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Silvia Araoz

Psychology 1010


Lab 3: The Five Personality Index

I have to say that my Big Five Personality Index results made by myself are:

Open-Mindedness (43 percentile)

Conscientiousness (17 percentile)

Extraversion (95 percentile)

Agreeableness (86 percentile)

Negative Emotionality (8 percentile)

These are the results that my friend made by myself:

Open-Mindedness (32 percentile)

Conscientiousness (33 percentile)

Extraversion (88 percentile)

Agreeableness (73 percentile)

Negative Emotionality (14 percentile)

I think that he has the same concept that I have about myself, I am kind of conventional,
sometimes I do not like to take risk. I am disorganized, or maybe most the time I am
negligent. But I am improving to have a better performance every day.

I am sociable, friendly, outgoing and talkative. These characteristics have seen by my

friend. We have shared some fun times and it seems that he notices that I am courteous
and supportive to my friends like to my family.

Finally, my results for both of us show that I am relaxed, calm and secure even in tense

I am kind of transparent on my behavior. Probably Not bipolar.

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