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tonight today the topic is how to tell

your friends from the apes and that's a

serious question it's even harder if you

try to tell you a Congress entities from

the Apes you'll notice how carefully I

avoided the human chauvinism of saying

Congress persons

well yeah there's a lot of human

chauvinism going around these days

hasn't been denounced nearly as much as

it deserves I was in the Lincoln Park

Zoo in Chicago recently I saw the great

horned owl that's what it said on the

cage the great horned owl I thought it

was just a great horned owl but they

claimed it was the great horned owl and

the sign said this bird should be

considered a desirable species so I read

a little further and explained the the

great horned owl should be considered a

desirable species because they eat all

sorts of critters that farmers don't

like no no there there's a dreadful

example of human chauvinism for you the

great horned owl was desirable because

it eats critters that farmers don't want

hanging around now I'm sure the great

horned owl would consider itself a

desirable species whether we thought so

or not and I'm sure the critters that it

eats will never be persuaded that it's a

desirable species they undoubtedly

regard the great horned owl is actively

nefarious and yet the zoo tells us we

should regard it as desirable because

it's doing something we like it reminds

me of the old Sufi riddle why the

crickets make that noise all night the

answer is to give philosophers something

to argue about human human chauvinism is

so pervasive we hardly notice it like

fish hardly notice the the water JBS

Haldane the great British biologist I

was once asked if he admitted there was

a mind behind evolution something he was

much inclined to doubt but if he did

admit a mind behind evolution what would

he as a biologist regard as its primary


and he said immediately an inordinate

fondness for beetles there there are

more beetles on this planet than anybody

else there are more beetles than than

there are people or our ants or owl

great horned owls or sharks or redwood

trees there are more beetles than all

the other insects combined there are

more species of beetles than there are

of all the other species of insects and

all the species of mammals and

amphibians and fish and flowers and

plants put together if there is a mind

behind evolution its main idea seems to

be more beetles blob beetles and yet if

there is a mind behind evolution it also

created the trapdoor spider the first

undercover agent and evolution the

trapdoor spider digs a little hole in

the ground

puts Leafs and twigs above it so it

looks like just part of the ground and

whatever a beetle goes by the trap to us

by the jumps out and eats them so the

mind behind evolution not only likes

lots and lots of beetles it likes to

have something devouring the beetle

still and so it gave the trap to a

spider enough smarts to disguise itself

being a parent a hazardous occupation at

which I have some experience being a

parent consists largely for the first

year or so running around saying don't

put that in your mouth

babies want to taste everything and you

did that for the first year of your life

you were tasting everything you could

get into your mouth that your parents

couldn't stop you from getting into your

mouth by getting there on time to say

don't put that in your mouth

that's because anti ontology ontogeny

recapitulates phylogeny is a matter of

fact ontology recapitulates phylogeny -

now that I think of it that's the first

original idea I've had this week

ontology recapitulates phylogeny are

theories of being recapitulate evolution

I'll explain that in a minute now that I

thought of it but anyway ontogeny

recapitulates phylogeny and baby is born

with the most primitive circuitry and

it's brain already activated at birth

wife began with a simple oral bio

survival brain amoebas drift around

tasting everything and if it's

nourishing they ingest that if it's not

marrying they spit it out babies would

probably do the same if we didn't

interfere with them by yelling don't put

that in your mouth

oral bio survival intelligence is the

most primordial type of intelligence and

as the dynamic radiance of simple

protoplasm developed into the complex

nervous systems of multicellular

organisms and the still more complex

nervous systems of amphibians and in

vertebrates and so on the nervous system

developed a genetic memory

apparently that it knew what was good

for it and every mammal was born knowing

the main place to go the first thing you

do after you're born is find a Tet and

if you can't find a Tet put anything

else in your mouth you can find until

you do find the Tet that's that's a

inbuilt knowledge babies aren't happy

until they found the Tet if they can't

find it that they'll settle for a bottle

with a nipple on it but it's if they

can't find that they'll try anything

else the the this this brings us already

to Jungian archetypes Jung talks about

the archetype of the Great Mother well

an example of how powerful that

archetype is and the way imprinting

works how many people here have ever

heard of imprinting just out of

curiosity hey what are you doing at a

New Age convention that's a that's a

20th century idea imprinting

oh you're slumming ahaha that explains

that there was an orphanage in Greece

where they got the idea of having the

nurses try to act as substitute mothers

but they didn't want the children

imprinting the nurses I don't know if

they used the word imprinting but they

knew that the children might develop

bonds with the nurses so they rotated

that each nurse would spend

acting as a mother to one child and then

she move on to another child and they

thought that way the children wouldn't

form bonds with any of the nurses which

was as it is because if the children

form bonds with the nurses they'd be in

a terrible emotional wrench when the

nurse quit her job went to another

hospital or another orphanage or whatnot

or if the children get got adopted or

got transferred to another off and it's

just something you can't have children

forming emotional bonds with nurses

because that's an unstable relationship

in time and so they rotated the nurses

that turned out each child imprinted one

very sunny way apparently the infant

brain has an archetype of the Great

Mother and will try to imprint it on

anything that comes along and even if

you rotate them it'll pick one out and

imprint that one which gives you an idea

how much we have in common with the

European snow goose konrad lorenz got

the Nobel Prize in 1973 for his study of

imprinting and a lot of his work was

done with the European snow goose and he

discovered that the European snow goose

is born with this Jungian archetype I

don't think he ever used the word

Jungian archetype but it's what I'd call

a Jungian archetype of mother goose one

of the Gosling's imprinted a ping-pong

ball because it saw a ping-pong ball

right after it was born and the mother

was not present for some reason some

accident in the in the fly experimental

farm and this Gosling has spent its all

infancy messing with the ping pong ball

and when he grew up it followed the ping

pong ball everywhere when it grew up it

tried to mate with the ping pong ball

which gives you an idea of how deep in

genetics lies what I'd call the Oedipus

complex there's a similar story from

Africa somebody observed a baby giraffe

that had been whose mother had been shot

by hunters and the baby giraffe

imprinted the hunters Jeep and that

followed the Jeep around tried a nurse

from the Jeep which must have been a

very frustrating experience although

considering the things babies put in


as I said you realize how deep this

desire detects the universes and the

new-born of all mammalian species when

the giraffe grew up to try to mate with

the Jeep now this gives you some concept

of your Jungian archetypes Jung said the

archetype has no content the archetype

is just a vague general genetic

potential it has no specific content

apparently the goose the Gosling wants

to find a goose which is roundish and

white and if you can't if he can't find

the goose it will imprint something else

that's roundish and white like a

ping-pong ball one of our Lorenz

experimental birds imprinted him and

followed him around all the time he

tried to messed with him that's

apparently because he walked on two legs

like that goose does Aristotle define

human beings as featherless bipeds

because we have that thing in common

with birds to whites most mammals I go

around on all fours as you know if

you've ever observed Congress the the

giraffe imprinted the Jeep because it

had four wheels I assume and the giraffe

has four legs four wheels are close

enough to four legs to make an

approximation of the archetype we're all

very vulnerable to imprinting right

after we're born if you have a cold and

rejecting mother you'll find somebody

who's imprinted the universe as a cold

in rejecting place and they will

eventually end up either in psychiatric

treatment or in the committee for

scientific investigation of claims of

the paranormal where reptilian on

emotional level is regarded as normal

the first in the first intelligence test

and trying to differentiate your friends

from the Apes or to find out how much

you are differentiated from the Apes is

to figure out what ping-pong balls

you've imprinted in your course of your

life and why you're still compulsively

attached to them the strength of what

can happen in points of imprint

vulnerability is in what's known as the

paradoxical react

shouldn't the terrorism people have been

kidnapped by terrorists often imprint

the terrorists they come out saying gee

they were really nice guys of course

they shot a couple of us and they were

threatening to shoot me but really I

began to I began to realize what nice

guys they were basically that's called

the paradoxical reaction because it

doesn't make sense if you haven't been

kidnapped by terrorists you can't

understand why they're reacting that way

but the terrorists have one thing in

common with the ideal mother they feed

you while you're being held captive by

then they're the ones that were bringing

in the food and it seems when you're in

a situation of utter helplessness like

when you're being held by terrorists or

the US Army or if you even get arrested

by the cops you're in that situation

when you're in a totally helpless

position all higher mental activity

seems to cease and Urey right to the

aural bio survival circuit and you look

at who's going to who's going to feed me

and how can I please them so they'll go

on feeding being won't kill me and so

you begin imprinting onto the terrorists

the great mother archetype and

eventually they become more and more

likable guys when you're going to notice

in the mail that says the President of

the United States sends you greetings

report to your draft board on

such-and-such a morning you hauled out

of your natural environment you know

that if you run away they'll pursue you

unless you get over the border to Canada

very quickly and then you can't come

back unless you get some President to

issues pardons and there's all sorts of

social pressure that tells you you

shouldn't run away which is an

interesting question when people are

threatening to kidnap and enslave you

why shouldn't you run away it's the

normal it's the sensible thing to do

well we're subject to all sorts of weird

imprinting and most people imprint the

government doesn't mother figure the

Statue of Liberty is a feminine symbol

Columbia is a feminine symbol the mother

country is a word that appears in most


anyway if you get kidnapped by the army

you find yourself dragged out of your

normal environment held captive by

people who have total control over you

and you can shoot

you for the quote crime of desertion if

you say this I don't want to put up

with this crap I'm going home back to my

job back to goofing off or whatever I

was doing I'm not gonna stand for this

you find out they got the right to shoot

you because that's called the crime of


so you started printing them as mother

figures and that's the way you become a

soldier if you get put into a prison you

start imprinting the warden and the

guards a substitute mother figures

because they feed you there are they're

responsible for you by your survival as

long as you're there

that'll get clearer as we go along let's

move on to the second circuit after

you've spent a year crawling around

tasting everything the DNA master tape

this is a great place to preach I must

learn to sit on the arms of couches more

often I'm getting as smart as my cat

gradually after about a year of crawling

around on the bio Survival circuit

recapitulating the earliest stages of

evolution and undoubtedly babies at that

stage think about the way the most

primitive life-forms link the DNA mess

to tape sun's out RNA messenger

molecules which run all over the body

and signal the various organs glands the

endocrine systems and so on up and they

up into the brain toe and you mutate to

the next stage of evolution which is the

anal territorial circuit all of the

higher rate of rate species claim

territory and they usually market with

excretions now for I'd notice the stage

of development he said we start out with

oral consciousness and then we add and

then with toilet-training we arrive at

anal consciousness well it's not the

toilet training that does it apparently

it's an evolutionary script because all

animals so all of the higher more

complicated animals claim territories

and walk the territories with operations

now in the human class of life once

you've been kidnapped into an army your

job is to defend the tribal territory at

least that's the that's what they

tell you actually your job is to expand

the tribal territory but they don't say

we're gonna go over and grab that

country and make it part of our

territory they say that country is

threatening us and we got to go fight

them so they can't take over our

territory all governments and all was

use the same line we're defending you

against them and Jerry Jeff said were

all in a state of deep hypnosis if

anybody doubts that if anybody thinks

the human race at this stage of

evolution is awake in any realistic

meaning of the word awake just consider

the fact that in every war every

government says we're defending

ourselves against them and nobody ever

stops and thinks most of them must be

lying they can't all be fighting

defensive war some of them must be the

aggressors why is it my gang are always

the defensive ones why do I believe that

have I been hypnotized or something or

or if you think you are rational why is

it the guys on the other side think

they're the fighting a defensive war if

they're in a state of deep hypnosis to

believe that isn't it possible

you're in a state of deep hypnosis

though Ouspensky couldn't believe when

he was studying with Gary Jeff he

couldn't believe Gary Jeff's claim that

people are in a state of a deep hypnosis

sleepwalking all the time until one day

shortly after the beginning of World War

one whose penske was walking through

Moscow and he saw a lorry truck I lived

in Ireland for six years and I

occasionally lapse back into Irish

rather than the English American they

say lorry we say truck they say tomorrow

we say tomato

let's call home he saw those men ski saw

a truck full of wooden full of

artificial legs wooden legs in those

days now we've got better ones

prosthetic ones it was heading for the

front and whose Penske who was a

mathematician who had specialized in


he realized that statistically the

government could predict how many legs

would be blown off so they knew how many

likes to send up to the front and he

suddenly realized this was only possible

if people were mechanisms

because the people who were rational and

had free will and free choice and

thought for themselves a lot of people

would say I'm not going up there and get

my leg blown off the reason you can

predict how many legs are gonna be blown

off because most people are in a deep

enough state of hypnosis that they'll do

whatever they're told including going

someplace to shoot a total strangers are

going to be shooting back at them for

reasons they don't understand every

every blooder

in the world every national water marks

a place where two rival bands of

domesticated primates what until they

were exhausted and then made a new

territorial mark reptiles started the

process every reptile as a pissing Rock

some species of reptiles that's where

the head reptile lives nobody else can

piss on that rock when you get to the

high mammals you find they mark their

territories by peeing on everything if

you take a dog for a walk the dog pees I

replace it can if you were to make that

map of your neighborhood and mark the

places where the dog pees that marks the

dogs territory that's the way the dog

claims its territory mammals all mark

their territories with excretions

domesticated primates those who are

passing as human but haven't quite

achieved human brain functioning yet

mark their territories with ink

excretions on paper which are known as

treaties at the end of the war I know

one half of my family came from Ireland

where the other half of my family came

from depends on what period you're

talking about when they left there it

was the austro-hungarian Empire the city

they came from was in the

austro-hungarian Empire but earlier in

this century it was in Italy now I'm

told it's in Yugoslavia

have they been moving that city or the

city is called Trieste have they've been

moving that city around no they've just

been having fights and to reach a

redrawing there that they're territorial

markers this is ordinary primate

behavior if human beings consisted of

nothing else but the oral bio survival

circuit in the anal territorial circuit

we couldn't distinguish our friends from

the Apes at all as a matter of fact if

you look at

political behavior it's kind of hard to

see any distinction between human beings

and Apes well everything seems to be

governed by the territorial by the oral

Survival circuit in the territorial anal

circuit and I people who study politics

most profoundly are the most pessimistic

people on the planet John Stuart Mill

said I entered Parliament with what I

thought was the lowest possible opinion

of the average member when I left

Parliament that opinion was even lower

the English anarchists have a slogan

every election they vote for guy Fox the

only one who ever rented parliament with

honest intentions they was the want to

try to blow up Parliament around 4

million years ago the australopithecines

in South Africa began making tools this

is the first time in history that that

had ever occurred chimpanzees

occasionally used sticks that knock

things down but our reach for things the

australopithecines started making tools

out of stone and carving them to get the

right shape this involves a feedback

loop between the left brain and the

right hand mammals don't have right left

preferences like human beings the some

of the higher primates show a slight

tendency to right hand in this part of

the time but it's not consistent human

beings we find 90% are right-handed and

10% for some reason I left-handed this

is undoubtedly the result of original

sin was something well I don't know

anthropologically if you study because a

comparative society as you find in every

society 10% are left-handed 10% a

homosexual now according to Jerry

Falwell the homosexuals have chosen to

be that way just because they pissed off

at him and Jesus and want to get him in

Jesus irritated my guess is that left

handedness and homosexuality are genetic

programs I I think we are we are

programmed genetically so that a certain

percentage of the population around 10%

everywhere in the world will be

left-handed because left-handed people

use the right brain more than

right-handed people though when we need

10% of the population at any stage in

evolution we need 10% Oh or rather right

brain just to give us a little

proportion and I assume we need 10% to a


to give us a different perspective on

things the main quality of homosexuality

that makes it an evolutionary survival

asset as they don't reproduce the sex

the type sex homosexuals according to

Ken Z's criteria type sex type who never

have heterosexual relations at all they

don't reproduce what does that mean that

means they're not dragged down by

children that means they have what time

to philosophize and play game head games

and create weird art forms and weird

ideas and weird cultures which mutate

the whole society celibacy was probably

developed by the Catholic Church as a

substitute for homosexuality because

they didn't want to have an overtly

homosexual Church and so they created a

covertly homosexual church by saying oh

they're all living in celibacy in there

there was an article in a Catholic

magazine recently admitting there's a

vast gay subculture and all the

seminaries in the United States that's

the first time any catholic publication

admitted it but the function of celibacy

homosexuality ought to get some people

out of the breeding population so that

they can would think weird thoughts and

I'm not continually concerned with the

things that the breeding population are

concerned with namely how to get enough

money to support their children once you

have had children you have this guilty

since I can't let them starve

and so yet the Elias tends to get now

you lay your vision tends to get

narrowed down to the tunnel vision of

how do I get enough money to feed this

many people for that for at least a

couple of months ahead and then they

after that how do I get more money to

feed them for a few more months ahead

can I get enough to guarantee that I put

them through college and so on that that

is the necessary quality of normal the

normal heterosexual pattern and the

majority throughout history which is why

they used to be the word gay and

straight straight implies Square and

square implies being utterly preoccupied

with these survival issues and not

having time to philosophize about the

universe in general anyway the

australopithecines made tools the

Neanderthals made even more complicated

tools and buried their dead with their

heads facing east which indicates that

all this left brain activity was

producing abstract ideas mammals as far

as I know don't bury their dead if they

did I suppose they'd bury them in random

patterns burying all of the dead facing

east suggest that the Neanderthals must

have had some metaphysical doctrine

relating to the east and the Rising Sun

and since the earliest religions we know

anything about all have doctrines of

Resurrection or reincarnation in them

and all worship the Rising Sun the

earliest Egyptian religion was based on

worship of Horus the Lord of two

horizons the Rising Sun and the Setting

Sun I was connected with the belief in

reincarnation ideas like that were

probably being interested in the end

earth all days and that's why they

buried the dead with their heads facing

the Rising Sun the Rising Sun has always

been a symbol of resurrection and the


the semantic circuit is also a time

binding circuit

once we've got language and especially

once we've got written language whether

it's going to be Egyptian hieroglyphics

Chinese ideograms

or the alphabet and the Jewish Arabic or

European forms any type of written

language means that signals can travel

through time in a way that it's just not

possible on the mammalian level this is

why this is where we begin to be able to

distinguish our friends from the Apes

theoretically potentially even George

Bush can receive signals from Socrates

now if there if there was if there was

2,500 years ago a rat who was the rat

equivalent of Socrates a rat of

incredible wisdom one who just didn't go

around like the other rats bitching

about the wise guys who stuff rat holes

with a brillo butt so let's do something

about it let's build tools and pull the

brillo out of the rat holes or something

like that and if there was a super rat

2,500 years ago the rats of today don't

know anything about it

because they do not have language that

transmits ideas across time I can get

signals from Socrates I can get signals

from Confucius if I have the patience I

can get signals from Confucius and

Chinese all I got to do is spend about

15 years mastering the Chinese language

and its intricacies and nuances if I

don't want to spend that much time I get

deluded messages from Confucius by way

of English translations important units

and science are always named after

important individuals like the ohm is

named after ohm the vault is named after

Volta the fire ad is named after Faraday

and so on so I decided to name that

after the celebrated Hebrew philosopher

philosopher who was allegedly born that

year or 4 BC or sometime around then

yeshua ben yosef whom the goyim call

jesus christ if you if you turn your

television to the channels in the high

forties you'll find that the Jesus

Christ needs money

he's real desperate from honey there's a

whole bunch of people on there

collecting for him so sorry I don't know

what he needs so much money phone he's

been dead 2,000 years but there may be

maybe life on the other plane is just as

desperate as it is here so buy one ad

all the knowledge from the time the

australopithecines made the first stone

implements well the knowledge that began

with the Bronze Age when somebody in

Cambodia discovered if you leave tin and

copper in the same fire you get

something out that's neither tin nor

copper bronze which is much stronger

than 1000 copper all the knowledge they

knew nine chemical elements in Asia

before the birth of Christ we had all of

Greek philosophy

Tally's proved everything was made out

of water and then Democritus proved

everything was made out of atoms and

then Heraclitus proved everything was

made out of fire and then gorgey is

proved you couldn't prove anything

and Aristotle invented Kotter codified

Greek logic and convinced the whole

Western world in nearly 2,000 years that

that was the only possible form of logic

we didn't learn better until oriental

studies brought us the news that

Buddhist logic has four values instead

of toe and quantum mechanics developed

three-valued logic and all of that

knowledge up until 1 AD is one Jesus on

the scale and how long did it take the

double it took until 1500 in 1508 years

after Columbus sailed and Leonardo da

Vinci was 48 years old in 1500 we had to

Jesus we had two bits of information for

every bit of information we had in 1 AD

within 17 years Martin Luther hung his

92 feces on the church no no 92 theses

I'm sorry

hey would have been more colorful if he

hugged 92 feces on the traits - I

wouldn't but that would be a real

surrealist act well the world wasn't

ready for surrealism yet Protestantism

was radical enough that was the first

successful Protestant revolution 17

years after knowledge doubled

information has consequent

one breeding generation 17 years is a

breathing generation more or less

especially in those days when most

people got married in their teens

17 years later in 1534 Henry the

eighth's started the second successful

Protestant revolution Europe was plunged

into religious wars for 200 years until

for the rational individuals religion

and insanity became virtually synonymous

terms religion in those days took the

form that it still takes in the Mideast

where I mean the religious fanatics in

America are relatively civilized I know

that's hard to believe if you run into

them IKEA there's a bunch of them

hanging around downstairs warning

everybody as they commend this is the

work of the devil but those people just

want to burn books do you realize how

civilized that is to just burn books I'm

against that I've I'm one of the leading

opponents of censorship in all forms but

it's so civilized to just bring the

books 300 years ago they were burning

the people who wrote the books and the

Ayatollah Khomeini is still at that

level of civilization the Ayatollah

found the book he didn't like so he put

out a contract and the guy who wrote it

there was at 1 million SEK so at Tooele

fired now it's 5 billion to shoot the

guy who wrote that book that's the way

the Catholic Church used to behave in

1600 they found the book by Giordano

Bruno they didn't like so they burned

him alive in Rome Bruno said to the

inquisitors you have more to fear this

day than I have

and indeed the Catholic churches were

falling apart of a sense although hey

they hate to admit it but they do not

control the whole Western world which

they once did in which they would like

to do again by 1750 knowledge had

doubled again and we had for Jesus it

only took 250 years in 1765 James Watts

looked at the steam kettle on his

mother's oven and noticed the top

jumping up and down and thought the

steam is creating pressure he had four

bits of information for every bit of

information the most educated Roman had


Nady he was able to put ideas together

in new ways the more bits of information

you have the more new ideas you can get

and he thought hey if we built things to

deliberately control the production of

steam we could move things and have

Pistons and wheels and whatnot and he

invented the steam engine and the

Industrial Revolution began to happen

with the usual cultural dislocations and

discombobulation x' that happen in every

major quantum jump in 1776 we had the

American Declaration of Independence in

which it was declared for the first time

that all males are created equal that

was a very revolutionary idea for its

time Tom Paine wrote a book of his own

saying that females were created equal

to males too but that was too radical to

get into the Declaration of Independence

a few years after the Declaration of

Independence Mary Wollstonecraft wrote

the vindication of the rights of women

the first major feminist work since the

bronze age had begun the subjugation of

women in 1789 we had the French

Revolution 1798 the United Irish

rebellion 1810 the first mexican

revolution around that all the bolivar

revolutions in latin america by the time

the industrial revolution was over the

divine monarchs the Sun Kings of the

Bronze Age you were pretty much on the

run very few of them have survived they

still have Kings and England kings or

queens and England Denmark and a few

other places but they survived owning on

condition that they don't meddle in

politics the King used to be says

absolute is the Ayatollah or the Pope

now now the kings are just figureheads

democracy is swept across large parts of

the world the constitution of North

Vietnam begins with the words we hold

these truths to be self-evident that all

humans are created equal you can see the

influence of Thomas Jefferson in the

attempt to update Thomas Jefferson well


we're industrialism happens democracy

feminism libertarianism socialism

anarchism and a lot of other radical

ideas always follow in its wake and so

does a declining birthrate which is a

mysterious thing I don't quite

understand but as soon as a country

industrialized this and the women had

decided they going to have less children

which is why we are not up to our

standing on one another's shoulders

though I was predicted by in the

nineteen fifties we would be by the

nineteen eighties population does not

continue to grow indefinitely it only

continues to grow in the transition from

agricultural to industrial economy when

it levels off where was I seventeen

fifty by nineteen hundred knowledge had

doubled again and we had eight Jesus by

1950 it had doubled again and we had

sixteen Jesus by then the computer

revolution was beginning John von

Neumann had designed the first

programmable computer in forty-eight by

nineteen sixty knowledge had doubled

again and we had thirty toge ie by 1967

knowledge had doubled again and we had

64 je by 1973 knowledge had doubled

again and we had 128 J which point and

Allah completed his study and I haven't

seen anything more recent than that but

all the signs the number of patents

granted per year the number of

mathematical papers published every year

the number of new products on the market

everything indicates that information is

increasing in an even were rapidly

engineers measure machines in

revolutions per second if you measure

the doubling of information in the Old

Stone Age you found that it was going in

revolutions per millennium then it

gradually revved up to going revolutions

for a century now it's going revolute

meant it was going revolutions per

generation now revolutions per decade

and it looks like I'm moving up to the

point where it'll be going in

revolutions per year and that is the way

the third

the nervous system the semantic circuit

operates it's a time-binding circuit

information accumulates in time the

first son kings of the phrase Bronze Age

slave agricultural societies discovered

that it was possible to train

domesticated primates to feel ashamed of

themselves and it's also possible to do

that to dogs as you may have noticed you

can make a dog feel shame you can't do

that with a cat is anybody ever

succeeded in making a cat feel guilty it

depends on the sociability of the animal

the more sociable the animal the more

guilt that can be induced social animals

want to be approved of evidently you can

make dogs feel very guilty you can make

human beings feel much guilty here you

can never make a cat feel guilty about

anything you can get six dogs to pull a

sled you can't get six cats to pull a

sled you can't get six cats to do

anything together no way is I've been

found to out stubborn a cat I said to my

wife once you know cats aren't as smart

as dogs and she said there are smart as

they have to be which is probably the

last word on cats well no she also said

once you know if cats had exactly the

same personality but looked like iguanas

we wouldn't have them in our laps we'd

be driving them out of a house with

sticks beauty is the great seducer

cats are so beautiful we tolerate their

their are their antisocial attitudes

with the domestication of most of the

population that is with the

establishment of slavery and serfdom

slavery faced serfdom was a slight

modification of slavery the divine King

proclaimed and the priests went forth

and seconded the motion that being

decided from the Sun the Inca was

descended from the Sun The Mikado was

descended from the Sun these divine

kings are generally descended from the

Sun as late as the 18th century Louie

the fourteenth was still called the Sun

King they proclaim that they were

descended from the Sun guy

and therefore they were divine and

therefore anybody who disobeyed them was

committing sin which not only met that

you were going to be punished if the

soldiers or the are out of that police

caught you but that you were in

violation of God's ordinances and God

was known to have a terrible temper in

those early days the primitive idea of

God is preserved in the Old Testament

which is why people who read the Old

Testament a lot generally act very

primitive the God of the Old Testament

is a grouchy old man with it with a

paranoid obsession with who's jacking

off down the street and who's balling

who and questions that never concerned a

civilised mind I have never once

wondered what's going on in the house

next door I mean what are they doing in

their bedroom it's no business of mine

the god of the Old Testament is has a

paranoid obsession with questions like

that and he wants all of his followers

to have the same paranoia he's always

threatening people he blows up cities

mark twain tells a story about a guy who

got converted by a clergyman and said

what do i do now that I'm converted in

the clergyman says imitate God and about

two weeks later the guy was arrested for

destroying several cities and striking

his son blind and and so I'm the

clergyman said only imitate God when

he's in his better mood

throughout the Old Testament he's

usually in his bad mood but all the

early gods were like that and they were

probably projections of the Sun King the

personality of the Sun King and as let

Acton said all power tends to corrupt

and absolute power corrupts absolutely

Caligula is sort of the Epiphany

the synecdoche the he is the summary of

what these ancient Sun kingdoms were

like Caligula Caligula apparently was

motivated not just by the desire to have

fun and a lot of mean and sadistic ways

but also to see how much he could get

away with before the Senate would

finally decide to throw him out and

restore the Republic or do something

equally revolutionary he not only did

all sorts of abominable acts recorded by

Suetonius and dramatized the

Robert graves

Caligula appointed his horse to the

Senate just to us insult the senators

when they you decided they put up with

that crap so he announced that his horse

was a god and they had a race ship for

the horse after all he was a God who

already so I couldn't his horse be a God

in the mess psychology of fascism

Vilhelm Reich says Hitler didn't invent

anything the whole fascist philosophy

comes out of the last couple of thousand

years of stone Ave Bronze Age history

the say the ancient Sun kingdoms the

Fuhrer is just the God on earth like all

these ancient kings were supposed to be

but we've all been domesticated by them

there's not us there's not any segment

of the human race which hasn't enjoyed

the experience of conquest and slavery

and so we've all got what Nietzsche

calls slave attitudes and that makes up

the fourth circuit of the brain the

fourth circuit is the circuit that's

continually looking at the other three

have the lower three circuits and saying

is this okay am I allowed to think this

am I allowed to feel this am I allowed

to enjoy this well the king come and cut

off my Wang if he finds out I've been

thinking these kind of thoughts

that's the guilt circuit and the guilt

circuit has so much power over the

people that literally the average young

male will go someplace to shoot at

strangers who are shooting at him rather

than run away just out of fear of a

worry the worried is cowardice that

worried will control people to the

extent that they'll have their legs and

arms blown off or they'll lose their

eyesight it'll come back as basket cases

without arms and legs

well they'll die just the fear of that

word and the idea that the king well

they're modern representative of the

king the president knows what's right

and one must obey one does not dare

think for oneself or act on what one

thinks and so by the time we got to the

forebrain stage who are obviously quite

a bit different than the Apes and yet we

were still being controlled by very

mechanical processes the conditioning

and imprinting of the bio survival

circuit determines how much aggression

or timidity we have if the bio survival

circuit is nurtured by a warm and

permissive mother we tend to explore the

universe trying to

people with permissive mothers try

exotic foods people who had very

restrictive mothers are afraid to eat

anything that wasn't the food of their

childhood you go to an exotic restaurant

a Thai restaurant or something even more

exotic Pakistani restaurant had still

exotic that's know enough to be exotic

the people there all had very permissive

mothers otherwise they'd be eating

cheeseburgers at McDonald's because

that's what they grew up with Adorno's

book the authoritarian personality

documents the statistically food

preferences are in there related to

basic conservatism where creativity the

more timidity on the Bayeux survival

circuit than what conservatism and

litter on the third circuit the idea

circuit people who are afraid of exotic

foods are afraid of exotic ideas the

second circuit is very mechanical you

learn your position in the hierarchy

within a within 24 hours after a litter

of puppies is born if you ever had dogs

you've observed this it's clearly

established who's the top dog and who's

the bottom dog and who's in the middle

the same thing goes on in every

community people imprint a powerful role

or a submissive role the third circuit

gets imprinted with the local reality

tunnel and this is so mechanical that if

you know somebody was raised in Dublin

Ireland you know they're going to have a

lot of Catholic attitudes even if they

call themselves atheists if you know

they grew up in Moscow you know they're

gonna have a lot of Marxist attitudes

even if they're in rebellion against

Marxism and fled from Russia if you know

they grew up in Ohio in a Methodist

family you know they're gonna have Ohio

Methodist attitudes to a great extent

that the local tribal reality tunnel

tends to be very hypnotic about the only

way you can cure it is by traveling a

lot if you keep going into different

reality tunnels if you go from Los

Angeles to Dublin and live in Dublin a

few years and then go live in Mexico

City for a while and go live in Berlin

then go live in the southern southern

France you might get a little more

flexible otherwise you tend to stir

you'll typically repeat the reality

tunnel of your parents and your school

teachers when you were very young and

the socio-sexual gilt circuit is very


so like we were and I was reaching

puberty in Brooklyn in the 1940s Bush

Ament pubic hair and Quayle meant vagina

and at the cusp of puberty when I was 12

years old 12 to 13 the major topic of

conversation and the boys room was how

the hell can you get into the bush and

get into that Quayle and do you know

what a girl who let you touch her than

the I rub girl Bush you know I know a

girl let me get our fingers into our

Quayle and this was this is the major

topic of conversation when you're 13

years old I don't know if the women are

aware of this but this is what the boys

are talking about when they're 12 to 13

Busch and Kyle Busch and Quayle and this

this is imprinted me so heavily then I'm

terribly embarrassed about who's in the

White House every time I see a headline

about bush and Quayle I think how can

they print that that should be in scroll

magazine how can they create that in

ordinary newspapers so that's the power

of the early imprint I can't think of

Bush and Quayle without blushing I

haven't blushed in 30 years but they're

throwing me back into the dawn of

adolescence I wish they'd change their

names it has been estimated that to

duplicate the human brain at

state-of-the-art technology would

require a computer as tall as the World

Trade Center and there's big around as

the state of Texas and yet we all

possess a computer of that power right

the right inside our skulls here it's

got over 10 billion cells which are

capable of a number of connections so

high that it's the highest number ever

to enter scientific literature it's

higher than the number of atoms in the

known universe and yet we operate we got

this brain this is one of God's worst

mistakes I'm writing a book on God's 17

worst mistakes

and one of the worst mistakes was giving

us this incredible brain and neglecting

to give us an operating manual now if

you if you ever got a hard disk with say

17 megabytes of software on it and no

manual you find yourself going crazy

trying to figure out how to use all this

great computational power and always

doing the wrong thing and that that has

been the history of humanity to date

we've got this fantastic bio computer

and we don't have an operating manual

and so we get imprinted with the basic

timidity or aggression on the bio

survival circuit and we robotic we

follow that pattern all our lives people

who attended in grade school are timid

in high school and they're still timid

in their 50s or 60s people who are

aggressive remain aggressive all their

lives in a royal pain in the ass to

everybody else no matter how old they

get people who are confident of their

space and territory remain confident

people who are not confident to the

space and territory are neurotically

submissive or neurotically rebellious

and fighting everybody whether they have

to or not and people tend to remain

stuck in the reality tunnel of their

local tribe as I was pointing out and

the first orgasm is a moment of high

imprint vulnerability to say the least

of it Masters and Johnson in their book

human sexual dysfunction they quote a

case of a guy who came to them who had

his first sexual experience if you can

call it that or his very sexual disaster

was in the back seat of a car I think

that's true of a lot of Americans of

this generation but no you usually it's

not as disastrous as in his case he was

just about to make out whatever is the

current terminology and when suddenly a

policeman appeared at the window of the

car with a flashlight yellowing what are

you kids doing in there now remember we

got six thousand years of training by

the Sun kings and their enforcers about

we got to obey the authorities and we

can't have any fun because all forms of

fun are sinful we've been brainwashed

for the last three

hundred years by Puritanism which Menken

defined as the haunting fear that

somebody someway I might be having a

good time and and we've all been

conditioned about cops you know III

figured out recently that in the average

week you can see between 20 and 40 shows

about cops on television maybe it's more

than 40 I was just making a rough

estimate between 20 and 40 in the

average week now that kind of

programming we tend to think the cops

are the most important part of the world

because though we see more of them on

television than anything than anybody


imagine if they were a 20 to 40 shows

about landlords every week the

television viewers the couch potatoes

their whole reality tunnel would be

twisted around there we'll be closer to

reality because most of us are dealing

with landlords all the time and we

hardly ever have to deal with the police

and yet we see all these shows about

cops and those shows about landlords III

I've only had altercations with the

police twice in my life well I mean

altercations involving identification

and so on

I have been tear-gassed a number of

times and chased by the police while

walking on the street and a group of

more than five this was during the 60s

when I thought it was the smart thing to

do to go out and have marching protest

demonstrations I later decided there

were more effective ways of changing the

system but only a couple of days ago I

had another altercation with a policeman

I was crossing the street in the wrong

place and he gave me a very complicated

piece of paper which tells me I'll get a

courtesy notice in the mail telling me

what my find is but if I don't get the

courtesy notice it's my duty to notify

them they forgot to send me the courtesy

notice because if I don't notify them

I'm in contempt of court so apparently

this means if we up it's your fault

so you gotta be on the ball and make

sure we don't up because we don't

take responsibility for anything and it

didn't tell me how many days I should

wait before I notify them that they

haven't sent me their courtesy notice

yet of telling me how much they gotta

take of my money for walking walking

crossing the street in the wrong

place but I'm dealing with landlords all

the time every day of my whole life I my

parents have been dealing with landlords

I've been dealing with landlords anyway

a cop is a powerful ear in our society

it doesn't need television they were

power figures even before television

they're armed and dangerous everybody

knows that and so this guy was making

out in the back seat of a car and the

cop appears with a flashlight in bellos

what are you kids doing now what do you

think that guy imprinted is his sexual

pattern no he imprinted impotence when

he arrived at the Masters Johnson clinic

20 years later he had been impotent for

20 years ever since that experience now

does that remind you of the Gosling Oh

imprinted the ping-pong ball the people

of imprint terrorists and moments of

high emotional intensity we all become

subject to imprint vulnerability and

that's why people do dangerous things

over and over some people some people

keep climbing mountains even though you

know if you climb enough mountains the

chance of an accident is gets higher and

higher all the time but they get such a

charge out of the stress and the danger

and the excitement that they keep going

back some people keep racing in

professional auto racing like the Grand

Prix or the Indianapolis 500 even though

Sig number them crack up every year

Hemingway kept going back to Africa

issued at Lyon's
high high involvement high intensity

keys off a lot of neuro chemicals which

make you feel really on top of the world

and if you find out you can get them by

danger you keep going back to danger if

you find out you can get those high

involved feelings by smoking pot you

tend to go on smoking pot up until you

run into a policeman with a flashlight

who says what are you doing in there

and the boss here calls your house off

the court if you find out you can get it

by mantra you'll keep on doing mantra

for the rest of your life that once

again we see the power of imprint


high involvement relaxed aliveness the

the state in which you have no anxiety

Hemingway describes it very well in his

short story a soldier's home where

crepes finds he can't adjust the

civilian life everybody thinks well he

saw such horrors in the war that he's

just emotionally damaged but the real

problem with crepes is that he finds

civilian life so damn boring because in

war there were those moments where as

crepes links you didn't have time to

think and you did the right thing and

you knew it was the right thing and you

came out alive and I proved it was the

right thing and till you find moments

like that life does seem flat and dull

those are moments of what Leary calls

the fifth circuit this whole system of

circuitry I've been using today is

borrowed from Timothy Leary by the way

I've developed it in my own peculiar

ways but it's basically Leary's although

if you trace it back far enough you'll

find it's very similar to the Gurdjieff

system well so which comes out of

traditional Sufism I just thought I'd

throw that in so nobody thinks I'm an

original thinker on the fifth circuit

the neuro somatic circuit we have a rush

of neural chemicals that run all over

the body and run all over the brain

opening new circuits and new patterns

the the neuro peptides are the ones that

have been identified so far neuro

peptides act like hormones when they're

in the body and they act like

neurotransmitters when they're in the

brain this gives them a dual nature like

the thingamajigs in quantum theory which

are particles part of the time and waves

part of the time the neurotransmitters a

hormones part of the time of the neuro

peptides are hormones part of the time

and neurotransmitters part of the time

and when you're on the neuro somatic so

could you do the right thing and you

know it's the right thing and there

there is no anxiety there is no

uncertainty and the universe is a very

beautiful place and anybody who finds

access to the neuro somatic circuit as I

said keeps repeating their their

favorite technique of getting back there

and that tends to become as mechanical

as the first four circuits unless

there's some joining of the sixth

circuit which is the metaprogramming

circuit the tendency is that some people

mechanically imprint one neuro somatic

technique those who found one most

people remain on the fourth circuit

level most of their lives which is why

it is such a hard problem to tell your

friends from the apes as I said most of

the most of these circuits are

duplicated in the other mammals those

who do find access to the fifth circuit

tend to mechanically repeat the

technique that gets them there whether

it's smoking pot or doing mantra or

going to Africa issue that great big

Pussycats like mr. Hemingway others

become more philosophical the fifth

circuit is a very philosophical place

because you're very laid back when

you're on the fifth circuit and you

start thinking philosophically I wonder

how many ways they're already get here

because if your favorite technique is

pot you find out that it's you can't

smoke pot in the office the boss will

come around and throw a fete if he

catches you nowadays they're doing a

urine test to make sure you're not

smoking fine in the office so before you

come to the office

I lived in Europe for six years it's

quite it was quite a shock to come back

here and find the government is prying

into the bladders of the citizens and

they still got the Statue of Liberty

standing in New York Harbor with the

torch up there and all the land of the

free the home of the brave and hand in

your and so we can find out what you're

doing in your pride in your own private

time George Bush voluntarily submitted

to a urine test to set a good example in

totalitarianism when he was vice

president then he refused a lie-detector

test and the iran-contra investigation

which I think indicates that George

doesn't want us to know whether he

telling the truth or lying but he wants

us to know he's not stoned while he's

doing it the most the most interesting

thing about urine tests as they register

alcohol marijuana and cocaine among the

three of the most popular drugs in the

country but they don't register our last

date now I don't know how long this

idiocy is going to go on all the

Inquisition went on for 800 years

Nazi Germany only lasted 13 years I

don't know how long the city you see is

going on but I started to think

supposing urine testing really survives

what will be the evolutionary

effectiveness well they'll lead out the

alcohol like booze and the pot heads and

the coke freaks and who will move up in

the hierarchy they the people are the

people who use a drug which doesn't get

registered on urine that's our last day

so in if this goes on in 20 years the

corporate hierarchy of America will be

infested with acid heads while all the

pot heads and coke freaks are out on the

street begging along with the other home

was well that's just a not just a guess

they're not going to find a urine test

that detects LSD because that's that

stuff is so small and so subtle that he

it's not likely to be discovered by any

of those methods did you have a question

psilocybin also doesn't register on

those tests with the psychedelic people

I'm sorry the pothead seems to be gonna

be pushed off to the unless the country

suddenly returns to the Bill of Rights

and Lee and we suddenly have the right

to the privacy of our own bladder again


beyond the fifth circuit into the sixth

circuit or seventh with the use of

marijuana and I can pie yeah pot gives

you occasional vistas of the sixth and

seventh circuits can you get to the

sixth and seventh circuits in a

permanent way with marijuana I'm not

sure the trouble is this is the most

interesting age of neuroscience ever

there's no there been more important

discoveries in the neurological sciences

of the sciences related to neurology

neurobiology neuro chemistry and so on

in the last 20 years than in all

previous history

but it's all coming so fast that

everybody's generalizations have to be a

little bit tentative like I can try to

judge my own mental state although

that's a hazardous thing to try to do

since there's so much self-deception in

all of us but if I try to guess how I

got to this mental state I don't know

how much to attribute to marijuana and

how much to attribute to brain machines

like the David or the MC squared

how much to attribute to Buddhist

meditation how much to attribute to the

genes I inherited it's hard to say what

what tantric sex and marijuana and this

would serve as an elevation to

permanently am I wrong in that yeah Koli

seems to have been an adaptive Tantra to

the extreme extent if one believes his

writings which I tend to he seems to

have found it very easy to get up to the

eighth circuit just using grass and

sykes that's such an old Hindu secret

the bandha the bengali hindus have been

practicing ritual sykes with marijuana

for about three thousand years at least

as they eye as a path of access to the

higher circuits of the brain the if you

start investigating you find there are

all sorts of techniques that will get

you to the fifth circuit or higher I'd

like to try a little experiment here

since this is called a workshop I might

as well do some work when I say go I

would like everybody to close your eyes

and listen intently to every sound you

hear and try not to put labels on the

sounds if you hear somebody COFF make

the effort not to think that's a coffee

but just to go with the sound now most

people can't do this but at a whole life

expo you've all had enough experience

with meditation that you can do it

fairly well let's just see what happens

if you really concentrate on the sounds

and try to keep words out of your head

is that clear okay go close your eyes go

how many felt that you were getting high

how many felt a kind of euphoria or


how many felt they increased eliteness

along with the euphoria there you see

this is an old Sufi exercise which I

learned from an old Sufi and you can do

this you can do this in the office if

you have an office job and you and you

won't get busted for it you still have

the privacy of your own brain it doesn't

show up on urine tests and this is this

is the metaprogramming circuit that I'm

talking about that's a fifth circuit

experiment I was turning you on to the

fifth circuit briefly but it's a meta

programming exercise because you're

learning to control your own brain

you're beginning to develop an operating

manual for the human brain now

theoretically the human brain being the

most efficient computer we know of at

the stage of evolution we don't know how

many more efficient brains they may be

elsewhere in the universe but the human

brain is the most powerful one we know

of around these parts the human brain

should be used for fun and profit and

yet most people use their brains for

misery and masochism that's due to the

6000 years of brainwashing by

patriarchal Sun King slave based

agricultural civilizations and the

carryover of that into the Industrial

and democratic age even into the

socialist countries some of the Marxist

countries are the most reactionary we

still got this Bronze Age conditioning

and imprinting 2 undoing ourselves and

so we all have tendencies towards

masochism pessimism and self defeat and

so on because of all of that and yet we

are learning through modern neuroscience

and by studying oriental neuroscience

and combining the two we are learning

how to program our own brains so the

major question at this stage of our

three history and evolution is are you

going to go on being programmed by all

masochistic defeatist loser scripts are

you going to learn to control your own

brain use it for fun and profit and be

guided always by a winner's script now

it seems the common sensical thing to

choose a winner script but you'll find a

lot of resistance in yourself

most people don't you find a lot of

resistance because loser scripts of God

get rewarded in our society if you

define yourself as an alcoholic all your

friends will forgive you for your

abominable behavior oh he can't help it

he's an alcoholic if he can prove that

something else seriously wrong with you

though well we got to be tolerant of

that that's what our Eric brain calls

the wooden leg game how can you expect a

man where they wouldn't like to resist

embezzling funds funds from the company

how can you expect the man what I

wouldn't like to keep his tempo when the

kids are noisy let me batter them around

we've all got excuses but if you want to

use the human brain for fun and profit

you gotta learn to give up your excuses

and take responsibility for using your

brain intelligently learning more and

more about the various techniques of

higher consciousness and higher

intelligence which I can't teach you

here in one two-hour workshop I'm just

giving you some clear Theor theory and

some examples of where you can learn

more I got a book called Prometheus

rising which gives you about a hundred

exercises which are as good for your

brain as a hundred yoga exercises would

be for your body and if you get that

book and do the exercises that's a very

important point a lot of people buy the

book read it and say wow I sure learned

a lot and they never do the exercises

they they haven't learned anything

they've just learned some new

verbalizations if you want to learn how

to use your brain for fun and profit you

got to do the exercises and don't think

you've gotten both you can get

everything out of that book I only have

700 or so exercises there are lots of

other exercises you can learn in other

places go to Esalen learn all the latest

techniques well I'd be satisfied with

the brain that was created by accidental

imprinting and conditioning build

yourself the best brain you can have

always try to find new techniques I've

been very excited the last two years by

the brain machines that adjust your

brain rhythms to whatever frequency you

want to go to machines like the pulse

star the mc-squared the neuro PAP and so

on I find it fascinating to sit there

and turn the dial to seven point five

Hertz and find myself going into alpha

and think gee I can do it anytime I want

this is very useful when I'm on a

lecture tour and I'm

through 20 cities in a month and I get

pretty stressed out at times and I look

at my watch

I've been socializing with the people

who've invited me there they've I've

been trying to be friendly and open and

all that and I'm really tired and then I

realize I got to go on in an hour and a

half and I just can't sit down and

meditate you don't get I say pardon me

and I got to relax for a while I go to

my room I turn on a brain machine and

they go into alpha and I get here on the

stage and everybody says my god you look

younger than last year there are new

types of these machines coming out all

the time the grain potential Iser is a

table that revolves in an

electromagnetic field really fascinating

what it does there's a firm in North

Carolina that makes what they call

psycho acoustic tapes and these work

entirely on sound but they that this

company has learned to held a lot about

sound those tapes do as much as the most

advanced brain machines I've seen once

you've learned some of the basic

techniques of metaprogramming you will

eventually find your ways through the

deepened quality of right-brain

left-brain integration and the ability

to go into alpha and Plata States more

and more frequently that you start

having what the New Age calls memories

of past lives

now the general New Age theory is kind

of Mickey Mouse model that the soul is

like the a that semi-transparent figures

on the top of movies and climbs into one

body climbs out of one body into another

and then climbs out of that body into


hello's who like that kind of theory

well that's the kind of theory they like

I find that a very Mickey Mouse way of

thinking of things

I prefer Carl Jung's concept of the

collective unconscious where Rupert

Sheldrake's concept of the Morpho

genetic field

well Leary's concept of the neurogenetic

archives whatever concept you use you

can get memories from previous periods

of history and even previous periods of

evolution and when you get used to that

neurogenetic circuit when you start

seeing yourself as a vector in time of

which this present nervous system in

this present body is only one part of

the fact

it's a genetic vector and it's more than

a genetic vector and it's moving in time

toward a definite moving goal which

seems to be higher intelligence and

higher coherence and higher ecstasy when

you see yourself as part of that genetic

vector you begin to see you can have

many memories of the future but memories

of lahpet not only memories of the past

but memories of the future science

fiction is made up largely of memories

of the future if you analyze the

philosophies humanity is invented so far

they fall into four major groups the

cyclically ones such as you find in the

book of ecclesiastes everything repeats

endlessly that's the philosophy of eco

and Spangler and Toynbee the Sun goes up

and the Sun goes down after winter

summer and after summer went to there's

good times and bad times and the cycle

keeps timing and then there's the stoic

philosophies that say you can't

understand it just keep keep tough and

keep hard and keep high as high as you

can be and don't wear and just expect

it's gonna be bloody part at the time

what are you awful but just keep

plugging along and then there's the

existentialist philosophies that say

you've got to give it value by making

decisions that impose your will upon it

and then there's the futurist

philosophies the futurist philosophies

say this junior these genetic directives

in time by heading towards something and

we can Bly we can be evolutionary

ciphers and move on to the higher stages

of evolution ahead of anybody else and

then if we have an ounce of compassion

in us we'll try to show them how to do

it so but we don't have to be stuck at

this stage of evolution we can live in

the future and it's been it's been G

neurogenetic visions of the future which

have always inspired humanity get it to

get out of its present rut and move on

to a higher stage the Quakers are very

good at this they have a very simple

yoga they set in their meeting house and

nobody talks until the spirit moves them

the inner light the Quakers call it when

the inner light moves somebody he stands

up when she stands up and says something

like you know this church owns property

in the slums I don't think we should get

take money out of a system like that


but he gets up and says you know I think

slavery is a pretty nasty thing why

don't we start a movement to free the

slaves and this is happening all the

time since the invention of Quakerism

these futuristic visions appear and

everybody says all those silly Quakers

and then a hundred years later

everybody's ready for that stage of


the Quakers had the vision for a long

time we should abolish war everybody's

all those silly Quakers now in the

nuclear age everybody with more than a

half inch of our head knows we've got to

abolish war oh well abolish us if you

want scientific evidence that there are

there is this Bank of evolutionary

memories and potentials read Rupert

Sheldrake's book new science of life one

of the classic experiments the in this

field was the one by MacDougall who

didn't expect the results he got he took

smart rats and dumb rats and bred them

together the smart rats with the smart

rats and the dumb rat super dumb rats

and he measured their intelligence

generation by generation by how fast

they could solve a maze and according to

Orthodox genetics mechanistic genetics

the smart rats should have been getting

steadily smarter each generation of the

dumb brat should have been getting

steadily dumber it turned out they were

all getting smarter at solving the maze

which was the method he was using to

measure intelligence and after twenty

some generations they were all solving

the maze faster than the smartest rats

in the first generation MacDougall found

this so incredible that a great trouble

and expense he repeated the whole

experiment with another twenty seven

generations of rats and got the same

results later the experiment is repeated

in Scotland and their first generation

of rats were doing better than the last

generation in MacDougal second set of

experiments it's since been repeated in

Australia now this this information that

it can't be carried by genes according

to Orthodox biology so it's carried by

something else shall direct posit some

woful geometric field to which the genes

can be atoned the Morpho genetic field

sense to me because the fits in with a

lot of theories in modern physics which

have to do with non-local fields which

may be why David Bohm the chief

proponent of non-local theories in

physics for the last thirty years

Bohm wrote his first paper on

nonlocality in 1952 Bohm was one of the

first scientists to take Sheldrake

seriously and to propose that

Sheldrake's theories be tested rather

than just rejected the majority of

biologists wanted to reject his theories

they sounded too spooky but mom kept

insisting these theory should be and

should be investigated so far I've only

read a three attempts the check

Sheldrake and all three of them tended

to confirm him Stanislaus Graff who's

now the chief honcho down at Esalen up

at Esalen sometimes I don't know which

city I'm in Stanislaus Groff was

educated as an orthodox Marxist

materialist we started doing LSD

research in Czechoslovakia he found

people reporting memories of their

ancestors which could be confirmed by

historical records you see how this fits

into the reincarnation model Groff

called it phylogenetic memory Hume calls

it the collective unconscious the

theosophist call it the Akashic records

there are all sorts of names for it but

when even a Marxist materialist finds to

have a statistical evidence of it and

when it shows up in these rat

experiments I think it's time we took it

seriously especially since it's been

happening to me for about 15 or 18 years

now it is possible to see into the past

and even into the future and I assume

this is some sort of non-local field

that's what bleary calls the neuro

genetic circuit the the eighth circuit

is the Lee recalls in the meta

physiological circuit and then he calls

it the neuro atomic circuit every book

he writes he changes his name for the

eighth circuit I call it the non-local

quantum circuit because it's so

adequately described in modern quantum


all scientific theories up until quantum

mechanics the Einsteinian universe model

as well as the Newtonian can be modeled

by billiard balls you've all seen these

billiard balls and high-school

educational films are on educational

television or public television I hit

the billiard ball here which hits that

billiard ball which hits three billiard

balls and and that's linear mechanistic

causality the whole holistic rebellion

against linear mechanistic causality has

been based on doctors and psychologists

and others who observe that things do

not all have happened in that linear

mechanistic way some things happen by

non-local correlations a Jungian

synchronicity everybody here has heard

of synchronicity right anybody want me

to define synchronicity synchronicity is

meaningful connection without without

mechanical connection meaningful

correlation without mechanical

connection an example Jung had a patient

telling him a dream about a scarab and

Jung thought this is a symbol of rebirth

to the Egyptians he was just developing

his theory of the collective unconscious

of the Morpho genetic field the neuro

genetic circuit

Jung thought this is an Egyptian symbol

of rebirth that means the patient is

reaching the rebirth stage in therapy

and at that point a scarab beetle began

banging on the window that's that's

where Jung first began to think of

synchronicity synchronicity happens and

all little types of psychotherapy

something more attention to it than

others but almost every psychotherapist

will admit they've seen it on occasion

very dramatically in transformative

periods in the therapy it happens to

acid heads all the time which is why the

word has become so popular since the 60s

it happens to everybody doing deep wory

ental meditation quantum mechanics also

involves non-local correlations this was

first demonstrated by Einstein and

Podolsky and Rosen in 1935 they

published it as a reductio ad absurdum

of quantum mechanics

they said quantum mechanics implies that

our two particles were once in contact

and they move to the opposite end to the

universe they'll remain correlated even

though there's no mechanical connection

between them this implies this telepathy

between them that's absurd

therefore quantum mechanics has

something wrong with it that was 1935

and nobody's found anything wrong with

quantum mechanics it's still the most

useful theory and in atomic physics and

more and more things have come out of

quantum mechanics including the atom

bomb which terrifies us all the

television set which amuses us or bores

us modern computers like designer drugs

developed on the basis of quantum

mechanics everything was distinctively

20th century technology and not just the

development of 19th century technology

is based on quantum mechanics quantum

mechanics demands non-local correlations

the latest proof of the latest and most

elegant mathematical proof of this was

by John s Bell in 1965 and it's known as

Bell's Theorem

there have been seven attempts to check

Bell's Theorem and five of them have

confirmed Bell and to have contradicted

Bell the feeling in the physical

community this community of physicists

as we've got to accept the non-local

correlation because five out of seven is

a damn good average experimental error

is more likely to destroy evidence of

correlation than to create false

evidence of correlation and the

experiments have gotten increasingly

subtle the latest experiment by a spade

is so subtle that this seems no way of

arguing around it he had two switches

that make the cause the measurement to

be made in ten nanoseconds and the two

measurements so far apart that it takes

like 20 nanoseconds to travel that

distance there you go nothing traveling

at the speed of light can travel between

one particle and the other to tell the

other particle what to do so there is no

mechanical or causal connection there's

no connection in the billiard ball sense

there's no information going from one

particle to another and yet they remain

correlated mathematically correlation

without connection non-local correlation

well it's like Jungian synchronicity

well it's like thought there's one

physicist Edwin Harris Walker who has

written a paper called a complete

quantum anthropologist and he says what

his non-local correlation implies is

that the universe is created out of

consciousness the universe is well like

the great thought than like a great

machine as genes said when he first

began to see the implications of quantum

path a non-local correlation means that

the universe is a hierarchy of

synchronicities and we only notice some

of them causality is kind of the facade

behind the facade the basic principle is

synchronicity non-local correlation now

if things online local e correlated that

explains ESP they explains precognition

it explains out-of-body experiences it

explains most of the data of

parapsychology I've had out-of-body

experiences many times especially

dramatically the first time I use the

pulsed brain toner machine when you go

to four Hertz most people have an

out-of-body experience eventually if

they keep experimenting at four Hertz

which is the the interface between theta

and Delta and the in the brain waves

according to the Mickey Mouse model of

consciousness as a little and what

there's a little transparent self inside

me which travels in Euclidean space

somewhere else during an out-of-body

experience according to the non-local

model there is no spooky little essence

like that inside me consciousness as an

aspect of a non-local

field which we call the universe my

brain just Tunes in consciousness is not

in my brain any more than Johnny Carson

is in my TV my TV tunes in Johnny Carson

well not very often my TV tones in

Columbo quite often every chance I can

the Columbo is not in my TV my TV is

just a local receiver Columbo was a none

local signal anybody else in the country

contained in Columbo if they want people

ten light-years from here contain a tune

in old Columbo shows

so Columbo is a non-local signal and the

consciousness is a non-local phenomenon

which each brain Tunes in locally when

you learned how to use your brain for

fun and profit and explore all the sites

that you find out that non-local

perception is very easy indeed even

though the committee for scientific

investigation of claims of the

paranormal will call you a fraud if you

talk about any of your non-local

perceptions people have been discovering

this since the dawn of history as far

back as we can find records we find

references to ESPE precognition

out-of-body experiences synchronicity

well this controversial stuff it's been

happening to human beings forever

because consciousness I think is a

non-local phenomenon and the 8th circuit

you learn more and what a function on

the non-local circuitry of the brain and

tuned in more and more distant

information until eventually you begin

to see a cosmic pattern and at that

point you become some kind of mystic and

start raving and give ring and that I

try not to do that let's just say that

the higher you go the prettier it gets

out there ok I seem to have about 10

minutes left I think I will have a

question and answer period no I should

we get out to the next grouping come in

no no we got 10 minutes ok identify the

seventh genetic site and that's the

circuit in which you can you suddenly an

ape creature and wandering through the

African jungle while you are suddenly an

insect yeah the neurogenetic I've used

I've used quite a few of them what's my

favorite III there they're all

interesting my favorites plural of a

neuropeptide sheep does the same as a

lot of the other light and sound

machines that are more expensive the

grain potential Iser because it seems to

do things none of the others though and

the mind of Miera because it's I think I

have a very visual style of

consciousness I find the mind mirror

fascinating because it shows how much


for how much Beta Alpha Theta and Delta

you have in each hemisphere I find it

fascinating to sit looking at the mind

we are doing various exercises and

watching my brain patterns change to me

that's what you are entertaining when TV

almost as much fun as my computer

what about Lily's work with the

flotation tanks have you experimented

with that

yeah I've experimented with flotation

tanks and they do they've done a lot of

good for a lot of people and there's

some scientific evidence that they do

increase endorphin production and other

neuropeptides and the probably boost the

immune system as well as giving you a

fascinating psychedelic trip I don't

like the isolation tanks I prefer other

techniques there's something there's

something in me I haven't conquered yet

I don't like being alone in the dark I'm

wondering what's going on and the rest

of the establishment if it's on fire

will they remember to come home be out

of this place

with that psychedelic if you were to

take acid and be entertaining everybody

has their own favorite techniques the

isolation tank is not one of my favorite

techniques I'll try it again and see if

I can get over that mild phobia I have

about it yes I just have two things I

wanted to know did you ever find the guy

that gave the pitbull the AIDS I just

want to know how do you what's the way

you figure out the George Bush is

actually in reality been elected

president well about the pit bull with

AIDS most people haven't heard that joke

what's worse than be meeting a pit bull

with AIDS meeting the guy who gave it to

the pizza and how did George Bush get

elected 22% of the population voted for

him how do we know this is so now oh how

do we know that it's so how do we know

the newspapers aren't deceiving us we


his wife's picture is on the dollar bill


you know I've often wondered about the

death of Liberace there's been a lot of

controversy about that but if you if you

close your eyes during a George Bush

speech and listen closely it's possible

that Liberace faked his death had a

plastic surgery job I went into politics

you listen to those intonations and

rhythms and you'll say yeah well chaos

the most interesting part of chaos

theory is the fractals the universe has

fractals in it now

there's one of the places like that

where I don't think God made a mistake

III think fractals are really groovy

fractals are mathematical systems in

which there are definite laws

controlling them but they are always

surprised by the way they develop I've

got a fractal generator on my computer

and sometimes I got nothing else do I

sit there and just stare I I just keep

changing the parameters and I get these

beautiful new patterns each time nature

is full of fractals and when you see

computer generated fractals it gradually

dawns on you this is getting us closer

to nature than any other scientific

theory ever has visually you can see it

it looks more like nature a Newtonian

force diagram doesn't look like nature

at all it's a very abstract model the

fractals look like the way things really

grow and develop in time the way

organisms grow in sea coasts and clouds

weather systems the fact those chaos

theory came out of meteorology

originally it was a meteorologist who

invented it I have a game I sometimes do

as a seminar it's called cosmic

conspiracy the game of enlightenment

where everybody is deceiving everybody

else and it's a dawned on me I've

created a game with fractals because I

never know what's going to happen I

start the game and after half an hour I

don't know what's going on I'm just

confused as all the players and I

figured that's why God put fractals in

the universe if I can be whimsical for a

moment and assume there is a God if

there were no fractals in the universe

God would know everything before it

happens the whole thing would be boring

to watch

by putting fractals in God guaranteed

continuous amusement there's always some

always an element of surprise everything

that happens as a slight surprise

I think enlightenment in a sense is

becoming more and more aware of fractals

whether you know the word fractals are

not seeing the perpetual upsurge of

novelty is unready back slim say okay I

guess we got time for yes

what exactly is the story with the

number 23


our next question watch they grapple

with at this late stage and yes can you

find where can you find the practical

programs that you said you have in your

computer that's an interesting question

where do you find yeah put it in some

books Ashley check check the library

under the camera mention a recent

magazines will actually have printouts

and now a lot of my software I was given

to me by fans and friends I don't know

where the hell it came from they just

give me a distance H right that's your

way do you see what you can do now I

mean that's the way a great deal of the

computer revolution is proceeding is by

affinity groups people exchanging

software and it looks to me like the

collapse of monopoly capitalism because

more and what people are giving away

more and more things and information is

the essence of wealth which I proved

this morning and don't have time to

prove again now yes I take my word for

it wealth is based on information oh

I'll give you a brief argument to that

effect you don't get yeah you don't get

rich if you're digging for oil where

there's no oil if you have correct

information and drill for oil where

there is what oil you'll get rich that's

the connection between information

wealth and it is now five o'clock and I

am off duty I'm going to relax and go

home and take my shoes off

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