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= THE DALY EAGLE PEBRUARY 7,1969 $2.00 PER COPY IN THIS ISSUE: "A LANDMARK DECISION" . A MINNESOTA TRIAL COURT'S DECISION HOLDING THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND VOID; HOLDING THE NATIONAL BANKING ACT UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND VOID; DECLARING A MORTGAGE ACQUIRED BY THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP MONTGOMERY, MINNESOTA IN THE REGULAR COURSE OF ITS BUSINESS, ALONG WITH THE FORE- CLOSURE AND THE SHERIFF'S SALE TO BE VOID. THIS DECISION, WHICH 1S LEGALLY SOUND, HAS THE EFFECT OF DECLARING ALL PRIVATE MORTGAGES ON REAL AND PERSONAL PRO- PERTY, AND ALL U.S. AND STATE BONDS HELD BY THE FEDERAL RE- SERVE, NATIONAL AND STATE BANKS TO BE NULL AND VOID, THIS AMOUNTS TO AN EMANCIPATION OF THIS NATION FROM PERSONAL, NATIONAL AND STATE DEBT PURPORTEDLY OWED TO THIS BANKING SYSTEM, EVERY AMERICAN OWES IT TO HIMSELF, HIS COUNTRY, AND 70 THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD FOR THAT MATTER TO STUDY THIS DE- CISION VERY CAREFULLY AND TO UNDERSTAND IT, FOR UPON IT HANGS THE QUESTION OF FREEDOM OR SLAVERY. PATRIOTIC PUBLICATION, EDITED AND ISSUED BY JEROME DALY, 28 EAST MINNESOTA STREET, SAVAGE, MINNESOTA. Patrick Henry’s advice on the cold war... hey tll wt, Si, that we are weak ~ unable 10 cope with 40 formidable en adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed? ... Shall we gather strength by irresolution end inaction? Shall we acquire the mans of effectual resitence by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall hove bound us hand ond foott. Sir, we shall not fight our battles alone, There is @ just God who presides over the destinies of Nations. . .. The battle, Sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilent, the actie, the breve. ... There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Genileshen may ery, Peace, Peace! — but there it no peace, The war is actually Begun! . ... Why stand we here idle? What is it that, Gentlemen wish? What ‘would they havel Is life 10 dear, or peace s0 mweet, a to be purchased at the rice of chaina and slevery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course ‘thers may tahe; but ot for me, give me liberty or give me death! House or Buxcrssrs, Vincinia Maxen, 1775 ‘she prohibitions in the Constitution of the United States upon the States of the Union follows: No State shall enter into any Treaty, No State shall enter into any alliance. No State shall enter into any Confederation. No State shall grant Letters of Marque or Reprisal. No State shall coin money, No State shall emit Bills of Credit, No state shall make any Thing but Gold and Silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts. No State shall pass any Bill of Attainder. No State shall pass any ex post facto Law. No State shall pass any Law impairing the obligation of Contracts. No State shall grant any Title of Nobility. No State shall without the consent of Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws: and the net Produce of all duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shal} be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of Congress. No State shall, without the Consent of Congress; (1) Lay any duty of Tonnage; (2) Keep Troops or ships of war in time of peace; (3) Enter into any agreement or compact with another State; (4) Enter into any agreement or Compact with a foreign Power; (5) No State shall without the Consent of Congress engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the Privileges of citizens of the United States. ‘ No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the Immunities of citizens of the United states. No State shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. i No State shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protec- tion of the laws. These are prohibitions upon the activity of the States. A State cannot directly take any step in any degree to directly invade or violate any of these provisions. A State cannot lend its aid in any degree to any person or corpora- tion to effectuate a violation of these absolute prohibitions indirectly or obliquely lest a mockery be made of the Constitution of the United states. ‘A more serious and obvious question arises. Can the Legislative branch or the Executive Branch or the Judicial Branch of the Government of the United States authorize a State to invade the absolute prohibitions against the States expressly set out in the Constitution, or are the three departments of the U.S, Government incompetent to authorize such an invasion. The answer is obvious. The absolute prohibitions in the Constitution of the United States are impregnable. The Constitution is ordained and established in the name of the people. It is a law for the Governments of the States and the United States. The people said what they meant and they mean what they said. Assume that Congress by attempted enactment would pass a law authorizing a State to deprive a person of Life, Liberty or property without due process of law. It would obviously be unconstitutional. The same is true of any other provision set out. Any attempt by-Congress or the Executive or the Judiciary to authorize any State to invade any of the prohibitions is void. See Edwards v. Kearzey U.S, Supreme Court. 6 Otto 795. No amount of perverted thinking or skullduggery can justify the fatal magnitude of the consequences which are to follow to total destruction of the Constitution of the United States by the Clergy, the Money Changers and those subversives in public office engaged in active treason against the Constitution. The honest administration of Justice is gone. The whimsical anarchy which is pressing upon us with ever increasing effect is characterized with all the relics of ancient barbarism. Our Republic is gone. Jerome Daly October 13, 1968 Jerome Daly February 7, 1969 INTRODUCTION on May 8, 1964 the writer executed a Note and Mortgage to the First National Bank of Montgomery, Minnesota, which is a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Both Banks are private owned and are a part of the Federal Reserve Banking syste. In the Spring of 1967 the writer was in arrears $476.00 in the payments on this Note and Mortgage. The Note was secured by a Mortgage on real property in Spring Lake Township in Scott County,Minnesota. The Bank foreclosed by advertisement and bought the property in at a Sheriff's Sale held on June 26, 1967. The writer made no further payments after June 26, 1967 and did not redeem within the 12 month period of time allotted by law after the Sheriff's Sale. The Bank brought an action to recover the possession to the property in the Justice of the Peace Court at Savage, Minnesota. The first 2 Justices were disqualified by Affidavit of Prejudice. The first by the writer and the Second by the Bank. A third one refused to handle the case. It was then sent, pursuant to law, to Martin V. Mahoney, Justice of the Peace, Credit River Township, Scott County, Minnesota, who presided at a Jury trial on December 7, 1968. The dury found the Note and Mortgage to be void for failure of a lawful consideration and refused to give any validity to the Sheriff's Sale. Verdict was for the writer with costs in the amount ¢ $75.00. The president of the Bank admitted that the Bank created the money and credit upon its own books by which it acquired or gave as consideration for the Note; that this was standard banking prac- tice, that the credit first came into existence when they created it; that he knew of no United States Statutes which gave them the right to do this. This is the universal practice of these Banks. The Justice who heard the case handed down the opinion attached and included herein. Its reasoning is sound. It will withstand the test of time. This is the first time the question has been passed upon in the United States. 1 predict that this decision will go into the History Books as one of the great Documents of American History. It is a huge cornerstone wrenched from the temple of Imperialism and planted as one of the solid foundation stones of Liberty. - JEROME DALY SAVAGE, MINNESOTA Copyright, 1969 by Jerome Daly All rights reserved ; OVER ee eee ete ee erent couNTY OF SCOTT aver ‘TowNsH oF caro MARTIN V. MASONEY, FUBTICE Fett Notional Bank of Mentgomerr, Plott, ve JUDGMENT AND DECREE Ferome Dely, Delendant The ohove ented octien came on belore the Court and a fury STE STs ao Fran Sees Sr Lawronce ¥, Morgan and war forresented Sy fu Counsel RIVShEy. betsan Spprcred tr he Sen bab Theedere A Iury of Talesmen ware called. Impaneled amd eworn to try tha tsauae In this Cone. Lawrence ¥. Morgan was the sn win aed for Pint end Delendont tatived cn the oniy witness ia fis own babe Plain brought thie os @ Common Law sett for the recovery of the porsesaam of Lot 18, Farrew Beach. Scot County. Winn. Praintilcleimed” tle. o the Real Property ‘in question ty lore: closure ol a Note. ond Mortgage Deed dared’ May 8, 1864 which nl led wc In dean st Tine ecorire peewdingt Delendont appeared and answered that the Plintil ceated the roney and ewdt upon Te own Bosks by bontkeeping enty othe Eansideration fr the ote and Mortgage ef May 6, 1884 ond a icged lelure of consideration forthe Merigage Bead nt alleged thatthe Shri sale posted not to Plo ‘The, laues tied to the Jury ware whether thar, wos ot lawful consideration and whether Bolondact had waived ‘his ghis fo ‘Spica bout the consideration having, paid Sn he Moe er iment 9 yore. Mir Morgan admited that all of the money or credit which wos used on @ consideration wor created upen their books, that this wor standard banking practice exerceed by thee bank In com Einuiton withthe Fedurl Reserve Bont of Mismeapoli, ona Pirate Bank, fer tht he Knew ano United Slog Sictla ot Ew thot gave the laa he cutborty to do thn, Ptnl tat oimed thot Dalendant by vaing tho ledger Bock cocied ret ‘and by paying en the Nae and Merigage waived. amy right to Scmolzin about the ConalSeraon ond that Belendant| wat ‘Sond fw dang se. "211218 op December 7, 1868 the Jury returned a unanimous ver- ict or tn Baloncant iow therfore, by vie al the authcty vested in me pursuant tp the Declaration al Independence. the Norwest Grainonce of that ine Copatatie, of tho United Sicles and tho Genataton end {we al the Sita of Minnesots ne lconaisiont hero I 1S HEREBY ORDERED, ADIUDGED AND DECREED: 1, That Flint Is ot ented fo recover the postession of Lat 19, Faivew Booch, Seot County, Minneacta asesraing to the Fat theret en en ho Ropster cf Boe ec. 2, That becaute ol feture of lawl coeideration the Note and Mortgage dated May 6,184 cra mall nd vold 4, That the shorife ale ofthe above described promlans bald con june 2,187 fa ull and vol af no ales “4 That Pint aso right, lle a interest Sv aaid premise or lien thereon: an bows dorrbed 5, Thot any provlaen in the Minnesota Conaltion and any Minnesota ‘Sigtde limiting’ te Tutedicion of tia Court sepa nant fo the Constitution of the United Staten ond, to the Bi of Fight ol the Minnesota Conatttion ard lanl and wold end thet thir Court hes Turisiction to render complete fuse in this Couns 5. That Delendent te awarded cousin the rum of $75.00 ond ox: eciton Is hereby lated terafat 7.410 day slay le granted. Saree ae eee eee reared dam made and fled by this Court in suppor al ts Tudoment Ie sraby made & part hero! By Yelerence, ‘By THE COURT MARTDE Y. MAHONEY {uation of the, Peace Greait River Township Scot County, Minnasete MEMORANDUM ‘The laues tn this ease wate simple. There wes no moteril iapaia‘on he feta forte Tay 101 toll edelicd tht i in combination with th Fadec Re je Bent ot Minneapolis, which are fr all proctca) purpome, ‘Because of thelr inlerocking oetiviy and practices, and’ bath be: {ig Bonking Inatulons Inectporated under tho Laws ef the United Slates are tn the Low. to bn treated as one end the azine. Sank, did create the entre $14 00.0 in money credit upon is aw ‘boots by ooteaering any. Thal thie was the Consigeration ned {9 support the Hote dated May & ]984 ond the ‘Mortgage ol the ‘The: money and craait f {nto existance when thoy created it Me, Morgan sdmited thst no Unied Slates Law or Sighuls existed which gave htm the tight toda ths. A lewiol cone deration moat exiet and be landared fo suppor! the Note ee Ane 5. v. Emmpa Mason, Minn, 318, 48 NW. Deted December 8, 1988 1 Delendant could be charged with walrer ot estoppel as 4g matter of Law this is no delonae 0 the Pail The Law Teves it finds tm, See sections $0, SI and 3 of As “Alton on page Sine orion wl ie fo Taeaves om iain based upon, oF ant manner depending vpon frou {ent ilegal of immoral worsacton or conan te whieh Plat won apy. Plant's act of crating credit te not authorized by the Cen sslton ond Laws ot ine Untied i unconaitionel cs 321, and Te met alee connection ty the eyes othe Law To Sapper eny thing or upon which ony lawl igh cam be bul thing in. the Constitution of the Untied Siotes limits the Tacs- icon ofthis Coure which is one of original furadeon with ht tial Sy gucanced ae i @ Sctnen Law Aelon Me fasole cannot init or iapatr the. power ot iis Coun te render Complete Tusice between the paras, Any provstoa in he Con- fition and lowe af Minneasia which stp fo do 40 i fopag- Fano Se Corton fie Uta Str rel ewe an ot othe aradcion of Ina Coust waa Tised by siter Stty tthe tet Both parties ware given complete lberty fo ub cry gps ol facn and tw 10 tho frye taut In so let on they SY Teccurea rasngh Reo mt re

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