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Ms Voyles English 102 21 February 2018 ‘ Prospectus Thesis Statement: Colleges should stop ignoring sexual assault on their campuses and take more action in their students assault cases, Colleges need to help their students and the police to finding the suilty party, colleges need to set stricter policies and punishments for those found guilty of sexual assault, and colleges need to take more initiative to ending sexual assault once and for all on their campus, Aim: My aim, may ultimate goal, inthe eng, is to be more knowledgeable in the field of sexual assault on a college campus, Not only do I want to know more about this topic, I want others to read my paper and be able to spread the knowledge to others who are not so familiar on the topic. Twant whatever statistics and facts I find about sexual assault on the college campus to spread to everyone, giving both those young and old the ability to have an opinion and make astand.[ want to be able to convince whoever reads this that what is currently being done on most colleges campuses for assault victim: not enough. I want to be able to persuade at least a few people with the statistics and inspire those by my writing to take action towards ending sexual assault on the college campus. | want to be able to come through to at feast one person about the dangers of the college campus, and to warn them of what might await them if they are currently considering attending a college university, Audience: My intended audience covers a wide range of people, From those who are about to attend college to those who have long graduated from a university, my intended audience ranges from anyone who works, lives, and attends any college or university in America to those who do not ‘even think about being around a college anytime soon. { specify Americans because, while rape and assault does happen on other college and university campuses across the globe, the problem is most prominent within the United States; however, that does not disclude those who live outside the United States, everyone everywhere should know about this problem, I want parents, grandparents, children, students, and teachers to read my paper and become aware of the dangers that people face everyday while attending college. I want them to read my paper because everyone most likely knows someone attending college; grandparents mostly likely have grandchildren or even great grandchildren about to attend or are currently in college; parents might have children in college or about to attend college; children might have older siblings about to attend college or are about the age themselves to be thinking about college; students are either thinking about attending college or are currently in college; and teachers themselves are helping to guide students on a path towards college. My point is everyone most likely has a connection to someone attending college or about to attend college, which is why my intended audience is just about everyone beeause just about everyone is of can be affected by sexual assault on the college campus in some way or another to ‘The students who might read my essay are unaware, they are carefree, they are excited to be able to go and live the college lifestyle. The parents and grandparents are excited for their kids and grandkids because they have too have been in their shoes and they are excited for their kids and grandkids. Excitement, however, should not get in the way of safety. These people should not have to give up their excitement, but they should take more precautions. College has proven to be a dangerous place for certain types of people, so dangerous that they have been assaulted, ‘maybe on multiple occasions. My audience should be able to Keep up their spirits about college, but also learn the signs to possible danger around them. College is an experience that many people look forward to, and that experience should not be taken away by the fear of assault. My readers should learn that by the time they finish my essay. Persona want the audience to perceive me as a near college student who is, like some of my readers, really looking forward to my life on a college campus. 1 want to present myself as one who has good intentions towards colleges as a whole and I want to come across as not too hatful of the campus itself. I want be seen as a person who wants the best out of their college experience and to not have it ruined by sexual assault. I think this is a great way to, not only, coincide with the emotional appeal that I am going to try to establish but also let the readers know that Tam like them, a student who only has a future to look forward to and not have that future ruined by sexual assault. Subject Matter: My thesis statement tells the audience that I will talk about many instances where colleges fail o support their assaulted students, It also says how { will discuss ways the college

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