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Orison “The Small Miracle”

Orisons (or in game terms zero level miracles) are generally some of the first miracles taught to
the newly initiated cleric or monk. They are the very basic of miracles, generally forgotten (or at
least not used) for the more powerful miracles once the character reaches 1st level and begins
play. The orison is a sub-set of the Skill: Miracles, Clerical. They can be an added bonus for
young players or for NPCs who the characters may meet on a daily basis in a town or monastery
and for the creative player; Orisons can be a handy alternative to the more powerful and
destructive ones on the list.
While the cleric is the usual one who learns these orisons, the saint is not forbidden, although the
saint tends to learn his miracles from divine guidance and apprenticeship under another saint
they may learn orisons by associating with clerics during their training and background
development or when progressing in levels.

Unless described differently below, an orison will last mere moments. The effects of each orison
are described in basic ways below but the Rac is encouraged to use their own description, based
on the characters background such as who taught them and what country they are from.
The range of orisons, unless described differently below, are limited to 5’.

Faith Point costs for orisons is 1 FP

Orisons may be cast at 2 per round.

The Knight and Devil Hunter may substitute two orisons for their one allowed miracle

Guidance: The cleric grants +1 to any subject’s next advantage/attack roll. The cleric will
choose which one to benefit upon casting. This may affect the cleric or be cast on another
person within 10’.

Minor Protection: Grants +1 to the subject’s next saving throw/defend/dodge roll. This may
affect the cleric or be cast on another person within 10’.

Heal Minor Wound: Heals one Life Point. This may affect the cleric or be cast on another
person within 10’.

Mend: Mends breaks, dents, and holes in small objects. The easier the mend, the less detectable
it will be. A hole in a shirt will be easy to fix and show no lasting effects, a hole in an armor
breastplate will look as if it has been repaired. The cleric must touch the object to be repaired.

Predict Weather: The cleric may predict the weather up to 12 hours in advance with 100%
accuracy, and 24 hours in advance with 50% accuracy. There is no actual range, but it will only
work on the cleric’s position at the time of casting, the information is instantly received.

Virtue: A subject gains one temporary Faith Point. This Faith Point lasts until used by the
subject or 5 minutes. This miracle may be cast on the cleric himself or be cast on another person
within 10’.
Water to Wine: The cleric may turn one flask or mug of water to a normal, but good wine (the
wine is in no way able to intoxicate the drinker (no matter how much is drunk) but it can be used
for medicinal purposes such as a wound cleaner). The cleric must actually touch the water to
effect it. The wine will last for 1 hour, and then slowly fades back into water unless drank.

Call to Worship: This miracle mentally notifies patrons of the cleric's church (within one half
mile per level) that services are beginning. The orison does not provide an actual compulsion to

Meal Blessing: The cleric says this short prayer before a meal to give the diners a blessing.
Anyone who eats the meal heals 1 each Life and Faith Point. This orison only affects the meal
prepared and eaten within 1 hour. It cannot be used to bless a ration that is not going to be eaten
for 5 days for instance, but it could be used to bless the ration when it is eaten. The cleric must
touch the meal in order to bless it.

Vermin/Exterminate: This orison causes one small, totally ordinary insect (such as a beetle, fly,
or spider), a small rodent/critter (such as a field mouse, toad, garter snake), or a cloud of gnats
into a certain area. If targeted intelligently, the spell may be able to disrupt a sorcerers
spellcasting, but will never deal any actual damage (including poison) to the target. This orison
can also be used to Exterminate, which may kill any one creature of similar size as the ones
described in the description. The vermin will remain as long as any normal creature would under
the circumstances, meaning not long, usually making great haste in leaving the area or hiding.
Exterminate has a range of 10’.

Angels Hand: A glowing female hand is conjured, which may either move one pound of
materials at a speed of 10 feet per round for ten rounds (30 seconds, at a maximum range of 40
feet), or give an object a powerful push about equal to the cleric’s strength at a range of ten feet.
While this orison can be used to push open a door, it will not be able to open a stuck or locked
door, nor will it usually be able to push a normal person back further than a few feet. This orison
will last no longer than 30 seconds.

Knot/Unknot: This miracle may tightly knot or tangle a rope, string, or similar object in any
knot the cleric would be able to tie himself. The Unknot miracle may undo any knot the cleric
could unknot himself. The knot may be done so that it can be easily untied (granny knot) or tied
into a true knot that would take some effort to undo. This orison has a range of 10’ from the

Irritate: This orison forces another person to involuntarily blink, nod, itch, giggle, or some other
small body motion. This obviously has uses when faced with a sorcerer or pagan preaching their
false religions and unfortunately has also been the cause of many young novices being punished
when they tried it on other students or their teachers. Beware young ones you are being watched.
This orison has a range of 10’ and will only make one effect per casting.

Flavor/Putrefy: This orison may either make one dish taste any way the cleric wants it to by
adding salt, spice, sweetener, or another flavoring agent. It may also Putrefy, which makes the
food or drink either go bad or taste as if it had been prepared wrongly (too much seasoning,
slightly burnt etc). The cleric must touch the food to have any effect.

Clean/Dirty: A cleric making use of this orison may clean, shine, dust, or polish a small object
or surface of up to 1 square foot. Dirty can make the same area dirty, tarnished, scuffed, or
dusty. This orison is usually not taught to novices until their 3-4th year of training as they are
first required to learn the hard way how to accomplish their tasks. The area must be within 10’
of the cleric.

Flare: A flash of light can be created by this orison. They will not typically last longer than a
second. On a clear night the light may be seen up to a half mile. What real purpose this orison
has is unclear to most teachers (and students), but it is still taught as it is one of the simplest
forms of miracle and was believed to have been originally used as a signal on the wall of

Animate Tool: A single, small tool less than 1lb (such as a quill pen, spoon, sewing needle, or
small hammer) is animated by this orison. It will perform a single, repetitive task (such as
writing dictated words, stirring a pot of soup, sewing the hem of a dress, or nailing boards into a
house) for as long as 10 minutes. The cleric must be able to perform the repeated action by hand
himself. Weapons may not be animated by this orison, and objects animated may not be used as
weapons. The tool is animated with the same skills that the cleric already possesses. So for
instance a document could be dictated and a whetstone could be made to sharpen a weapon. But,
the quill will write with the clerics penmanship (bad spelling and all), the sharpening job would
be only as good as if the cleric had done it himself etc. The object so animated must be touched
by the cleric to start the animation.

Inscribe: This orison engraves up to a square foot of writing or drawing on almost any nonliving
surface. This orison is a Xerox copy, an exact duplicate of the original that must be present or at
least within 10’ of the area to be inscribed. Monks love this one, as it makes copying the
difficult sections of texts much easier. Note: Holy Scroll’s can not be made with this orison nor
will runes, so copied, hold any type of magical power (the use of the Inscribe orison will also not
trigger Runes). This orison is immediate taking less than 1 round to complete.

Open/Close: A normal, unlocked door, window, or other portal may be opened/closed by this
orison. This will not open a stuck, held or locked door. If say the door has a simple latch lock,
then one orison could be used to unlatch it, and then another used to open it. The effect of this
orison is immediate, and the cleric must be within 10’ of the object.

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