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Fire and Blood

The subtle Art of not Giving a Fuck

Unlimited Power-Robbins
Awaken the Giant Within-Robbins
How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age
You are a Badass
12 Rules for Life-Jordan Peterson
The Five People You Meet in Heaven-Mitch Albom
Option B-Sandberg, Grant
Past Tense-Lee Child
Mastery-Robert Greene
Power-Robert Greene
7 Habits of Highly Effective People(Infographics Edtion)-Stephen Covey
The 4 Hour Workweek-Timothy Ferriss
NLP- Hoobyar, Dotz
Ikigai-Garcia, Miralles
The Power of Habit-Duhigg
The Art of War-Sun Tzu
Start With Why-Sinek
So Good they Can't Ignore You-Newport
The Intelligent Investor-Graham
Focus-Daniel Goleman
The Life-changing magic of tidying up-kondo
Secrets of Closing the Sale-Zig Ziglar

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