that sedentary fish should incorporated in seascape models.
be more sensitive to habitat change than more mobile
fish. Furthermore, highly mobile fish should be more Keywords Habitat abundance  Habitat loss 
sensitive to water currents than habitat change. In our Fragmentation  Conservation  Marine 
models, the cost of swimming against a current (of any Landscape  Damselfish
strength) exceeded its benefits, resulting in overall
decreases in connectivity with increasing current
strengths. We further hypothesized that thresholds in Introduction
functional connectivity will be affected by both fish
The concept of habitat connectivity has often been
based on terrestrial examples, but there is now a need
I. R. Caldwell (&) to apply it to marine environments to understand how
Project Seahorse, Fisheries Centre, The University of
habitat loss, fragmentation, and degradation could
British Columbia, 2202 Main Mall, Vancouver,
BC V6T 1Z4, Canada affect marine organisms (Grober-Dunsmore et al.
e-mail: 2009; Foley et al. 2010; Boström et al. 2011). One of
the reasons for past emphasis on landscapes compared
S. E. Gergel
to seascapes is the relative ease of measuring structural
Forest Sciences, Centre for Applied Conservation
Research, The University of British Columbia, 3024-2424 connectivity on land compared to underwater (Bos-
Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada tröm et al. 2011). While still not as straightforward as

1938 Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1937–1948

on land, advances in remote sensing and GPS have been used to estimate the relative costs of moving
technology are making it easier to quantify seascape through different habitats for red squirrels (Bakker and
habitat abundance and fragmentation (Moore et al. Van Vuren 2004) and several forest birds (Desrochers
2011), two components needed to measure structural and Hannon 1997; Bélisle and Desrochers 2002).
connectivity (Tischendorf and Fahrig 2000). Using However, to our knowledge, empirical estimates of
such technology, habitat loss and/or fragmentation relative costs exist for only one marine species, the
have been documented worldwide in seagrass (Way- longfin damselfish (Stegastes diencaeus) (Turgeon
cott et al. 2009; Fraschetti et al. 2011), coral reef et al. 2010). In a gap crossing experiment, S. diencaeus
(Nyström et al. 2000; Bellwood et al. 2004), and avoided open sand areas, taking detours over coral
mangrove ecosystems (Alongi 2002). If losses in three to six times longer than straight paths over bare
marine structural connectivity (arrangement of phys- sand (Turgeon et al. 2010). These results suggest that
ical habitat) are creating seascapes with little func- swimming over sand is up to six times more costly
tional connectivity (ability of organisms to move than swimming over coral for these fish, presumably
among the patches) there may be cause for concern, because of increased risk of predation. In contrast, red-
especially for species also threatened by direct squirrels and forest birds took shorter detours (1.4 and
exploitation and those that live in metapopulations 4 times longer, respectively) to avoid nonforested
(Hanski 1999). areas (Bélisle and Desrochers 2002; Bakker and Van
Whether a landscape or seascape is functionally Vuren 2004).
connected for a given species depends on both the Given the dearth of empirical data, landscape
distribution of habitat types (i.e. habitat structure) and ecology models have been used to predict how
the relative costs of moving through each type structural connectivity could relate to functional
(Tischendorf and Fahrig 2000). Although some hab- connectivity by simulating terrestrial animal move-
itats act as complete barriers, often an animal will ment across artificial landscapes (With and King 1999;
prefer one habitat, yet traverse other less ideal habitats With et al. 1999; King and With 2002; Adriaensen
when the preferred type is unavailable (Wiens et al. et al. 2003; Rayfield et al. 2010). Neutral landscapes
1997; With et al. 1999; Jonsen and Taylor 2000; Marsh and/or least cost models have been used to test the
et al. 2004). Some habitats provide better foraging relative and interacting effects of habitat abundance
while others are associated with increased predation and fragmentation on animal movement and dispersal
risk. Trade-offs between such opportunities and risks (With and King 1999; With et al. 1999; King and With
will influence the relative costs of moving through 2002), to test the effect of relative habitat costs on
different habitats (Zollner and Lima 2005). For dispersal (Schadt et al. 2002; Adriaensen et al. 2003;
individuals unaffected by such habitat differences Gonzales and Gergel 2007), and, most recently, to
(i.e. when relative costs are similar) movement paths study the interacting effects of abundance, fragmen-
should be relatively straight, regardless of how those tation, and relative costs on connectivity (Rayfield
habitats are distributed. In contrast, perceived differ- et al. 2010). However, all these models were param-
ences among habitats could result in more convoluted eterized for terrestrial species and environments.
paths with increasing habitat complexity. Thus, a Landscape ecology models are a good starting point
longer route passing through preferred habitats might for seascape modelling but must be adapted to account
excel over an alternative shorter path. However, if the for differences between the two environments. Marine
overall path cost is too great the seascape will no environments, and in particular benthic environments,
longer be functionally connected as the cost of moving can be simulated using distributions of habitats of
outweighs the benefit. Higher cost paths and/or longer varying relative cost, as in landscape models (Boström
paths can both therefore represent decreased func- et al. 2011). However, there are also differences
tional connectivity. between terrestrial and marine environments that
For the vast majority of terrestrial and marine could contribute to differences in connectivity; for
organisms, insufficient empirical data on the relative example, marine environments have greater scales of
costs of various habitats limits assessments of whether chemical and material transport, greater rates of
a land/seascape is functionally connected (Bélisle nutrient import and export, and longer range dispersal
2005). Translocation and gap crossing experiments (Carr et al. 2003).

Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1937–1948 1939

Here, we focus on effects of ocean currents on functional connectivity of a seascape (as measured by
connectivity by incorporating directionality into sea- length and cost of simulated paths). Our first hypoth-
scape models. Currents can influence connectivity of esis was that less mobile fish will take longer and more
marine populations through larval exchange (Treml costly paths than more mobile fish. The greater cost
et al. 2008) and potentially also through movement of incurred by less mobile fish when moving through IH
adult fish. Water currents can impart directionality to should lead to a stronger preference for routes through
the seascape, making movement easier in certain HH, even when those routes represent a significant
directions. Conversely, currents can also bring food to detour. Our second hypothesis was that fish swimming
sedentary ambush predators (e.g. seahorses; Foster and against stronger currents will move greater distances
Vincent 2004). Lifestyles of fish thus range from along more costly paths, while fish swimming with a
highly sedentary to highly mobile. The wide range in current will move along straighter, less costly paths.
mobility is reflected in their various swim forms, which Our third hypothesis was that there will be an
categorize fish based on the amount of undulation interactive effect between fish mobility and water
versus oscillation and the main fin used for propulsion current: swimming against a current should result in
(Lindsay 1978). In general, it should be less costly for a greater differences between paths of less and more
more streamlined fish to cross inhospitable habitat (e.g. mobile fish. Our fourth and final hypothesis was that
escape higher predation risk environments), and to thresholds in functional connectivity will be affected
swim against a current. However, it is unknown how by both fish mobility and water current strength.
the functional connectivity of a seascape might be Terrestrial models predict thresholds in functional
affected by differences in fish mobility and water connectivity at intermediate levels of habitat abun-
currents when habitat is lost and/or fragmented. dance and fragmentation (Rayfield et al. 2010), but the
We created a seascape simulation model to test the effect of mobility and current strength on such
potentially interacting effects of water current, fish thresholds have not been explored.
mobility, habitat abundance, and habitat fragmenta-
tion on the optimal (i.e. least cost) movement paths of
benthic fishes. We focused on marine benthic fishes Methods
because their contact with the sea floor can be
represented as two-dimensional habitat patches of Rationale and modelling assumptions
varying quality, similar to terrestrial landscapes.
However, these models may be equally applicable to To test how habitat abundance, fragmentation, fish
pelagic fishes. To simplify, we modelled only two mobility, and current strength affect habitat connec-
habitat types: an inhospitable habitat (IH) with a tivity, we ran a four factor factorial experiment. We
higher relative cost, and a hospitable habitat (HH) with used neutral landscape models (NLMs) to create
a lower relative cost. We based our initial relative seascapes with specific levels of habitat abundance
costs of moving through IH versus HH on movement and fragmentation (Wiens et al. 1997; With 1997;
data from S. diencaeus (Turgeon et al. 2010). We With et al. 1999; Gergel 2005; Gardner and Urban
assumed that faster swimming fish could move 2007), and least cost analysis to model fish movement
through IH more quickly, thus spending less time across the seascape (Adriaensen et al. 2003; Rayfield
exposed to risks (e.g. predation) that make IH more et al. 2010). Using NLMs enabled direct control over
costly. Therefore, we simulated movement of less and landscape pattern in a way not possible in the field.
more mobile fish respectively by increasing and Instead of simulating dispersal, we chose to simu-
decreasing relative costs of moving through IH. We late fish movement as homing (with a known source
simulated the effect of directional water currents by and destination). Despite the fact that many terrestrial
increasing the cost of moving in one direction. To and aquatic taxa are highly territorial or exhibit high
compare movement paths among simulated fishes we site fidelity and thus return to a home location (i.e.
used two metrics of functional connectivity: path homing) (Kelt and Van Vuren 1999; Kramer and
length and path cost (Gonzales and Gergel 2007). Chapman 1999; Bélisle and Clair 2002; Perry and
We had four main hypotheses about how fish Garland 2002), landscape ecology models tend to
mobility and water current strength should affect simulate animal movement as dispersal (e.g. With and

1940 Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1937–1948

King 1999; King and With 2002; Gonzales and Gergel Syngnathidae: Sanchez-Camara and Booth 2004;
2007; Rayfield et al. 2010), rather than homing (e.g. Curtis and Vincent 2006).
Desrochers et al. 2011). However, by simulating
homing fish we did not need to incorporate further Creating seascapes and cost surfaces
behavioural traits (e.g. conspecific attraction, prior
knowledge, competition, or predation), which are Using the software Qrule (Gardner and Walters 2002;
difficult to model (Ray et al. 2002; Revilla et al. 2004), Gardner and Urban 2007), we created two dimensional
and thus add uncertainty. Modelling homing animals neutral seascapes with theoretical distributions of IH
rather than dispersing animals allows for a more and HH habitats. Using neutral seascapes (i.e. null
explicit test of habitat costs and landscape structure models) enabled us to explore general relationships
because a straight path represents the null model (no between landscape structure (habitat abundance and
influence of habitat amount or configuration). By fragmentation) and our other two factors. Our sea-
releasing an animal at a specific site (origin) and scape grids were 128 9 128 cells in size with fractal
knowing that it is motivated to return home (destina- distributions of habitat (Gardner and Urban 2007). We
tion), the path of the animal can be predicted without produced seascapes with five levels of HH abundance
the need to guess (and simulate) the reasons for and/or (10, 20, 30, 50, and 70 % of cells), with the remaining
drivers of dispersal. proportion of cells as IH. We varied the fragmentation
of cells using three levels of spatial contagion
Parameterizing habitat costs for fish of differing (H = 0.1, 0.5, 0.7). We created 100 replicates of each
mobility combination of abundance and fragmentation (1,500
total seascapes).
We used three different relative costs of moving We transformed neutral seascapes into cost sur-
through IH versus HH to represent homing fish of faces using the cost values associated with our
varying mobility. Our first relative cost (6:1) was simulated fish (Table 1).We assigned a cost value of
based on longfin damselfish (S. diencaeus) (Turgeon one to all HH cells and differing costs based on
et al. 2010). Damselfish (Family Pomacentridae) are mobility (1.5, 6, and 12) to all IH cells using GIS and
labriform swimmers that use pectoral fins as the main scripting [ESRI ArcGIS 10; Python 2.7 (www.python.
source of propulsion (Lindsay 1978). In the spectrum org)]. Applying the three costs to the 1,500 seascapes
of adult fish movement, labriform swimmers are resulted in 4,500 cost surfaces.
neither the worst nor the best swimmers. To reflect
fish species that are more and less mobile, we used Modelling the effect of ocean currents
relative costs of 1.5:1 and 12:1 (i.e. half the minimum
and twice the maximum for the range found in S. We simulated the effects of water currents on fish
diencaeus; Turgeon et al. 2010). movement by making it more costly to move in one
Among the many fish families that are more and direction across the seascape. Using the Path Distance
less mobile than damselfish, we will use Serranidae tool in ArcGIS 10, we added a horizontal factor
(sea basses and groupers) and Sygnathidae (seahorses, (eastward 90° current) to each cost surface. The cost of
pipefish, pipehorses, and seadragons) to illustrate our moving from one cell to another on the seascape was
research. Serranids are subcarangiform swimmers dependent on both the cost associated with each cell
(Froese and Pauly 2012), using their caudal fin for (from the cost surface) and the cost associated with the
propulsion for more efficient swimming (Lindsay direction of movement between cells. It was least
1978). Syngnathids tend to be less efficient amiiform costly to move in an easterly direction (horizontal
swimmers (Froese and Pauly 2012), undulating their factor = 1). The cost associated with movement in all
dorsal fin to move forward (Lindsay 1978). Species directions other than eastward (i.e. relative
from all three illustrative families maintain territories angle = 0°) was dependent on the slope of the
or home ranges and have strong site fidelity (Poma- horizontal factor graph (Fig. 1), with a maximum cost
centridae: McGehee 1995; Turgeon et al. 2010; when fish moved in a westerly direction (relative
Serranidae: Robinson et al. 2008; Lino et al. 2011; moving angle = 180°). We varied the slope of the

Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1937–1948 1941

Table 1 Relative costs of

Mobility Cost of Example family Swimming
moving through
IH:HH form
inhospitable habitat (IH)
versus hospitable habitat Low 12:1 Syngnathidae (seahorses, pipefish, pipehorses, and Amiiform
(HH) used in simulations of seadragons)
fish with varying levels of
mobility Medium 6:1 Pomacentridae (damselfish) Labriform
High 1.5:1 Serranidae (sea basses and groupers) Subcarangiform

horizontal factor graph to represent effects of different twice and sixteen times as costly to swim against
current strengths. currents). It should be noted that these costs represent
We based our four simulated current strengths relative current strengths (as in the habitat costs) rather
around the maximum energetic costs incurred by than true current speeds.
various damselfish species when swimming against Since we were interested in the effects of both
currents, as measured by their oxygen consumption. positive and negative current, we simulated currents
We were able to find oxygen consumption data for moving in two directions: (1) in the direction of the
pomacentrids but not for serranids or syngnathids. The intended goal (i.e. homing direction) and (2) in the
oxygen consumption for ten damselfish species was opposite direction of the goal (i.e. away from the
between four and eight times greater when swimming homing direction). We simulated positive and nega-
against currents than when at rest (i.e. MO2-MAX/MO2- tive current directions for each of the four current
REST; Johansen and Jones 2011). We therefore simu- strengths, resulting in eight water currents (i.e. -16,
lated the effects of directional water currents where -8, -4, -2, ?2, ?4, ?8, ?16). We applied the eight
swimming against the current was four and eight times currents to the 4,500 cost surfaces to simulate
more costly than swimming with the current (180° vs. movement of fish across 36,000 seascapes.
0° in the horizontal factor graph shown in Table 1). To
simulate a wider range of current strengths, we Determining homing path cost and length
included the effects of one weaker and one stronger
current than represented by the damselfish data (i.e. We simulated movement of fish across each seascape
using least cost path models. These models find the
Relative cost of fish swimming optimum path (i.e. least costly) between an origin and
against vs. with current a destination given the cost of moving through each
cell along the path. For the positive current simula-
tions we set the destination (i.e. the ‘‘home’’ location
Horizontal factor

12 in a homing study) as the centre point of the eastern

edge of the seascape and for the negative current
8 simulations we set the destination as the centre of the
western edge. Using the Cost Path tool in ArcGIS 10,
we calculated the (1) overall cost and (2) length of the
optimum path across the seascape as our two measures
of connectivity.
0 45 90 135 180 Statistical analyses
Relative moving angle
(degrees from positive current direction) To determine how connectivity was influenced by
16:1 8:1 4:1 2:1 habitat abundance, fragmentation, fish mobility and
water current we used a four-factor ANOVA (Crawley
Fig. 1 The horizontal (directional) cost incurred by simulated
2007). We tested the associations between our two
fish swimming in directions relative to easterly water currents
(relative moving angle = 0) of various strengths (2:1, 4:1, 8:1, measures of connectivity (path cost and path length)
and 16:1 indicate successively greater current strengths) and our four factors. We analyzed the main effects,

1942 Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1937–1948

two-way interactions, and any higher-order interac- Path length versus path cost
tions. We tested for normality and constant variance
throughout and assumptions of parametric tests were When seascapes are mostly composed of favourable
met. We further examined the interactions between benthic habitat (HH [ 50 %) trends in path length and
variables visually by plotting the interaction between path cost are similar but when favourable habitat
the response variables (path length and path cost) and becomes scarce the two trends diverge (Figs. 2 vs. 3).
habitat abundance at each combination of habitat If there is plenty of good (i.e. hospitable) habitat
fragmentation, mobility, and current strength. available, fish are able to take straight paths to their
To further differentiate the relative importance of destinations and because it is of good quality (e.g. with
the four factors and their interactions, we sequentially shelter from predators) it is not very costly to move
compared models with and without each factor or their through: path length and path cost are minimal. Fish
interacting effects. We used the minimum adequate take the longest detours (i.e. maximum path length)
model (i.e. generalized linear model with all signifi- when there are intermediate amounts of good quality
cant factors from the four-factor ANOVA) for com- habitat available (HH = 20–50 %). The peak thresh-
parison. We then created generalized linear models olds in path length seem to coincide with sudden
removing each of the significant interacting effects or increases in path cost as the habitat becomes less
main effects (and any higher-order interactions con- hospitable. Path cost continues to increase exponen-
taining that effect) but including all other effects. We tially as habitat quality declines but path length
compared each of the reduced models with the actually decreases when good quality habitat is rare:
minimum adequate model using an ANOVA. We fish are forced to move through IH because that is all
judged the relative importance of each effect based on that is available but travel directly to their destination
the relative change in deviance when that effect was to minimize the time spent travelling through it.
removed. For ease of comparison we standardized The position of peak thresholds in path length, and
deviances by division with the lowest change in consequent increases in path cost, illustrate the
deviance. Effects with larger relative changes in interaction between HH abundance and fragmenta-
deviance were considered more important. tion. When the habitat is not very fragmented
(Fig. 2a), most fish take longest paths when 20 % of
the habitat is hospitable. However, when the habitat is
Results more fragmented (Fig. 2b, c), fish take longest paths
when the habitat is more hospitable (HH = 30 %).
Importance of four factors When habitat is fragmented, it is more difficult to find
paths through the rare good habitats available,
As expected, habitat abundance, fragmentation, fish decreasing the functional connectivity of the seascape.
mobility, and water current all significantly influ-
enced both the path cost and path length. However, Differences in fish mobility
these associations are highly dependent on their
interactions as well (Table 2). The only non-signif- Fish mobility affected the position of the peak
icant result was that the four-way interaction did not threshold in path length and the magnitude of (but
significantly affect path length. Based on relative not the general pattern in) path cost. The patterns in
changes in deviance, water current was of greatest path length were more similar for the two less mobile
relative importance, followed by fish mobility (dif- fish, although the least mobile fish consistently took
ference in habitat cost), then habitat abundance. longer routes to their destination (Fig. 2). Compared
Habitat fragmentation seems less important than any with the less mobile fish, the most mobile fish took
of the second-order interactions with the other three relatively straight paths (and of relatively low cost)
factors. The pattern of relative importance for main regardless of the amount of favourable habitat
effects was the same for both path length and path (Figs. 2, 3). The longest detours for the most mobile
cost. For all factors except fragmentation, higher- fish were much shorter than those taken by less mobile
order interactions were of successively less fish and they took those long detours when the habitat
importance. was more hospitable (HH = 50 %) than in less mobile

Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1937–1948 1943

Table 2 Results of a four-factor ANOVA testing the effects of path length and total cost of simulated least cost paths of
hospitable habitat abundance (ABUND), habitat fragmentation artificial fish moving across a seascape, with comparisons of
(FRAG), relative cost of inhospitable matrix versus hospitable the relative change in deviance associated with each factor
matrix (COST), and seascape current strength (CURR) on the
Source Df Path length Path cost
F- P value Relative D deviance F-ratio P value Relative D deviance

ABUND 4 1,410 \0.0001 233 1,3400 \0.0001 277

FRAG 2 394 \0.0001 56 1,710 \0.0001 79
COST 2 8,650 \0.0001 385 32,800 \0.0001 295
CURR 8 4,000 \0.0001 673 49,300 \0.0001 799
ABUND 9 FRAG 8 78.3 \0.0001 39 71.2 \0.0001 64
ABUND 9 COST 8 189 \0.0001 53 3,960 \0.0001 107
ABUND 9 CURR 32 154 \0.0001 108 2,250 \0.0001 161
FRAG 9 COST 4 62.8 \0.0001 33 551 \0.0001 67
FRAG 9 CURR 16 3.53 \0.0001 29 326 \0.0001 71
COST 9 CURR 16 190 \0.0001 77 4,470 \0.0001 161
ABUND 9 FRAG 9 COST 16 11.0 \0.0001 3 24.7 \0.0001 2
ABUND 9 FRAG 9 CURR 64 2.70 \0.0001 3 17.4 \0.0001 3
ABUND 9 COST 9 CURR 64 21.1 \0.0001 22 649 \0.0001 57
FRAG 9 COST 9 CURR 32 1.94 0.001 1 99.3 \0.0001 5
ABUND 9 FRAG 9 COST 9 CURR 128 0.38 1.00 N/A 5.77 \0.0001 1
Residuals 3,645

fish (HH = 20–30 %). It seems that for more mobile the decrease in path cost for fish swimming with the
fish, since there is less difference between good and current, even for the same current strength (Fig. 4).
bad habitats, minimizing path length also minimizes Path cost is most sensitive to current strength when
path cost (Figs. 2 vs. 3). Less mobile fish were more fish are of lower mobility and the HH is highly
sensitive to changes in the amount and fragmentation fragmented (Fig. 4c). For more mobile fish (Fig. 4g–i),
of HH: the cost of crossing the seascape increased non- swimming against a strong current increases the path
linearly as HH was lost and/or fragmented and cost substantially but the cost for a given current
the increase was greatest in the least mobile fish strength is relatively consistent even when habitat is
(Figs. 3, 4). lost and/or fragmented. Our model predicts that more
mobile fish would be more sensitive to changes in
Additional impact of current current strength than changes in habitat abundance or
Although the general pattern in path cost is similar
regardless of whether the seascape has current or not
(Figs. 4 vs. 3), the magnitude of the path cost depends Discussion
on the current strength. For each combination of
fragmentation, fish mobility, and current, the path cost Sedentary fish are more sensitive to habitat change
decreases when habitat becomes more hospitable (i.e.
it is less costly to cross a seascape if HH is abundant). As expected, our model predicted that highly mobile
Path costs increase when fish swim against stronger fishes will be less sensitive to changes in habitat. If fish
currents and decrease when they swim with stronger are able to swim through inhospitable areas quickly,
currents. However, the increase in path cost for fish thus minimizing risks of predation or other threats (for
swimming against the current was much greater than example the groupers in our model), they will perceive

1944 Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1937–1948

a Low fragmentation a Low fragmentation

200 Fish mobility 1.5
Path length (# cells)

Low (e.g. seahorse) Fish mobility

Medium (e.g. damselfish)

Path cost (x 10 )

Low (e.g. seahorse)
High (e.g. grouper) 1.0
Medium (e.g. damselfish)
High (e.g. grouper)

140 0.5

0 20 40 60 80 0.0
Percentage of hospitable habitat 0 20 40 60 80
Percentage of hospitable habitat
b Medium fragmentation
200 Fish mobility Medium fragmentation
Path length (# cells)

Low (e.g. seahorse) 1.5

180 Medium (e.g. damselfish) Fish mobility

Path cost (x 10 )
High (e.g. grouper) Low (e.g. seahorse)
160 1.0 Medium (e.g. damselfish)
High (e.g. grouper)
0 20 40 60 80
Percentage of hospitable habitat 0.0
0 20 40 60 80
High fragmentation Percentage of hospitable habitat
c 200 Fish mobility
Path length (# cells)

Low (e.g. seahorse) High fragmentation

180 Medium (e.g. damselfish) c 1.5
High (e.g. grouper) Fish mobility
Path cost (x 10 )


Low (e.g. seahorse)

1.0 Medium (e.g. damselfish)
140 High (e.g. grouper)

120 0.5
0 20 40 60 80
Percentage of hospitable habitat
Fig. 2 Average path lengths (±95 % CI) of simulated fish with 0 20 40 60 80
three levels of mobility moving across artificial seascapes with Percentage of hospitable habitat
different percentages of hospitable habitat at low a (H = 0.1),
medium b (H = 0.5), and high c (H = 0.75) levels of Fig. 3 Average path cost (±95 % CI) of simulated fish with
fragmentation three levels of mobility moving across artificial seascapes with
different proportions of hospitable habitat at low a (H = 0.1),
medium b (H = 0.5), and high c (H = 0.75) levels of
the seascape as more connected, regardless of habitat fragmentation
abundance or fragmentation. Of the 53 serranid
species listed on the International Union for Conser- (Curtis and Vincent 2006). Of the 14 Endangered,
vation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List as threatened or Vulnerable, or Near Threatened syngnathid species,
Near Threatened, habitat loss or degradation is a major all are threatened by habitat loss or degradation (IUCN
threat for only 13 (IUCN 2012). In contrast, less 2012).
mobile fish (for example the seahorses in our model)
appear to be highly sensitive to changes in habitat. Mobility affects connectivity thresholds
Adult seahorses are sedentary fish: they use camou-
flage to avoid predation and ambush prey (Foster and Our results suggest there are critical thresholds in fish
Vincent 2004). A major threat to these sedentary fish is mobility at intermediate habitat abundances, consis-
habitat loss and degradation (Vincent et al. 2011), tent with terrestrial research and recommendations for
which may be exacerbated by their sedentary nature conservation. Habitat and mobility thresholds have

Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1937–1948 1945

Low Medium High
a b c
(e.g. Seahorse)

Path Cost (x 10 6)
Path Cost (x 10 6)
Current strength

Path Cost (x 10 6)
20 Current strength 20 Current strength
-8 -8 20
15 -4 15 -4 -4
-2 -2 15

-1 10 -1 -1
10 +1 +1 10 +1
+2 +2 +2
5 +4 5 +4 5 +4
+8 +8 +8
0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
% hospitable habitat % hospitable habitat % hospitable habitat

d e f
(e.g. Damselfish)
Path Cost (x 10 6)

Path Cost (x 10 6)

Path Cost (x 10 6)
10 Current strength 10 Current strength 10 Current strength
Fish mobility

-8 -8 -8
8 8 8

-4 -4 -4
-2 -2 -2
6 -1 6 -1 6 -1
4 +1 4 +1 4 +1
+2 +2 +2
2 +4 2 +4 2 +4
+8 +8 +8
0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
% hospitable habitat % hospitable habitat % hospitable habitat

g h i
Path Cost (x 10 6)

Path Cost (x 10 6)
Current strength Current strength
(e.g. Grouper)
Path Cost (x 10 6)

4 Current strength 4 4
-8 -8
-8 -4 -4
3 -4 3 -2
3 -2

-1 -1 -1
2 2 +1 2 +1
+2 +2 +2
1 +4 1 +4 1 +4
+8 +8 +8
0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
% hospitable habitat % hospitable habitat % hospitable habitat

Fig. 4 Average path costs (±95 % CI) of simulated fish with medium b (H = 0.5), and high c (H = 0.75) levels of
different mobility moving across artificial seascapes with fragmentation and with varying current strengths. All positive
different proportions of hospitable habitat at low a (H = 0.1), current strengths produced very similar responses

been discussed thoroughly in terrestrial literature Ours is the first study to indicate that connectivity
(reviewed in Swift and Hannon 2010), but their thresholds should be influenced by the interaction of
exploration in marine environments is lacking (Grob- fragmentation and relative cost of IH (i.e. mobility).
er-Dunsmore et al. 2009), with some notable excep- Previous studies have shown separately that, when
tions (e.g. Mumby and Hastings 2008). In terrestrial habitat is lost, ecological thresholds are reached earlier
simulations, the effects of habitat loss on connectivity (i.e. with more HH remaining) when the habitat is
tend to be non-linear, with sudden declines in dispersal fragmented (With et al. 1999) and when inhospitable
success when habitat is reduced by 50–90 % (Swift (matrix) habitat is more costly (Fahrig 2001). Our
and Hannon 2010). We found similar thresholds, with results suggest that thresholds for less mobile fish
maximum path lengths and sudden increases in path (higher relative cost) should be reached earlier when
cost occurring when 50–80 % of HH is lost. While this habitat is fragmented, but thresholds for mobile fish
similarity may be partially due to the fact that our should be less affected by fragmentation. As a result, a
model structure was based on terrestrial models, it is greater proportion of habitat might need to be
gratifying that thresholds are maintained even when protected for less mobile fish to maintain connectivity
parameterizing the model with marine data and after when habitat is fragmented.
adding a simulated current. The thresholds identified Interestingly, our results suggest that at least 30 %
by our models also correspond with theoretically of marine habitat should be protected in order to
based recommendations for spatial protection of maintain connectivity, regardless of fish mobility or
10–50 % (mean 30 %) of marine habitat (Gell and habitat fragmentation, but further empirical data
Roberts 2003). would help refine our model predictions. While we

1946 Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1937–1948

have attempted to model effects of habitat change on a movements to periods when currents are favourable,
variety of fish using different relative habitat costs, thus minimizing energetic costs of moving between
empirical data were available only for a single species, habitat patches.
S. diencaeus (Turgeon et al. 2010). Our relative costs
were less extreme than those used in many terrestrial Model limitations
simulations where the relative cost of good versus bad
habitat was up to 100:1 (reviewed in Rayfield et al. As with all models, our simulations were meant to
2010). However, S. diencaeus are highly territorial focus on specific factors and were simplifications of a
(Cheney and Côté 2003), and may be exposed to high more complex reality. We created a model of what fish
predation risk when crossing over sand, as are other might do under a specific set of circumstances. We
coral reef fish (Sweatman and Robertson 1994). These assumed that fish mobility was directly related to the
traits would suggest that, compared with other species, cost of moving through habitats. In reality, the cost of
damselfish should have a relatively high costs of moving through a habitat will depend on a suite of life
moving through IH, yet they chose paths only six times history, ecological, and behavioural characteristics
longer to avoid open sand (Turgeon et al. 2010), much that influence predation risk (e.g. trophic level),
less than the relative costs used in many previous competition (e.g. territorial behavior), food availabil-
modeling exercises (e.g. Adriaensen et al. 2003; ity (e.g. foraging strategy), or energetic costs (e.g.
Gonzales and Gergel 2007; Rayfield et al. 2010). A movement behavior, morphology).
fish species which would detour 100 times longer We focused on benthic fish species for our exam-
would have to be exposed to much greater predation ples in the model but did not incorporate the possible
risk or be extremely habitat specific. We feel our buffering influence of benthic habitat or morphology
estimations are reasonable but further field studies are on movement costs. While it is easy to imagine benthic
needed to estimate the actual relative costs for fish habitat as habitat patches, pelagic habitat also has
species with a broader range of mobility to improve structure and our model could be adapted for pelagic
and test our model predictions. fish. Our models of water current strengths would
actually be more applicable to fish that swim within
Water currents are as important as habitat the water column because fish can escape water
characteristics to marine connectivity currents by staying close to the substrate or by staying
within habitats that buffer the effects of the current.
Water current could affect functional connectivity as Morphology could also influence movement (e.g.
much or more than habitat structure in marine systems. flattened body forms could escape the effects of
The effect of water current depended on fish mobility; current more than other body forms). A more realistic
in less mobile fish, water currents had their strongest model for benthic marine fishes would simulate
effect when habitat was scarce and fragmented, while currents that change according to habitat types and
more mobile fish were sensitive to changes in current depend on body form.
strength but not to changes in habitat abundance or Future models should combine simulations of adult
fragmentation. Regardless of mobility, for a given movement with larval dispersal. Some studies have
current strength the cost of swimming against a current suggested that adult movement can be as important to
outweighed the benefit of swimming with it, resulting connectivity as larval dispersal in some species and
in an overall negative effect on connectivity. The loss locations (Mora and Sale 2002; Di Franco et al. 2012).
in connectivity with stronger currents could have However, the prevailing thought has been that most
implications for source-sink dynamics and marine marine fish populations are connected by movement of
metapopulations if they are connected through move- early life stages (Williams et al. 1984; Roberts 1997;
ment of less mobile species. If populations within a DiBacco et al. 2006). Larval fish phases tend to move
metapopulation are connected by bidirectional current passively on ocean currents so our seascape model
flow, a decline in habitat abundance or an increase in would be far less applicable to these early life stages.
habitat fragmentation could isolate populations of less Our model would only predict a small proportion of
mobile species more easily than if there was no connectivity in marine fish with large amounts of
current. However, fish could also time their larval exchange.

Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1937–1948 1947

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Behavior Society. SEG was supported by a Natural Sciences and 100:65–74
Engineering Council of Canada Discovery Grant. Project Seahorse Foley MM, Halpern BS, Micheli F, Armsby MH, Caldwell
is supported by Guylian Chocolates (Belgium) and the John G. MR, Crain CM, Prahler E, Rohr N, Sivas D, Beck MW,
Shedd Aquarium, through partnerships in marine conservation. The Carr MH, Crowder LB, Duffy JE, Hacker SD, McLeod
manuscript was greatly improved by comments from A. Vincent, P. KL, Palumbi SR, Peterson CH, Regan HM, Ruckelshaus
P. Molloy, A. R. E. Sinclair, I. Côté, and S. Hinch. MH, Sandifer PA, Steneck RS (2010) Guiding ecological
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