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Lesson Plan

Name: Julian Springer School: Public High School

Grade Level: 11/12 Number of Students: 20

Unit: Mechanical Physics Lesson Duration: 60 minutes

Date: 2:30-3:30 pm, October 25th, 2018

Colorado Academic Standards: Science, High School, Standard 1. Physical Science

Prepared Graduates:

2. Students can use the full range of science and engineering practices to make sense of
natural phenomena and solve problems that require understanding interactions between
objects and within systems of objects.

Grade Level Expectation:

4. Newton’s second law and the conservation of momentum can be used to predict
changes in the motion of macroscopic objects.

Evidence Outcomes:

Students Can:

a. Analyze data to support the claim that Newton’s second law of motion
describes the mathematical relationship among the net force on a macroscopic
object, its mass, and its acceleration. (HS-PS2-1) (Clarification Statement:
Examples of data could include tables or graphs of position or velocity as a
function of time for objects subject to a net unbalanced force, such as a falling
object, an object rolling down a ramp, or a moving object being pulled by a
constant force.). (Boundary Statement: Limited to one-dimensional motion and
to macroscopic objects moving at non-relativistic speeds.)
• By the end of the lesson students will be able to define Work and Energy correctly (verbally and using
equations) according to the definitions presented in class.

• Students will turn in a lab report on the “Giant Hot Wheels” lab the following class to an accuracy of
60% according to the Scientific Lab Report Rubric.
Learning Targets:

I can define work and energy in the context of mechanical physics.


• Students will complete an entry ticket on work and energy.

• Students will demonstrate an understanding of work and energy through group discussion and pair
and share solutions of examples in the powerpoint and on the board.


• Students will complete a lab writeup.

• Entry tickets: attached

• White board/expo

• Lab:

• Video:

• Lab procedure handout: attached

• Large ramps

• Oversized hot wheel cars

• Digital newton-meters and computers

• Stop watches

• Meter sticks
Lesson Plan
Essential Questions/Big Picture Statement:
How do we interact with our environment on a physical basis? We are preparing you for life after high
school. In order to get there, and do well once you have arrived, you need to understand that hard
WORK and the exertion of ENERGY are critical to success! How do we know how hard you are
working? Physics!
Introduction/Anticipatory Set:
Today we start our unit on WORK and ENERGY! This is where the rubber really hits the road (show off
oversized hot wheel car). All the material we have been working on so far this semester will become
relevant to your every day lives in this unit. We do work every day walking to school, riding our bikes,
swimming, picking up our book bags… We are going to learn to quantify the effort that you exert in
your everyday pastimes, from climbing mountains to playing video games!
Lesson Plan
Lesson Process:

I. Separate students in to groups as they enter the classroom: pick your favorite car from the lineup
and sit at that lab bench (groups of 3 on a first-come-first-serve basis)

II. Introduction to unit: “What are energy and work?”

A. Introduction/Anticipatory Set 2

B. Introduce entry tickets to groups: 5

1. Each group member will complete one, working collaboratively with the rest of the group

a) The goal here is to write down all preconceptions of concepts, without looking
anything up, using only group discussion

2. While students are working on entry tickets, circulate to listen in and correct larger

C. Come back together, discuss 10

1. Go through our definitions in order, writing on the board to show what students already
knew about the words and phrases here

2. The group picks one person for each definition to present what they thought, or to
corroborate another groups knowledge

3. Collect entry tickets

III. Work and energy examples and equations on board/powerpoint 10

A. Definitions:

1. “Work is energy transferred by a force”

2. “Energy is the ability to do work”

3. Confusing right? Let’s look at some equations:

a) Work = Force x Distance [Joules]

b) Work = Kinetic Energy out

4. Joule = Newton Meter

5. Kinetic Energy = 1/2 Mass x Velocity squared

6. Gravitational Potential Energy = Mass x Acc. due to G x Height

7. Thermal Energy

a) Only need a rudimentary understanding at the moment

b) Relation to friction

8. Conservation of Energy:

a) Energy refers to the total energy of a system. As objects move around over time, the
energy associated with them—e.g., kinetic, gravitational potential, heat—might change
forms, but if energy is conserved, then the total will remain the same.

b) Conservation of energy applies only to isolated systems. A ball rolling across a rough
floor will not obey the law of conservation of energy because it is not isolated from the
floor. The floor is, in fact, doing work on the ball through friction. However, if we
consider the ball and floor together, then conservation of energy will apply.

B. Examples:

1. Work solutions to the two examples on the second half of the entry ticket on the board

a) 2.35x10^5 Joules
b) 2.42x10^3 Joules
2. Students will be called upon to provide input, but mostly this will be teacher led

IV. Lab demo video 3

A. Problem/Lab Setup: your car has slipped off the road! Assuming no friction and a closed
system, how much work do we need to do to get our car back up to the road?

V. Lab: angled slope and car, groups of 3 28

A. During the lab, students will be working and teacher will be moving around the classroom to
assist with steps of the procedure

B. As we approach the end of class, check on everyone’s progress, tell them to clean up their lab
tables back in to the bins
VI. Close and homework prep 2
A. Homework is to complete a formal lab writeup for today’s lab

B. Before you may leave you need to turn to your partner and define two of the terms we learned
about today (presented in the entry ticket) in your own words

C. See you tomorrow!

Lesson Plan

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