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Tigers not only have stripes on their fur, they also have them on their skin.

No two tigers ever have

the same stripes.

A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.

Elephants can smell water up to 3 miles away. They are also one of the three mammals that
undergo menopause – the other two being humpback whales and human females.

Giraffes have no vocal cords and their tongues are blue-black in color.

Dogs’ nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints and can be used to identify them.

Kangaroos use their tails for balance, so if you lift a kangaroo’s tail off the ground, it can’t hop

All mammals are warm-blooded, which means they maintain a constant body temperature despite
environmental conditions.

The night vision of tigers is six times better than that of humans

Giraffes sleep less than 2 hours per day

A giraffe can clean its ears with its tongue. But they also clean their noses with the same tongue.
So how long is a giraffes tongue?

The average length of an adult giraffes tongue is 53 centimetres

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