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1 20. A Meia Marrom Da: RUERBECH, Enrich Ve ieee 2002, V4 - 498 EF Xuder SATUS + 2) : “And even if Isn't fine tomorron”*, sald Ms. Ramsay, raising her eyes to glance at William Bankes and Lily Briscoe as they passed, “it will be another diy And now", she ssid, thinking that Lily's charm was her Chinese eyes, aslant in het ‘white, puckered litle face, but it would take a clever man to sce it, ‘now stand up, and let me measure your leg”, for they might ‘0 to the Lighthouse aer all, and she must sce ifthe stocking Gd ‘Rot need to be an inch or two longer in the lg. \ ‘Smiling, for an admirable idea had fashed wpon her this very | second — William and Lily should marry — she took the heather ‘mixture stocking, with its criss-cross of stel needles atthe mouth | ‘fit, and measured it against James's leg, “My dear, stand sul’, she said, for in his jealousy, not! liking to serve as measuring-block forthe Lighthouse keeper's lite boy, James fidgeted purposely; and if he did that, how could she se, Was it too long, was it too short? she asked. ‘She loocked up — what demon possessed him, her youngest, her cherished? — and saw the room, saw the chairs, chought them fearfully shabby, Their entrails, as Andrew said the other day, were all over the flor; but then what was the point, she asked an MIMesis ers, of buying god chart et them real eg she wer hen he oe, ith ely eg a es positively dripped with wet? Never mind: the rent was mrecheh a {twopence halfpenny; the children loved it; it did her husband grok {0'e three thousand, she must be aca ee ok tiles from his library and his lecwers and has epee eed ss room fr visitors. Mats, camp bed, crazy ghosts of Gene tables whose London He of seve was dene weg ag ad snough here; and a photograph or two, and books Boole," ‘hough, afew of themselves She ner had ties pak Als ee he okt ht had been gene aniseed pe and the poet hime for er gan nid by eve." the hair Helen four days deren she had never read them. And Croom on the Mind ned Beoee, the Savage Customs of Polyesis ("My dears saad ae Se ssi) —"nether of thse cull one send cath Litho, AS Gertin moment, she suppose, te hose wold ketone a {hat something rust be done. thy could Ue aught wages tet an not bring the beach in tah them that See soning. Crs, she had to all i Amitew ray Soke os ist hen, oi Jer eed that one ld ale Sup os seaweed, one could tot prevent tor Rages ebjers fgg oes: they wer ied, er chile, b al inoue wo And the cul of way Se sgh aie Chiron beroccse tombe tee Jammes’s| Hep thar things; ie aia ‘and got shabbier summer after Summer. The mat was ang the wallpaper was fone Gould’ ll any mane tat hose were roses oni, SEE eee ‘it was, could none of them remember it? She ‘would go sf Shs ape ate Sy ea me en tind Sp sl ie cra, oe ia ety Meee to a ein Re he clin sud re cent atm bn si Hea Sa oe eee ey ees ke Be we Sieh ov ners nt nese fi secs Sate ci ated san be Sel ea ‘A MEIA MARROM nal ‘wings of bird fold themselves quietly and the blue of its plumage ‘changes from bright stel to st purple. She had stood there silent {or there was nothing to be sad. He had cancer ofthe throat. At the recollection — how she had stood there, how the girl had sid At home the mountains are s9 beaut’, and there was 10 hopes ao hope whatever, she had a spasm of iritstion, and speaking sharply, sai to James: “Stand still. Don't be tiresome," so that he knew instantly ‘that her severity was real, and straightened his leg and she measured it ‘The stocking was too shor by half an inch atleast, making allowance for the fact that Sorkey's lie boy would be kes well frown than James. : t's too short™, she sti, ““ever so much too short. [Never did anybody look so sad. Bitter and black, hall-way down, in the darkness, in the shaft which ran fom the sunlight to the depths, perhaps «tear formed; a tear fll; the waters sovayed this way and that, recetved st, and were at rest. Never dd anybody Took 50 sad. ‘Bt was it nothing but looks? people sad. What was there behind it — her beauty, her splendour? Had he blown his brains cut, they asked, had he died the week before they were married — some other, ealir lover, of whom rumours reached one? Or was there nothing? noching but an incomparable beauty which she lived behind, and could do nothing to disturb? For easily though she might have said at some moment of intimacy when stories of treat pasion, of love foiled, of ambition thwarted came her way how she too had known of felt or been through it herself, she never spoke, She was silent always. She knew then — she knew ‘without having learnt. Her simplicity fathomed what clever people falsified. Her singleness of mind made her drop plumb like a stone, alight exact as a bird, gave her, naturally, this swoop and fall of the Spirit upon truth which delighted, eased, sustained — falsely perhaps. CiNature has but little cay." said Mr. Bankes once, hhearing her voice on the telephone, and much moved by it though she was only telling him a fact about a train, ‘like that of which ‘he moulded you."* He saw her at the end of the line, Greek, blue-eyed, straight-nosed. How incongruous it seemed 10 be telephoning to # woman like that. The Graces assembling seemed to fave joined onde in meadows of asd! to compose that face ‘Yes, he would catch the 10.30 at Euston. ‘But she's no more aware of her beauty than a child”, sid ‘Mr. Bankes, replacing the receiver nd crossing the room 10 see ‘what progress the workmen were making with an hotel which they tvere building a the back of his house. And he thought of Mrs. Ramey a9 he looked at that str among the unfinished walls. For always, he thought, there was something incongruous to be 418 MIMEsIS orked into the harmony of her face. She capped a deerstalker's hat on her head she ran across the lawn in goloshes to shat, 3 child from mischief. So that if i was her beauty merely that eo {houaht of, one must remember the quivering thing, the ning thing [they were carrying bricks up a little plank as he watched them ant work into the pictures ori one thug of Hersh ss awoman, one must endow her with some freak of iiosyncren, or suppose some latent desire to doff her royalty of form ar i Tee ‘Beauty bored her and al that men say of beauty, and she wantal ‘only to be like other people, insignificant. He did aot know: He st fot know. He must go to hs work.) Knitting her reddish brown huity stacking, with her head couttined absurdly by the gilt ame, the green shaw wich she had tossed over the edge ofthe frame, and the authenticated mastere, ce by Michael Angelo, Mrs. Ramsay smoothed out what had been harsh in her manner a moment before, raiged his head, and kissed her little boy on the forehead. “‘Let's find another picture cat ‘out she sid “E mesmo © aaah o tempo nfo ester bom, dite a seahoes Ramsy, leyntando os olhos paola Willan Hanke Ly Briscoe eet asavar, “iemos outro da. E agora" pasando que © encnte ae ip ram os eur ols, chines, envisadss 80 Torah trance esate, ae, 46,um homem igtligntepodetia vl. “» tens Tne te pe came ‘od aspera pos poder i 20 Tio, Spear de tolo,2 a poco Yer ses mein no prec Sr ums polegads ov duas mas compris na perm, Sovrindo, pois uma ila amie! tinh cntado nea neste mismo segundo ~ Wille Lily deveram cusarse~ pogo s meta cot dees, com ‘Sista de aguas de ao ma boc, ted contin sperma sea ‘Mea queio, gue quiet aise pos por cass Jor ses einns no ‘ose sen de tnequm pala o medina Go fasta do fal Somes ba eprops es cle zee tio, como ¢ qu la pode vr eas fem, ‘ado longs ou demasiado curt Pesguntons {evantowo olhar~ que dembnio «pots, osx capula,o seu quer 40? « vin sabia, ru as cadens pensou que xtaram teelmente eae {Gs At vas entanhs, como Andiew die Seto dia eam tole fa che meen. as ee rh, Pee mean con Guando 3 cast com apenas una velha pars cudar el, postvamente ingara de unde? No tinh importa agua er pressameate digs broes ems as erangas aderaram-n; fsa Bam's eee ee Sa ‘lov se deve ser exat,teontas mike du sas tiotecey, det sat fas scipuos« hava espaqo pra vas Exes eam ds umpeaie, ls nina nos ate ode es ‘r vospemon, cescem por la none ta tempo de ion Ai mao los que the havin sido dador» dediadoe pelo props pots: “Pee ‘gues cas des devem wer bedi." tas fee Heens dos tor ‘os as..." ea vrgonhoso dz, mas mace ons io. E Cro aceet a Men ate sobre or Costumes Sevagens na Foinia (Ones Fie uet," flow) ~ nenhum desea gente podia manda puso fro Next ‘eteminado momento, penton, eas fears tun trans qos igus ete ‘ever Ter’feitnSe'ao twos ptendenem ticcar oh pls ea nfo GERMINIE LACERTEUX 415 eee ee ac en ta See noe hretrprpicre ep peel Saar enemas Same cacrree mentum tence ‘Beavam cada veu'malsgastas, ds um vervo para 0 outro. tapete sitar es Sena een annie cemouenaa sete et te mi cis ager mate or eset nein eset Sorina cries mee mreneteen Saspn ss oinn Nl ores potas aguas ono earas pore rn het eet ci te Petamar stare aera, you ea ea meni 2 brie, Que rants Seven fears speitaeen sored on ec enar Eo ieee tree niet, tania gioaaten aaa te a Mees man tambon I Se Sen ars as mom See cate ae ene ieee Bet anes ee Masia tere ame sre tas eeeeS eee cemented Se ac tee en es ‘aul du ou plomager own‘ ago Uehantekporpara suave. Fara de pe Sic saree Se Se bee Leer ne eek ‘esta lembeanga — como ela ficou de pé, Ié; como + moga disse “Em casa as SE eat ae oes es oe SE Pa elgceetiat ee mae eee atta a to "A raiser deals cara fatava plo menos mela poesia, const oe aes eee teeny ‘Sieben cram getpoun, Nungs neu pucen to i atte Sram perc ‘So ta nas?” Naar aie ug ncompuelSera ws ga feat oa ae alata blame eet naman ih a ict um ee Saas cetomenenaees unc iaat. stra Sepresencee. Eni ret reer ssa isin Rete ot re Screamer ae cic Ut at = cae ane one

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