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20Time Annotated Working Bibliography1 

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Mather, Mara, and Laura L. Carstensen. “Aging and Motivated Cognition: the Positivity Effect in 
Attention and Memory.” ​NeuroImage​, Academic Press, 8 Sept. 2005,​. 

Link to source: ​Share a link to the source below. 

Summary: ​Describe the key points of the source, including at least three key quotes. 

As people age, they tend to experience fewer negative emotions within their life. Strategic processes 
in older adults memory might play a role in the aging process. “Older adults show more emotionally 
gratifying memory distortion for past choices and autobiographical information than younger adults 
do.” Older people seem to feel a lot more than the younger people. This could be because older 
people have experienced more emotions and coped with those emotions a lot better than younger 
people have. These older people have maybe also realised that there's more to life than just the 
terrible moments. These people see that because your life started terrible, it doesn’t have to end that 
way. “In addition, when shown stimuli that vary in affective valence, positive items account for a 
larger proportion of older adults' subsequent memories than those of younger adults.” Adults seem 
to remember more of the good things that have occurred to them in life. This is more proof that 
adults tend to live much more positive lives than younger kids. Younger kids feel that because they 
might be living their worst life now, that they will end up living bad in the future. This is never the 
case because research shows that as you grow, you tend to become a more positive person. Many 
people value life as they grow older because they see all the good things and not bad anymore.  

Assessment: ​Evaluate how the source responds to your research question. What does this source 
offer that other sources do not offer? Is the information reliable? How do you know? Is the source 
biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? 

This source offers me a good outlook on to why it is important for people to have hope in their lives. 
The information presented talked about how emotions become better as time goes on. When you 
become an adult. Life is suppose to become better physically and emotionally. The idea of becoming 
a more positive person when you grow up is suppose to show kids that staying alive and fighting 
through tough moments will be worth it in the long run. Google scholar is a helpful source for a lot of 
reliable information. The authors both study this subject and have made multiple articles.  

Reflection: ​How does this source fit into your research? Was it helpful? If so, how? How does it help 
to shape your understanding of the controversy you are researching? How can you use this source 
in your project? 

This source fits into my research to help know what are peoples emotions towards being or not 
being a positive person. As someone grows older, they become a more positive and happy person, 
which can calm down the controversy of the idea that life gets worse as you grow older.  

Adapted from ​Purdue OWL
MLA Citation: ​Use EasyBib to develop an MLA citation and copy it here. 

Staff, Mayo Clinic. “How to Stop Negative Self-Talk.” ​Mayo Clinic​, Mayo Foundation for Medical 
Education and Research, 18 Feb. 2017,​. 

Link to source: ​Share a link to the source below.

Summary: ​Describe the key points of the source, including at least three key quotes. 

“​Indeed, some studies show that personality traits such as optimism and pessimism can affect
many areas of your health and well-being.” Being a much more positive person makes you more
likely to become optimistic about certain situations that you are put in. If people tend to be
pessimistic about things, they won’t learn positive skills. Having a positive mindset also puts you in
a position where if you are put in a difficult spot, then it is easy to overcome it because you already
have a positive mindset. This could also relate to having a growth mindset. “Positive thinking
doesn't mean that you keep your head in the sand and ignore life's less pleasant situations. Positive
thinking just means that you approach unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way.” A lot
of people think that being positive just means ignore the bad, but you need bad in order to create
good in life. People need to be able to learn from mistakes in order to succeed in difficult situations.
Benefits of being more optimistic include a longer life span, low rates of depression, and better
coping skills when stressed out. This can be done by just simply being in a situation where instead
of giving up, you ask yourself “how can I do better?”  

Assessment: ​Evaluate how the source responds to your research question. What does this source 
offer that other sources do not offer? Is the information reliable? How do you know? Is the source 
biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? 

Knowing the good effects of positivity gives my topic a lot stronger background information. Being 
someone positive gives you a much better life. This source offers a lot better ideas as to why being 
someone positive can lead a better life. All research has come from clinics that are approved by 
doctors. The research is mostly biased towards people who need more positivity in their life, which 
can be a good kind of biased to convince people to live healthier lives. The goal of this source is to 
demonstrate and convince people why living more positive lives can be beneficial in the future and 
fo you to grow as a human.  

Reflection: ​How does this source fit into your research? Was it helpful? If so, how? How does it help 
to shape your understanding of the controversy you are researching? How can you use this source 
in your project? 

This source was helpful in many ways. I was able to see the benefits of being optimistic and how 
they were helpful for me to demonstrate to other people. This helps me in many ways to know what 
areas I should target when I am speaking to people. I should ask if they are optimistic people or 
pessimistic people. The source will be helpful to demonstrate to people the benefits of living more 
positive lives, for example living much longer lives.  
MLA Citation: ​Use EasyBib to develop an MLA citation and copy it here. 

Janicke, Sophie. “How Positive Media Can Make Us Better People.” ​Greater Good,​ 27 Apr. 2016, 

Link to source: ​Share a link to the source below. 

Summary: ​Describe the key points of the source, including at least three key quotes. 

“They also found that the meaningful movies elicited greater feelings of elevation among 
respondents, which was expressed in a distinct set of emotional and physical sensations: feeling 
happy and sad at the same time, a lump in one’s throat, tearing up, a rising or opening of the chest, 
and chills.” The feelings of elevation are also linked with people doing a lot better things for other 
people. They motivate people to become better people. “​For positive media to have strong, lasting 
effects on us individually or collectively, I believe we need to consume it consistently, over time, just 
as eating right only once a week does not make us healthier.” Positivity is something that needs to 
be practiced all the time, so it can become a habit. Positivity is not something you are born with, so it 
takes time to learn and adapt to. If people want to become better people not just physically but 
mentally, they need to make the first step on being someone kind or positive. People do and follow 
what they see others do. In this case, if people see others being more positive, then they would want 
to follow in their steps.  

Assessment: ​Evaluate how the source responds to your research question. What does this source 
offer that other sources do not offer? Is the information reliable? How do you know? Is the source 
biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? 

Being positive by seeing is one way that not many people think about. Learning a skill or lifestyle is 
not something you can just be born with. This information offered me a different way of being able to 
learn skills such as being nice to people, and how you can make it a habit. Coming from someone 
with a phd, the goal of the source is to convince the reader to become someone more positive.  

Reflection: ​How does this source fit into your research? Was it helpful? If so, how? How does it help 
to shape your understanding of the controversy you are researching? How can you use this source 
in your project? 

Positivity being learned by just looking can be a good way to start a good path. This was helpful 
because I personally never knew that media could have an effect on how you act when it comes to 
being negative or positive. This source can be used in many ways. One way I plan on using this 
source could be by experimenting with people I know. Showing them a movie or something on social 
media could have an influence on them. I will be able to confirm is the idea of being able to visually 
see positivity can be something useful.  
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Yaniz, Robert. “6 Small Ways to Improve Your Mood and Spread Positivity.” ​Rewire​, Rewire, 30 Aug. 
2018, ​​. 

Link to source: ​Share a link to the source below.  

Summary: ​Describe the key points of the source, including at least three key quotes. 

Different ways are shown on how to live a more positive life in a negative surrounding. “​No matter
what stressors you’re currently facing, there’s always something to be thankful for.” Their is always
something to be thankful for in the world. Whether it’s your family, the things you have, or other
special people in the world. “All these methods can have an exponential positive effect, but the
most fundamental way you can make a difference is by reframing your own thoughts.” Thoughts
play a huge role in the way people see things in the world. Your mind is a powerful tool that can be
used in your advantage. “Most people are constantly mired by habitual negative thoughts, mentally
tearing themselves and others down without ever realizing it.” People need to practice good
thinking over any other thing. Having good thoughts is what will keep people sane and in a good
mood for future thinking.  

Assessment: ​Evaluate how the source responds to your research question. What does this source 
offer that other sources do not offer? Is the information reliable? How do you know? Is the source 
biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? 

The source offers good ideas on how to keep a healthy mind. Their is a list conducted by a reliable 
source that explains ways to become someone more positive. The source leans to both ways on how 
to deal with negative and positive feelings. The author does not deny the fact that there are a lot of 
negative things and effects in the world that affect people. The author gives a good solution to fix the 
situations that are done in the world to end world problems. In the end, the main goal of the source is 
to help people with problems live a better life. 

Reflection: ​How does this source fit into your research? Was it helpful? If so, how? How does it help 
to shape your understanding of the controversy you are researching? How can you use this source 
in your project? 

This source fits into my research to show that positive thinking can be done by a lot of people and 
can change the world. For example, being kind to people can lead to them being kind to others. This 
then spreads and can inspire many people to change the world, little by little. This source helps me 
in my project by showing me the new and unique ways to dealing with negative actions. This source 
will be useful to know what I can do to help myself in a presentation to help people my age.  
MLA Citation: ​Use EasyBib to develop an MLA citation and copy it here. 

Maragou, Anastasia. “Negative Behaviour : 11 Ways to Be Less Negative.” ​Psych2Go​, 20 Oct. 2017, 

Link to source: ​Share a link to the source below. 

Summary: ​Describe the key points of the source, including at least three key quotes. 

In order to move on and be happy, people need to understand that you have to let go of negative 
behaviour. “​Dwelling on it, however, won’t help you grow as a person and can’t determine your 
future. It’ll keep you locked in a perpetual cycle of repetition and unhappiness.” Remembering your 
past and something that hold negative thought will not lead you to a better place in life. People need 
to learn to get rid of toxic points in their life. “Learn to Accept Criticism About Yourself” Accepting 
criticism is always hard to deal with. This can make you feel bad about yourself. In the end, none of 
these words can really get to you if you don’t let them get to you. Words are just words and they hold 
no value, especially if that person is ignorant and irrelevant. Being more optimistic in another way to 
keep positive. Good thoughts lead to better thinking. If people limit themselves to bad news, or in 
other words, negativity, then they will live a much more positive life in the end.  

Assessment: ​Evaluate how the source responds to your research question. What does this source 
offer that other sources do not offer? Is the information reliable? How do you know? Is the source 
biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? 

This specific source offers the opposite emotion, which is negativity instead of positivity. Instead of 
trying to figure out how to be more positive, I thought of trying to figure out how to be less negative. 
The source is from reliable sources that have been collected and used into one list. The source is 
unbiased because of the different point of view it offers versus the other articles that have been 

Reflection: ​How does this source fit into your research? Was it helpful? If so, how? How does it help 
to shape your understanding of the controversy you are researching? How can you use this source 
in your project? 

This source fits into the rest of my research in many ways. One specific way is because of the 
oppistate ideas it gives to describes situation in a negative point of view. Someone trying to become 
positive is most likely coming from a negative point in their life. This helps me shape my 
understanding by showing me the different point of views and outcomes. In all, I can use this source 
as a guide to help people who are lost and don’t know how to get out of their situation. In order to 
understand someone, you have to know where they are coming from.  
MLA Citation: ​Use EasyBib to develop an MLA citation and copy it here. 

Buggy, Patrick. “6 Mindful Strategies for Dealing With Negativity.” ​Mindful Ambition​, 18 July 2018, 

Link to source: ​Share a link to the source below. 

Summary: ​Describe the key points of the source, including at least three key quotes. 

“​You never know what someone else is going through in life.” Other people could be going through 
a hard time in their lives. If you become negative to other people and don’t realize this, then it will 
just make the other person mad and make them continue to become bad people. “Their negative 
actions probably have nothing to do with you, they’re just expressing their negativity, and you 
happen to be there to receive it.” “Self-awareness is the first step to prevent spreading negativity to 
others. Without awareness of your negative mental state, you’ll be trapped as a victim of its reactive 
ways.” Being self aware is a huge deal. If you are not aware with what you are doing and how you 
are spreading your energy, then you can be the one who is making other people's lives miserable. 
Instead of getting swept away by negative emotions, observe your emotional experience with 

Assessment: ​Evaluate how the source responds to your research question. What does this source 
offer that other sources do not offer? Is the information reliable? How do you know? Is the source 
biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? 

This source offers ways on how to avoid being the one who makes others feel negative. Most 
sources offer people ideas that make them spread more positivity. Everyone in their life has made 
other people feel less at one point or another, or have made fun of someone because of whatever 
reason. The source is not biased in any way. The author gives the ideas that people tend to be mean 
to others. The author here though gives ways on how you can improve as a person, which is always 
helpful in a lot of situations.  

Reflection: ​How does this source fit into your research? Was it helpful? If so, how? How does it help 
to shape your understanding of the controversy you are researching? How can you use this source 
in your project? 

This source helps me in my project to give different perspectives towards what to spread and what 
not to do. In many ways, this information is really helpful. It’s helpful because of the way it is worded. 
The articles shows how people can not be someone negative and how they can avoid spreading it 
into other people. In a way, it is related because in order to spread more good, their can’t be any 
bad. In order for not bad to happen or at the very minimal, then educating people about negativity 
will be the first step. 
MLA Citation: ​Use EasyBib to develop an MLA citation and copy it here. 

Hanson, Rick. “Changing Negative Thoughts.” ​Dr. Rick Hanson,​ Foundations Team, 15 June 2018,​. 

Link to source: ​Share a link to the source below. 

Summary: ​Describe the key points of the source, including at least three key quotes. 

“​You can deliberately be aware of both positive and negative material, so that the positive will 
connect with the negative.” Keep making the positive feelings stronger than the negative ones while 
being aware of both of them at once. After a dozen or more seconds, let the anxiety go and stay with 
the feeling of being cared about for another dozen seconds or so. If the person does not feel as if it 
is working and that anxiety is still there. This means that the feeling is still their. The emotions are still 
there in the end. “Still, as beneficial as this infusion of positive into negative is, research indicates 
that it can sometimes merely “overwrite” the negative material without actually erasing it, like a pretty 
picture painted on top of a grim older one.” Because one is thinking about something else in the 
moment, people tend to forget about what they were even going through in the beginning. In all, the 
point is to just forget what is going on in the situation, and ignore it.  

Assessment: ​Evaluate how the source responds to your research question. What does this source 
offer that other sources do not offer? Is the information reliable? How do you know? Is the source 
biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? 

This sources offers me different ways on how to get rid of negativity. The article coming from 
someone with a Ph.D is always going to be reliable. The source offers two perspectives in the end, 
showing ways on how to help get rid of negativity. The article also shows way on how to know if it is 
something serious. If the symptoms are serious, then you will know how to react in the end to help 
yourself and others. 

Reflection: ​How does this source fit into your research? Was it helpful? If so, how? How does it help 
to shape your understanding of the controversy you are researching? How can you use this source 
in your project? 

This source fits into my research by showing me ways how we as humans can deal with our 
emotions and our problems. This shapes my understanding by showing me that not everyone's the 
same when it comes with dealing with their situations. As said in the example, if you use both a 
negative and positive thought, and you still have anxiety about the situation, then this means you are 
not ready to move on from the situation, or feel better.  
MLA Citation: ​Use EasyBib to develop an MLA citation and copy it here. 

Acquaviva, Allison. “How to Live a Happy Life: Tip #1 – Surround Yourself with Positive People.” ​Utica 
College,​ 1 May 2014,​. 

Link to source: ​Share a link to the source below.

Summary: ​Describe the key points of the source, including at least three key quotes. 

The question is set to show how we can become more positive people. Happiness is not a 
destination as it is described by many people. Happiness is a way of life. “​We can start by 
surrounding ourselves with good, healthy, positive people.” A lot of people are going to try and bring 
you down in your life. It is up to you if you want to listen to them. The key thing to do is to surround 
yourself by better people who are positive. This will make you want to change yourself for the better. 
If someone is surrounded by negativity all the time, they will grow up to be someone who is negative, 
rather than positive. This is similar to growing up in a unstable home. You can become someone who 
is depressed by living in a household that makes you feel bad. In all, the people and environment 
around you affect how you come out as a person in the long run.  

Assessment: ​Evaluate how the source responds to your research question. What does this source 
offer that other sources do not offer? Is the information reliable? How do you know? Is the source 
biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? 

This source offers other ideas such us the upbringing of someone. I personally did not take this into 
account at the start when doing research. Now that I am more informed, I can understand how to 
reach people and understand them to make them feel better. The source is biased in a way. The 
author states that by surrounding yourself with better people will make you a better person. This can 
be true or can be wrong in many situations.  

Reflection: ​How does this source fit into your research? Was it helpful? If so, how? How does it help 
to shape your understanding of the controversy you are researching? How can you use this source 
in your project? 

This source fits into my research by showing me how to be a better person when I am around other 
people. With the help of other people, one could become more positive in the end. It was helpful in 
many ways because it shows how we can make the world more positive. With just one person, you 
can make a big difference in someone's life. That person could become inspired by your actions and 
will want to continue that and pass it onto others. In all, this source will help me figure out how my 
small project can impact and become something bigger than what is is.  

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