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Danielle Caple Student Number: 13262050

Lesson 4
Script for a Speech
I have chosen to do the monologue in the voice of Hamlet. I will compare myself
to Agamemnon and Prufrock.
Write a brief monologue (two minutes) in the "voice" of one of these four characters or people
(Agamemnon, Hamlet, Prufrock, or John Kennedy). In the monologue, identify what you hope
people learn from hearing “your” story. Include reference to your struggles and what can be
learned from them. Remember that a monologue is written as if you are the person speaking,
using the first person pronoun “I.” In your monologue you must make a connection to at least
two of the other characters. How were they like you or different in their discoveries of what you
hope people learn?

I hope that anyone who listens to my speech will learn to be very careful of
trusted friends and relatives. I truly believe that no one can be too careful
especially of those trusted people most close to you. I was betrayed by my uncle
Claudius who murdered my father the King of Denmark. My mother Gertrude
married Claudius very quickly after my father’s death which was a horrible
thought. In my recklessness and need for revenge, I accidentally killed Polonius
which was never my intention. My good friend ‘Laertes’ (Polonius’ son) sought
revenge and poisoned the sword that killed me. He was my friend to the end
because he explained this to me before we both died. I sought revenge and
Laertes did too and we both are dead because of this. I spent hours agonizing
over what to do and now look at me “I have been murdered too.” What a waste.
You could compare me to Agamemnon who tried to please the Gods by
sacrificing his daughter Iphigenia but in the end he created a wife who could no
longer love and only sought revenge. Agamemnon died because his wife
betrayed him and was full of hate and anger. He too died a tragic death like me.
You could also compare me with Prufrock. I was like Prufrock alone in a
world that I did not understand. I could only see the dark, negative side and I
missed the beauty in my world. I was like Prufrock and could not make a decision.
We both were paralyzed in our worlds and failed to make the right decisions.
Prufrock was not able to solve his problems in his world and in the end he
So, I hope you will understand that revenge only creates more sadness and
despair in the world. There is nothing to be gained from doing more harm. It is
better to look toward the positive side of life and move forward and pray that
good will conquer evil.

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