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Academic Language Simplified

Academic language is one of the more confusing elements of edTPA, because it applies unfamiliar and vague
terminology to basic elements of grammar and language instruction.

One way to manage Academic Language in edTPA is to sort it into three elements, and then define each element
and show how it can be incorporated into the learning target.


1. Language function means the verb used in the learning target, such as identify, analyze, summarize,
define, explain, conclude, justify, compare, sort, and so on.
2. Language demand means the assignment or product the student makes, such as essay, paragraph,
sentence, speech, lab report, reflection, play, poem, comic strip, magazine article. poster, and the like.
3. Vocabulary, which includes any words the student should be able to define in order to comprehend the
content of the lesson. These words may be specific to the discipline (artifact in social studies) or just general
words used in school (list, characteristics, infer, analyze).

Academic language includes two additional parts, discourse and syntax. Discourse means talking. Student teachers
completing edTPA don’t conduct class discussions, they conduct class discourse. Syntax is defined as grammar
conventions, symbols, tables, and graphs (traditionally, most people define syntax simply as the way words are
organized in sentences). Using the word syntax only matters if your students are using symbols or making tables
and graphs to represent information (e.g. in science and math).

One of the most efficient ways for including Academic Language elements is to incorporate them into your Learning

For example, consider the following Learning Target for secondary social studies:

Students define artifact and list three characteristics of an artifact.

The Language Function is to define. The Language Demand is to list (on a piece of paper). Vocabulary includes
artifact (social studies specific) and characteristics (general). Adding adjectives such as three enable efficient
assessment of whether students have achieved the learning target.

Writing Learning Targets with 1) a verb to show language function, 2) a product to show language demand, and 3)
with a few vocabulary words is an efficient way to show inclusion of Academic Language.

EdTPA emphasizes speaking and writing over other forms of communication. This emphasis means that student
teachers endorsing in elective disciplines (visual arts, physical education, music) will need lesson activities,
assessments, and work samples that include written or spoken elements.

Central Focus: What is it?

The central focus is the long-term goal that unites the learning targets. It does not have to be accomplished within
the learning segment. The central focus can be described in terms of student behavior, or it can be presented as a
concept (originally, edTPA began as PACT [Performance Assessment for California Teachers] and the central focus
was defined as a concept).

Nevertheless, probably as a result of standardizing edTPA, concept was renamed as central focus to appeal to a
wider audience, but the important characteristic of the central focus is to use it to unite the learning targets across
the learning segment.

For example, the following Central Focus in secondary social studies serves to unite these three learning targets.

Central Focus

Students apply reasoning skills to conduct evidence-based research. (In this case, the goal is to apply reasoning
skills, and the concept could be reasoning skills or evidence-based research).

Related Learning Targets

1. Students define artifact and list three characteristics of an artifact.

2. Students define inference and describe three steps to take to make an inference about a historical artifact.
3. Students make inferences about artifacts and write two inferences about the people that made the artifact.

You can either begin planning with a State standard in mind or not. It is just as easy to write your learning targets,
pick the central focus, and then locate a State standard that aligns with your plans. Alternatively, you can begin with
a State standard, and then write your central focus and learning targets. The order doesn’t matter as much as
showing that your learning targets build on one another and are united under the central focus.

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