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Circadian clocks: genes, sleep, and

Charalambos P. Kyriacou1 and Michael H. Hastings2
Department of Genetics, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Division of Neurobiology, Cambridge CB2 0QH, UK

The endogenous circadian clock modulates cognitive show how induced and natural genetic variants can disrupt
performance over the daily 24-h cycle. Environmental not only circadian behaviour and sleep, but also learning
disturbance of the clock, such as shift work or jet lag and memory, mood and metabolism. We shall focus our
schedules, compromises sleep, alertness and problem discussion predominantly on the mammal, drawing
solving. What is not generally appreciated, however, is occasionally on the fly because it has played the major role
that the circadian clock also modulates cognitive activity in the identification of clock genes. Our principal focus,
independently of time spent awake. The molecular however, will be on the recently discovered local circadian
identification of circadian clock genes in higher eukar- clocks across the brain and peripheral organs and their
yotes has revealed a conserved intracellular mechanism relationship to the hypothalamic master-oscillator, the
that, if disrupted by mutation, can have significant
implications for mental and physical health. These mol-
ecular clocks tick away in different brain areas, and their Glossary
circadian phases and anatomical relationships to the cAMP signalling: Second messenger synthesised from ATP by adenylyl
central brain pacemakers indicate new ways for under- cyclase, which activates PKA (protein kinase A) allowing it to phosphorylate
its targets.
standing the mechanisms of interaction between circa- Declarative memory: Memory of facts that have been stored and can be
dian clocks, sleep and cognition. discussed (declared), for instance textbook memory.
EEG: Electroencephalogram.
Clocks and human health Entrainment: A free-running clock, once placed under an environmental cycle,
for example LD (light dark) 12:12, will entrain to this 24-h rhythm.
It is common experience that our cognitive performance Forced desynchrony: A situation in which subjects are made to sleep on non-
and mood vary predictably over the daily, 24-h cycle. These 24-h schedules so that their internal  24-h clock systematically drifts in and
out of phase with sleep time.
rhythms are intimately linked with our cycle of sleep and
Free-running: Under constant conditions such as darkness, the circadian clock
wakefulness and are driven by our internal circadian clock, ‘free-runs’ with its own endogenous period. A free-running period is thus free
a biological pacemaker with a period of approximately from its usual entrainment stimuli (light and temperature cycles).
Hypertension: Elevation of blood pressure.
(circa) one day (dian). The intrinsic properties of this Internal synchronisation: Clocks in different tissues are often set in different
pacemaker are best revealed by holding experimental phases, reflecting the cyclical functions of each organ. This synchrony needs to
subjects (human and animal) in temporal isolation. Under be maintained for optimal performance and health.
Kinase: The enzyme that phosphorylates a protein.
such ‘free-running’ conditions (see Glossary), the circadian Negative feedback: A product, usually a protein, negatively regulates its own
rhythms driven by the pacemaker continue relentlessly, gene transcription.
but can be resynchronised (entrained) by lighting sche- Orthologue: A gene in species 1 is said to be orthologous to a gene in species 2
if it was derived from a common ancestral sequence.
dules, by feeding-related or social cues. Under normal Paralogue: A gene within a species is paralogous to another one in the same
circumstances, these periodic signals ensure that the cir- species if they were derived by duplication of a common ancestral sequence.
cadian system and the rhythms that it drives are synchro- Period ( per): The first clock gene identified in higher organisms, originally in
the fly, but later in mammals (see Box 1).
nised with the outside world, anticipating and preparing Phosphatase: An enzyme that dephosphorylates a protein.
for the challenges and opportunities that day and night Phosphorylation: The addition of phosphate groups to a protein.
present. Disruptions to the circadian clock or its entrain- Pleiotropy: A gene mutation can have many effects on apparently unrelated
ment, for example during shift work or jet lag, disturb sleep Polymorphism: In genetics this refers to DNA variation in a gene sequence.
and lead to physiological and cognitive malaise. The con- Every human gene is polymorphic, meaning that somewhere, somebody will
carry a different sequence for gene X.
sequences of this desynchronisation are evident in the
Post-translational: After a protein is translated, it is often modified, for
workplace, leading to serious, sometimes fatal, accidents example by phosphorylation.
due to compromised alertness or problem solving [1,2]. Procedural memory: Long-term memory of procedures or skills.
Proteome: The entire set of proteins expressed by a genome within a tissue of
More widely, several neurological, neurodegenerative interest.
and psychiatric conditions are characterised by perturbed REM: Rapid eye movement phase of sleep lasting between 90 and 120 minutes.
sleep, and systemic illnesses such as cardiovascular dis- NREM: Non rapid eye movement. The three phases of sleep in which there is
no REM, and which is electroencephalographically (EEG) distinct from REM.
ease and metabolic syndrome can also carry a circadian SCN: Suprachiasmatic nuclei, the master clock in mammals situated in the
component [3–5]. hypothalamus.
In this review, we shall describe briefly the underlying SWS: Slow wave sleep, the last phase of NREM sleep, in which deep sleep
occurs, and characterised by delta waves in the EEG.
molecular-genetic basis of the circadian oscillator, and Transcriptome: The entire set of RNA molecules that are transcribed from a
tissue of interest.
Corresponding author: Kyriacou, C.P. (

1364-6613/$ – see front matter ß 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2010.03.007 Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14 (2010) 259–267 259
Review Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.14 No.6

suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) [6]. For decades it has been the crucial evidence that the circadian oscillator mediates
known that the SCN is crucial for rhythmic locomotor beha- cognitive performance directly, as well as indirectly,
viour and physiology in mammals, and indeed cycling clock through sleep.
gene expression can be visualised in the neurons of the SCN
using sophisticated gene-reporter systems [6]. However, Circadian control of cognition beyond sleep timing
what has become clear is that different regions of the brain, By controlling sleep, the clock will inevitably influence
or peripheral organs such as the liver, kidneys and heart, cognition, and decrements in cognitive performance during
also have local clocks that utilise the same basic molecular periods of circadian instability would presumably be due to
components as the SCN. The role of the SCN is to keep these the associated sleep deprivation. However, the more direct
local clocks in synchrony, with each other and with the solar and fundamental influence of the circadian clock on cogni-
cycle. We will explore the inter-relations among these local tion has been revealed by clever ‘forced desynchrony pro-
molecular circadian clocks, the SCN, and the rhythmic tocols’ in which subjects sleep on non-24-h schedules [7,8].
phenotypes of sleep and cognitive performance. The human circadian clock cannot run at these rather
extreme experimental cycles adopted by the sleep and
Cognition and clocks: is it all about sleep? wakefulness schedules (e.g. 20 h or 28 h), so it breaks away
Although it is well established that cognitive abilities of and free runs at its intrinsic period of ca 24 h (Figure 1a).
humans and experimental animals vary as a function of The consequent disengagement between intervals of sleep/
time of day (reviewed in [1]), there is still a widespread wakefulness and the circadian timer means that over the
view that the clock has a singular role in cognition: that of course of several experimental weeks, sleep and wakeful-
controlling the timing of sleep. Once it has established an ness will occur at all phases of the circadian cycle. Cru-
appropriate sleeping pattern, the clock falls out of the cially, this protocol provides the opportunity to assess
equation and all that matters for cognitive maintenance mental function across all circadian phases, independently
is the quality and duration of sleep. By contrast, our thesis of time since awakening [7,8]. In addition, performance can
is that the clock is a more intimate and pervasive regulator be assessed simply as a function of time spent awake,
of cognition and mood, with roles far beyond the timing of collapsed across all circadian phases. Such studies effec-
sleep. Before addressing the relationship between sleep tively take sleep out of the equation and provide a rela-
and cognitive and emotional states, however, let us present tively uncontaminated measure of sleep-independent

Figure 1. Forced desynchrony protocols reveal circadian clock control over cognition and vigilance that is independent of time spent awake. (a) Schematic representation of
forced desynchrony protocols in which subjects are forced to sleep on a 28- or a 20-h cycle. Consequently times of sleep (coloured bars) and wakefulness scan across all
phases of the circadian cycle, as monitored by peak of melatonin secretion and nadir of core body temperature which free run at their intrinsic period of ca 24 h. (b) Double
plots of experimental data for cognitive throughput (addition/subtraction test ADD) and psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) plotted (left) relative to circadian phase and
independent of wake time, and (right) wake time independent of circadian phase. Plotted points show deviation from mean values so the lower the point the greater the
impairment. Lower graph shows median reaction time during a 28 h forced desynchrony schedule in a reaction time task. Dotted lines show performance during the
circadian temperature trough and filled lines during the temperature peak. Note pronounced circadian modulation of performance. Redrawn with permission from Refs
[7,8]. (c) Prolonged loss of synchrony between circadian phase and sleep cycle compromises cognitive performance. Redrawn with permission from Ref [9].

Review Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.14 No.6

effects of the clock upon cognitive and emotional state. The of current views on cAMP signalling as a biochemical
important finding and one that runs counter to the ‘clocks substrate for this phenomenon.
only work through sleep’ hypothesis, is that cognitive
competence varies systematically across circadian time Sleep and memory consolidation
even when time spent awake has been controlled. Con- In general, restorative sleep tunes up cognitive function
versely, these studies also show that, as expected, once during the subsequent waking phase, and the following
circadian time has been controlled, our mental abilities consolidation of memory is sleep-dependent, both for pro-
and emotional state are sensitive to time spent awake, cedural and declarative memory [10,11]. In both animal
declining with prolonged wakefulness. In addition to the and human studies, declarative memory is sensitive to loss
independent effects of circadian time and duration of of slow wave sleep (SWS), otherwise termed ‘non rapid eye
wakefulness, better cognitive performance is associated movement’ (NREM) sleep whereas REM might contribute
with higher core body temperature, that is itself a reflec- more to procedural memory. A crucial observation is the
tion of optimal metabolic function [9]. Finally, when sleep sleep-dependent reactivation of cortical and hippocampal
does occur at inappropriate stages of the circadian cycle, circuits that occurs in association with consolidation of
learning over the course of several weeks is impaired [9]. memory, in both human and animal studies. For example,
The interplay between the independent effects of the clock the characteristic neural activation observed when spatial
and wakefulness therefore operates both acutely, over the navigation tasks are learned during the waking phase is
course of hours, and also chronically, affecting performance ‘re-played’ during SWS and the intensity of this replay is
over many days. The following sections will therefore focus correlated with the degree of memory consolidation [12].
on a series of points. First, what is the relationship of sleep Boosting slow oscillations by trans-cranial stimulation
to memory formation, without considering the clock other during sleep can even improve the consolidation of declara-
than as a timer of sleep? Second, what is the genetic nature tive memory [13]. Moreover, by using olfactory cues to
of the clock and what are the consequences of clock gene provide a context association during the learning of a
mutations on sleep and other functions? Third, we shall declarative task, the degree of consolidation can be
then consider the role of local clocks throughout the brain enhanced by presentation of the odour during SWS [14].
as the mediators of the combined effects of sleep and It is probable that the mechanisms underlying
circadian phase on cognition, closing with an exploration sleep-dependent consolidation of memory share common

Box 1. Simplified generic higher eukaryotic intracellular transcription/translational oscillator model

The generic higher eukaryotic model in a generic clock cell has two available PER molecules. This effectively protects PER molecules from
negative regulators (N1 and N2) and two positive regulators (Clock (C) further phosphorylation and degradation, and so PER levels build up by
and BMAL1 (B, also known as CYCLE in the fly)) that bind the continuing to dimerise with TIM. Eventually, late at night, the PER-TIM
promoters of the negative regulators. The N regulators are tran- dimer moves into the nucleus and represses the transcription of its own
scribed during the day (ZT1-12, Zeitgeber time ZT 12, is dusk and genes, per and tim, by interfering with the actions of the positive
ZT24/0 is dawn on a 12:12 light–dark cycle). The mRNAs are factors, CLOCK (C) and CYCLE (B).
transported to the cytoplasm and translated into their respective N1 In flies, the photoreceptor P is Cryptochrome (CRY), it is activated
and N2 proteins early at night (ZT14). However a series of kinase by light and interacts physically with TIM (N2), leading to TIM, and
modulators, M, phosphorylate the N proteins and alter their subsequently PER degradation, as the latter is now exposed to CK1e
stabilities, leading to, in the case of N1, degradation via ubiquitination phosphorylation. As PER/TIM levels fall during the day, CLOCK and
and the proteosome (dustbin). As the night proceeds, the N1 and N2 CYCLE resume their transcription of per and tim, and the transcrip-
proteins stabilise each other by dimerising (ZT18). The N1, N2 and M tion–translation cycle starts again. In mammals, P is melanopsin, and
components translocate back to the nucleus, and sequester C and B, signals to the SCN via the retinohypothalamic tract, leading to acute
thereby repressing their own N1 and N2 genes (ZT22). At dawn upregulation of mPer [85]. One of the C and B molecules in each
(ZT24+), a photoreceptor, P, is activated, and this will enhance the species is also regulated in a cyclical manner by other activator/
destabilisation by a modulator, M, of the N regulators (at least in the repressors, providing an interconnection of loops that seems to
fly). A different set of Ms will also destabilise N1 and N2 at subjective mutually stabilise and reinforce these molecular cycles (from [4,86]).
dawn even under constant darkness (DD). In the absence of stable N1
and N2, C and B can bind the N1 and N2 promoters and begin the next
circadian cycle of transcription/translation. The M-mediated delay
between N mRNA and protein peaks is necessary otherwise the
negative regulators would feed back within a few hours (not 24) to
shut down their own transcription Figure I.
In flies, per and tim are the N1 and N2 molecules respectively,
whereas in mammals there are three transcribed mPer (mPer1–3, N1),
and two Cryptochrome genes (mCry1–2, N2). In both organisms, a
crucial modulator M is CK1 that tags N molecules for degradation. This
key event provides a necessary delay into the feedback loop. Other
kinases and phosphatases are also involved in modulating N stability,
as are ubiquitin ligases. The net result of all these post-translational
modifications to N proteins is that as they are generated in the early
night they are eliminated, and this puts the molecular feedback loop on
‘hold’ for a few hours. If we take the fly as the best understood example,
after a few hours of PER being phosphorylated by CK1e and then
degraded during the early to middle of the night phase, levels of TIM
(N2) rise before PER, and these TIM molecules start to dimerize with the Figure I. Simplified generic circadian oscillator in higher eukaryote.

Review Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.14 No.6

elements with other examples of sleep-dependent synaptic at the same time re-scaling global synaptic potential to
plasticity, for example the establishment of ocular dom- its normal and most effective operating range. Recent work
inance in the developing visual cortex [15]. Similarly in in Drosophila has revealed that synaptic proteins accumu-
Drosophila, sleep regulation and memory consolidation late during the waking state or sleep deprivation, and are
share the cAMP pathway as well as the same anatomical reset with sleep [19], mirroring a similar synaptic turnover
substrate, the mushroom bodies [16]. In mammals, one process in cortical and hippocampal regions of the rat brain
proposal is that during SWS the hippocampus and neo- [20].
cortex enter a dialogue that binds together cortical
modules relevant to the memory, and with repetitive The intracellular clock
transfers during sleep episodes the centre of gravity of a What is the intracellular clock and what are its molecular
memory migrates from hippocampus to cortex [17]. Thus, components? What do we know of it and how might it fit
the most recent memories are more sensitive to sleep into the general scheme? The basic features of the higher
disturbance. The second model, the synaptic homeostasis eukaryotic molecular clock have been endlessly reviewed
hypothesis, proposes that SWS globally suppresses, rather [3,5,21,22], and are described briefly in Box 1, from which it
than enhances, synaptic connectivity, providing a counter- is clear that the intracellular molecular mechanisms are
weight to the progressive increase in synaptic connectivity/ largely conserved, with evolution tweaking or swapping
function inherent to new learning during the waking state the roles of some of these clock components among taxa.
[18]. This would retain strong signal-to-noise ratios in The basic oscillatory mechanism consists of a delayed
recently active (i.e. memory-relevant) pathways, even negative feedback loop, incorporating rhythmic transcrip-
though absolute synaptic strength might decline, while tion, translation and post-translational processes. Cru-

Box 2. Distributed local clocks throughout the brain, synchronised by the SCN pacemaker, underpin the interactions between
sleep, circadian timing and cognition
(a) Schematic representation of the network of local circadian clocks case between mutually inhibitory REM-on and REM-off areas in the
widely distributed across brain centres implicated in sleep and mesopontine tegmentum (reviewed in [87]). The balance between the
wakefulness (brain stem, thalamus ventrolateral pre-optic area competing systems that promote either sleep or wakefulness is
(VLPO), and cerebral cortex) and cognition (cerebral cortex, hippo- governed by their spontaneous activity, prior wakefulness (‘sleep
campus). Dispersed cell groups in the VLPO, which express the debt’) and the demands of the circadian programme. Thus, for the
peptide galanin, are likely to be mediators of the homeostatic drive entire network to operate effectively, sustaining the global states of
(the ‘need’) to sleep. By contrast, the noradrenergic locus coeruleus sleep and wakefulness, the circadian programmes in all areas have to
(LC), serotonergic raphe nuclei (SRN) in the brain stem and the be synchronised, one to another, and to external solar time. This is
histaminergic tubero-mammillary nucleus (TMN) and orexinergic achieved by coordinating signals that emanate from the ‘master’
cells of the hypothalamus, promote wakefulness. These sleep- and pacemaker of the SCN Figure I.
activity-promoting sites interact antagonistically in the manner of a (b) Representative bioluminescence recordings from organotypic
flip-flop switch, such that activity within the two groups is mutually slices in culture confirm the presence of autonomous local clocks in
exclusive: if one is on, the other is off. The internal structure of sleep, some relevant brain areas, whereas in other regions their presence is
in particular the switching between REM and nonREM (NREM or inferred from the expression of clock genes and proteins.
SWS) every 90 minutes, could also involve a flip-flop switch, in this Figure redrawn from [6,87].

Figure I. Local clocks in mammalian brain.

Review Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.14 No.6

Table 1. Sleep and cognitive phenotypes of clock mutants

Clock gene Organism Cognitive/Sleep phenotype of mutant
period (per) fly LTM in courtship conditioning compromised [53], and circadian rhythm in STM in olfactory conditioning
predictably affected by period ( per) and timeless (tim) mutants [61]. per mutant does not sensitize to
cocaine nor do cycle, Clk or dbt (CK1e) mutants [67].
cycle fly Hypersensitive to lethal effects of sleep deprivation [68].
Bmal1 mouse Disrupted sleep and abnormal response to sleep deprivation [69].
Clock mouse Mania and hyperactivity [39]. Defects in sleep homeostasis [70].
Clock human Polymorphism in 30 untranslated region associated with increased ‘eveningness’ in 620 bipolar and major
depressive disorder patients [71].
NPas2 mouse NPas2 is a Clock paralogue and mutations disrupt cued and contextual fear conditioning [72]. Alters
nocturnal sleep pattern [60].
NPas2 human Association with autism in 110 parent–child trios [73].
Period1 mouse Reduced sensitization to cocaine [74]. Defective in hippocampus-dependent long-term spatial learning paradigm.
Period1 human Haplotype associated with autism [73].
Period2 mouse Mutation reduces MAOA levels thereby increasing dopamine levels in mesolimbic system and gives a
‘depression resistant’ phenotype [75]. Also mutant disrupts gutaminergic uptake by astrocytes and leads to
increased alcohol consumption [76]. Increased sensitization to cocaine [74]. Recall of trace but not cued
fear conditioning affected [77].
Period2 human Mutation in CKI binding region (S662G) gives FASPS [27].
Period3 human Repeat polymorphism associated with DSPS [33] and time of onset of bipolar disorder [38].
Cry1-Cry2 mouse Double Cry mutant disrupts time–place learning [78] and sleep homeostasis [79].
CK1d human Threonine to Alanine mutation gives Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome (ASPS) and shorter rhythm [80].
Opn4 mouse Melanopsin photoreceptor deletion affects photic regulation of sleep [81].
Dbp mouse Clock output gene expressed cyclically in SCN and periphery and modulates circadian output. Mutant affects
sleep homeostasis and consolidation [82].
Pk2 mouse Rhythmic SCN output molecule – mutant shows disruption in REM and NREM sleep and homeostasis [83].
Dec2 human Negative regulator of CLK-BMAL1 in circadian clock. Proline to Arginine mutation (P385R) causes ‘short
sleeping’ phenotype [84].
Dec2 mouse P385R ‘short-sleeping’ mutation shows enhanced wakefulness, disruption of REM/NREM sleep, attenuated
rebound to sleep deprivation and increased vigilance. Driving the mouse Dec2 mutation in fly also gives less
sleep than control [84].

cially, it drives the oscillatory expression of many down- sleep. It is an autosomal dominant condition which
stream target genes and proteins, and it is these factors advances the habitual sleep phase by several hours under
which in turn produce the rhythmic output of the cell, be it normal living conditions and shortens the endogenous
an electrical firing rhythm in a neuron, or a metabolic cycle cycle by 2 h [26]. Remarkably, the mutation maps to
in a liver cell. In Drosophila, the small 150 neuronal the human period2 (hPer2) gene, which encodes one of
networks crucial for rhythmic locomotor behaviour are the three mammalian PER proteins, which act as regula-
understood at genetic and molecular levels and have tors of the clock mechanism (see Box 1 and Table 1). The
recently been interrogated physiologically [23,24]. It pro- relevant mutation involves a Serine to Glycine missense
vides a simpler model than its mammalian counterpart, mutation in a casein kinase 1 (CK1) binding region [27].
the SCN which, with its 10000 neurons, is established as This is reminiscent of the original 19 h pers mutation in the
the master oscillator, sustaining and synchronising local fly, in which a Serine is mutated to an Asparagine in the
rhythms across central nervous system (CNS) and periph- corresponding Doubletime (DBT, also known as CK1e)
eral tissues (Box 2). binding region, accelerating the clock and, in a 24-h world,
causing a phase advance in the behavioural rhythm
Mutations in clock genes: sleep and other disorders [28,29]. In FASPS, there is decreased phosphorylation of
The rhythm of sleep is driven by an interaction between the hPER2 with implications for increased hPer2 transcrip-
circadian clock and the homeostatic drive (‘need’) for sleep tion, hPER2 turnover and reduced nuclear retention that
[25]: Box 2 shows several sleep relevant pathways and speed up the clock [27,30]. Conversely, FASPS can also be
their relationship to the SCN. Under normal circum- caused by mutation in the kinase, CK1d, that phosphor-
stances, appropriate circadian control of neural activity ylates hPER2 [31].
across these sites ensures a smooth daily progression of the A second disorder, Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome
cycle. With the identification of clock genes in flies and (DSPS), which has the opposite phenotype to FASPS,
mammals, natural genetic variants in humans were sub- has been associated with several polymorphisms in the
sequently discovered and studied for their circadian and major clock genes (Table 1). Encoded within human
homeostatic effects on sleep (Table 1). Nevertheless, it has period3 (hPer3), a tandem 18 residue motif containing a
proved difficult to determine the neural site of action of putative CK1 site, is found in 4 or 5 copies. In Japanese and
these disruptions. Are they effective in the SCN, in local English subjects, DSPS is associated with the shorter 4-
circuits or in both, and do indirect pleiotropic effects (see copy variant [32,33], whereas in Brazil, it is the opposite,
below), rather than the circadian programme, play a sig- leading to speculation as to whether latitude could be
nificant role? relevant via a photoperiodically-related environmental
Familial Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome (FASPS) is factor [34]. In Europeans, homozygous hPer35/5 repeat
an excellent example of a principally circadian influence on carriers show changes in sleep structure and poorer

Review Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.14 No.6

Figure 2. Schematic model for temporally convergent circadian and sleep-dependent regulation of cognitive function. The encoding of information during the waking
phase and the subsequent consolidation of relevant information during sleep are dependent upon contrasting capacities for molecular and electrical signalling. Efficient
alternation between these processes is mediated by circadian coordination. First, the SCN pacemaker entrained to solar time synchronises subordinate local clocks across
the forebrain, which in turn govern local, tissue-specific circadian transcriptomes that determine local capacities for molecular and electrical signalling. Second, the SCN
also modulates the flip-flop switches governing sleep/wakefulness and consequently these alternating brain states are timed to occur coincidently with the expression of
molecular and electrical signalling pathways that best serve their respective neural demands. Misalignment of sleep/wakefulness with circadian phase or genetic
perturbation of the clock mechanism in the SCN and/or locally, will compromise efficient acquisition and encoding of information, and/or consolidation of memory.

performance in cognitive function after sleep loss [35,36]. human studies implicating polymorphisms in hClk in
Tantalisingly, structurally similar amino acid repeats metabolic syndrome and obesity [49], and hBmal1 in hy-
occur in the per gene of Drosophila species, and these seem pertension and type-2 diabetes [50].
to play a role in accommodating the fly clock to tempera- Thus clock mutations can have serious repercussions,
ture variation at different latitudes [37]. Mood disorders not simply limited to sleep problems. Most of these dis-
have also been cautiously linked to the hPer3 repeat poly- orders are probably due to clock defects, but the possibility
morphism (e.g. Table 1 [38]), although most of these types remains that some phenotypes could be truly pleiotropic
of studies have been small scale and often contradictory and independent of the clock per se. For example, in clock
[3,4]. However, the Clk mutant mouse shows behavioural mutant Drosophila, not only do the 150 cycling target
symptoms of mania, probably mediated by dopaminergic genes in the head cease their mRNA rhythms, but several
hyperactivity in the ventral tegmental area [39]. Much of hundred non-cycling transcripts also alter their expression
the stimulus for this psychiatric approach to the clock levels, and some of these genes, we imagine, might not be
comes from observations that circadian rhythms in sleep associated with circadian phenotypes [51,52]. Thus there is
onset and temperature rhythms are often disrupted in plenty of scope for clock gene pleiotropy, as observed with
mental illness and neurodegeneration, and that sleep arrhythmic per mutants in Drosophila which show poor
interventions and light therapy in patients or rodent performance in a conditioning paradigm that measures
models can have acute beneficial effects [40,41]. long-term memory (LTM), whereas other arrhythmic clock
Surveys of the mammalian circadian transcriptome and mutants: tim, Clk and cyc (the fly’s BMAL1 orthologue; Box
proteome reveal that many metabolic enzymes are circa- 1, Table 1) are normal [53]. Consequently the effect of per
dian-regulated and so the effects of clock mutations might on this type of memory consolidation would seem to be
be expected to be more widespread than simply disrupting clock-independent.
sleep phenotypes [42–46]. For example, the normal rhythm
of food intake in Clk mutant mice is disturbed, leading to Local brain clocks: are they the orchestrators of sleep-
obesity and metabolic syndrome [47]. Connections of the and wake-dependent cognition?
SCN to the appetite centres in the mediobasal hypothala- As noted above, optimal cognitive performance depends on
mus are implicated, where mRNA levels of appetite- temporal alignment between sleep and clock-driven mech-
related neuropeptides are also reduced significantly in anisms, but the sophistication and complexity of this
Clk mutants [47]. The important link between cell metab- relationship is underlined further by the recent discovery
olism and the clock is further evidenced by disturbed that the SCN is not the only brain pacemaker. Molecular
glucose metabolism in Clk or Bmal1 mutants [48] and in and real-time bioluminescent imaging approaches have

Review Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.14 No.6

shown that most major organs contain the same (or strated across the entire neuraxis, thereby sustaining the
roughly the same) molecular-feedback pacemaker as that global transitions in brain function that underpin sleep and
within the SCN. Moreover, local semi-autonomous clocks wakefulness, and cognition. In this regard, clocks can be
are distributed across the brain, including cerebral cortex, viewed as transcriptomic nodes: the central SCN pacemaker
hippocampus and cerebellum [6]. Hence, the circadian does not need to encode all of the information required to up-
contribution to cognition probably arises not from ‘the’ and down-regulate gene expression across the brain because
clock, but from many clocks. Cognitive performance would it delegates that role to the local clockworks which rely on
then be dependent on their synchronised activities and, the SCN solely for their appropriate time cues.
ordinarily, this internal synchronisation will be imposed There are several strong predictions arising from this
by the SCN pacemaker (Figure 2). Mutations in canonical model. First, compromise of the local clock machinery by
clock genes might disrupt the intrinsic functions of local genetic, pharmacological or other means will reduce the
clocks and/or the SCN pacemaker, or compromise their efficiency of temporal adaptation and impair cognitive
behaviour as an integrated network, as in Vpac2 receptor function. A good example here is NPAS-2, a cycling para-
mutants [54]. Additionally, mutations might conceivably logue of Clock that is expressed at very low levels in the
impair cognition by altering the phase relationship of the SCN [88] but at high levels in the forebrain, and which in
clocks to the cycle of sleep and wakefulness. Finally, by NPAS2-deficient mice leads to sleep disturbance and atte-
analogy with studies of the clocks in peripheral organs, nuated behavioural adaptability ([60], Table 1). Second,
environmental influences such as jet lag and rotational environmental factors, such as jet lag or shift work sche-
shift work will lead to a transient loss of phase coherence dules that disrupt the normally synchronous waves of gene
both among individual brain clocks, and between the clocks expression among areas, will also confound temporal adap-
and sleep episodes, thereby compromising temporal order tation. In both circumstances, mental functions, both cog-
and leading to suboptimal cognitive performance and nitive and affective, will be perturbed.
encoding of information [11,55].
What, therefore, might be the role of the subsidiary clocks The clock, cAMP, memory and sleep
in the cortex, hippocampus and elsewhere? An analogy Our thesis, therefore, is that optimal mental function
exists with the peripheral clock in the liver, which is syn- requires the temporal alignment between local clock control
chronised to the SCN and drives daily cycles of hepatic gene over neuronal functions appropriate for the ongoing states of
and protein expression [42,45,56,57]. Local enzymatic sleep and wakefulness. To achieve this coincidence, the SCN
activity is thus phase-locked to, and hence able to anticipate, plays a central role: it determines the timings of sleep
the alternating and conflicting energetic demands of wake- and wakefulness and simultaneously synchronises the
fulness and sleep, feeding and fast. These abilities to anticip- multitude of local brain clocks to a complementary circadian
ate and to separate competing metabolic demands in time programme. Is it possible, therefore, to take one candidate
are key adaptive properties of local clocks. In mice, in which cellular pathway to explore this view on the inter-relation-
the liver clockwork is genetically compromised, glucose ship between clocks, sleep and cognition? Among the variety
homeostasis is temporally disrupted and the waking phase of signal transduction cascades implicated in the formation
is characterised by hypoglycaemia, because the ‘clockless’ of memory and induction of long-term potentiation (LTP),
liver is unable to up-regulate glucose mobilisation in anticip- one particular pathway stands out: that from glutamate
ation of SCN-driven physical activity [58]. receptor activation, via Ca++ and cAMP, to the control of
The same model of temporal partitioning of cellular MAP kinases (MAPK) and their activation of the transcrip-
functions can be applied to the brain. During daily wakeful- tional regulator CREB [61,62] (Figure 3). Deficits at all
ness, the predominant brain activity is the real-time acqui- points in this process can compromise memory consolidation
sition, processing and response to stimuli. These activities and its electrophysiological correlates. It is therefore very
will be supported by a specific profile of gene and protein significant that in the mouse hippocampus, the activation of
expression, with a focus on rapid synaptic signalling, and MAPK, cAMP levels and CREB activation are under circa-
short-term cognitive processes typically dependent on post- dian regulation, peaking during circadian daytime, coinci-
translational modifications (e.g. phosphorylation [20]). Con- dent with sleep [63]. This regulation by local clocks
versely, during sleep, external stimuli become less relevant recapitulates the circadian control over these molecular
and both global and local neural firing patterns change pathways in the SCN, where Ca++ and cAMP rhythms could
dramatically. Short–term memories are consolidated into constitute part of the pacemaking mechanism and not
more permanent patterns and this is typically dependent simply one of its outputs [64]. Importantly, consolidation
upon de novo gene and protein expression and accompany- of hippocampus-dependent learning is least effective when
ing synaptic rewiring [59]. Hence, the ‘omic’ profiles this cascade in the hippocampus is at its circadian trough,
required to sustain the activities of the waking brain are and local interference with the circadian oscillation within
very different from those associated with, and necessary for, the cAMP/MAPK/CREB pathway can impair the persist-
sleep and its associated consolidation of memory. The adap- ence of hippocampus-dependent memory [63]. Thus, circa-
tive value of the local clocks is that they are able to orches- dian reactivation of this signalling pathway, coincident with
trate these changes in tissue-specific ways, anticipating and sleep, might be important for the persistence of contextual
preparing for the circadian transitions between sleep and memory and consolidation. Furthermore, mice deprived of
wakefulness. Because the phases of these distributed brain sleep exhibit a selective impairment of cAMP-dependent
clocks are set by the central pacemaker of the SCN, daily LTP, and this correlates with reduced levels of cAMP and
cycles of local gene expression are synchronised and orche- increased activity of phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) [65]. Inhi-

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