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The praxis of digital literacy in the EFL classroom: Digital immigrant vs digital-native

1.1 Title

The title for this article is in English which is one of the requirements needed to publish the
article in Scopus. The title is also clear and readers will get a clear view on what the article
will be about by just reading the title of the article. Experienced educators and researchers
within the same field will most probably understand and get a clear and straightforward
understanding of what the journal will be about from the title. That is not all, it will also be
easy for people from different field to comprehend and understand what the journal is about
when they read the title.

1.2 ISSN number

The article should also have an ISSN number confirmed by the ISSN International Centre.
This is also one of the requirements for the article to be published in the Scopus. This
particular article also has an ISSN number which is EISSN 2502-6747.

1.3 Abstract

In order to get an article to be published in Scopus, it should be written in English. Scopus

accepts publication of article in about 40 different languages. However, the abstract should be
in English to cater to the widest possible community of users. For this particular article, the
abstract is written in English. The abstract clearly indicates that it is a descriptive qualitative
study which investigated about digital literacy comparing two different generations. In
addition, the three types of instruments were also mentioned which are by using observations,
questionnaires and interviews. Then, in the abstract, there was a brief explanation about the
findings of the study. This is in line with what the Content Selection and Advisory Board of
Scopus is looking for in an abstract which is to be precise and have clarity. Just by reading
the abstract, the reader can know the methodology, instruments and findings of the study.
1.4 Introduction

The researchers listed down the different terms used to refer to digital literacy. This will
not get the reader confused when all the different terms is used in the literature review.
The reader will understand and be aware of all the different terms. In addition, the
researchers also explained what is meant by digital native and digital immigrant. The
researchers clearly explained the terms which were used in the main title of the article. I
think this is a good introduction where the researchers gives the clear definition for the
meaning of words used rather than making the reader to make their own assumption
based on their own understanding.

1.5 Literature Review

The researchers used the latest article which was published in the year 2017 to support
their statement and show the actual growth of internet in Indonesia. This is another
criteria required by the Scopus where the latest publication should be used as a reference
for the content to be relevant when it is being published. One important point to notice in
this introduction part is where almost 80% of the citation and past studies mentioned were
from the year 2000 onwards. The researchers had used the latest research and findings to
make their work more relevant to the time of the study being conducted. The researchers
talked about the importance of teachers using ICT in their teaching. After that, the
researchers talked about six different studies done in the past before mentioning about the
aim of their own study. The researchers wrote their literature review in a certain sequence
which enables the reader to understand the issues, gaps and the need for the study to be
carried out.

1.6 Method

In the method section, it was clearly stated that this is a descriptive study. The number of
participants were also mentioned which were two senior high school English teachers and
20 students. The three types of instruments used were classroom observations, interview
and questionnaires. The data collection method was also clearly stated. The aim of
Scopus is to ensure people actually read, download and cite in in their study. By giving all
these clear example in their study. Other researchers who are interested can easily use this
study as a guide as everything was explained in detail.

1.7 Findings

The findings of the study were also presented in a table form. This will help the reader to gain
a better insight when the findings are discussed in the discussion section.

1.8 Discussion and Conclusion

The researchers used the table above in their article to further confirm that students
enjoyed learning through videos and media presented by their teachers as they use
Internet regularly in the daily life. The researchers also cited past studies which gave the
same result as their current study to further emphasize the statement that they are making.
Based on the results of the study, the researchers made a conclusion that experience and
teacher training in digital literacy is crucial in this era.
1.9 Reference

According to the publishing criteria in Scopus, the reference used in the article should be
in roman language which is mainly the English language. This article has fulfilled this
criteria by having their reference in English Language which is the universal language.

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