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Im, Mark John N.

Villamor , I Work Tagum Tourist Inn for

15 days for our on the job training required for K-12
curriculum , We started, November 7 up to 21, We feel
nervous and excited because we are their first batch to
work as OJT in Tagum Tourist Inn.

Sir Puns , the Supervisor of Tagum Tourist Inn After

Attending orientation the day before we start guide us to
different stations and halls of the hotel then the
immersion starts at the other day. The first day we met
Sir Plo the Captain waiter of tourist Inn assigned us to
our different stations, Me and Jimboy Maiso assigned in
Function Hall and, the other three assigned in
Housekeeping As days goes by we switches places and
time of work, there are days we are all assigned in
housekeeping or function hall it depends, if the hotel is
busy or not . We cherish every single moment working in
the hotel, they staff and workers are friendly and kind as
well as the OJT of other school ,As the last day of our
immersion getting nearer we feel sad, because we were
like family in the hotel it’s so sad that we will leave this
hotel soon but as we leave we will cherish those
memories that we are together , we happy moments and
experience we learned in 15 days of immersion I
wouldn’t regret why I choose Tagum Tourist Inn as my
happy that I became part of its history.

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