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Ms. Voyles English 102 21 February 2018 Prospectus at Religion and science - two very common concepts - are not nnutually exclusive ideas, ‘There are many ways that the concepts overlap in a precise, logical fashion. Perhaps the strongest example of this is the combination of evolution and creationism. These two theories can combine into a new understanding of existence. There are many scientific references in the Bible, just as there are many archaeological and historical pieces that prove the foundations of religion. Alll of these concepts combine to create a new view on religion, science, and their bearings on each other, Aim ‘The overall goal of this piece is to convince those who read it that religion and science can coexist in modem society. My main argument will be based around evolution and creationism, an issue which is very emotionally charged. I will present the evidence for both sides, acknowledging the evidence that proves evolution, as well as the Bible verses that seem to contradict the idea, Once the reader is well informed, I will present a third, all-encompassing option. Once the case is made, I will continue presenting evidence that proves religion's dependence on science and vice versa. Overall, my main hope is that I can make a clear, cohesive argument. {n doing so, {think that I can open minds and bring opposing sides together. Audience tis my hope that anyone would benefit from reading this essay. This is a topic th relates to a wide range of people, and therefore could have a very strong effect on those who read it For those that are religious in some fushion, I hope to bring credibility to evolution and the science behind it, Many religious minds shut out scientific ideas, viewing them as blasphemous, wrong, and immoral. In exploring the various ties that religion and science have, 1 ‘want to reverse that opinion, giving science a newer, holier connotation. For those that are not religious, I hope to show the validity of religion in the modern setting, In scientific circles, belief can seem like a blatant disregard of the facts of life, and therefore it is not shown respect. I hope to change that reputation, showing the countless ways that religion hinges around science, as well as how science is bolstered by the presence of belief. {In an ideal situation, audience members of both origins will be shown a new way of thinking through this essay. And, in using that newfound respect for one another, they ean take a new, more considerate approach to life. Persona Tam exceptionally passionate about this topic, so I want to come across as @ well-informed, confident author. Hopefully, my in-depth research into this subject will exemplify that knowledge and understanding, I also do not want to seem too emotionally charged. This can be a very sensitive issue, so I want to approach it with grace rather than bravado. [am attempting to introduce a new outlook on existence itself. In doing so, I want only to be viewed as a teacher ‘of sorts - someone who has the best of intentions, and who truly knows what they are talking about. ‘Subject Matter My thesis obligates me to discuss the theories of evolution and creationism, as well as. their relation to each other. It calls for an in-depth look at each concept, followed by a comprehensive, logical explanation of the manner in which they can coincide. I am also obligated to diseuss various scientific references within the Bible, as well as the historical and archaeological findings that support religious claims. Each of these ideas must be explored fully, so that by the end of the piece, I have provided a well-rounded argument for the coexistence of science and religion, The biggest gap in my research at this point revolves around Bible verses. I have a good grasp of the references I want to make, but [still have &16t of exploration to do. Some of my snost compelling religious arguments are going io be specific verses, s0 need to take a closer, more deliberate look at the text that 1 want to use, In doing so, | believe that { will truly enhance ny religious interpretations, and therefore improve my argument as a whole. Organizational Plan want to set up this paper in a positive, helpful light. The ideas that | am proposing may not be the most popular, but they have the power to truly bring people together. Believers and non-believers have been in a stalemiate for too long. Neither can see where the other is coming from, so no progress can be made. If there is a way for religion and science to intermingle, which [believe there is, that would create a new, positive mindset - one where all beliefs are validated,

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