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Elaina Church


Winter Quarter 2018

Honors Portfolio Reflection

It is difficult to present a concise reflection of my college experience. Further than

my academic opportunities, the last four years have honed my ideology, made me reevaluate

large scale goals, and have marked important years of personal growth. My portfolio features

a collection of thoughts, essays, and moments, meant to not only display my honors

coursework, but also create a realm for processing my college career. While reflecting, I

intend to avoid placing value judgements on different parts of my college career; I feel that

most experiences have been meaningful in some way.

While my professors have, predictably, impressed a great amount of knowledge upon

me, I have recently reflected on the importance of my peers in my education as well. I am

grateful to a group of friends that upholds their beliefs, supports one another, and treats

people without judgement. I have found sharing mistakes, newly formed ideas, and

institutional criticisms with my classmates gives my academic experience a necessary well-

roundedness. In my friends and peers, I have found a level of radicalism and questioning

often absent at higher levels within the institution.

The honors program has also been essential in my experience here at the UW. While

I am an Economics major, I so appreciate the opportunity to approach my degree from a more

interdisciplinary perspective and take courses I would have not had access to through my


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