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Leadership is practiced not so much in words but as in attitude and in actions

GoodEvening! A long duration of a year has spent without our knowledge. It seems that it was yesterday
when I become inspired to became a Leader. Well, Leader?... I know it has been a very challenging
position a person might be in, but I’m Glad that God Lead and Help me along the way.

A Leaders legacy is not just about setting up a particular program or process but also leaving the
association in a condition that allows the next leader to effectively carry on its mission.

I Can still remember our good and bad times in the making, there comes the time na nasabi konalang na
“ayoko na at susuko nako” just because I’m feeling like I Can’t make it. Minsan kasi dadating yung time
na, hindi kana satisfied,sobrang kulit na ng followers mo, hindi kana nila maintindihan, and sasabayan pa
ng pagkabusy mo sa school works but doon ka magigising at mari-realize mo nalang na God put you
here, because He knows you can and then you will remember that you were committed, committed on
striving hard just to be a good role model to your co-students kasi sabi nga, Be Strong and Be Very
Corageous sa Joshua 1:7, kasi for me Leadership defines (your Strong personality,Hardwork,Confidence,
Responsibility and Commitment) (EXAMPLE KWENTO) . Kasi nowadays, many students sees it as,
popularity and power but in fact it wasn’t. it is the biggest responsibility that a leader should face and be
very committed on a position that someone entrust you to be on it. Yes there will be hard times, but one
thing I’m sure at if you Let God be the center of your term, you will become surprised and say “I was
once a Leader and I have overcome those challenges that this position gave me in. hindi naman kasi
lagging saya, hindi rin naman lagging challenges but it will still defend on you on how you will handle it.
And before I end it, I will leave you some things to remember:

When you are feeling scared: Philippians 4:13, Psalms 56:3


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