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Arifka Dwi Astuti (20130320113)

Sri Andini Widya Ningrum (20130320116)

This assignment is about doing an interview with a native speaker in english and use
the topic that is based on the learned unit. We choose the sixth unit, “just dial this member”
which contain about tips on life, career, study, relationships and passions. We have had arrange
some question to be asked and have been checked by Miss hesti.
For this assignment, we was looking for the native speaker in some places like
malioboro, prawirotaman street and also Taman Sari, until we founded him in Taman Sari. In
that time, we came late, Taman Sari almost close and the visitor has been decrease and only
one foreign visitor from the remaining visitor. Actually, we were not brave enough to interview
him because his face looked so serious and he looked rushed. Maybe it was also because of the
cloudy weather which make peoples want to go home immediately.
We were hesitant and almost give up, until we saw him sit comfortably in front of
Taman Sari gate, watching a children play a ball. We were still feel the sensation of pounding,
until finally we decided to be brave and take this chance to interview him. We went to him and
give a greeting. We introduced us, tell him what our purpose and ask him some time.
Fortunately he understand what we mean and be ready to be interviewed by us. But the bad
thing is he just want to be interviewed in five minutes. So disapointing, but we think its better
than not at all. Then we interviewed him fastly and asked him just a simple and important
In our video, maybe you can not watch the full part of it. I am so sorry about it, it was
unintentional accident, we have had begun the interview while the camera was not record it yet.
But generally, the resume of our interview is like this. His name is Bruce. He came from France.
He is singletraveler who has traveling around the world. He do loves nature. In indonesia, he
have visited some mount like, Menong, Bromo, Semeru, and ijen volcano. That day was his
schedule to visited Yogyakarta before he go to Borobudur in the following day. We asked him
what the best destination that he has visited, he think that it was difficult to say, but because he
loves nature, he think that in Indonesia, the place that he like most is Bromo because it have a
beautiful landscape.
Then we asked him again, how about Yogyakarta. He said that Yogyakarta is interesting
especially about the city, historical places, and the history of them. After that we asked him
waht the most recommended placed to be visited, he think that in Indonesia, East Java is the
recommended place to be visited for peoples, especially traveler. For other countries, he
suggest his country, France ! off course that is a good destination. Then in East Asia, he
recommended some places that he think interesting like cambodia, and hongkong.
Finally the last question for him, what tips that he can suggest for us especially traveler.
He said that first is dont be afraid for traveling alone. Traveling alone is interesting and increase
our experience, it is more easy. Then we also can find a new friends and build a good relation
with them.

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