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1) Phase 1

a) approaching the essay title by analysing its key words;

b) gathering information & interpreting the evidence of the title words;
c) mind mapping;
d) drawing the ghost of a plan.

2) Phase 2

a) starting your research work;

b) taking notes from a);
c) gathering information & interpreting evidence based on a) & b);
d) mind mapping;
e) drawing the second draft plan.

3) Phase 3

a) finishing your research work;

b) taking more notes;
c) gathering more information & readjusting the interpretation of
d) readjusting the previous mind mapping activity;
e) drawing the third draft plan.

 Planul & structura lucrării:

i. titlu;
ii. introducere; vii. paragrafe.
iii. cuprins;
iv. încheiere;
v. aparat critic – citări, trimiteri, note de subsol/final;
vi. bibliografie;

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