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Unit III Exam 7.

Which of the following is LEAST useful in

1. Which of the following BEST reflected the idea of arguing that territorial expansion was motivated
manifest destiny? by a desire to spread slavery?
a. The signing of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty a. William Walker’s campaign in Nicaragua
b. Henry Clay’s position on Texas in the election of 1844 b. The Ostend Manifesto
c. the establishment of Texas as an independent republic c. The slogan “Fifty-four Forty of Fight”
d. the campaign platform of James Polk in 1844 d. The annexation of Texas
e. northern Whigs during the Mexican War e. Opposition to the Wilmot Proviso

2. All of the following contributed to the conflict between 8. During the settlement of the West, all of the
Mexico’s government and settlers in Texas in the early following were true EXCEPT
1830’s EXCEPT a. the overland trails were used primarily by the
a. the collection of import duties very poor
b. the support for annexation by John Tyler and James b. a large percentage of the western miners were
Polk foreign born
c. Mexico’s decision to abolish slavery in it’s territory c. the mountain men provided much of the early
d. Mexico’s law requiring acceptance of the Catholic faith information about the West
e. the coming of power of General Santa Anna d. In the 1830’s and 1840’, the U.S. government
gave squatters the right to buy federal lands
3. The main reason for the U.S. delay in annexing Texas e. The chief interest of most pioneering families
was the who moved West was to engage in agriculture
a. Controversy over the boundary of Texas and Mexico
b. Opposition of Great Britain and France 9. Which of the following had the greatest impact
c. Independent spirit of the settlers in Texas on transportation in the 1850’s?
d. Opposition in Congress to adding slave states a. canal building
e. Opposition in the Mexican government b. improvements in the steamboat
c. the expansion of railroads
4. Which of the following was the LEAST important issue d. the development of clipper ships
in the election of 1844? e. changes in design of the overland wagon
a. settlement of the Oregon border
b. acquisition of California 10. The first major transportation project linking the
c. rechartering the Bank of the United States East to the trans-Allegheny West was the
d. reduction of the tariff a. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
e. annexation of Texas b. National Road
c. Erie Canal
5. Which of the following was NOT a major consequence d. Lancaster Turnpike
of the U.S. war with Mexico? e. Clinton’s Big Ditch
a. U.S. annexation of Texas
b. Long-term Mexican resentment against the United 11. In the 1830’s and 1840’s, all of the following
States were generally true about immigration EXCEPT
c. Securing Texas’ southern border on the Rio Grande a. Most immigrants came from the British Isles and
d. Increased sectional tensions over slavery Northern Europe
e. Cession of California and New Mexico to the United b. Improvements in ship technology made the ocean
States voyage relatively cheap and fast
c. The South attracted the least number of
6. Which of the following is a correct statement about the immigrants
Wilmot Proviso? d. An overwhelming majority of native born
a. It forbade the introduction of slavery into territory Americans
acquired from Mexico e. Poorer immigrants lived in the cities while those
b. It denied President Polk additional funds to conduct the with some money farmed in the West
war with Mexico
c. It compromised differences between the North and the
South 12. During the 1840’s, large numbers of Irish
d. It passed both houses of Congress but was vetoed by the immigrated to the United States mainly because
President of
e. It was proposed by the Whigs to embarrass the a. British persecutions in Ireland
Democrats b. U.S. policies offering free land
c. Support from the Irish American Aid Society
d. The development of textile mills in New England
e. Famine resulting from the failure of the potato
13. Nativist reaction to immigration resulted in? d. they were convinced that it would destroy the
a. The formation of the Know Nothing party American woolen industry
b. The splitting of the Democratic – Republican Party e. the wealthy would lose some political power to
c. Major changes in the immigration laws the poorer masses
d. Increased immigration from Southern Europe
e. Greater sectional differences between North and South 21. The Second Great Awakening was characterized
by all of the following EXCEPT
14. All of the following restricted the growth of labor
unions before the Civil War EXCEPT a. Efforts to encounter the rationalism and disbelief
a. Increased numbers of immigrant workers of the Revolutionary era
b. Economic Depressions b. Belief in free will in combination with the
c. Opposition of southern plantation owners doctrine of original sin
d. Judicial decisions c. Efforts to appeal to people’s emotions
d. Growing unity among Protestants churches
15. Twenty years after the ratification of the U.S. e. Widespread belief that the second coming of
Constitution, Congress prohibited Christ was near
a. Slavery in all U.S. territories
b. Slave ownership by Federal Employees 22. Which of the following is true of the American
c. Immigration transcendentalists?
d. Importation of slaves into the U.S. a. Supported government actions and regulations as
e. Efforts to change naturalization laws the solution to social problems
b. Argued for the importance of human intuition
16. Which of the following activities was most commonly and individualism
practiced by African Americans as a means of resisting c. Prosecuted for their radical views
slavery in the early 1800’s ? d. Belonged to an experimental commune that
a. Sitdown strike practiced plural marriage
b. Legal action e. Played a leading role in the Second Great
c. Political action Awakening
d. Armed revolt
e. Work slowdown 23. According to the cult of domesticity, a women’s
proper role was
17. The turnpikes, canals, and steamboats as new a. Teaching in the growing number of free public
transportation links generally encouraged all of the schools
following EXCEPT b. Balancing the obligations of family and career
a. lowering of freight rates c. Striving toward social and economic equality
b. economic growth with men
c. rising land values d. Leading the movement for political and social
d. migration of peoples reform
e. larger voter registration e. Acting as a moral leader and educator of the
18. Early 19th century educators included all of the
following except 24. The leading spokesperson for the tax-supported
a. John Dewey public school movement was
b. William H. McGuffey a. New Dow
c. Noah Webster b. Joseph Smith
d. Emma Willard c. Charles Finney
e. Horace Mann d. Horace Mann
e. Timothy Dwight
19. The growth in political democracy in the 1820s was due
in part to 25. All of the following were true of the temperance
a. the egalitarian ideas that had developed during colonial movement EXCEPT
and Revolutionary times a. It was largely restricted to the southern states
b. economic prosperity b. German and Irish immigrants often opposed the
c. continued suspension of political parties movement
d. the abolition of the Electoral College c. By the 1850’s, the movement advocated the
e. the development of a Unicameral legislature legal prohibition of alcohol
d. The early leaders of the movement were
20. Southerners feared the Tariff of 1828 because Protestant clergymen
a. it would hurt the manufacturing sector e. It was the most popular of the Jacksonian era
b. they believed that he federal power this bill represented reform movements
could be used to suppress slavery
c. it might hurt Andrew Jackson’s political career
26. Dorothrea Dix was inspired to dedicate her life to a e. A political alliance between Clay and Andrew
humanitarian Crusade by Jackson
a. The mistreatment of women factory workers
b. Conditions in the poorly funded public schools 33. An important effect of the tariff of abominations
c. Discovery of the confinement of the mentally ill in of 1828 was
local jails a. Increased prices for cotton overseas
d. The lack of schools for the blind and deaf b. South Carolina’s adoption of the theory of
e. The increase suicide rate in Pennsylvania and New nullification
York prisons c. The election of a democratic president, Andrew
27. The abolitionist movement had the effect of d. The alliance of north –Eastern workers and
a. Weakening white southerners’ attachment to slavery Western farmers
b. Converting most Americans to the abolitionist position e. The growth of manufacturing in the South
c. Increasing the chances for compromise between North
and South 34. The revolution of 1828 revealed that political
d. Proving moral persuasion was more effective then power was
political action a. Shifting to the Western States
e. Bringing the issue of slavery to the forefront of the b. Shifting to the Southern States
reform movement c. Entrenched on the Eastern seaboard
d. Gravitating toward conservative elements
28. William Lloyd Garrison and the American Antislavery e. Evenly divided between Whigs and Democrats
Society supported
a. Gradual emancipation of slaves without compensation to 35. Which of the following documents would be
owners most useful in evaluating President Jackson’s
b. Immediate emancipation of slaves without compensation commitment to democratic values?
or emigration a. The Specie Circular
c. Gradual emancipation of slaves with emigration to Asia b. Veto message on the rechartering of the Second
d. Immediate emancipation of slaves with compensation to Bank of the United States
owners c. Congressional hearings on the “corrupt bargain”
e. Violent overthrow of slavery in the south d. Supreme Court cases on the Indian-removal issue
e. Calhoun’s writings on nullification
29. The Seneca Falls Convention was significant because it
a. Initiated the religious revivals in the “burned-over 36. In the 1830s, the factor that most directly
district” promoted the development of a two-party system
b. Demanded the immediate abolition of slavery was
c. Issued a historic declaration of women’s rights a. The growth of the immigrant population
d. Addressed concerns for the education of children b. Increased interest in foreign affairs
e. Concluded that the Auburn system was a failure c. Changes in methods of nominating and electing
the president
30. Perfectionist aspirations to create a utopian society are d. Increasing section conflict between northern and
best reflected in southern states over the tariff use
a. The Hudson River School e. The dropping of constitutional limitations on the
b. Thoreau’s experiment at Walden Pond party system
c. American Colonization Society
d. The organizing of revivalist camp meetings 37. “The duties of all the public officers are, or at
e. The founding of New Harmony, Brook Farm, and least admit of being made, so plain and simple
Fourier Phalanxes that more is lost by the long continuance of men
in office than is generally to be gained by their
31. Jacksonian Democrats favored all of the following experience.”
EXCEPT This statement best reflects the views of
a. Rotation in office a. John C. Calhoun
b. Universal suffrage for white mates b. Daniel Webster
c. The caucus system of nominating candidates c. John Q. Adams
d. Rewarding political supporters with government jobs d. Andrew Jackson
e. Presidential electors being chosen by popular vote e. Henry Clay

32. After the election of 1824, the president’s choice of 38. The main issue on the presidential campaign of
Henry Clay as secretary of state resulted in 1832 was
a. The end of political bitterness between the major parties a. The recharter of the Bank of the United States
b. The revival of the Federalist party b. The removal of Native Americans from eastern
c. Widespread criticism of the spoils system states
d. Charges of a corrupt bargain with John Q. Adams
c. The use of federal funds for internal improvements b. Daniel Webster
d. The cost of western lands sold by the government c. Andrew Jackson
e. The nullification of the “tariff of abominations” d. James Madison
e. John Marshall
39. President Jackson’s response to Supreme Court
decisions on the treaty rights of Native Americans 46. Andrew Jackson’ view of the presidency
resulted in which of the following? emphasized
a. Jackson’s loss of popularity among working-class voters a. Strong cabinet leadership
b. Indian uprisings in the eastern states b. Strengthening the power of the states
c. The division of tribal lands into family units c. Support for the nullification doctrine
d. Impeachment of the president for not enforcing the law d. Congressional partisan leadership
e. The forced removal of Cherokees from their lands in e. Leadership by the executive branch in the
Georgia interests of the people

40. Supporters of the Whig party included all of the 47. To Andrew Jackson, the spoils system
following groups EXCEPT a. denied qualified persons the right to keep federal
a. Supporters of Clay’s American System jobs
b. New immigrants, such as the Germans and the Irish b. was needed in the absence of civil service laws
c. Westerners who wanted federal funds for internal c. benefited the political process
improvements d. was a political practice beyond his ability to
d. Reformers concerned about immorality and vice control
e. Advocates of a national bank e. kept him from appointing his friends to political
41. The Seneca Falls “Declaration of Sentiments and
Resolutions” dealt with 48. Andrew Jackson supported all of the following
a. The abolition of slavery EXCEPT
b. Colonial opposition of British taxes a. Indian removal
c. Working conditions of children in factories b. the right of nullification
d. The concern of farmers over railroad rates c. the removal of federal deposits from the bank of
e. Women’s rights the United States
d. annexation of new territory
42. The trial of tears refers to e. use of the presidential veto power
a. The removal of the Cherokees and other native
American tribes to Oklahoma 49. In the first half of the nineteenth century, Cherokee efforts
b. The difficulties new immigrants faced in getting to the to retain their tribal lands in Georgia received direct
united states support from
c. The migration of freed slaves to the north after the civil a. the White residents of Oklahoma
war b. President Andrew Jackson
d. Child labor in nineteenth-century factories c. the United States Supreme Court
e. Conditions on slave ships coming to the colonies in the d. the Democratic press
seventeenth century e. the United States Congress.

43. Dorothea Dix is most closely associated with which area 50. According to Alexis de Tocqueville in Democracy in
of social reform in the first half of the nineteenth America, American individualism arose as a result of
century? a. the absence of an aristocracy
a. Temperance movement b. limited geographic mobility
b. Women’s rights c. the uneven distribution of wealth
c. Settlement house movement d. urbanization
d. Abolitionist cause e. the Enlightenment
e. Prisons and asylums
51. Which of the following resulted from the
44. The outcome of the election of 1824 between John policies of the Andrew Jackson
Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson was decided by administration?
a. the Electoral College a. A central bank was established
b. a plurality of the popular vote b. The values of paper currency issued by
c. The Senate individual banks become uniform.
d. The House of Representatives c. The number of banks, each issuing its own
e. The “corrupt bargain” paper currency, increased.
d. A nationwide banking system was begun
45. The theory of nullification according to which a state e. Federal fiscal activities became linked to a
can reject a federal law, is associated with system of federal banks.
a. John C. Calhoun
52. An important consequence of the “tariff of d. Southern states had the right to nullify statutes
abominations” is that it led to the of Northern states interfering with the
a. taxation of consumer items recapture of escaped slaves
b. reelection of Andrew Jackson e. Congress should refuse to receive any petitions
c. inflexion of doctrine of nullification against slavery
d. alliance of Southern planters and Western farmers
e. expansion of the New England textile industry 58. President Jackson’s Maysville Road veto
dealt with
53. President Andrew Jackson’s Specie Circular a. federally financed internal improvements
stipulated that b. foreign policy
a. inefficient employees of the federal government c. the power of the Second Bank of the United
should be immediately dismissed regardless of their States relative to that of other financial
political affiliation. institutions
b. federal government deposits should be withdrawn d. the efficiency and honesty of government
from the Second Bank of the United States. employees
c. no federal funds should be spent on internal e. the purchase of government land with paper
improvements money
d. paper money should not be accepted in payment for
federal government lands sold. 59. When President Andrew Jackson’s enemies
e. the government would use force if necessary to spoke of the “Kitchen Cabinet” they were
collect the tariff in South Carolina. referring to
a. a group of friends and unofficial advisors of
54. The most forceful Southern protest against high the president
protective tariffs during the first half of the nineteenth b. a number of persons of low standing,
century was the including a former cook, who were
a. Webster-Haynes Debate appointed by Jackson to high cabinet
b. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions positions
c. Nullification Controversy c. a suggestion as to where Jackson might keep
d. resignation of Vice President John C. Calhoun the federal government’s money if he
e. imposition of the congressional “gag rule.” removed it from the Bank of the United
55. All of the following were among President Andrew d. a coterie of Jackson supporters in the U.S.
Jackson’s objections to the Second Bank of the Senate
United EXCEPT e. several state governors who supported
a. it allowed the economic power of the government to Jackson
be controlled by private individuals.
b. it threatened the integrity of the democratic system 60. Andrew Jackson’s election in 1828 is seen by
c. it was preventing the government from achieving its many historians to represent
policy of creating inflation a. the end of the Federalists party in America
d. it could be used irresponsibly to create financial b. the rise of individualism and popular
hardship for the nation democracy in America
e. it benefited a small group of wealthy and privileged c. the first real consolidation of federal power
persons at the expense of the rest of the country over the states since the drafting of the
56. The Nullification Controversy directly involved d. the beginnings of a genuine American
South Carolina’s opposition to which of the following aristocracy in government
federal policies. e. the low point of power for the executive
a. The Alien and Sedition Acts branch of government in the 1800s
b. The protective tariff
c. the Missouri Compromise 61. Which of the follow did the rise of the Early Industrial
d. The Civil Rights Act of 1832 Revolution NOT led to
e. The Compromise of 1850 a. a rise in the standard of living for the working class
b. the development of the middle class
57. In the Nullification Controversy, some Southerners c. great difficulty for the workers in adapting to the new way
took the position that of life
a. the federal government had the right to nullify state d. increase in immigration
laws that interfered with the right to hold property in e. participation in the European wars.
b. the federal courts had the right to nullify acts of 62. The most profound economic development by
Congress that restricted the spread of slavery mid-19c America was the
c. the states had the right to nullify acts of the federal a. development of a national banking system
government they deemed to be unconstitutional b. creation of corporations
c. rise of the factory. d. although the South depended on slave labor,
d. decline of the small-town merchant and general store. they realize human bondage was wrong and
e. creation of the agrarian society in the South ended slavery
e. the canal system brought equity to all
63. The Erie Canal revolutionized domestic markets Americans despite race or gender influences
because it permitted the on Congresses efforts to pass taxes to pat for
a. shipment of wheat from Chicago to the Pacific construction
b. transfer of goods from New York to New Orleans 68. The beginning of the Early American
along inland waterways Industrial Revolution during the early 1800s
c. movement of cotton from the Deep South to New resulted from all of the following
England developments EXCEPT
d. transport of gold from California to the east coast a. technological advanced imported from
e. passage to the transcontinental waterway England
b. the appearance of better transportation systems
64. The situation of women and immigrants in the c. monetary assistance from the federal
factory system was similar in that they both government to new factories
a. were able to organize labor unions successfully d. new inventions such as the cotton gin
b. were powerless to affect pay rates or working e. backing from the Constitution
c. saw conditions in their factories slowly improve
d. found opportunities for rapid improvement
e. moved into management positions relatively quick

69. The paternalistic factory system of Lowell and

Waltham did not lost long because
65. The direction of the population movement that took a. workers resented being watched over so
place between 1790 and 1840 was from carefully
a. the North to the South b. in the highly competitive textile market,
b. the Old Northwest back to New England. manufacturers were eager to cut labor costs.
c. New England to California c. unions undermined the owners' authority
d. the Atlantic coast to the areas between the d. men found jobs in the factories, and they
Appalachians and the Mississippi disliked the paternalistic system
e. the Erie Canal to the transcontinental waterway e. the South stopped shipping cotton north
because of the Black Tariff
66. In the case of Commonwealth v. Hunt, the
Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that 70. During the 1820s and 1830s, the growth of
a. slavery was unconstitutional in Massachusetts business was assisted by all of the following
b. labor unions were not necessarily illegal developments EXCEPT the
combinations or monopolies a. creation of a stable state banking system
c. Massachusetts tax money could not be used to b. specialization of stores
support an unjust war against Mexico c. improvement in the distribution of goods
d. segregated schools for blacks in Massachusetts did d. emergence of new general incorporation laws
not violate the U. S. Constitution e. favorable Supreme Court decisions
e. Massachusetts had to reimburse the South for the
misuse of cotton 71. All of the following were provisions of Clay's "American
System" EXCEPT
67. What conflict in values emerged as America went a. high tariffs to protect infant industries
through its market revolution b. federal financing of internal improvements
a. although Americans professed to believe in equality, c. low tariffs and state support of internal improvements
the market revolution coupled with American d. the improvement of roads and canals
materialistic pursuits led to great inequalities in
wealth 72. The Early Industrial Revolution had which of the
b. personal lifestyles prized by Northerners, who were following effects on slavery in the South
more religious, differed from those of Southerners, a. the creation of numerous labor-saving machines vastly
who were more materialistic--a distinction that reduced the need for slave labor
national networks made obvious. b. rapid growth in the textile industry encouraged Southern
c. most farmers clung to Crevecoeur's ideal of a semi- planters to grow cotton, thereby making slavery more
subsistence way of life, despite the relentless reach of important to the economy.
commercial networks
c. the government bought and freed Southern slaves, then d. Education
transported them to the North, where factories were experiencinge. prison and penal reform.
a major labor shortage.
d. the Industrial Revolution began as the Civil War was ending and
it provided work for many former slaves.
e. new farm machinery required slaves and masters to work more
closely together, with a resulting reduction of mutual hostility.

73. Which was the most important immediate cause of

the rise of manufacturing in the United States?
a. growth of the textile industry
b. New England water power
c. patriotic appeals and the growth of nationalism 79. Which of the following did NOT characterize
d. the South emerged as an industrial giant the early 19c religious movement known as
e. stoppages of trade by the embargoes and the War of the Second Great Awakening?
1812. a. extreme displays of emotion.
b. an emphasis on individual convention.
c. increased interest in social reforms such as the
74. The American system of manufacturing, which temperance movement.
emerged in the early 1800s, was successful because d. acceptance of slavery as ordained by God.
of its use of e. extensive involvement by women and African-
a. slave labor Americans
b. handsome, individually crafted, high-quality items
c. the "putting out" system--distributing raw materials 80. Antebellum feminists were generally
and collecting finished products for distribution. a. devoted to the issue of women's rights to the
d. early electric power to provide cheap energy for new exclusion of all else.
factories. b. active in other reform movements as well.
e. interchangeable parts to allow for mass production of c. indifferent to political issues while attentive to
high-quality items. social causes.
d. united in their goals and methods
75. The "Lowell System" refers to which of the following e. believe in universal manhood suffrage.
a. employment of young women who were then housed
in dormitories EXTRA CREDIT – 5 POINTS EACH
b. chattel slavery. E1) THERE IS A TOWN IN NORTHERN
c. worker's cooperatives ONTARIO WHERE 5% OF ALL THE PEOPLE
d. an early American labor union. LIVING IN THE TOWN HAVE UNLISTED
e. a business organization with limited liability for its PHONE NUMBERS. IF YOU SELECTED 105
a. advocated "free love" to redefine gender roles WOULD HAVE UNLISTED NUMBERS?
b. called for celibacy and attracted members of (DON’T ROUND)
c. believed it liberated women from the demands of E2) THERE ARE SIX EARS OF CORN IN A
male "lust" and from traditional bonds of family and HOLLOW STUMP. IF A PERFECTLY
eventually became a dominant manufacturer of silver HEALTHY SQUIRREL CARRIES ONLY THREE
d. was widely accepted and had almost no critics. EARS OUT EACH DAY, HOW MANY WILL IT
e. purposed a free society with no taxes or tariffs. TAKE TO EMPTY THE STUMP?

77. In his Essay, Resistance to Civil Government, Henry E3) WHAT ARE THE NEXT TWO LETTERS IN
David Thoreau claimed that an individual should THE FOLLOWING SERIES?
a. no pay poll taxes A E F H I K L M ____ ____
b. live in isolation and as simply as possible
c. obey only legitimately elected government officials. E4) ANITA JOB HIGH SCHOOL IS HOSTING A
d. reject the artificial constraints of government. CITY-WIDE PING PONG TOURNAMENT.
e. refuse to obey unjust laws. TWENTY STUDENTS SIGNED UP FOR THE
78. After 1830, which of the following reform ANOTHER; THE WINNER GOES ON TO THE
movements began to overshadow the others? NEXT ROUND. ELIMINATION GAMES
b. women's rights. WINNER.
c. Temperance

Extra Credit
E1) Zero, you will not find
unlisted phone numbers
E2) Six, each day the squirrel will
carry out his two ears and one ear
of corn
E3) N & T (the Next two straight
E4) 19

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